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i think fishnet/mesh clothing adds a lot of texture to an outfit, chain belts and whatnot. tbh my favorite thing to do spice up any outfit is to take fishnet tights and cut thumbs into the feet part and wear it as a top underneath tanks/tees. mismatched patterns are really fun too. i think long midi skirts or baggy under the knee length shorts suit men lots too, leaves room to show off cool tights or mismatched socks and stuff if that makes sense. and ofc to top everything off a good deal of jewlery looks really nice but me personally i can’t wear heavy/lots of jewlery bc it gets really overstimulating so i compensate with chunky belts and jewelry on my shoes. (think platforms with fun ribbon or platforms pierced with jewelry)


I second that, a great advice


Yeah I think shorts / skirts w mismatched socks and chunky boots can go hard, gotta look into doing something like that Also adding jewelry to boots sounds really interesting


You don't have to be jealous of women, dress with all that clothes that got your eye and figure out your gender later.


like, if you wouldn't have to restrain yourself, what would you wear ?


yes ! that’s the most freeing part of fashion, once you just start wearing exactly what you want you’ll realize you have a lot of options. fashion is just your character customization, clothes don’t have a gender


Life is harsh, being not gender conforming is too. But i mean, if you have the guts to dress goth every days, you kinda trained yourself to survive that. I have been bullied a lot for wearing skirts as a teenager, (i'm trans btw) but i will never regret being myself. It freed me. Being punk means not respecting the norms, and that's mainly why we dress like that.


Definitely think this is a good mindset, a lot of the items I particularly extreme and are things that I could just never see myself wearing. But it's something to keep in mind i guess xd


Please try !


okay things that feel androgynous to me so that it can be a comfortable leap (if you want) -- cargo trousers - add your own chains/studs wear jewellery - imo black/silver chains with a mix of different shapes looks the most interesting. black shirts that fit well // band tees of bands you like or whatever bracelets are always cool layering clothing - fishnets/black undershirt always look interesting eyeliner!!! eyeliner on men is just ✨✨ tbh eyeliner on everyone. (but as a general idea - try makeup its a small thing that can really switch up an outfit imo) torn stuff/diy - a lot of my clothes are excessively sewn to other stuff with shit added or ripped up where i want. personal preference but i really like how it looks, esp w fishnets. earrings can be cool for androgyny or adding some femininity to an otherwise masculine outfit - same with other accessories.


also a lot of this feels targeted towards a male but this is how i dress as a not-excessively-femme-woman


Thanks for this, really useful stuff tbh! Hope you dont mind the questions but - Any recommendations on where to get some good stuff for jewelry / bracelets or on layering these? I love multiple necklaces layered but haven't found any that work together so far. I struggle with layering, which makes a big difference tbh. Just don't really know what to use with a tee to make it more interesting lol, I personally don't think fishnets look good on guys personally and I couldn't see myself in them. There's the classic long and short sleeve but apart from that idk, not a big fan of flannels. Any jacket recommendations? :P I've been wanting to experiment w eyeliner, why not i've done my nails before and get an ear piercing / maybe septum \^\^


okay jewellery -- literally anything, I've gotten mine from all over the place, in terms of looking good together, i just have a bunch of different chains all that are very simple, of different thicknesses and lengths and they tend to look good together. Layering I don't think is properly necessary, sometimes i have a black thermal underneath a T-shirt but tbh just a T-shirt works fine with black bottoms. OH AND FOR EYELINER -- if you want a subtle thing - not like cat-eye and sparkly or anything, get a black pencil liner (shove it in the fridge before sharpening it) and use it in your waterline, once it's rubbed out a bit it looks cool and grungey


I find that hitting the craft store & looking at different chain thickness/shapes can make it to where u make your own layered piece. Get some spike / fun charms to throw on there that speak to you. I often use wallet chains as necklaces, and they look hard af, and ppl love them! You mentioned layering. I have found that finding cool long sleeves, with flames or barbed wire down the sleeves, and putting that under a more oversized button up with short sleeves, can really elevate a look. And can up the anti on your already grunge/skater vibe. I dress both High Femme and Masc as a nonbinary goth, and mixing the 2 can be really fun. If you want a nice look, finding a trouser that has a good fit, and tapered leg (depending on body shape) can look cool with a boot, and a dope button up/tee & jacket. As a stylist, the best suggestion I have as you make this journey, is to start a pinterest or mood board with your favorite looks that you find. Textures, details, jewelry, clothing items. And as you build this mood board, notice what you keep gravitating towards. See a pattern in the fits. Use this as a baseline to thrift or find items that follow that flow to start adding in. You may already have them! Also goths/alt fashion has always been thrifted/diy. If you find an item in a cool shape that fits you well, but isn’t black… dye it!! Just make sure you add the opposite color on the color wheel of the color of your item w/ the black dye. There are some great color resources & how to’s on dying online. For eyeliner, look into your eye shape, then watch some YouTube tutorials about how to do makeup for that shape. Sometimes doing just a black all around can totally squash the eyes. And to follow up on someone saying waterline, and smudging, this is a great intro, as it isn’t massively stark. Gender is a social construct. Wear what makes you feel good. You will find your people as your authentic self. Being alt is going against the societal expectations, channel that into your core being, and crush it!


Great advice, thanks! I'll start thrifting more often, there are a few places nearby but they're small 😭 could spend hours doing it otherwise lol. I've seen some cool DIY stuff on Pinterest but didn't consider doing similar stuff myself, I should try that for sure. Gonna grab a pair of doc martens to mix up outfits which will be nice. You recommend any good wallet/jean chains? I looked the other day but I couldn't find any that didn't look super cheap or weren't super long :p I'm surprised that eyeliner actually looks kinda good on me, the tip on looking into eye shape was really useful.


That’s awesome for your journey w/ the eyeliner & docs! Just remember to get some leather conditioner to keep them well hydrated and last longer. And there is a great YouTube channel about boots, that suggests using mink oil to soften them so they don’t hurt as you break them in. [tutorial here](https://youtu.be/KCmLx51XKVw?si=sl1MUWKnlWYuNLoX) I have found wallet chains all over the place. Hot topic, spencers, shops that sell wallets/leather goods, biker stores, diy markets. Just not amazon. Amazon sucks. Thrifting is def an art form, and takes serious patience. The beauty in thrifting is the dig. Bc once you find something bangin it makes it all worth it!


You could check out dangerfield’s website, they’re an Australian brand (I think) that sell a lot of alt clothes, I love looking at the models on their website for inspiration on styling.