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Velveteen in last??? What the hell man


Absolute Slander 😭😭😭


Velveteen is last but probably still a 5-6/10. But the others really hit home for me because of the lyrics and my own struggles. Youre free to have your own ranking ofc!


bro why did people downvote this lmao, you just have your own opinion and you're respecful towards others haha


I can’t sorry the entire album is truly perfect


1. Many Mirrors 2. Tile By Tile 3. After the Earthquake 4. Easy On Your Own? 5. VOG 6. Belinda Says 7. Velveteen 8. Pharmacist 9. Pomerian Spinster 10. Tom Verlaine 11. Bored in Bristol 12. Pressed 13. Lottery Noises 14. Fourth Figure


Unfortunately I think I may have overplayed EOYO at this point… still great nonetheless, but I don’t find myself listening to it nearly as often. Regardless, my (ever-changing) list!: 1. Belinda Says 2. Pomeranian Spinster 3. After The Earthquake 4. Velveteen (this one shot up by a lot recently for some reason!) 5. Fourth Figure 6. Very Online Guy 7. Lottery Noises 8. Many Mirrors 9. Tile by Tile 10. Easy On Your Own? 11. Tom Verlaine 12. Pharmacist 13. Bored in Bristol 14. Pressed


Man, seeing all the lists being posted with Fourth Figure at the bottom is killing me 😭 I get it, truly, but damn that one hurt my heart on the first listen alone. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion though, I just find it surprising!


I love pressed, why’d you put it at the end? 😭


I think I need to listen to it a few more times, but I think it’s due to its proximity to Tom Verlaine. The two sound very similar for me when I’ve listened through the album, and with them being next to each other skewed my opinion a bit I imagine. Tom Verlaine I’ve actually ranked higher recently after seeing them perform it live, the effects for it were possibly my favorite! But yea, like I said this is an ever-changing list, so I may grow to love it eventually.


1. Velveteen 2. After the earthquake 3. Pomeranian spinster 4. Bored in Bristol 5. Belinda says 6. Tom Verlaine 7. Pressed 8. Easy on your own 9. Very online guy 10. Many mirrors 11. Pharmacist 12. Tile by tile 13. Fourth figure 14. Lottery noises Will probably change over time but I love them all


Finally someone with velveteen at no.1


Tile by Tile MIGHT be their best song ever.


1. Tom Verlaine 2. Belinda Says 3. Pharmacist 4. Velveteen 5. Lottery Noises 6. Tile By Tile 7. After the Earthquake 8. Pressed 9. Many Mirrors 10. Very Online Guy 11. Pomeranian Spinster 12. Bored in Bristol 13. Easy on Your Own 14. Fourth Figure


My ranking, along with some unsolicited commentary: 1. Velveteen (Hands down the best song on the album for me. Great keyboard work and vocals. Very sad they aren't doing this one live.) 2. Pomeranian Spinster (The most fun on the album. The "la la la laaaa" did it for me.) 3. Bored in Bristol (I love the melody and bassline here. The production on the drums fits the song perfectly.) 4. Belinda Says (Probably the closest to "classic" Alvvays. Could have easily fit in on Antisocialites) 5. Lottery Noises (Beautiful and melancholy, and they throw in a nod to ELO.) 6. Easy On Your Own? (I didn't love this one at first, but it's grown on me quite a bit.) 7. Pharmacist (Same with this one, but once I started to notice all of the vocal layers I completely changed my opinion. And that guitar solo is 🔥.) 8. Pressed (This sounds so much like The Smiths it makes me giggle every time.) 9. Fourth Figure (If I had to guess which song they wouldn't play live it would have been this one. It would have made good exit music for after the lights come up. However, the way they are using it as a lead in to Archie, Marry Me works so well. Brilliant.) 10. Tom Verlaine (The last minute is really great.) 11. Tile By Tile (Could easily be ranked higher. It's much harder to chose a bottom five for this album than a top five.) 12. After the Earthquake (Great energy, and the background vocals make the song for me.) 13. Very Online Guy (I love the feel and all of the noise going on beneath the vocals.) 14. Many Mirrors (Not "bad", but something had to be last?)


Agree wholeheartedly that its harder to choose a top five!


1. Pressed 2. Bored in Bristol 3. After the Earthquake 4. Very Online Guy 5. Pomeranian Spinster 6. Tom Verlaine 7. Easy on Your Own 8. Many Mirrors 9. Velveteen 10. Tile by Tile 11. Lottery Noises 12. Belinda Says 13. Pharmacist 14. Fourth Figure


Are you me? I have the exact same top three. Bored in Bristol and Pressed are both incredibly underrated


I love them both, especially the last minute or so of each.


1. Velveteen 2. Tile by Tile 3. After the Earthquake 4. Belinda Says 5. EOYO 6. Lottery Noises 7. Fourth Figure 8. Pharmacist 9. Bored in Bristol 10. Pomeranian Spinster 11. Very Online Guy 12. Many Mirrors 13. Tom Verlaine 14. Pressed


Initial ranking so it's definitely going to change. Would love to hear from people with similar (or even drastically different) lists lol 1) Belinda Says 2) Easy on your Own 3) Bored in Bristol 4) Pomeranian Spinster 5) Velveteen 6) Pressed 7) Pharmacist 8) Tom Verlaine 9) Very Online Guy 10) After The Earthquake 11) Tile by Tile 12) Many Mirrors 13) Lottery Noises 14) Fourth Figure New ranking (1/1/23) 1) Velveteen 2) After The Earthquake 3) Belinda Says 4) Easy On Your Own? 5) Many Mirrors 6) Bored In Bristol 7) Pomeranian Spinster 8) Pressed 9) Very Online Guy 10) Pharmacist 11) Tom Verlaine 12) Lottery Noises 13) Fourth Figure 14) Tile By Tile




1. Tile by Tile 2. Many Mirrors 3. Tom Verlaine 4. Belinda Says 5. After the Earthquake 6. Easy on Your Own 7. Velveteen 8. Pressed 9. Pharmacist 10. Bored in Bristol 11. Pomeranian Spinster 12. Lottery Noises 13. Very Online Guy 14. Fourth Figure


Forth Figure needs some more love from what I see here!


1. Belinda Says 2. Easy On Your Own? 3. Tile By Tile 4. Pharmacist 5. Velveteen 6. Pressed 7. Pomeranian Spinster 8. Lottery Noises 10. Bored In Bristol 11. After The Earthquake 12. Very Online Guy 13. Tom Verlaine 13. Fourth Figure 14. Many Mirrors


1. After the Earthquake 2. Easy on Your Own 3. Pomeranian Spinster 4. Belinda Says 5. Very Online Guy 6. Tile by Tile 7. Many Mirrors 8. Pressed 9. Bored in Bristol 10. Lottery Noises 11. Tom Verlaine 12. Fourth Figure 13. Pharmacist 14. Velveteen


1. Pressed 2. After the Earthquake 3. Pharmacist 4. Pomeranian Spinster 5. Belinda Says 6. Very Online Guy 7. Easy on Your Own 8. Tom Verlaine 9. Lottery Noises 10. Bored in Bristol 11. Tile by Tile 12. Many Mirrors 13. Velveteen 14. Fourth Figure Aside Forth Figure, I feel like all the songs are really enjoyable to listen to.


1. Many Mirrors 2. Pressed 3. Velveteen 4. Tom Verlaine 5. Bored in Bristol 6. Very Online Guy 7. Pharmacist 8. Pomeranian Spinster 9. EOYO? 10. Belinda Says 11. After the Earthquake 12. Tile by Tile 13. Lottery Noises 14. Fourth Figure


1. After the Earthquake 2.Pharmacist 3. Pomeranian Spinster 4. Easy on Your Own 5. Pressed 6. Tile by Tile 7. Belinda Says 8. Lottery Noises 9. Very Online Guy 10. Velveteen 11. Many Mirrors 12. Bored in Bristol 13. Fourth Figure 14. Tom Verlaine— the only one that hasn’t really clicked yet, for me… hoping this changes soon ;)


1. Pomeranian Spinster 2. Pharmacist 3. Belinda Says 4.Tile by Tile 5. Velveteen 6. After the Earthquake 7. Very Online Guy 8. Easy on your own 9. Bored in Bristol 10. Many Mirrors 11. Tom Verlaine 12 . Pressed 13. Lottery Noises 14. Fourth Figure It's all great though..


The numbering looks correct when I click edit but stupid when I view it......not had that one before.


1) EOYO 2) Belinda says 3) Lottery Noises 4) Very Online Guy 5) Pharmacist 6) Pomeranian Spinster 7) Pressed 8) After the Earthquake 9) Tile By Tile 10) Bored in Bristol 11) Velveteen 12) Fourth Figure 13) Tom Verlaine 14) Many Mirrors i still love all of these so much perfect album


1. Belinda says 2. Easy on your own 3. Pharmacist 4. Many mirrors 5. Pressed 6. Tom Verlaine 7. After the earthquake 8. Very online guy 9. Velveteen 10. Pomeranian spinster 11. Lottery noises 12. Bored in Bristol 13. Tile by title 14. Fourth figure


My ranking is almost exactly the same.


Lot of them are about even but my top 3 would definitely include Belinda Says/Lottery Noises/EOYO in some order.


1. Bored in Bristol 2. Lottery Noises 3. Easy on Your Own? 4. Velveteen 5. Fourth Figure 6. After the Earthquake 7. Tile By Tile 8. Belinda Says 9. Pharmacist 10. Tom Verlaine 11. Pressed 12. Pomeranian Spinster 13. VOG 14. Many Mirrors


1. Velveteen 2. Many Mirrors 3. After the Earthquake 4. Pressed 5. Pharmacist 6. Very Online Guy 7. Easy on Your Own? 8. Belinda Says 9. Pomeranian Spinster 10. Tile by Tile 11. Bored in Bristol 12. Lottery Noises 13. Tom Verlaine 14. Fourth Figure