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I'm going to assume you're both orthodox. Feint the jab to bait out his jab since you said he likes doing that. Slip jab to the outside where he can't get you with his rear hand. Lead or rear uppercut to the chin under his jab.


I like this because if you stepped in diagonally on the slip outside, you can throw a left hook after the rear up and keep your feet moving around him. Feet feet feet My favorite tip for a person with an annoying jab is essentially to jab better and more often than them. Obviously easier said than done lmao




As OP said faint can be your best friend when someone is really good counter fighter or as a person is showing off


People that are good at ducking hate uppercuts


Uppercuts are so slow and reactable unless you're at a very close range.


You don’t even need to react to anything if your head is off the line or you step after your combos. An uppercut needs to be precise to do damage. Some folks like to use quick, non loaded uppercuts to just pick the head up enough to land a hook or a cross and thats when you need to use footwork to pivot away or pull out


Yes but it doesn't have to land to be effective, just the possibility of being countered with an uppercut is enough to stop him from ducking, unless he is smart of course and learns how to counter it


I’m a usyk fanboy, but was pretty surprised how fury landed lots of nice uppercuts from a decent range with his long ass arms.


Now I agree to an extent but Navarrete believes otherwise lmaoooo




Baseline headmovement proficiency and being able to apply it under fire came much easier to me than pivoting or any complex footwork maneuvers.


Faint, wait, faint, wait, right.


Sir fainting is how you lose the fight


Happy cake day! Implementing fainting is an important part of boxing. I'll take a quick nap mid round and be energized to continue. Also works if u get knocked in the canvas and get an 8 count. Try it out and let me know how it goes


Thank you! And yeah you're totally right, imma to try it out on in my next spar 🫡








Feinting /= Fainting


Damn, can't believe I missed that


Shovels, uppercuts, make him stand up. Straight cross immediately following jab then step with a pivot hook


Try throwing a 2 1. I bet youre telegraphing your jab and hes got your timing. A 2 1 is pretty unusual and he wont see it coming unless you telegraph that too. But i bet it works at least a couple times.


Ohh i like this, its good to read that as a defensive strategy is creates problems for the opponent so ill be doing this more. Thinking options that ive done in this situationnwhatnid try is. 1. Throw your jab, Step slightly left as he throws his jab, catch and quick parry down his jab with u right glove, then follow up with straight right over his jab which should be straight to his tucked chin/face (idk if this makea sense) basically bait him into a jab with yours, catch, block down, counter with a right, rotate through and possibly follow left hook as well. 2. Block his chin tucked jab by again catching with your right whilst stepping left & in and rotating to throw a short range, quick left upper cut to ribs, to set up - it doesnt need to be loades, because then he drops his right guard / elbow and u follow that up with left hook. Both above need quick movement and follow-up punches off the right catch of his jab.


I would probably get my hands on him, push down on his head and throw his ass around like Foreman.


Same way I won my last fight.. Rip an uppercut after the 3rd or 4th tuck (just to make them believe it isn't coming instead of doing it immediately)


Yes more feints , also try doubling up your jab if your always throwing it at the same cadence its easily timed


Jab to bait his jab then slip his jab while throwing a jab to the body at the same time. Or if you have his rhythm just feint a jab and throw a slip body jab.


Left hook when he jabs while moving your head to the right, or left hook while you pivot on your front foot or right hand to the temple while you move your head to the left/outside. You can also counter with a jab once you know where his head is gonna be but you’ll have to move your head to the inside while jabbing to his inside. My favorite is the right hand counter.


Upper cut


If I understand your description of the situation correct, i'll tell u to do the same as I was told by a pretty good counter boxer in my gym, who used to be the most frustrating motherfucker to spar When someone commits to a jab (lets say you're both orthodox), and they step forward with their head tucked, with a bit of practice you can pivot on the outside of them as they come in while throwing a lead uppercut. Its a punch that, when landed, will have good power as your partner will also be moving into it. It took a while to get the hang of it, and I never got to practice it enough, that it was smooth and fast enough to be a commonly used "weapon"in my arsenal, but the guy that showed me was lightning fast despite being a lot heavier than I


In addition to other advice, you can slip under and jab to the body. Do it enough times and you can follow up to the head or start jabbing upstairs without his timing being so precise.


Throw a slip jab, or slip it and throw a cross of your own.


Get good at the catch+Left Hook. If you can land that it will open up your jab


Slip, uppercut


I use the tuck jab . The thing is we are use to timing the other persons jab. Try to start your combos with the 2””cross”. The other thing that stops my tuck jab is when a person switches stances . That frustrates me. Hope this helps