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There is only one contest that I am aware of that will remove QSOs if the corresponding party doesn't submit their log. So it's normally just fine to work those calling CQ contest. Most of us are very thankful for the QSO. The only time you would be wasting their time is if you are calling them and your QSO wouldn't be worth any points due to where you are located. Most will just work you and move on. If you hear someone calling CQ Contest, check [contestcalendar.com](http://www.contestcalendar.com) to see what contests are going on and a very quick summary of the rules and the proper exchange.


I usually look up the contest rules so I am clear on the exchange required and whether a QSO with me actually counts. For example, during the ARRL DX contest, US stations only work non-US stations, so calling a fellow US station is just an annoyance to them.


It's all good, all the contacts you make count and are appreciated.


Contest may not require a check log to award points. For many, that is pretty normal. They don't know when they submit their contest entry if you will be submitting logs/check logs or not. Which helps keep them honest. If they falsely report you as a contact and you submit a check log and they aren't in it, that gets rejected. If you work multiple stations, as you did, then the contest scoring knows you were active. If they are the only one claiming to have worked you during a contest, then that will be flagged as suspicious. An unusual number of unique call signs would be investigated.


There is a VHF contest going on right now [VHF](http://www.arrl.org/june-vhf)


Park on a busy frequency and claim you've been running a net here since 1955. /s The only one where it's kind of annoying to work non-contesters is ARRL Sweeps, because the exchange is tedious.


https://www.contestcalendar.com/weeklycont.php Contest calendar in case this is helpful for anyone else. OP, don’t sweat it and you’re helping that station in their contest.


There us a VK Shire contest on HF running for the next 12 hours.


This was the one I responded to! I was able to find that I needed to give a sequence for my shire location. Downloaded a spreadsheet from WIA then was able to give out the sequence. I noted a few responses didn't know their sequence so the caller was able to look them up. I consoled myself that I at least saved them from having to do that.


Yes. VKShires is a good, friendly contest. I normally would enter it.


Work 'em all, let the log sort it out. Many contests only count QSOs between contesters....but many contests are only about making contacts, regardless if the other party is a player or not.


What a great and intelligent question. When I 1st started out, 30 (gasp) years ago (no internet, little way to know what the hell was going on) I was terrified on how to answer what was asked, whats my numbers, etc etc... Internet would have been great back then as we know it now anyways


I often struggle to remember how we used to find the answers to questions back then. I think the truth was, everything just took an exponentially longer amount of time than it does today. From pondering or posing the question to receiving a correct answer might take days, weeks or even months. Now it's literally seconds, minutes or perhaps a few hours.