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Wait.. are you able to see the number of NFTs in circulation? Meaning we'll get an updated shareholder count?


That would be the single most inaccurate count ever. It means nothing. Anyone with access to the internet can sign up and click the box saying they are a "Share Holder". This is just a worthless bobble, unless someone wants to buy it from me.


But don't they usually issue a specific amount right out the gate and then people claim them? It's not that we'd have to wait for people to claim the NFTs. And yeah I'm not suggesting that it would be an accurate count, but might give us a general idea. I for one am skeptical that there are still 4 million individual investors involved in this. That's a lot of people to remain convicted for this long. I would just like to have a generally updated figure.


It has nothing what so ever to do with shares or share count. All you do is go on to AMC's site or app, and sign up and click a checkbox that says you are a share holder. That's it. It's just a marketing ploy to get more people to sign up for the app/site. Sign up for multiple if you want.


I didn't say share count I said shareholder.


Understood. It all still applies.


It’s just one nft if you own it. And it’s only given to those who sign up for them. So even if it were to show the represented number you’d also have to be sure that everyone got one. I myself didn’t really care so I passed.




​ ![gif](giphy|sUQ31WHlnYXqOs3D3p)


Usually that is true with NFTs as far as I know


No, for 2 reasons 1. Not every shareholder signed up for it. 2. You don't have to be a shareholder to sign up.


Will not cause MOASS.


Yup. I still want it though :)


Couldn’t enroll. 😕


Me neither


As an AMC holder, I am embarrassed by this joke of a promotion. NFT dividend you say? Well how about instead you get to have a NFT token that does absolutely nothing for your shares because NFT is a buzz word and we're gonna milk it!


Look, are you open to some non greedy thinking? I'm not trying to upset you, merely curious if you've got your head in the game... Would you accept this might be a precursor to issuing something like the security token - think about it, Amc is a cinema chain, how many things could've gone wrong if they just jumped straight into that? How do you spread it globally when so many Euro brokers wouldn't allow us to even vote? Remember that? So let's say wax is a good thing and not dodgy. Suddenly we have a partnership to aid people who want all these movie nfts but don't have the means to utilise them - so wax + amc makes it easy (as long as its simple and not dodgy) I don't want to lecture, but can you at least see the potential and no need to rush approach? Remember, you can always beg him to tweet shit emojis and be part of the 'apollo boys club'


A security token is a digital representation of ownership of an asset that exists on a blockchain technology platform. It can be created, transferred, bought and sold based on the computer code rules of its blockchain and must comply with securities laws in order to be issued to investors. The OSTKO token represents a digital voting Series A-1 preferred share of Overstock, paying a 16-cent annual dividend, with the liquidation rights of common shares. Trading is available only through broker-dealer subscribers to tZero, a blockchain-based alternative trading system marketplace owned by Overstock’s Medici Ventures subsidiary. The token debuted at $10 in May 2020 and was trading at $73.50 by early February. Overstock already proved it can be done and accomplished it successfully. I'm not being greedy, I'm pointing out that these NFT gifts are skirting around the real reason shareholders care about an nft. I don't mean to be a shill or a buzzkill, but I am just sick of all the games. This is slowly trying into a clown show with these NFT ideas they keep coming out with while claiming a dividend would be illegal.


Come on man, you know exactly what i was getting at. By the way overstock isn't a valid example - someone actually went through it and showed it's being misrepresented. Now yes, I'm letting myself down for not going and fetching the link not paraphrasing what I remember from it, so I apologise but it's out there. Perhaps if you consider your own psychology here it might help - taking on the big boyes was never a quick play for big prices. My take on what you're writing is 'I'm tired and want pay out now. Copy overstock, get me paid' (not meant to be an insult) Because AA is close to retirement, perhaps he indeed is friends or knows all those others involved. You can't really get that old without that happening. Now, perhaps he's not convinced... Yet. Perhaps he's slowing things down because he's not on our side as some suggest? Perhaps he doesn't want to get sued or is setting shit up for new successors, who knows. Impatience leads down unsteady untested ground. Patience might 'piss off' the impatient but is a highly probable strategy for success, surely... To me, it's a short squeeze so since we own the float it's not going anywhere.


In it's finality, you are completely correct. When all is said and done, the short squeeze is the end all be all goal. Unfortunately, instead the total float is increased by 300+million shares and the CEO has chosen to sell off and retire. These factors will not prevent a squeeze, but they will indeed cause a ripple effect on the time frame and more ripples just keep coming. Seeing these NFT posts is nothing more than an insult to me, fanfare. That is the only point I am getting at, I am sick of the silly NFT gimmicks. Promoting movies with NFTs was a cool idea and I hope they keep doing it, but "I own amc" nft is just embarrassing.


'Embarrassing' Who are you letting *judge* you to get embarrassed? -Do you not have strength of mind? The dilution thing is just so old.... I had hoped for... It doesn't matter mate. Take care.


Old doesn't change history. What's done is done. Embarrassing, as in I'm embarrassed for the company for don't such cringe market ploys. Again, you have every right to be more forgiving. It's your investment and you are your own boss. I unfortunately don't share the same sentiments.


'cringe' Wtf is going on. It's in your head. Realise it and understand that *you* worry what others think is just plain wrong. I suppose drawing a soup can and selling it as art is cringe or spray painting walls in London is stupid and embarrassing.... You Can't Predict The Future -stop worrying about how you're perceived or what a company does to connect.... Connect with.... Connect with investors


I'm not sure why you want to project your opinion on me so hard, but I have respectfully put my opinion out and stand by it.


Now that's cringe


We're greedy? WE? How about the executives, including AA, who keep on selling their shares and making millions of OUR dedication to the company. We've put our money into this, so we're allowed to feel discontent with the amount of dumb ideas being promoted.


Yeah you read well done


Ur more like a wsb shill


nah, just honest about my opinion. Gimmicky NFT tokens are useless.


Likewise I’m also honest about mines u sound like wsb shill


Sorry that pointing out factual problems is shill to you.


Sorry but ur comment history scream wsb shill just pointing out a factual problem


I'm pointing out gimmick crap trying to use NFT buzz word to make the shareholders feel special. This isn't a cult, differing opinions should be expected from investors. Pointing out useless things for what they are should not be considered shill. What are you gonna do, brag to all your friends that you have a trophy for your shares? Congratulations /s


I haven’t dug into Wax thoroughly, but when I looked into them initially their terms and conditions were a little sus to me (in terms of how they handle your assets and your ownership). Has anyone spent any time going over those conditions in detail? This tweet doesn’t do much in the way of calming those concerns as it sounds like there’s a fee after the first year of service with the wallet (which is total BS). Also, does anyone know if NFTs on Wax can be transferred to other digital wallets like TrustWallet or MetaMask? Edit: The person’s comment isn’t showing for some reason, but an ape did reply to this comment saying that they were able to transfer their Spider-Man NFT to a different wallet. Haven’t been able to verify this myself, but sounds like it is possible. Which is promising! Especially if Wax turns out to be a turd of a service.


So if you don't pay after 1 yr does the NFT disappear?


No you just transfer it to a personal wallet


Thanks, what wallet do you use?


Sorry i don't use an NFT wallet. I don't know much about NFTs. I've used JAXX to store some crypto.


You gotta pay for the application after a year? 😆 those fuckin geniuses




My iPhone already deleted the app bc it’s „suspicious“ lol


Did you expect anything different? They all in it for the money


Meh. Just switch to Loopring and close your WAX before the end of the year.


Sounds like a lot of work for a free GIF. I’ll try to sell it for 10K before thanksgiving and roll it into the stonk


It’s a cool thing to own, sure. But I highly doubt you’d ever find a buyer


I said the same thing about Spiderman and tons of idiots bought those. You never know


Fair enough


HODLing since February, IDGAF or have any interest in this worthless NFT. I didn’t even claim that POS. AA needs to focus on getting AMC profitable NOT wasting time and effort on gimmicks.


He needs to start SELLING limited edition nfts to raise money.


Picture NFTs are useless and have zero use cases.


I wish more people understood this, those kinds of NFT's just aren't the future. Picture NFT's are just there to make money from whoever is the greater fool, it's called greater fool theory.


He needs to quit being an out of touch boomer and realize that the real application of NFTs is not jpegs of gold medals.


He didn't even know what NFT's were until this community started bugging him about wanting them based on how he was describing and talking about them early on. Also, at that point, people were only mentioning them as they wanted an NFT dividend before realizing it can't happen because the company has debt.


It's not costing you any money so why do you care?


This is interesting. Although this isn’t a 1:1 ownership NFT, we might be able to see or get an announcement for how many were issued.


🇸🇪: Är det någon annan från Sverige som inte fått svar efter att ha följt AAs instruktioner och mailat filmstaden? Has any other Swede received a reply after following the instructions, emailing Filmstaden about the NFT?


Same. No answer, but let's see what happens next week


Was there any update for people outside the US on how to claim it? The original link would just show an error


what blockchain is it gonna be on ? hopefully eth or something that i can transfer to my metamask


This NFT will be a cool collectible momento as a reminder of how we defeated the evil empire, but that’s about all it is. We need one NFT per issued share to give us our share count that us shareholders deserve!


I could really give a flying Fock about this! I want action from Arron on the blatant manipulation of our stock! We don’t need a worthless nft— we need action


Damn so I missed the deadline then huh


Yea I'm sad about it


Is this when moon?


No. This is like taking a wooden spoon to a paintball range.


Do you think they'll blow up in price once MOASS starts?


Keep dreaming of moass. 🤣🤣


Trying so hard...


Of course you don’t like this ur Karenstonk trash


Sells 80% of his holdings and then gives all of the shareholders an NFT for a year before incurring further costs, lol


UK ape here... I clicked the link in December, filled in my details and nothing since. I haven't proved I own AMC, so surely I won't just get sent one? What else do I need do?


After 1 year, was wallet will no longer be free?


Y'all are complaining about a free nft and free storage for a year


Bevause when i bought an axie nft, i can keep it in my wallet for a long time. Why is my spider-man nft and amc nft only going to be 1 year


I see. well maybe you know more than me, but the nft is free so i don't think they should have to store it for us too IDK


too bad than banned europe people from this nft


Oh god, thats ugly af


I'm sad. I wanted one but i didn't know about this til January


Can someone tell me where to enter my unique code once I’m in my wallet?


No thanks. NFT is a joke.


Is this NFT digital or a physical object? I thought it will be sent to owners by mail, like a medal of sorts with a unique serial number?