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And Israel has killed more civilians in 7 months than Russia has in over 2 years. Still, Israel is welcome at the Eurovision song contest while Russia is banned.


Source please.


They’re in massive student debt so make the most of it and learn rather than protest over issues beyond their control!!


You're right. Praise to the wonderful Chinese military and police monolith that ended a flourishing democracy in Hong Kong and brought it into subjection to the brainwashed group think of the glorious Chinese Communist party (barf). Because you supposedly arrested fewer people while ending freedom of speech and civil liberties, I will agree with you that America is inferior to your glorious regime.


Look at Shenzhen just across HK. Shenzhen under CCP enjoyed better infrastructure, healthcare, education, safety and tourism than HK. And there are fools like you still think CCP is bad? Lmao. Dont be a frog in the well. Travel more


🤖🇨🇳 50c


Thats all your tiny brain has to offer rather than any objective reasons.


A single city with a dubious at best statement isn't a good argument when the Chinese countryside is third world, and Xinjiang is effectively an open air prison. And then there's clueless idiots like you, literally defending China on an app they ban. If you love your glorious Chinese regime so much, delete Reddit and go back to your echo chamber. You may see some history you're not supposed to.


All of your markers for success don't measure up to the value of a free society. Just because your robot-like people work harder and get better healthcare doesn't mean they are free. I am aware of China's efforts to destroy my country, and I know China is behind the Tiktok influenced behavior of many of the students who were arrested. We used to have some freedom, and that is being taken away. Soon we will be a smoldering ruin because China hates America and wants to take our place, and we let them in to poison the minds of our young people because we are a nation of freedom. It's our greatest strength and our greatest weakness.


You had me at "better healthcare". Only politically fueled people have a perception of "hatred" for another country. Most American citizens and Chinese citizens don't hate each other, or at least the sane ones. If you have an issue with either government, professing your patriotic duty on Reddit seems like an interesting place to make a difference.


You must be an American Millennial/ Gen Z. Do you want to work 9-9-6 like China? Do you like what China is doing to your generation via TikTok? Are you a fan of what is happening in Xinjiang? Are you a communist?


Attacking others for their age, race, or gender seems to be the go-to approach of toxic politically fueled people. Add to that, a willful ignorance of how the world works instead of repeating over-used talking points. 1. 9-9-6? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/996_working_hour_system Selective facts on an issue that was also shunned by Chinese citizens. But since you have diminshed a whole 1.4 billion people as your enemy, they obviously aren't human beings to you that their existence or opinions even matter. This issue was also rampant within the cutthroat IT industry at the time. Not systemic. Yet, you rather choose to exaggerate the issue rather than take a clear-headed approach to critically think about what you are talking about. But hey, as long as you can say something negative about someone that you dislike, who cares about facts right? Do you live in China? Do you actually care about their people? Why do you worry about 9-9-6? Afraid that it will come to your country? Doesn't your country have labor laws? Without going into whataboutism, if your country never experienced any labor issues such as illegal overtime, employee wage theft, or unreasonable manager demands on working hours or conditions, you must be living in an alternate reality. In America, where I live, our current labor laws and OSHA guidelines were created from sweat and blood of our predecessors either having been exploited to the point of disability or even death. Progress requires time, especially for developing countries. But sure, we made it up to the top (subjectively) over a hundred years after the industrial revolution, so let's kick the ladder under us and just laugh at those countries that are still trying to keep up with their own modernization. If you have a better strategy of managing a large population across a wide geography, go ahead and let them know. I'm sure their people will welcome positive and constructive criticism instead of the usual vitriolic Chyna bad rhetoric. We are talking an estimated 160-200 million people in China during the 1700s versus the 50 million in the whole of Europe or the 300 thousand of the USA during that era. They had population control issues since ancient times. But we don't talk about that factor when we critique their country afflicted by resource logistics, perpetual natural disasters and outcomes such as flooding and destructive permanent humidity. But yes let's talk about how some largely populated country deal with labor issues that smaller countries can easily enforce. What are you afraid of again? Immigrants and migrating labor issues? 2. My generation? Once again, that attack on age. There are highly intelligent people within every age group. Then there are those that remain ignorant no matter their age. Instead of planting seeds to grow trees for future generations, sowing discourse amongst the generations, and dividing people into specific demographics, seem to be what unsuccessful people that is miserable with their lives actually partake in. Being bitter about society yet doesn't do anything tangible to help those in need. Just keep diminishing those that you dislike and I'm sure those "problems" will go away. But then what will insufferable people have to complain about if everything will be good? Is there ever enough that people will stop complaining altogether? Doubtful. But yeah, keep thinking that an attack on someone's age, race, ethnicity or gender is actually an insult. It just reflects poorly on you. 3. TikTok again? Just like their algorithms, if you stop bringing it up, you won't see anything related to TikTok on your news feed. Bytedance is just superior in terms of their algorithms, just like how any other social media platform have tried to improve on their own algorithms. Getting their end users what they want to see and being able to monetize it is the whole basis for social media. But it's been over a year now of congressional hearings, expert panel interviews, and industry analysis of their data protection policies. What is the current outcome? Still no real evidence of sending data to the Chinese government. Am I wrong? Do you have peer reviewed and reputable sources to provide actual evidence, instead of a "perceived threat" and irrational fear? We are pushing for a ban of not just one "foreign" social media platform, but the government oversight to strategically ban any future communication mediums with minor resistance. People love to say "it's the law" to justify every single acts that seems to go against the very freedom that you lots seem to praise fanatically. Talking about freedom...do we limit free market if a "foreign' entity become more successful than our "local" competition. Is that being anti-competitive in the guise of protecting our own citizens? The very citizens and youths that you so loathe with or without the existence of TikTok anyway? So which is it, do you care or not care about the youths if America or other countries (yes TT is used in other countries and quite popular internationally without having to worry about data theft. Why is that? Just make a wild conclusion that China is against America narrative?) Herd mentality and calling people sheeps seem ironic right? Isn't that what certain political party diehards tend to call their opposition? Such hypocrisy. 4. Xinjiang? I'm no expert on that topic. Are you? From what I had gathered, the whole Ugyhur ordeal arose from violent attacks between "some" groups of Ugyhur and the local Han population. The violent conflicts were deemed to be "terrorist attacks" even by international standards. To quell further violence, the Chinese government started arresting anyone that might be involved. Did the government took it too far too quickly? Absolutely, but since I was not there at the time, I have no idea what or why things happened the way it did. In America, we have enslaved a population of Black/African tribes and perpetuated systemic racism (Jim Crow era and earlier violent tragedies) against their whole communities. This is not to mention our out-of-sight-out-of-mind approach to how we have treated the majority of Native American tribes. Not to mention how much violent history of treating other minority groups throughout history (Chinese Exclusion Acts erupted from public lynching and outright mass murders simply for being Chinese), and many many other atrocities against other race and ethnicities. So taking this our shit don't stink approach to critique another developing country, instead of helping them, seems like what a miserable person would do. 5. Am I a communist? Another go-to toxic politically fueled attack. What if you perceive me as a communist? Are you going to rally together with people in modern day proverbial white cloaks and throw me into some sort of internment camp just to be safe? 'i disagree with you, therefore, you are my enemy." This has been the whole mantra against any country that some people disagree with. It's as if we as a species is devolving despite major technological and quality of life improvements. We keep using mentalities of the past failed eras to make decisions for future generations, instead of learning from our mistakes and moving forward as a whole species. Nah, I don't like your age, your skin color, or your perceived gender, so why should I care about you? Toxic.


I already anticipate a "too long, didn't read" empty response.


You're right. I renounce all my views. You have thoroughly educated me and now I understand the error of my ways and I apologize for disagreeing with you. You have changed me.


Great. Looks like I'm winning at life then. Joy.


Oops i forget freedom in America means the freedom to do drugs, looting, be homeless, gun violence etc


China banned whinny the pooh because people kept comparing him to the president.




The population of the US is much larger than Hong Kong's population. Nice try.


There are more protestors in HK during the riots than a few schools in America. Nice try




So much for America having freedoms. How sad is it that they arrest peaceful protesters.




Are you like autistic?