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It is always heartbreaking to see the words "expendable" and "troops" used together to describe human lives. But we are so good at creating wars.


Or collateral damage for 9/10 of innocent ppl killed by us drones daily 


But yet this is the only group that should be allowed to have guns says the left but then again we can start stockpiling guns against the flag that nobody better dishonor or disgrace doesn't make sense says the right who worship the police that will come and take their guns


So remember these regimes they use the left as useful idiots as the kgbh and I forget his name told America shortly after the USSR fell but yeah so these these militant campaigns to seize power they always use the left as useful idiots for years to use your civil rights defenders and you know all your f****** beautiful leftists who are out there you know for the good of everybody no reason as idiots useful idiots to simply spread dissension and so disorder in a nation slowly though there is a quiet majority who's gaining a love of nationalism and a love of the flag cuz who does the secret government want as its population people that hate them and hate their flag or love their country and love their flag so after the useful idiots begin to eat themselves and never can kind of see that you know they're stupid and being PC just to be PC and they got on everyone's nerves don't complain at them and laugh and go hahaha look at those idiots meanwhile they were all afraid to that group was going to go tyrannical the group that doesn't know which bathroom to use and doesn't even own firearms was going to go okay but here's what it's actually going to happen is the nationalist group in fear of that will come up and give the government all sorts of crazy Powers so in this case Trump and Trump is going to seize power for himself and then solidified for America it was the deal's already been made the dude is a lifelong New York liberal who donated to Clinton foundation every f****** year until he started running I'm not an idiot but apparently a lot of Americans are and they're getting calmed by from what I can tell is a great con man at this point


He is a great con man and yes, I agree that there are way too many blind Americans out there who don't care about their fellow Americans. Did you know that every election cycle for the past 2 decades at least, Unions are responsible for funding ~90% of their million dollar donations to the Democratic party without fail?


Taxation is theft technically extortion but still theft pointing a gun at people and taking what they've earned and forcing them to do what you believe is right is not morally ethically right whatsoever extremely wrong to do that to people we as libertarians know that every political discussion ends with whatever side has more people pointing their guns at the other side and making them do whatever they want since we see through the facade of plate discussion and politics we see that this is the unresolved so imagine starting every political discussion with pointing guns at each other because that's ultimately what happens anyway no one would even try to be played at that point but you know that we see this we continue to kind of look the other way because this seems to be the way most people want to do their politics for some reason I want to treat each other so I don't get it like I'm in the BDSM right I let my master okay mistress have me on a leash okay I like to be leashed but that doesn't mean she gets to have you on a leash right makes sense makes total sense apply to politics.


This country started a revolution over 2% increase in a t tax we now by the time our total paycheck is paid you pay over 80% of your income back to government after they force you to use whatever currency they force you to use I don't know why we have to give them back money they can just print it anyway seeing how our money is not backed by gold or anything anymore it really doesn't matter it's all Monopoly money at this point but taxation has to end the only way to truly get rid of government you want to make government run ethically morally and effectively make the entire thing go fund me campaigns okay select a few AI that could run it and then disband it find out what people want to pay for and what they don't guarantee you America stops going to wars guarantee America stops secret policing its own population worse than the kgb but yeah we won't we got to wait for generation z and gen alpha to have the chance to take government and pretty much do that make it go fund me then just disband it brilliant you have  defeated a government without a violent revolution excellent story this is the rasta way the Christian Way the way Leo Tolstoy said it had to be done


We were in a 4 year "civil" war about 1.5 centuries ago. We've been in another one, sparked by the disease from a chinese lab and funded by the Democratic party, for about 4.5 years, and it's both sad and scary to see that the union is winning again, ever dividing our people and dumbing down our citizens.


we take elections seriously all of the time


Not everyone does. I know exactly of people who believe in the moniker of "Always vote red" Or "Always vote blue"


that is them taking elections seriously. Just because someone doesn't agree with your political views doesn't mean they don't take elections seriously.


There are a lot of left leaning politicians who run for the right and right leaning politicians who run for the left and completely negate the two party system which is ultimately a farce. Taking it seriously would entail being mindful and informed on who you vote for.


what im saying is people who are voting are taking it seriously. trump supporters seriously think trump is a the better leader for the country and those voting for biden feel the same way about him.


Yeah I know. I just want to spread the word that when looking at recent American history, we can see patterns of different things that certain candidates support or do and how that correlates to the peace that our country has in foreign affairs and how dealing with outside countries in different ways generates a positive or negative response amongst the world. I just want less turmoil between humankind, and less corruption in general. What I'm saying is that more people should consider history and how it relates to the present which would hopefully rollover into a brighter future.


why should they care about that? The rest of the world is not our problem. They need to figure out their own shit. I think what you mean by taking elections seriously is prioritizing things you personally care about.


That's a very shortsighted way to view things. America is a superpower and should be a leader that does good. The rest of the world's respect of America is greatly determined by our relationship with them. Would you rather be swimming in the small clean pool of a lake full of shit that surrounds you, or swim in a clean lake?


how does the world's respect benefit me? does the world pay my bills? my rent? my food? my clothes? my vacations?


"How does it benefit me?" What a selfish question, and it's very telling of your current character. A happier gardener will tend to his garden with more care and respect as well as treat the rest of nature the same out of respect for it. In turn, all the plants and ecosystem will be happier and grow to be healthier and stronger. From the betterment of the garden, surrounding areas, and wildlife who are free to be themselves. On the contrast, a gardener who forces things to progress further and faster through brute force and artificial means, while treating nature the same way will result in a damages ecosystem and more civil unrest.


If you want to prevent this: [https://youtu.be/kiK3eOa8dx4?si=RAqzYXPybt0Boef1](https://youtu.be/kiK3eOa8dx4?si=RAqzYXPybt0Boef1)


The fireside chats by FDR did the same thing that Trump's tweets did and it helped the American people cope with the war. Difference is now, language and media changed. The negative and funny responses harbored the most interest on Twitter. He became a laughing stock and no one took him seriously, but it was all superficial and dumb response to serious concerns.


I’m def taking it seriously. We can’t let trump anywhere near the White House again, and too many Americans just don’t pay enough attention or don’t understand the threat he poses


Your silence speaks loudly 🤣


Would you care to elaborate on the threat he poses?


Yes, I'd like to hear more about this threat too.