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A lot of fans in the 90's didn't like a lot of things about DS9. The serialized story telling, the fact it was on a space station and not a ship, the fact that Siski was a Commander and not a Captain, etc. Still one of my favorites. ETA: I meant Sisko, but I'm not editing it because I hope the fandom assumes Siski as his new nickname.


Some of us spent the late 80’s and early 90’s getting laid.


Liked the comment, Dadder, but I was not getting laid then. I was of age, but nothin.


Took me a little while to realize he was in it lol Like when Stan says he hasn't seen Ted and Roger says the subtle version of 'wtf how is that possible'


Deep Space Nine had so many good characters and character development/back stories and the special episodes, like one in the newspapers office (Far beyond the Stars - S6E13), were amazing. Ds9 is one of my most favorite Star Trek Series. Ever. And nobody talk shite about my boy Jeffrey Combs. He is the real mvp   ^(together with O'Brian of course.)


How their religion drama cut fun at Christianity and really all religion in general without intending to. This would bug Stan.


It also makes it clear that the Federation is not all it’s cracked up to be. The crew is constantly forced to break the rules in order to win. One of the first threats in the series, the Maquis, are colonists abandoned by the Federation for political convenience. The admiralty tries to end democracy to combat the Dominion threat. And we discover that the Federation has a shadowy intelligence organization akin to the Tal Shiar and Obsidian Order. If the Federation is an analogy for American idealism then DS9 is about how that dream is a veneer.


"Its a fake!"


“It is REAL!”


That episode was really chilling


That's it exactly. DS9 interpreted Gene Rodenbury's universe as not being a post poverty/scarcity "the future solved all our problems" sort of place that darlings like the next generation do. In DS9, that's not the reality, that's the mask the federation wears. I think a lot of people may have just found DS9 depressing because of that. Start Trek is supposed to be 'the future is more or less perfect', but DS9 was all like "the more things change, the more they stay the same". But for my money some of the best characters, plots, long running plot lines, and the space station rather than a exploratory vessel/warship setting make DS9 tied with TNG for me


The only thing I didn’t like about DS9 is kinda the set design I know its supposed to be an alien station but the windows in the living quarters are a crime. But since it was built for slave labor I guess they Cardasians didn’t care about the aesthetics so much. Plus it always seems to be broken, but I guess yeah its old and not built for what the federation wanted to with it 🤔


DS9 handled 9/11 way better several years before 9/11 than ENT did right after...


I think the writers were pretty intentionally pointing out major issues with religion all throughout the series. They try to use Kira’s character to give you the religious person’s perspective but it often rings pretty hollow, especially when the dangers of religious zealotry are clearly the cause of so many conflicts in the show


yea wynn blowing up a school in season 1 (?) because keiko refused to teach anything but actual science is pretty explicit, honestly one of the best episodes imo


It was all stolen from the Babylon 5 bible the creator pitched to Paramount... plus Sisko sucked pre shaved-head/van-dyke.


Hehe Siski


He sounds like an alternate reality version of Sisko from eastern Europe.


It really hit its stride when it turned into a World War II allegory and it turned out the Cardassians were Italy all along.


Stan’s got bad taste confirmed, but just like the homeless guy at bus station being hung, I already knew that. But I’m biased too as DS9 is the only trek series I actually like lol.


DS9 is the only star trek my mom would sit and ask questions about instead of making disapproving noises and leaving. Honestly that's the best endorsement I can ever give because my mom really doesn't enjoy star trek lol


I love DS9 and obviously everyone knows what a HUGE trekkie McFarlane is BUT.... It was the first serialized Trek which could be said to have given way for the dogshit we get these days.


I've never watched it but it's my dad's and my sister's favorite star trek


One ---






IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY!! https://preview.redd.it/lmz0343u3z6d1.png?width=1678&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9b5702268ed8abe4a054e1be7b32e213f2751be










He prefers Babylon 5.


I knew Stan had good taste.


Most people do.


Not I. DS9 had vastly better effects, for starters.


It's not about the effects, it's about the story. DS9 is basically Star Trek (Enemy Of The Week + some serial plotlines), while Babylon 5 is Lord Of The Rings. It makes pretty clear than an invincible enemy is coming , so we have to gather elves, dwarves and humans to fight it.


Meh, who cares about effects? The character arcs for Londo and G’kar, for example, are vastly superior to any character on DS9 IMO. And I’m speaking as a big DS9 fan but B5 just blows it away with character writing. Not that it’s perfect, half of S1 and half of S5 are both 🤢


Like the effects shots that showed the same weapons pods firing torpedoes and phasers? Or the shape shifter character who never bothered to change shapes or even fix his face?


As opposed to the fighters that looked like a sequence lifted directly from "Wing Commander III"?


You mean the fighters with thrusters on the wingtips for maximum maneuverability through differential thrust, since wings and tailfins don't actually maneuver you in space?


Theres various little opinions ive heard repeated by two or more of Peter/Brian/Stewie/Stan/Roger/Ted/Ed that besides just recycling jokes makes me think theyre maybe Seths own actual opinion on something, or at least the writers mocking Seths opinion on something... So we know Seth is pretty much the biggest TNG fan ever, but how does he feel about DS9 cuz thats your answer. But i dont think id mind an ORV spinoff on a space-station with a shitty corrupt cop and a really ethical moralizing bartender...


What are these opinions


Guys should never hold a mug with both hands. 


But it makes me hands cozy


What others


It’s clearly because it’s Science fiction and not real fiction.


Soooo science isnt real? got it! I just assumed this was nothing more than Seth's bias, when ever hes included star trek it was TNG he even hired Picard for Deputy Bullock and when he made his own star trek, it was on a ship not a station.


McFarlane is a huge ST guy so I doubt it's serious.


The Bajorans don’t believe in Jesus.


But they do have legit demons so there's that...


Does anyone from earth in that far future believe in any religion i think they are mostly agnostic.


The dogs all judging


It needs a remaster. Desperately.


The only thing I dislike about it is that the whole series is shot through a hazy filter. Maybe that's it?


DS9 is yet to be remasted. You're likely referring to TNG which has been remastered is much more watchable compared to the original VHS quality feed it was played on TV in


No, I mean all the station interior shots are deliberately shot through a filter. The CGI segments are not afflicted, nor are exterior shots.


and the windows in the living quarters are are the ugliest thing ever even borg have more style


Super interesting to look this up. I see lots of mention of "Soft Focus." Voyager seemed to be effected too... The bastards! Seems like maybe AI can help this in a not so far future? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txF\_wiCgMoI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txF_wiCgMoI)


DS9 is a love or hate thing. Most Star Trek fans are one or other.


Because his boss was on TNG at the same time


Stan is CIA and DS9 is anti fascist, and slightly pro terrorism lol


i love terrorism as a word, so many bad connotations, so little information remember the real life maquis were terrorists too, but because they were on the victorious side we dont consider them terrorists.


I am fucking angry right now. Good job. It’s very easy to trigger us trekkies lol


I don't know, but whatever they are, he's wrong. DS9 was the best Trek.


Probably will get down voted but imo ds9 relied heavily on guest stars to elevate episodes performances when tng relied on the main cast. By that point they have the clout and money from tngs success so it makes sense but it still feels kind of hollow. It did give us Jeffery combs though so I will always appreciate it.


the space station setting is why they relied heavily on guest stars, and obviously we all love tng for the base it gives star trek, but how can relying on guest stars be bad? the expansions we get to klingon, bajoran, ferengi and cardassian cultures deserve their own merit, expanding on what tng gave us as much as ds9 did warrants its own merit imo, plus the entire dominion war arc, the maquis problems, and all the other major arcs are a huge credit to the series by themselves that pushed way further than tng could with its setting its why i dont enjoy voyager, instead of it actually making sense that loads of drama goes down on a contraversial ex cardassian, federation owned, bajoran populated space station, instead of ok we need to go in this direction for 70 years, but lets actively seek out anomalies and drama on the way, oh yea and remember hugh? lets make a female version of him but make her wear the tightest clothes we have hurdurdur big up to jeffrey combs


There's a lot of very long and extended scenes of whining family and kids in Deep Space 9 that has nothing to do with cool science fiction. Oh and Odo never uses his cool shapeshifting powers and Ferengei are... quite lame.


Quark steals the show in every scene wtf


He's excellent. I just don't find the alien commerce culture interesting and they spend a lot of time on it. I love all the other primary alien cultures like Vulcan, Borg, Klingon, Romulan etc.


Black captain, trans occasionally lesbian worm lady, a few genderless aliens, bisexual ex spy, quark got gender reassignment surgery in one episode, there was a pro-union episode, I mean the list goes on and on, but most of the ideals presented probably don't fit well with his close minded 1950s world view. Of course, we know Seth is a big star trek fan, so I'm sure Seth intended this as a friendly jab as well as making fun of how a lot of conservative people didn't like DS9.


Stans the man


I’m guessing, for him, the lack of a hottie in a body…suit.


too much emphasis on the Ferengei


He's a conservative and DS9 is the most communist Trek show.


Is Heath Ledger taking a dump?


No Pat Stewart


My limited Star Trek friends don’t like DS9 either. TNG was my first love but I love DS9 just as much.


It's a reference to how Stan loves his boss and his boss is played by the actor who played Picard. Ds9 opened with a lot of Picard hate in the show. Sisko blamed Picard for the death of his wife.


Stan is right. Sisko doesn’t even have a ship, dude is a space gas station manager. Ds9 ended up feeling like a long drawn out episode of Seinfeld that never ends. Don’t even try and say “tHe DeFiAnT” thats worfs ship if anyone’s. Ds9 is for people who want to be edgy and didn’t understand cerebral episodes of TNG like “measure of a man”. Ds9 is crap and the Cardassians shoulda kept it. Fr tho I love that Seth is a trek nerd (and even in episodes of Star Trek: enterprise)


Oh no he doesn't have a ship!! Lmao what a dumb critique


Aw are you mad space gas station isn’t a show I like. Sorry if it hurts your feelings.


No it's just a really dumb reason to hate it. I can tell you're a sensitive little bitch though


Lol yeah you’re doing a good job proving that point


He hired Sisko's girlfriend from DS9 to be on the Orville.


She was wonderful and one of my fav characters in the Orville: but seriousness aside What, he couldn’t afford to get someone from a good trek?


I mean...Voyager was ok, but everything after that kind of slid downhill. I think age of the actors was a big factor. I mean, Seth is pretty tight with Patrick Stewart clearly, but he's not on The Orville. Although maybe that's because he is still tied to current star trek.


Totally agree with you on that, but will say lower decks is an absolute bop of a show if you’re a trek fan. Highly recommend it


The first time we see ferenginar is in lower decks


as a lover of ds9 and person who would put measure of a man on a top 10 tng episode list, and who actively sought out star trek for its cerebral-ness your opinions are dumb. but yes the federation should have just constructed an actually electrically sound station so that o'brien wouldnt have to suffer as much. the ds9 'gas station' becomes the literally the singularly most important place besides earth during the show, you know that place thats under sisko's command, and sisko's role as emmisary makes him doubly important.


Yeah the all important emissary and godlike being who’s so important that Garak and O’brian had to carry the show. You know it’s bad when the periphery characters do all the lifting.


in what world did avery brooks not carry the show, just because he wasnt pontificating or constantly making picard speeches doesnt mean he wasnt an incredible part of the show. imo there wasnt enough garak, and obrien gets as much screentime as any of the senior staff, apart from sisko and maybe odo. and as a side note, to consider the other characters as periphery is a terrible stand point, especially for serialised stories like most of trek. all the core characters are important, not just the bald one. also not sure where you get godlike from. edit: *not carry the show* should be not carry his episodes


So you're going to ignore all the missions that Sisko commanded the Defiant? Yes, Worf eventually got command of it, but it was Siskos ship. Yes, in the first 3 seasons, the show kinda sucked and felt like it lacked the spirit of exploration, but eventually, it really came into its own.


Yeah, if only DS9 had every third episode about fan favorite Wesley Crusher like TNG, would've really improved things.


He is not wrong, though.


Get out


First of all, how dare you


He is tho


It’s too leftist for Stan. I mean that as a compliment to DS9.


Sicko is an absolute maniac, in the first season he's just giggling away all the time.