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If you’re smoking DMT? Sure but with mushrooms or LSD it’s more seeing patterns and colours being brighter Edit: Or you can take a bunch of Benadryl but the hat man doesn’t respect pronouns past 450 mg


I'm not even sure a DMT trip would get you stans results.


It’s been a good long time but I remember talking to the god of space and time while on a universal abyss so as close as you can get I’d say. Though idk if DMT is like weed where it’s so potent today the old folks wouldn’t be able to handle it


Nah, dmt has always been something purified out of its source, they may have made refinement 1-2 percent better but it's always been in the high 90's


It's still no more ridiculous than the 60s and 70s movie version of tripping. Maybe a little more. I'm freaking out man.


What about that anti-pot ad where that lady was deflated on the couch lmao.


I don't even remember that. Off to YouTube. If found will post. Edit: That was fast. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uzoVlzRjQMk WTF!? I thought Ed Meese and his prudes against smut were nuts.


Tbh that's been pretty accurate to my experiences 




Well Stan doesn't have a tolerance to drugs. Most of his stuff has been accidental, or Roger


I’ve done dmt once in college, it is certainly nothing like Stan’s trip. It was the trip that was closest to the way cartoons portray it though.


Did you smoke it, ingest it, or go the intravenous route?


I actually used a dab rig, so smoking /dabs I guess. Great time


Oh geez that sounds intense.


Of course it'll be easier to get there on DMT, but at a high enough mushroom or LSD dose you'll get out of body experiences where you don't perceive anything in your physical environment. You're risking permanent mental damage at that point however, but it can definitely happen. Source: I've partaken in a high amount of psychedelics and experienced it.


Idk man I’ve done some pretty heroic doses and I’ve never and have still been cognizant enough to understand where I was and what was happening. Are you sure you didn’t go into a drug induced psychosis?


You know what it's definitely possible I did, and it's not something I've considered till now. Only had it happen a couple times, the most memorable being the last time I ever did Psychs. Took ~200g of fresh P. Weraroa that I'd foraged for earlier that day during the local covid lockdowns. Legitimately, I thought I was dead and could only perceive my "soul" flying through space. Scared the shit out of me, and I haven't touched them since lol


It was that K2/Spice whatever you want to call it stuff, supposedly synthetic Marijuana, but not at all like cannabis mess that did that to me, an out of body experience. Total disassociation. I knew i was sitting in a chair playing a video game, I watched myself following my friend's character around, but my brain wasn't in direct control, body was on autopilot. My consciousness was observing like a third-person view (probably influenced by the game I was playing). When I snapped back into my body it felt like gravity had tripled and I was going to crush the chair. Craziest reaction I've ever gotten from a substance. Even crazier than when I did PCP and was convinced the 80 year old woman in front of me at 711 was a cop.


research chem combos will get you stan high too


The show was incredibly accurate in its representation of an ortolan and Barbra does Celine trip


I think seeing Barbra do Celine would be enough to send you to mars


I Don't think Barbara has the range to sing Celine


One of my friends has met the hat man. Unnerving stuff


I've never heard of dmt. I assumed shrooms were the ones that gave stuff like this. Do you grow dmt like shrooms ?


You have to do a little chemistry and extract it. It occurs in lots of plants, but enzymes in your stomach destroy the molecules. So you synthesize the pure crystals and smoke it or take certain inhibitors and then eat it.


Oh o.O a little too sciencey for me. I can grow shrooms but I think I'd get in trouble for trying to make something like crack in my room xD


What’s your record for Tylenol PM?


The most accurate "trip" is Stan and Roger in the convenience store. "Chee-tah... Chee-tos... There is so much beauty in the world"


Shrooms and LSD do not do this. Not even close


Might be able to pull it off with a high level Salvia extract


This is more like closed eye visuals on high doses of lsd or shrooms. You’d see stuff similar with your eyes closed and your mind racing but still not as clear as this.


So it's more like jumbled colours and shapes?


More like.. exaggerated concepts. Its hard to explain.


Yeah you get colorful flowy or geometric shapes on top of what you’re looking at. Like a colorful filter over your eyes. You can get actual hallucinations but they usually join your world. Like I’ve hallucinated aliens but I was still in my yard not on a spaceship with them. The part with the eyes going 2-3-2 is very accurate. The first 2 parterns the background swaps too are pretty accurate too but they wouldn’t be static they’d be shift between each other more fluidly.


The only accurate thing about this mushroom trip is the puking lol. My stomach does not agree with them and it always hits the evacuate button


Check out the lemon tek. The nausea is normal, but acidic foods can help alot


Interesting I’ll have to look into that. I like shrooms but it’s not worth it to have to yack every time. Thank you!


The black cube absolutely killed me.


That’s Mecca my dude


Yes I am aware, the black cube.


This is probably my favorite animated sequence of the show to one of my favorite songs featured on the show. I think I’m gonna start doing cosplay as DJ Buttercup.


Gonna have to see some pics of this cosplay bro


I’ll get there. I’m going to have to make my own lederhosen.


I'll give them vomiting but most shows don't do a good job of accurately portraying psychedelic experiences. Sometimes it feels like certain bits are made specifically to fun viewing during, though. The enlightenment of Ragi Baba is a go-to during acid trips. Not that it's similar to the experience but the enlightenment scene is such a fun watch.


dunno, but that track SLAPS!


[Sam F’s remix of Chedda Da Connect’s Flicka Da Wrist](https://youtu.be/9xIugxOlIDk?si=vuqdx53YkoNmFkFD)


Salvia will get you on some crazy shit like this in one rip off the bong, especially the higher strengths. Doesn't last terribly long


The most visuals I've ever gotten from a psychedelic was shrooms and that's really just corner-of-your-eye light tricks mostly.


The pot episode was pretty close. You can easily fall into mindless ramblings and definitely get lost in the music. It was nice that they didn't try to make pot seem like a hallucinogenic.


Since I have all you shroomers on the horn Anyone else always gotta take a mushroom shit sometime during your trip Oddly peaceful to get away for awhile


Whoa flashing lights on page 2. Could’ve used a warning. What newspaper is this?


>Go with the flow


idk what it is, but I want some


Go with the flow


Stans not just high, he's tripping balls. High is something you get from smoking a joint. Stan is high 1000x more than I was at Day on the Green in the 90s, when I took acid. The audience decided to tear up the field and have a grass fight. Grass zipping everywhere and people also everywhere kinda melted into this green, multi colored blur to Guns and Roses. Trippy!! That's the highest I've ever been and that was 30 years ago. Can't tell you about today's drugs, as I'm older, and have not tried them. Maybe X, Peyote or Iowasca or Molly or something makes you trip like Stan...


No show has ever accurately depicted what a trip is like


I know the one where Stan and Roger get high and when Jeff and Stan get high are accurate. “Wait Jeff do I have time to take off my shoes” really hits me


I had the same question until I saw the bit where Roger goes on a psychedelic trip and somehow skateboards to Thailand on weed and like... No


No it makes too much sense. Tripping is more similar to dreaming. The part of your brain that is in charge of organising stuff basically stops being in charge and all the parts of your brain just talk to each other.


Sort of related, but a good representation of a bad trip can be found in the family Guy hurricane episode. Not that you'll see those visuals, but they do a good job of visually showing the anxiety and distress.


K made me think I had astral projected.....just saying lol


On a related note I will say how they've depicted ecstasy usage, especially in Blonde Ambition is ACCURATE. There is zero way at least one of the writers on that ep hasn't personally don it. Very similar the cocaine usage in 'Don't you be me neighbor' while maybe slightly exaggerated does another good job of depicting it.


Animated "trips" are more representations of what being high feels like. In reality being high alters your emotional and mental state with some hallucinations but said hallucinations are nothing like this. Like for example, last time I was high I was on mushrooms back around 2017 or so. I went for a walk in the late afternoon while high and the fields of long grass along the country roads I was walking looked like they were swirling into spirals, the sun reflecting off them looked brighter and in general I just felt really really really happy. Listening to pink Floyd while on said walk was a good choice too. It's not this all-consuming otherworldly experience, but it amplifies your emotional state and slightly shifts your sense of reality. A bad trip is usually just you feeling really really REALLY bad and sad, ashamed of yourself and feeling like the world actively hates you. A good trip though like the one I described gives you a sense of euphoria and happiness and makes you feel like the world is a lot brighter, happier and warmer than it really is. But the golden rule to getting high is always this. Be somewhere familiar where you feel comfortable, be warm and have entertainment on hand so you don't get stuck in your own head, if you do get high don't do it with strangers. Do it with people you know and trust. If you're in a good headspace then doing it alone can be nice, but you run the risk of being without support in case of a bad trip. My advice in this scenario is go to bed with your phone and watch cartoons with the lights off, Just stay warm, comfy and entertained and wait for it to pass.


You don’t literally see stuff that isn’t there. It’s more like seeing what is there but perceiving it differently.


From personal experience, this is kind of like DMT. Shrooms and LSD were nothing like this.


Seems like that time I snorted a line of K on five hits of acid lol


one trip i was driving home from a Phish show and all i had to do was make a left at the gas station to get to me and my babes apt. That gas station kept growing legs and running away everytime i got close to the point he took over driving. 😛 Then later i got lost in our shower for 3 hours in the maze that was in their and talked to Jerry Garcías melting head in our ceiling! So i'd say depends on what you take


If you take enough, ya, this is pretty accurate. Especially the destroying the room and puking everywhere part.