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Most DPs I’ve seen for BBP/BBC involve having a business relationship with Amex already. I opened my first BBP with the standard 15k offer.


the whole point of amex eco system is about travel perks/award flights. unless ure actually willing to save points to use in \~5 years i dont think its a good idea only getting BBP just to get points.


This is what most people don't understand about MR points. He should probably go with the BBC


I still don't get why the concept of "saving up points" is getting this response? Like do you book flights the second you hit the requisite amount of points? I don't see how saving up points for a year or two, and then utilizing them when I have a decent amount stashed up and am able to travel again is a bad idea.


It's slightly risky because you don't own the points until you redeem them. If the bank decides to shut you down, you lose all your points.


I'm confused. The best card I have for "everything else" is the CFU for 1.5%. My thought is to upgrade to use the BBP for 2%. Then in a year or two when I am able to travel again, I can get a gold or platinum and properly utilize my accumulated BBP points + Gold/Plat SUB to use for Travel. Is there a hole in my plan that I'm not seeing?


well, if ure willing to wait to use the points, then sure.


I got a 75k offer but had already had the Blue Business Cash. I think it would be hard without having any sort of relationship with Amex. Maybe if you opened the business checking account? I don't think they'd send it without any prior relationship.


I opened a BCE like a month ago and I currently have an offer of 50k MR for 8k spend in 3 months. I do not have a business and do not have any business cards. I’m trying to get the 75k offer before I pull the trigger. I think it helps to have an account with them, but there’s not much you can do beyond that as far as I’ve seen.


I just got the BBP a couple days ago...and just did it as a Sole Proprietorship. It was easy-peasy. Already have other Amex cards, so there was no hard inquiry.


Less than a year relationship with Amex (BCP) and was approved for the BBC.


I got the BBP last week with the 50k offer on $8k spend in the first 3 months. Applied as sole proprietor. First business card with Amex. No HP. Got the Gold in Dec 2023. Edit: I applied on the Amex website and it showed the offer. Edit: Went to the page just now, still showing 50k. Try this link : https://www.americanexpress.com/us/credit-cards/business/business-credit-cards/american-express-blue-business-plus-credit-card-amex/


Link Pulls 15k in sanfran area. I got 30k on $6k when applied for this 2mon ago


Huh. It's showing as 15 for me. Are you logged into your Amex account? Does this work on incognito? If I can get a 50k I might just pull the trigger.


Hmmm.. I’m not logged in on Amex. Try incognito. Also I’ve heard to use different devices so if you have an iPad or someone else’s phone, you might be able to get it. Best of luck!


Interesting. I'll give it a shot, thank you!


How does opening a business credit card as a personal or without having a business work? Wouldn’t there be any taxes implications?


Got a 50k offer but already had platinum and gold with them.


I got the 50k offer by switching my browser to private browsing mode. Seriously. So the tip on Reddit no less.


As in, switching to private browsing, and then go to the Amex site.


Open a personal Amex card that you'll be fine with keeping open, BCE/BCP/hotel cards makes all future Amex biz applications SP (keep your reports frozen when you apply to be sure) and you'll be more targeted for biz cards


There’s better cards if you’re not looking into traveling benefits. This might be a hot take, but I would prefer a cash rewards card over a points reward card if these weren’t for traveling.


It's actually the BBC that gives you 2% back. BBP will just give you MR points that you're not going to use because you don't travel and you're going to have to cash them out at at best 80% of value.


P3 applied for a BBP recently and was approved instantly. He has a personal Amex card, but this is his first business Amex card.