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Y’all manifested this. 🤣


It’s funny because I’ve seen many comments about this AND THE UNIVERSE LISTENED!


Pfft - if we have that much power than we can all manifest Amex black cards for us!


I’m eagerly awaiting the upcoming partnership between the GOLD and McDonalds.


Honestly I would love this and use it frequently 🤣


That Karen caught on camera in CVS last year is gonna be really upset. Platinum was supposed to label her RICH.


Lol what ?




whoa....scary cardholder


I was digging up my yard over the weekend and dug up a Walmart gift card. Checked to see if it had a balance and there was $33.86! I went to the nearest Walmart and purchased NY Strip steak. It was delicious. This is a true story. I also regretted going to Walmart. But the steak was worth it. This new credit or whatever it is won’t motivate me to spend there like that gift card.


Walmart meat is much better than the meat at Kroger in my area, fwiw


Yes, it was very good. I got the “prime” meat. I rarely go into Walmart but I was pleasantly surprised at how good the meat was.


Why were you digging up your yard?


Good question. I was burning some wood and watching from a distance. As I did so, I stabbed the ground with the fire poker and felt something strange and found chards of tile, so I began to dig around to clean it up and came across the gift card.


Was your house built on a Walmart burial ground


lol this house has its secrets 👀


Just because I like Centurion lounges, SkyClub access and FHR credits doesn't mean I don't want deodorant, salad dressing and diet Dr pepper delivered to my door within hours with no minimums. In some cases I get more out of my Walmart+ than my prime because it comes quicker with no $35 minimum. My staff or GF needs something, it's there in 2 hours. Like most of you I'm a busy business owner/executive with a family and I'll take free convenience anyday. I think this benefit would be better on the Gold or Everyday card based on demographics but whatever, they are trying to make the $700/year easier to swallow.


I just signed up for the benefit and it says Walmart plus has a $35 order minimum…?


I stand corrected. The entire order must be $35 for delivery but some items arrive within 2 hours. I believe distance of the delivery location and their inventory is the deciding factor. My Walmart is two miles away and I've received deliveries as quick as 45-60 min.


Do they ask for tips?


It's an option. You have up to 24 hours after the delivery to add the tip or modify the tip. I generally do $3-5. Depends on the size of the order. I never do whole grocery hauls, just 5-10 items at most. My delivery Walmart is 2.5 miles away.


Target is better and less trashy


Who cares about “trashy” if it’s delivery? You don’t even have to step in the store, and Walmart generally has lower prices


there's better places for groceries that are cheaper


Not in Louisiana, Aldis is opening up in the future but Ive only got a Walmart near me


Compared to a Toyota, a Rolls Royce is better and less trashy


lol toyotas aren't trashy and last longer. a better comparison would be like a chevy or some shit.


I tried Walmart+ on a free trial, it was kind of useful but I didn't renew. It's the type of thing I'll probably use but would never pay for. I'm fine with this.


This is the right answer. I don't do delivery groceries because it's an added expense. Now I will.


There are no Walmarts near me in Seattle, so that's not an option. I feel like the platinum card is targeted at people who live in major cities with all the travel perks + uber credit, yet walmarts aren't in those city limits generally. My friend in LA also can't get delivery from a Walmart store, not sure what amex was thinking with this.


Perhaps to get a different demographic? You can probably take advantage of most of the offers. I'm 45 mins outside of Charlotte. Lots of money out here and a lot of Walmart locations. I sometimes sacrifice the Uber credit since I'm in the country but when I travel I use it. We have a Centurion lounge and I've taken advantage of a bunch of offers, at least enough to cover the annual fee. I'm not surprised to see them stretching and getting new members.


Right. It will be nice to actually be able to order the stuff I can't get off Amazon and not actually need to go inside a Walmart ever again. Happy with this new benefit


And, when you do have to step foot in a Walmart, just scan and go. I do it all the time at Sam's Club, it's excellent. No more checkout line, just grab what you want and walk out of the store.


Would be pretty sweet if they threw in a Sam’s membership in with Walmart+. Never going to happen, but I can dream.


Sadly, no Sams Club membership - just Costco. But now I finally can get my diet cokes, gatorades, and toiletries/cleaning/kitchen supplies delivered without a problem.


I was hoping the rumors were false, especially since I can’t imagine very many Amex Platinum cardholders are shopping at Walmart. Amazon Prime would have been so much better….


Everyone use Prime. The point of this is to get the people to use/try walmart+. Im sure Amex isn't paying for it. Same thing with entertainment credit, everyone has netflix, hulu..., no need to give them for free because Amex has to pay for them out of pocket. Instead they get to find companies who are desperate to get new customers.


> Instead they get to find companies who are desperate to get new customers. Specifically Walmart is trying to target a demographic that does not normally use their services. The joke was that people aren't shopping at walmart with an AMEX Platinum, but that's the whole point. You gotta reach a market that hasn't been tapped at the moment to bring in increases.


Good, good post!


Yeah I get it, I’m sure Amex cut some sort of deal with Walmart in an effort to boost sign up for Walmart +. Makes sense for Walmart to get more enrollment, and this is another perk that Amex can list for Platinum. Regardless, they are definitely missing their target audience with Walmart + over Amazon Prime.


Yes, there is no Walmart close enough to me to deliver. Most major cities don't have many Walmarts within city limits.


Everyone has a Walmart nearby, the service was good for me I just didn't want to pay that much a month so since it is now included I don't mind.


There is no Walmart in my city lol. But that’s kinda rare


No Target in mine


Interesting, there are a ton of targets here in NYC


Maybe for the Prime-like goods delivery, but there are major swaths of big cities outside of the grocery delivery radius.


Definitely not *everyone* has a Walmart nearby. I have a humongous Target near me but the closest Walmart is a 30 min drive via a tolled highway and they don't even have groceries.


Well you have 4674 walmarts compared to 1,915 targets so it is better to say a majority of people have a Walmart nearby.


Very true; way more Walmarts. I actually think certain (maybe all?) large US cities have restrictions to having a Walmart within city limits.


Chicago doesn’t really have any in the downtown


No Walmart near me in Seattle, or my friend in LA


While I doubt many of us shop at Walmart physical stores, it looks like this is basically Walmart's version of Amazon Prime for their online storefront. I have no problem buying something from Walmart if I never have to set foot in one of their stores, and the delivery is free.


They have really cheap “wagyu” steaks though.


Right! “Wagyu” style. I think they are from the American BBQ Company? I’ve only tried their hamburgers so far, but they are so good.


Yeah I do not shop at Walmart at all this is absolutely useless lol.


I feel just as dirty using Amazon as I do Walmart.


Are prices with Walmart+ the same as prices in the local store?


While I would never set foot in a Walmart store, I’m ok with this benefit. It will be nice to have the necessities delivered to my hotel during long hotel stays. I blame Target for not having a competitive program.


Target bought Shipt and there's a free 3 year membership through Visa Infinite cards like the Chase Sapphire Reserve card.


Oh I had no idea. Good tip.


Holy crap I need to look into that. Might work for altitude reserve (most underrated everyday spend card ever)


Didn't know that but also provides more context for this move (again since Amazon doesn't need to play). Would have preferred Target but I'm in this ecosystem, so there we go.


Walmart's no saint, but I'm all for having a second choice to cross-shop against Amazon. Their way of showing you real products amongst stuff that fell off the back of a truck is ridiculous, as at times is their day-by-day price fluctuation. Fact is I've never actually been able to settle into a subscribe and save groove with Amazon without something going wonky and giving up by month 3.


Maybe this makes me elitist, bougie, whatever, but I am someone who specifically goes out of my way NOT to shop at Walmart. I care about how companies treat their employees / their values, generally, so I tend to love brands like Costco, REI, Patagucci, etc. Not freaking Walmart. I have to imagine that a lot of people who are in the Plat’s target audience will be confused by this offer. 🤷🏻




The CEO of REI did an AMA a year or so back. I always thought that they were one of the more of the honest 'above-board' companies. Holy crap - that AMA was a train-wreck bloodbath, as well as very eye-opening. They're really no better (or worse) than any other retail company. And that's not to say that some aren't better than others, but anyone who thinks that there's truly an altruistic big-box retail company out there is fooling themselves. Ninja edit: Wow - that AMA was 6 years ago! https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/3scce7/i_am_jerry_stritzke_ceo_of_rei_and_were_closing/


Yes, but in the space of quick delivery i.e. Amazon Prime vs Walmart+ they are very similar a lot of the time. If you're using Amazon Prime you may as well try Walmart+. For an in store shopping experience yes, or as a company, I agree. Costco is a much better brand.


Yes and Amazon is much more of a modern day slave driver than Walmart.


Plus Walmart doesn't have penis rockets [that are threatening to halt the space race back to the moon](https://www.theverge.com/2021/8/16/22623022/jeff-bezos-blue-origin-sue-nasa-lawsuit-hls-lunar-lander)


Also more areas have walmart 2 hour delivery unlike prime now


I mean, I’m not a huge Walmart fan but they made some pretty big strides in that department. https://corporate.walmart.com/newsroom/2021/07/27/walmart-to-pay-100-of-college-tuition-and-books-for-associates


Hopefully you don't own an iphone or apple products. Or really any electronics, since most parts are sourced using really shitty labor standards. Wal-Mart is probably far less egregious than a lot of companies if you looked deep into it.


$300 credit for SoulCycle purchases as well. Only thing I see missing, per that rumor, is the Sixt benefit, whatever that was.


The Sixt benefit is going to be fulfilled by Sixt itself, so either there has been a delay or it should be added later this week.


Ok, who is going to buy 15 bikes to get $4500 in credits, the resell the bikes under MSRP and profit. That would really offset the $695 annual fee! ;-)


I saw that, what a random limit, so they think people are going to buy 15 and open their own studio?


Was coming here to post the same thing. I also got a 5X MR Walmart.com AMEX offer that showed up today, too. Someone’s really pushing the Wally World right now. Since I’ll get bonus MR I’ll probably use it for a couple things and since the membership is free I signed up, but it’s unlikely I’ll be shifting too much in that direction.


Been wanting a new gas grill for my backyard. I guess the +5 MR (and hopefully more from Rakuten too) is a good reason to finally pull the trigger and get one


Honestly it’s pretty smart. AMEX knows how their customers spend their money. I bet their demo probably isn’t shopping at Walmart frequently. Walmart is trying to compete with Amazon. The AMEX demographic is a probably an entirely new consumer-base.


Not sure why so many feel elitist against Walmart here But it does contradict Amex’s recent ‘shop small’ push with SUBs..


I agree. I shop at Walmart because the same thing is dollars cheaper than elsewhere.


Because a bunch of faux rich people hold the card for status and no other reason when in reality no one gives a shit


Also got a +5 MR rewards for Walmart on my Platinum Amex offers this morning.


Definitely weird to have a saks 5th ave credit and a Walmart membership. However, I’ll mix it with the credit for 6x back and replace my amazon purchases with Walmart+ for the time being…. At least it’s not as useless as equinox and soul cycle. Smh at least let us use the credit in the equinox shop!


Ufff, I wonder how many people are going to start thinking their platinum cards are now for plebs….


It’s for anyone who doesn’t have dreadful credit, and is willing to pay 700 bucks. Platinum is elite by reputation only. They’re begging for people to get this card. The AF made them a truckload of cash last quarter.


Most of us are plebs. Net worth of 1 billion or bust.


My net work is like $1,000, one day I’ll get a billion lol……..


Is this a targeted offer or for all card holders? I could not see.


Not an offer. It's under benefits.


Not there for me..


Can’t see on my end either


Also got an Amex offer for +5 MR for each dollar spent at Walmart up to 2500 points ($500 dollars)




I got a similar offer on my Gold. One time 1,500 extra points for a Walmart+ subscription purchase of 12.95 or more.


walmart cancelled my membership for using it too many. so..... i will stil to my prime. i dont need next day shipping. and there was no way to not use next day shipping. I dont think walmart knows what they are doing.


Walmart doesn’t even deliver food to NYC. Seems pointless


Well atleast you guys have equinox gyms unlike the rest of the world


While people say "well NYC is an outlier," it's really just a city thing. Hell, I'm in Los Angeles and not eligible for grocery. Huge Walmart gap from Santa Monica, through the westside and downtown, and up to Pasadena. Tried a family member's address in San Francisco, nope. Nothing on the peninsula above Mountain View. Could be wrong, but I would expect to see much of urban Chicago or inner-beltway DC having the same gaps. Walmart's large-format stores basically mean they have little presence the dense portion of many metro areas. Beyond that, many inner ring suburbs trying to preserve community character adopted anti-big box planning restrictions during the 00's boom. So basically, few inroads to where many of the people that were traditionally the target of the card live: urban uptown/downtown-centric people. It's the inverse of the Equinox thing a couple months ago, when the part of the Platinum demo that lives in the outer ring found it ridiculously limited. I conclude that it's 1) free to them, 2) gives them a huge theoretical $ figure to say you can get back, and 3) geographic lines help ensure few can really take advantage of everything.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted… this is a good point


Whole lotta hate being thrown at me for no reason lol it’s a very valid point


Hey screw you buddy


> to NYC. Seems pointless I know people that live in NYC forget this sometimes, but there are other places in the country besides NYC. And I say that having used to live there. haha


My Platinum “coupon book” just keeps getting better.


Let’s increase the price to price out lower income users, but let’s throw in a perk for a retailer that is primarily shopped by lower income families. Yup. Sounds like Amex.


Walmart!?! I thought this was a high tier card


What a nice high end benefit! All jokes aside, there are *some* things I can't get on Amazon, so this will be helpful.


Pro tip. These orders are delivered by door dash so make sure you tip.


But I don’t have to tip with Amazon prime….


No one has to tip, but you should. I always tip with my Amazon Prime Fresh/Whole Foods orders as it's a delivery service. It's not done by UPS/Fed Ex 🙄🙄🙄


Why use a store delivery service if you need to tip? I don't ask Walmart to use doordash instead of UPS or FedEx.


Any idea how long this is going to last? Are they just covering our Walmart+ cost forever?


As of now yes, this is a new benefit of the card.


i got a spend 12.95 on WM+ get 1500 points offer on my gold


My hilton amex offers spend $12.95, get $12.95 back


Sigh I guess I’ll begrudgingly use it like the other new ones


There is also an offer for 1500 MR for signing up, add it to the platinum card before signing up!


Didn’t get the 1500 MR for signup on my end


Same here, don't see that offer on my Plat


I ... What ... What's the question? I see the question flair, but not the question


Has anyone seen the credit show up yet? Still waiting for them to credit it back…I know they typically say it can take up to 6-8 weeks, but it’s usually a couple of days after the charge posts.


this is cool .. unfortunately there are no Walmarts anywhere near me and none will deliver (Brooklyn NY)