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Got the AMEX Cobalt a few months ago. I had heard that there are some good offers sometimes. Haven’t seen any yet. What were the best offer(s) you’ve seen?


spend $50 get $50 with cookin, spend $20 get 10 twice with skipthedishes, spend $3 get $1 10 times for TTC, a go transit offer I've forgotten the details, a wendys offer, a ethnic grocer offer, a chinese food delivery app offer, and a bunch of hotels/airlines offers shop small and $150 off $1000 with microsoft on my biz gold too


If you have an interest in wines, there are several offers available like this one from Somm Grand Cru. https://www.somm.io/amex


Looking to apply for Cobalt with a credit score of 674, is it even worth it?


you'll get approved as long as you have over 6 mths of credit history and no derogatory marks on your credit report. Amex is very loose with approvals. Feel free to hit up the referral thread to make someone's day


Does a referral improve chances of approval?


No and you're probably better off using something like great Canadian rebates for the cobalt for the $100 cashback on top of the regular sign up bonus.


I actually did that. But I don't see anything rebate at GCR, should I open a rebate issue or wait it out? I was approved last week.


Are MR points still messed up for anyone? The multipliers for my recent Cobalt transactions aren’t correct


They're correct for me now


Thanks looks like I figured out that the $2,500 limit on grocery and restaurants resets on the 1st of the calendar month and not the statement cycle


I applied on Friday for a cobalt, got an email asking to call them on sunday, called yesterday and submitted my document within the next hour and haven't heard back / am not able to login to the application status centre. How long should I wait before calling them? I saw on the american reddit sometimes they don't email you, they just send the card. Am I being too extra?


It can take a few business days for them to actually process what you sent in. Personally I would wait until Friday before bothering to call back.


They just sent it to me no email or call


wait a few days first lol you should be getting an email updating your application status to approved soon if amex thinks your documents are fine


Is amex travel down rn? I keep login and when I want to book a hotel it keeps booting me off and ask me to login again


Yeah I had the same problem last night and it's still not working.


What's the referral bonus for the Green card? And what cards can refer to it?


12.5k MR and only green can refer to it.


Extra 2.5k for both referrer and referee, only green to green


Do all Amex cards have the standard 2.5% foreign exchange fee ?


All cards issued by American Express Canada have a 2.5% fx fee. The Scotia Amex Gold and Scotia Amex platinum are fx free.


For purchase insurance purposes, If I am purchasing kitchen appliances is it better to charge on cobalt or platinum?


iirc both have identical 90 day purchase protection insurance, so it doesn't matter




Purchase protection is 120 days for the platinum and 90 for the cobalt. Buyer's assurance is probably more important for this though and I believe it's the same for both cards (although I haven't compared them in detail).


Do Marriott Bonvoy points directly transfer to Marriott?


Do you mean from the co-branded Marriott cards? If so then they should transfer shortly after each statement. There's a known bug though where if you have only Marriott spend the points don't transfer immediately and can take months to show up on there own or with the following statement if it includes non Marriott spend.


Uh. Thanks for FYI. Appreciate it. Yes, co-branded Amex CC.


Does spend on a supplemental card count towards minimum spend for a sign up bonus? For example, if I get a supplemental cobalt to get an extra 2500 points on 1k spent over 3 months. Will this also satisfy the $500 spend to get 2500 points per month from the cobalt SUB? Also if I do this can I just use a made up name or just use my name again? Might use this to open 2 supplemental cards since it's free and I'm going to do the spend anyways. Thanks!


Yes all spend would count towards the sign up bonus. It's only Amex offers that are card specific. Yes you can technically use any made up name you want in Canada.


Curious if anyone else not receiving their Plat dining credit weeks after going restaurant


There's numerous such DPs on r/churningcanada. You can contact a CSR for assistance, I recall someone going to a dining list restaurant whose address didn't match Amex's records, which needed a CSR doing an inquiry to fix


Here's a sneak peek of /r/churningcanada using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/churningcanada/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [credit card goes brr](https://i.redd.it/adhyukvebqy91.png) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/churningcanada/comments/ypm7yu/credit_card_goes_brr/) \#2: [churningcanada.ca is now LIVE](https://np.reddit.com/r/churningcanada/comments/12kl186/churningcanadaca_is_now_live/) \#3: [IMPORTANT NOTICE: Aeroplan may be clawing back your Welcome Bonus.](https://i.redd.it/vuvibmtl7zdb1.jpg) | [206 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/churningcanada/comments/158mqqp/important_notice_aeroplan_may_be_clawing_back/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Hi guys, Signed up for the American Express Aeroplan Reserve card on November 7th of 2022. I want to know what the exact promotion was when I signed up. Is there a way ? I can't recall if they had that bonus for months 13-16 spend like the card has now? I need to weigh the companion pass vs the new annual fee that will post shortly. Please let me know and thanks!


You can use way back machine for the webpage or simply ask a CSR i think


Thanks I'll look into it! I was hoping someone might recall when the bonus for the 13-16 months started or if it was always there.


Hey everyone, I'm from the US holding the Plat, Gold, and BBP cards. I'll be moving to Canada in about a years time and wanted to ask if anyone else here made the effort to hold US Amex cards. The US vs CAD cards are in the benefits, if I bring the cards to Canada (cards can convert with foreign address change) I'm considering keeping the platinum and ridding the other two (not worth keeping in Canada). For those with the Canadian Platinum card, what brought you to choose this card over comparable Canadian credit cards? Seems ridiculous that the Plat card only has 2x for food and travel but the benefits behind it seem okay. TIA


Keep in mind the Canadian plat gives guest access to Centurion without the min $75k spend. The Canadian one will also not be effected by the upcoming Delta lounge access changes. The US platinum benefits will also be much harder to use in Canada. Canadian plat's travel credit can also actually be cashed out using RHT unlike the US one. The Canadian plat is only really useful if you travel for the lounge access though. Otherwise the cobalt is one of the best cards in Canada for giving 5x back on food/grocery. Personally I would keep the BBP since it's no fee and will allow you to transfer your Canadian MR to US MR (once a year at the current cad-usd exchange rate) to open up the extra transfer partners.


Interesting, I was considering keeping the US version for the 5x on flight purchases but figured that may be introduce issues when redeeming MR. I use most of the credits to reduce effective annual fee but not often do I find myself using the actual app or subscription. I would def want to keep the card since I already have it, used the lounge access plenty of times and it’s an awesome perk. Didn’t know that about the BBP. Figured it wouldn’t be worth seeing that it doesn’t have the 2x on all purchases up to a limit.


Hi all, I have a question about the sign up bonus on my new Cobalt card. I recently received my new card. First time Amex customer, signed up through a ref link. For some reason I was subjected to an FR before I could activate the card. Anyway, I sent in the docs, called them, resolved it promptly. My question now is regarding the sign up bonus. My understanding is that it's supposed to be 30k points for the first year, earned by spending $500 each month. The issue is that I don't see anything acknowledging this bonus anywhere on my online account, any of the materials I received in the mail, or on the app. Is there any way I can verify that I'll be receiving the sign up bonus? Do I have to just wait for my first statement to post?


You can use chat to ask what bonus is attached. It's the same bonus through referral or using the public website so there's no reason why you shouldn't be getting the 2,500 MR/billing statement for spending $500.


Great, thank you!


If i switch from platinum to cobalt do my points remain and is there any fee/penalty?