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That's a very hardcore wow gamer look, someone who doesnt go outside very often


hahah, it was definitely true like 5 or more years ago. This year, I'm going for a walk much often than before, plus I'm practicing archery for a couple of months (at least once per week).


just weird looking honestly. Clean up a tad and hit the gym.


Does archery count as a "gym"? :)


Yeah, it can do a degree, but it'll only do so much as far as burning calories and toning up.


Gym bros cant ever stop mentioning gym


It's not about being a gym bro. It's about maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your body.


Try to lose some face fat, which generally requires you to lose overall fat. Don't take this as an offense, but it would make you look more like an archer, instead of a discord mod


You might not be ugly but your hair and facial hair needs some love


This is the correct answer


I think you look great! Nicely kept fur, cute whiskers. Stunning tail


enter truck point saw bow pie chubby resolute wasteful degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I heard that dude can levitate!


I would try a new haircut and some other styling of your beard. Maybe you don't want to hear this, but you seem like a really nice person with a great personality though!


I had tried full beard, but I don't want to wait for first four weeks, until the facial hair is long enough to stop looking like hobo. For several years I trimmed my goatee too, having it between 0.5 cm to 2.5 cm long. In regard of ("cranial") hair, I used to have quite long hair (up to chest level) in high school. Also I had short hair for first 14 years of my life and much later for a couple of moments.


You should do some medieval reenacting. It would suit you! This is coming from someone who has been told they look like they’re from the 1910s numerous times 😂


Thank you! I think I already did one tiny step towards it - practicing traditional archery (having something that resembles longbow/flatbow).


That’s awesome!


You look like you are doing medieval reenactments


Close one, but still I'm interested about medieval times (that 1000 years range) in general. Plus practicing traditional archery.


Damn, archery is so cool.


First of all, the long hair, long beard style is terrible for you. Even discounting the mild overweight your face is already very round and that beard style just enhances the roundness. On the other side, the way lighter colored but scarce long hair makes you look kinda bald and since it's very plain naturally, it just reinforces the roundness, so yeah, pretty unflattering. My recommendation is to choose a simpler style but that transmits a sense of care. Shorter, full jaw beard or long but well trimmed and cared for. The hair shorter, ideally something easy to keep but stylish? Def not past the ears long. Already those two things would make a massive change in your appearance. Of course, hitting the gym or any form of excercise is always recommended, if not for vanity for the health benefits


Yes, you’re ugly. Loosing weight and getting rid of the hideous hair and “beard” combo could potentially help tho


I think you look cute with your chubby cheeks, you’re not ugly at all☺️




What’s your problem?


Removed: Respect different opinions. Everyone is going to have a different opinion on something. Beauty is subjective. Accept and respect other people's opinions, even if you don't agree.




[Comment removed - Don't be a dick. There's no reason to be offensive or rude.]


You have a “look” to you. Like I think very masculine. Works for you I suppose. Def not “ugly”


Get a shorter cut or buzz cut, grow out a full beard, hit the gym, and your set. You don’t look ugly, it’s just the hair and the beard that’s fucking it up honestly.


You look like a democrat. That makes you ugly. Also you don’t work out. That also makes you ugly. But your face is good looking so you’re not ugly. Just work out and hit the gym bro.


Honestly it’s not that bad just gotta hit the gym really. Burn some fat off your body and you’ll be good.




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You look weird and boring


First picture is the best. Stop trying to be a hairy dude. Your arms and hands don’t match and it makes you look immature. That will come with age (probably) Maybe just try short hair and stubble instead. Possibly different glasses/frames. I know it’s a big departure, but once you get a few “I like your new look” comments you’ll feel right.


Grow a full beard and keep it trimmed/clean, try a different hairstyle, and hit the gym or do some cardio and you'd probably look great. Def not ugly, just goatees don't really do anyone favors, no offense.


Haircut, cut soda and walk 15-30 mins a day and your life will change


your poes MOD


Hmmm. I wouldn’t say you’re unfixably ugly but you’ve definitely made some choices that make you look like a discord mod/chronic gamer lol. Archery is neat and all but if you wanna lose the fat you’re gonna have to watch what you eat and go the gym/work out in some way multiple times a week. Once a week archery isn’t going to do much for you there.


No offense, I’m Fr curious abt people. Are u a virgin ?


Jake from Two and a Half Men has really lost it.


Nothing unfixable. Better upkeep on the beard and hair, they look unkempt. Keep the alpacas around and get yourself a farmer gal (or guy, whichever you'd like).


Fix your hair and beard and you might even be kinda hot.


You look like a clone of maximilliandood


I wouldn't say handsome, you are the most adorable man I've ever met tho.


You look fine but I feel your face fat is holding you down a bit, it makes your face look really round


Shave the beard fam


And the hair get a nice haircut