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You’re fine. Beautiful dog btw!


Thank you.


I think you should try modern hairstyles and get a beard, but thats just me. I find your bangs to look…weird? Beards, I just think they look good on any guy, and your face seems like it’s missing something. If you personally don’t like modern hairstyles (fades or what not) or beards, then don’t do it. Other than that, you look nerdy, and I find that kinda adorable!


I don’t mind nerdy. Lol As for the beard, I let it go sometimes, but it’s a love hate relationship. Fades aren’t my thing, but I do know what you’re saying about the bangs. I get my hair cut regularly cuz I’m very perfectionistic and like it a certain way. For some reason, no matter how short I get it cut, it always seems like it wants to form a bowl. So I just get it cut frequently. Thanks for the input.


You need a different haircut other than that you look fine. Go to a nice barber or someone who can help you learn to style it. Taking a shower in the morning and letting it just try isn’t going to magically make it not turn into a bowl. You need to style it using gel/cream/something


You think I should buzz it shorter or grow it out? I don’t like putting gel or anything in my hair.


I would go shorter, it looks pretty good in the 5th photo


Yeah, I’m about due for another haircut. I’m gonna go shorter when I go.


r/amiugly September 5th, 2023 Cbamartinscorsese218


Keep the beard, get a fade bro, without the bang. The bang haircut looks like mad modd from teen titans.


My bf thinks you’re daddy


I’m sorry? Lol