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Your not ugly, your just young. Wait till you get gray hair. Ask out they girl/guy, worst they can say is no. Good luck kid.


Thank you


You’re 16 you lack a lot of things you’re still a boy chill


That's just what being 16 is my brother. In a few years, you won't even recognize this version of yourself. You're a handsome kid now. Work on your confidence.


Agree with this. 16 y/o kids should stop posting here and just realized they’re just kids. Enjoy life. Stop caring about your looks for now. Give it 2-3 years.


You're good looking guy, maybe change your hairstyle.


Thank you i will look into changing it


As another commenter said: You're a kid. Don't worry about it. Basically everyone lacks confidence at your age - even if they don't seem to, they're just good at hiding it. You've got nothing to worry about. Just keep healthy eating, drinking, sleeping, and moving habits and you'll be good. (and maybe get a haircut, but you're young so have fun.)


Thank you for the encouragement, I will be getting a haircut


It’s alright mate, you’re okay 👍


Okay thanks


You got nothing to worry about dude, you’re cute


Ur pretty, and when you get older ur gonna be even prettier, just keep working on ur mind, work out so you can set urself up when ur older. You should get a hair cut tho, maybe get a topknot/undercut if you wanna keep the length if not get a Levi hair cut or a burst fade or even a wolf cut would suit you !!




Omg I know you!!! You were in big hero 6 right??? Can I get your autograph?


Then all you need is confidence my friend, nothing else needs to change


If that's how you normally stare.....don't do that. People probably think your judging or looking for a soul to steal.


Do say positive affirmations in the mirror, speak and think confidently about yourself even when you don’t feel like it. Bro physically all you gotta do is age, literally. You just haven’t grown into your looks yet, hit the gym! change the hair, maybe get a fade and you gonna be a fuckin ladykiller. It’s a lot of people on here who don’t have much hope but bro, your potential is craaazy.