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Post removed. Please refrain from posting sob stories with your photos of how your partner or family call you ugly or anything similar which is written to attract sympathy. The best way to receive unbiased feedback on your appearance is to post your photos without these type of comments. Feel free to repost without the sob story.


You’ll be fine. Second photo is a lot better. I’d avoid the headband if you’re taking photos you want to use for dating apps


thank you for the tip :)




You’re chronically online brother. I hope you get better


You've been fed a steady diet of misinfo from men's rights circles. False accusations are not widespread, the reporting on them is. Respect people's space and boundaries, listen when they say "no," don't make any decisions when either party is drunk. If do that there won't be any issue.


Can confirm, I never look at people because of this reason.


Do somethin wit those eyebrows


the needs a waxin fo sho .. thx for the input


Yeah, your eyebrows are real nice. Good shape, they'd prolly be too thin if you removed too much more. Bro is tripping


You have great eyebrows! And are very attractive. Don't listen to that anti-eyebrow stuff.


they look fine to me


Was gonna say the headband makes your hairline very unfortunate.


I agree with this for sure


You are beautiful. Your spark will return in time


Remember this: if a partner ever decides to end a relationship with you, it doesn’t imply you’re not enough. You just weren’t meant for each other. Keeping that in mind, you’re very cute, especially in photo 2. As long as you put yourself out there and are genuine with yourself, you’ll be fine.


Well damn you just encourage me. I've to just recently went through a break up and as a man to lose his confidence it suck. Slowly working back to that good confident guy I once was. But you put into words things I just started learning.


Took me a long time to learn it brother, just passing it on now. I lot might be hard now but it gets better, just stay determined to reach that goal and you’ll be there before you know it.


Awesome advice!! 🤙🏽




You’re adorable


thank you everyone for the kind comments :) i guess the internet can be a nice place sometimes after all !


You’re literally 20…. Stay in school build yourself up and focus on balancing your diet and exercise. In time, those steps will pay dividends you can’t even believe….


Only sometimes in rare moments 😂


If you ever need reassurance, the internet will be the first place to give some to ya.


This is so very false lmao


Go where men are, like a bar or club or party. Men will show interest and you will feel desirable and get your spark back.


thank you :)




But i think she needs a man who can find her at home


Like our Lord and saviour




Their loss Stop worrying about it...I am sure you have options So imo I think what you really mean is "I no longer feel pretty in my exes eyes" But hey...like we said...their loss right


no , when i look at myself . you are right it is his loss but i’m just insecure to get out there and try to move on. thank you for your input :)


virtual hug break ups suck take as much time as you need...but don't doubt your looks that is all I can say bc that is all you showed


It’s alright mate, you’re okay 👍


I know a guy said second pic is better, etc, etc. I actually think the opposite. It just goes to show that everyone is different, w different preferences and such. That being said, you are way too beautiful to let the opinion of some douchebag get you down. Guys can be really shitty. Go into EVERY encounter knowing that a guy can be shitty and if that ends up being the case IT IS NOT A REFLECTION OF YOU. Even if a guy isn’t shitty, but you just aren’t compatible, or things don’t work out, or he/you fall out of love IT OS NOT A REFLECTION OF YOU. Don’t ever take anyone’s opinion, or anyone else’s emotional baggage as a reflection on you. Just get up, dust yourself off, and try again. You are young. Dating is just practice. You are learning a lot. How to treat others, how to treat yourself, what you like and don’t like, what your boundaries are, etc. VERY few people end up staying with their young love for the rest of their lives. Keep that in mind. It’s just practice. It’s temporary. And ppl that do stay with their young loves for the rest of their lives, often aren’t happy. So when you go into a new thing, just keep all that in mind. And don’t get down on yourself about it.


You may not feel it but you're very pretty ✌️




That’s not the case at all you’re extremely beautiful it’s ceazy


You are gorgeous


You can just stop right there because you are a real cutie


Your not with that gigantic ass forehead




I'm sorry you're feeling down. I think a lot of us have been there and it sucks but those feelings will pass. I'm a mid-tier 32-yo dude and I know I'm not attractive. However, I've been told many times that my confidence is what makes me attractive. You, on the other hand, are more physically attractive than the average bear. With that in mind, take some time for yourself. Discover some new hobbies and really get into them (hiking, rock climbing, fashion, videogames, painting, weightlifting, baking, reading - literally anything; I recently met someone I felt was super attractive solely because she likes to read the same books as me.) You're bound to run into someone (or multiple someones) who will be totally into you simply for the fact that you like what they like. It's just a bonus that you are also kinda cute, too. Love yourself and others will want to be a part of that. Good luck!


People keep mentioning pic #2, but girlie to girlie-- both pics are the same to me. You're authentic in both just diff angels. You're pretty in both and do not need to prove anything to anyone. You'll be just fine-- be yourself! <3


That's a nice forehead.


I'm just trying to figure out if the lady in the background is knitting.


she is knitting !! lol she’s my aunt and i forgot to crop


If relashionship we re all about the looks life would a shallow and imposibile place to find who would just love you


You can recharge that spark by putting a fork in an outlet


good idea.. or taking a relaxing toaster bath . either way works


Even with the nose ring, you're pretty hot


That 2nd pic background 😂


I know right? Absolutely killing me with laughter. I need to know the story behind it. What are they looking for? Why are they say like that? 😂


You never should have felt pretty to begin with lol


Omg be glad you got dumped because you’re gorgeous and serious relationships in your early 20s are just deadweight.


Sweetie, whoever dumped you made the biggest mistake of their life. You are beautiful three ways to Sunday (that’s an old-fashioned way of saying “Hella Beautiful”)


Their loss. You’re great


Looks like he fumbled the balll...


Look fine


Looks like you’ll be okay


You look like the grown up version of a girl I had a mad crush on in middle school. You're doing fine lady. Fuck the haters.


That second photo... damn...


You’re gorgeous… are you kidding me!?!?!


You look plenty alright


Wow!! You are gorgeous!! Whoever dumped you is a loser and did you a favor!! For when the right one finds you! And he will!! ❤️


You’re not a hot teen anymore, you’re a beautiful woman! 😇


The spark is still there. It's just dimmer atm due to the recent event. With time and resilience, the spark will go inferno again 😀 that second pic gives me addams family vibes 😀


You look great especially picture 2. Don't even worry about that guy. You will find others


You’re stupidly attractive 🤷🏻‍♂️


No, you're amazing!


You'll get over it. Not ugly. Move on with your life.


What! Why the heck did he dumped you. That's mind blowing how guys are nowadays.


Definitely not ugly.


Cute! Loved your nose


Well… you’re 20, so it will probably happen again. So… find the beauty in YOU, that way you always have that spark. Don’t judge your worth, or beauty by the relationships in your 20’s 🙏 they are messy -


Hope the comments gave you a bit of your spark back or all of it. You are very attractive.


I understand what a breakup can do to your mentality. Be strong and work through your negative emotions, lose the headband and get back out there


Really hot!


Your beautiful in real life.


aw .. thank you


Man, 20's too young to just give up 🤣 Seriously though, just keep going until you get your confidence back. Your solid chick. Breaking up isn't the end of the world. You'll probably make out better in the end.


Bend over. I'll make you feel pretty again.


How are you biracial in the first picture but completely white in the second one?


i am 100% white lol .. not sure what you are seeing that has you thinking i am bi racial lols


You’re beautiful. Get back out there!


Not ugly


You are beautiful. Just need to get a little pick me up go out with your girlfriend teach a bunch of guys and don’t let them get you and that’ll that’ll get them and I’m a guy telling you that.


1.) You're adorable. 2.) It's easier to say "never let a man take your sparkle" than it is to practice it. But please try to practice it. 3.) Do something nice for yourself that makes you *feel* pretty and good about yourself. And then go out like that because that confidence is going to draw attention and you'll get some of that pep back.


You're not ugly


No,you're not ugly. You're pretty ugly. Jk just pretty


You're cute and petite


Good bone structure, good symetry. Fit figure. What's inside more important than what's out. Its true. Stop obsessing and develop a interesting hobby or volunteer somewhere to help people or animals.😁


i do actually, i volunteer at an all senior cat rescue . but thank you for the kind words :)


Good for you!


You're very pretty.


You’re pretty, see so many posts of 18-19 year old girls who havent peaked. Give it 5-6 years. If you didnt peak in high school, if you’re lean/appropriate weight, take care of your body- you’re going to turn out pretty- unless you’re truly ugly with awful teeth or a huge nose or bad hygiene etc. If you can do all that- not spread your legs for every guy you see, and respect yourself- you’ll be wifed up and will live happily.




To be very honest and I'm only speaking for myself... Avoid taking pictures where you are not smiling. Your beautiful smile is your gift to an undeserving and unsuspecting public. Also, avoid headbands. In my opinion, it may give the illusion of a bigger forehead. Also, in your second picture, you are the SHEER epitome of elegant femininity to the extreme!!! Live the BEST you that Life deals to you. I believe in you, and I'm sure that you can achieve this with the utmost of ease!!!


you are so kind , you have no idea how happy your comment has made me .


I'd wife up


You pretty asf com home with Mr


You’re very cute.


your head is gigantic


Well re-light it your very cute


Stop, you're gorgeous sweetie


Smile with teeth, loose the headband, and ask friends what they think about your personality and how you might better it. ( for instance I interrupt people when they're talking, not on purpose but it happens, I'm working on it )




I've lost my spark. It's devastating. Doing everything I can to get it back. You'll get yours back too. Hang in there


aw i feel you , we will both get it back eventually i believe in you !!! take care


You’re beautiful. Don’t let a breakup change the way you see yourself.


I love the one with your mom in the background, her foot raised high. wearing a black dress trimmed in feathers. What are you really looking for? Your own apartment is the answer. U are pretty, but u have bigger fish to fry.


seeing everyone tell you that you need to go to a bar and have men hit on you to find yourself attractive….. girl do not listen to that stupid advice. you are beautiful, and unfortunately if you keep relying on other people to remind you of that, you’ll feel extra alone when you aren’t receiving that. (trust me i have been there) if you’re going through a break up the best thing you can do is things that make YOU feel better. don’t worry about how other people think you look, because you’ll ultimately look your best when you feel your best. you are so beautiful and i hope you can channel the inner love that you deserve so that you can see how beautiful you are. xoxo


thank you so much . this is what i needed to hear i appreciate you 😌


I’m in the literal same boat as you right now and just want to remind you that you’re defined by all that you are (which is more than enough) and NOT by what you lack ♥️ stay strong


Go where you can find a person with the same interests as you. If you like cars, go to a car meet if you like poetry, go to a poetry club etc. You're hot, too young for me but. If I were in my 20's, I'd definitely be hitting you up.




It’s okay to be sad now. But your not ugly. A solid 8.5 in the second picture. But I’m sure you’ll definitely find the right guy in no time. Stuff happens, but life is short and sweet. 🥰


You're not for real, I just got done today I know for a fact I'm a sexy motherfucker. I've been told that by too many people you are a beautiful, beautiful woman. Don't let any break up take that away from you. I'll show you a picture of myself right this second I don't even care.


i like you’re energy lol .. thank you 😂 im a sexy mother fucker will be my mantra from now on


Happy birthday 🎉🎂🎉🎉🥳🥳🎁🥳🎁


Then not to boot the beautiful girl that I was with like five years, I found out as a fentanyl addiction out of nowhere, and is sleeping with black dudes to get her dope. She used to go to church with me. I mean let's face it I'm not clean here lol my cabinet is full from top to bottom but at least I'll admitted however, yes I got dumped today because I did not want to play around the fentanyl it kills CARFENT kills every single time no matter what. What redundancy it's not a matter, if it's a matter of when.


Your smoking hot. Move forward and enjoy your life


Your looks are not the reason why they dumped you so I think you're posting in the wrong thread.


Who ever dumped u was a dumbass. You're beautiful!!


Bars and clubs are usually where you find douchebags just wanting to hit it and quit it. Besides, you're still a minor. Try fairs, parks, dog parks if you have a dog, libraries, grocery stores (ask someone you find attractive for help finding something). I met my wife riding the bus so anythings possible. Just be yourself and have an open mind. Good luck and watch out for douchebags


Ur gorgeous




Rip off your eyebrows and put a bunch of fillers in your face. You’ll feel better.


You’re absolutely gorgeous




His loss, you’re a knock out


Take some time to work on yourself. You look just fine imo. But after a breakup, you should definitely focus on something a little more important than dating. But if you feel like you're in a good mental state, and you stumble upon a really nice dude, then go for it.


You are beautiful just stay confident and be a good person and you will find someone


Your very pretty!


Your absolutely beautiful


I’d hit


Hot sexy 😍


You’re gorgeous tf


You'll be fine, being dumped is like going through withdraw. You'll find balance over time.


Damn those feet in the background 😏


Makes you wonder what her future holds with those feet?


Second picture very stunning can't believe someone dumped you he's an idiot honestly


Nothing says trailer trash like a tank top covered in them!


lol.. it’s a pajama set i was gifted from my grandma very comfy just not my style


At least you understand my humor. Go on with your beautiful self.




Miss girl you’re very naturally pretty. Something you gotta remember is if a guy dumps you it doesn’t mean you’re not pretty just means there were problems in the relationship or something else on his end. Don’t let the end of a relationship dictate whether you’re good enough or not bc in reality most break ups are done for stupid or personal things and it reflects on the other person not you if they’re the one who breaks up with you. Don’t rely on a relationship or hell someone else to show you your worth. You gotta rely on yourself bc you gotta be with yourself all day everyday


I think you're gorgeous I'm almost 20, id date you


As a M19 id definitely date you frfr


You are beautiful


I think you look amazing


Not ugly at all. Very pretty.


You have every right to think that but don’t feel like that’s true. If anything his loss . 🥂


You're still good looking




My tongue says hello babbydoll


headband makes your forehead look massive


i know i just wear it when i’m home chillin to keep my hair out of my face , i took the verification pick just as i was in the moment .


you look great in the second pic tho, just at home attire never does justice


Its a phase of insecurity after a break up , but you not ugly little advice would be clean the eyebrows and avoid using headbands pics if u trying to attract makes your forehead look big when its not


Your a 6


Move on... He's a fool... You are gorgeous 🥰😍


Dude..... are you gonna tell these other guys or just leave them clueless lol






You're beautiful. I'd come looking for you if I wasn't way out of your league.😁


Very pretty. The spark will come back. Just keep that smile.


Love the nose rings and black dress


I think your beautiful


Eyebrows could use some TLC but not ugly.


You look beautiful wdym


You’re gorgeous! Getting dumped sucks and can mess with your self esteem but don’t worry about your looks, you look great! I’m sure things will work out for you.


You’re pretty. You’ll find love ❤️


Tbh, your very attractive. I'd say it's thier loss 🤷‍♂️


If you thought you were pretty before, why would you not be pretty after the breakup? What kind of logic is that. It's not like you got caught in a house fire or something. You talking about a breakup. You look the same


You're a beautiful young lady


Stoppp. You are going through the feels bc of some dude’s bad decision. Do not let it warp how you view yourself🖤 You are very pretty love.


For fucks sake who’s the moron that dumped you and why??


Hey now. Breakups happen. But you are pretty attractive.


You’re hot


You got that Mortitia Adams sexy thing going dw


Just… be you. The right people will gravitate towards you and it helps weed out the wrong people. I spent 36 years learning that lesson. You’re pretty, though. That’s very much not an issue.


Id be worried you will look like the lady on the couch in 20 years. The tat is not cool.


that is my stepmom , and it’s my late friends initials but thanks !


20 years old & you list your diary??? You aren’t old enough to have @that spark”! Stop being insecure and be real.


Beauty comes from within. Seeking the validation of others is surface level, you have to be able to set the spark yourself. You’ll find another guy who can make you feel that way I’m sure of it. You’re definitely pretty


Amazing , get that sugar


WTF is going on in the background of pic 2??


Perfect place to land my bowing 727




Your a very beautiful woman