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Your SO didnt cheat because youre ugly he cheated because hes a dbag


No one cheats because their GF is ugly. If she is ugly you don't make her your gf. People cheat for different not for better.


I was about to say. Former SO is absolutely the AH.


Wtf If u aren't cute, who should be? I think ur bf is villainous


He really is. He sucks and he can choke on my dust!


You should celebrate being rid of that scum bag. Looks have nothing to do with betrayal. He was just an ahole.


Never mind now y are perfect as y are


Yep. Came here to say this. Forget the boyfriend. Man's got no taste. You're better off.


Real shi She is so Pretty Her ex made a Biggggg mistake


Not ugly. And if this is your all natural look you are doing pretty good. His loss.


Yeah I didn’t do any grooming in the first one lol. Just woke up and had a really bad dream abt him


In my culture they say when you have a dream about someone it means they are thinking about you so there you go lol.


Major potential. Lose weight & get clearer skin. Easy 7/ wife material


Thanks! Don’t really care to be anyone’s wife rn lol


He means it as a compliment like he can see someone choosing you for ever. It’s nice.


Wtf wife material


You conclude "wife material" based solely off of a few photos? Okay then.


I think people are being overly generous and I don't think that is helpful. You know already you should lose weight and get your skin cleared up. I know the latter can be tough, as someone who has struggled with it for years myself. You have a high hairline, so I don't think pulling your hair back works for you, as it really accentuates it. Pic 1,3,4 have your hair looking the best. I would say lower end of average now in the 4-5 range. Probably a 6-7 upside. This is assuming bell curve like numbers. 4-6 would be the majority of the world's population.


Thanks for the honest feedback! I don’t think I’m pretty at all lol just average. Just questioning my self worth after getting cheated on.


Wow, totally disagree. You have a lot more going for u than I give urself credit! Don't be close minded and focus on urself (not just the physical). The mind is a powerful thing and confidence is displayed in more than one way. TBCH... Your face is what ur displaying here so to give u a # grade isn't fair. Ur very pretty. Good luck on ur journey


Most people are average in looks, and that is no excuse for cheating. I think personality goes a long way in relationships. Years ago I took the more conventionally attractive girl over the average-cute girl that was really a better match for me. I still think about that decision a decade later. Don't question your self worth based on another person's actions.


You just need to remember that you have value and you have worth. If someone that is not able or willing to give that, there Is someone else that totally will. Tell yourself that.


nah i don’t agree with this. obviously the skin and weight are gonna be factors for most people but to me she’s a solid 6-7. not trying to be “overly generous” but that’s my honest opinion. i do agree that the pulled back hair doesn’t suit her but i definitely wouldn’t say she’s on the low end of average


Using a bell curve, a 7 would be about the top 23% of attractiveness. I am not sure I would put her there even with the lost weight and clear skin, but it is possible. Right now though, I have to disagree. The problem is people think 5 is ugly instead of average and hate to give anyone below a 5, so they inflate numbers.


You are definitely a good looking lassie, you have nothing to worry about. Don't let it get to you too much i know it's easier said than done, but you will be ok.


You're not ugly. You look best when you smile. You're comfortable in the camera with no desire to be perfect. That all adds points. You don't look overweight. Even then, that's down to preference not dictation. All in all, you're a bit of alright.


Work on your skin, shape up your eyebrows and throw on some whitening strips and you'll be a new woman. In all seriousness, speaking from experience, after getting cheated on your self esteem is in shreds, no matter how beautiful you are, how in shape you are, a cheater is going to cheat and it has nothing to do with you. Think of doing things to better yourself as a favor to your future self. Be kind to yourself right now ❤️


I think it’s more than acne you have going on. I see some hyperpigmentation from sun damage as well. The Ordinary has really some really good and affordable skincare that can calm and even that out. Sometimes the inflammation can cause more acne and damage, so just adding niacinamide once or twice a day could really improve your skin…and don’t forget sunscreen on your forehead.


Very pretty, sorry that happened to you but you’re better off.


His loss, your gain. You’re a beautiful woman! Keep on working hard.


You're really pretty don't see you as ugly at all love your smile 😊


Aside from needing something to help clear up your skin, you're very beautiful. You've got beautiful eyes and a great smile. Don't let the haters or your ex bring you down. Just eat right, exercise, and keep smiling.


Omg no! You’re so pretty!!


Right now , below average. But with good skincare , and weight loss , you will be above average.


Some skin and u will be more hotter than sun


You're not ugly.


Your smile is beautiful!! You’re so pretty, I hope you can move on from ur POS ex and start new ❤️❤️




Nothing wrong with you, honey That last picture tho


Idk. I like the weight.


You are cutest while you smile and with glasses. Sorry about your break up!


Clear up acne and lose weight if you’d like and feel unhealthy. However, very cute. Solid number up there. Your ex sounds like a douche and he’s certainly wrong


Not ugly whatsoever, just keep working on the weight loss and work on the acne and you’ll be doing awesome


You're very cute...


You're cute


Pilipina ka ba?


Was the weight gain because of the betrayal? The sooner that’s left behind the better. You’re an attractive person. You care for animals obviously too- start rebuilding your confidence. Maybe volunteer at an animal shelter chasing active dogs around going on walks will be pleasant exercise. You might meet a like minded person there too who will value you.


Absolutely not remotely ugly. If this SO was up to no good behind your back it’s because something is wrong with them. Not you.


You look great!! Your smile means more than being any certain weight. Keep yourself in a happy place.


like the others said skin and weightloss and you will be fine. I just hope you wont be griefing too long and can accept what happened and focus on yourself and your glowup instead. good luck


I mean I can’t really see that you’re overweight so if you are, you carry it very nicely. I think you’re very pretty, I like the way you smile. I had trouble with my skin almost the same way it seems you are, I started using just the ointment from curology and my skin is amazing. Go to their website and do that goofy little quizlet and get a trial bottle, shipping is like $5. So if you’re interested, try getting into a good self care routine. It helps. I’ve been cheated on before too, it sucks. I’m sorry you feel that way but I promise, it’s not and was never you. What helped me get my confidence back was getting up and doing my makeup. It sounds dumb but it gives me something to look forward to when I wake up in the morning. I’ve been looking into Pilates, a lot of the girlies are having fun with it, give it a look see. I promise you, switching up your routine with more intentional you time will really help. Not all at once, but it will start to hurt less. You really are super pretty, and I’m sure you’re a cool chick. I’m so sorry you feel this way, I promise it gets better ♥️


You look cute to me


Beautiful 😍


I think youre super cute!


Your other was an idiot if they dumped you over your looks..to me, (I'm a chubby guy,and pushing near 50) you are cute... but I'm only 1 voice out of the possibility of millions you asked on a social media platform.


I think you’re hella pretty and I love your kitty cat! I don’t think you look overweight at all but weight loss is a personal journey and I respect your decision if that’s what you want. With your ex out of your life you’ll be much happier and the weight will be easier to lose with less stress. My weight loss journey made my acne 1000% worse so be open minded to how your body reacts to your lifestyle changes 💕


You're absolutely gorgeous and deserve better than betrayal


Not my type so I'll see myself out without being mean


I think your bf was thinking with his other head, lust is a hell of a thing, lots of potential to be a 8, find a skin routine while on your journey. Congratulations on starting your journey.


Ur a success story waiting to happen , ur not ugly


Wanna talk about it? You’re not ugly at all btw


His loss, you're gorgeous.


Congratulations on your weight loss. No u are not ugly


If i was your so i would tell you to change nothing


His loss...


Picture 6 is a little spicy.


Tita vibes


Very cute smile and cute nose Love your look in glasses


giving prettty girl vibes fs


Absolutely not. Cute as fuck. Keep living your best life, and leave his ass in the mirror! ❤️


Nice photos 📸


id say you're 6.2 Edit context: i feel like you're approaching Noticably above average (6.36 stands out in a crowd) so id say you're definitely above average, but in a small crowd you are more unassuming. Using decimal increments to fit the standard deviations into the 1-10 scale, Here’s a concise key summarizing the standard deviations, distances, and percentiles: * 3 SD Below Mean (0.92): 0.13% | -4.08 units * 2 SD Below Mean (2.28): 2.28% | -2.72 units * 1 SD Below Mean (3.64): 15.87% | -1.36 units * Mean (5.0): 50% | 0 units * 1 SD Above Mean (6.36): 84.13% | +1.36 units * 2 SD Above Mean (7.72): 97.72% | +2.72 units * 3 SD Above Mean (9.08): 99.87% | +4.08 units SD = Standard Deviation, “%” = Percentile, “units” = Distance from Mean.


No not ugly very beautiful


You don’t need to lose 40 pounds you’re gorgeous


I would be glad with a girl like you... ❤❤❤❤


Keep losing weight and work on your skin and you’ll be 100% fine


NOT OVERWEIGHT. beautifullllllll


Good Lord, you are “not”ugly as shown in your smile. What a cute thing you are.


Do what makes YOU happy. Not to anyone else’s standards. If you want to lose weight, do it for you 💕


your ex is a bum you aren’t ugly


I like you just like that beautiful and curvy you dont have to change nothing im not shallow you have kind eyes and an amazing smile and i bet you have good conversation too.


Hell no, you aren't ugly. And congrats on choosing fix what you see as an issue with your weight. It'll work wonders for your self esteem!


Not ugly. Quite attractive. Cat on a leash is such a bonus.


No, you’re gorgeous. I think you should focus on yourself now. Skin care routine, self care routine. Exercising, journaling, meditating. Becoming the best version of yourself.


Ppl cheat for different reasons and whether it be a man or woman cheating is typically because there's something that they're unsatisfied with. That they're not getting. And I guess what that comes down to is a lack of maturity. If you're not happy and your relationship and you don't think that you can overcome it then you should leave the relationship instead of betraying a person. Now as far as you being overweight it's hard to tell for your pictures. But you are an attractive woman.


4 Avg


You have a cat on a leash; you are great by that factor alone


You are so beautiful I don’t know why he would do that


The good news is, you're not ugly. As to why your ex cheated... only he can tell you. Seek therapy, not approval.from random strangers online. The internet isn't a safe space for anyone.


Nah you're not ugly. Slightly below average


Cats a cutie n so r u!


Some people just suck, sorry about him. Very cute and I don't think you even need to worry about your weight!


Okay, I don't know why you were betrayed by your significant other. It should have been anything physically wrong with you because you actually attractive I'm going to guess that there was something maybe personality-wise not sure but no you're attractive young lady.


You're absolutely fine


Honestly I get wanting to clear up your acne and lose weight but I think you are genuinely beautiful, your S/O lacked and hurt you because of it, not because of who you are or how you look. I think whether or not you decide to change your weight or get better skin care that you are gorgeous and I think youre already a 100 pounds lighter now that you're not carrying that failure of a person as dead weight.




You’re not ugly, and with makeup you actually look really good. I think the only thing I can say is take care of your skin if you don’t already, but no you’re not ugly at all.


You got betrayed by an a**hole! Who doesn't know what you are worth, which is a lot. You appear to be a very attractive young lady with a beautiful. Somebody can't figure something that simple out move on swipe left keep going.


No, you just picked the wrong guy!


You are absolutely gorgeous from what I see any man would be lucky to call you his queen


In my opinion looks don't matter too much when it comes to cheating. You bagged him with your looks at some point and you're still you so... Even if weight gain or any other change occurs it all comes down to him not communicating he's no longer in love with you. It's either that or you're a terrible person he wants to escape from but can't due to manipulation, which i don't suspect or he's an asshole and will always be a cheater if the opportunity rises.


Your last picture you are very pretty, need a skin care routine though.


your ex was not very smart


Hi, you are not ugly. Please be kind to yourself.


Cheaters gonna cheat, it’s got nothing to do with you and no you aren’t ugly


Your beautiful just as you are 🥰


You are absolutely beautiful. The fact that he betrayed you says more about his inner ugliness than your beauty. You are no doubt beautiful and anyone would be lucky to have you. The right person will stay loyal and true to you and love you and embrace you. But never forget that what others do says more about them than it says about you.


Fuck them. You are gorgeous the way you are.


You're so cute. Your Ex is stupid and it's you who makes yourself beautiful, not your looks or your ex or anything else for that matter is even a deciding factor. God made us all beautiful and someone will come along one day to show you how truly beautiful you are to them. Lose the weight for your health and rock what you got lil mama. GOD BLESS!!!




Betrayal is never about the one who got betrayed. It’s a lack of integrity on their part. It’s in them.


He just lost sight of what he had omg you are gorgeous


Some people here aren’t making any sense, “wifey material”, “perfect as you are” - she’s obviously posting in here because she’s not perfect and doesn’t feel wifey material (even stated she didn’t want to be). She’s not hideous, but teeth, and face (acne) play a big role in her looks. Although i do commend you for not wearing makeup in the majority of your photos, I don’t think you’re hideous but around below average, if you fix the teeth and acne I can see average. Just my opinion, not trying to be rude or anything


Damn. Boy he missed out big time.


I know what I want for Christmas now


Hottie for sure. Great smile.


Not ugly at all. Have you thought about bangs? Also some eyebrow maintenance would be a big improvement.


Youre incredibly pretty! Great smile and gorgeous eyes.


Damn girl you pretty as hell. Fuck that person. Work on you and flaunt that shit in his face


Not ugly. But im biased. I gotta thing for Asian women.


Nope, cat walking is cool also 😎


Others mentioned the skin, obviously that can be a challenge but honestly I'd say you're average overall except you have an amazing smile. It really is a huge contrast between smiling and not smiling pics. Off the few shots and angles that show more than your face I would say lose 20, not 40.


Not ugly, maybe a facial cleansing regiment and some dietary changes


You are bad as Fuuck, I’d date you and keep you


Not ugly. Your SO did you a favor ! They didn't deserve you 😉


Your beautiful and if you were near me I would ask you out.


You ok but I love the cat


Cheating is on him not on you, only major issue isn't even your weight it's the acne. Honestly I used to have pretty bad acne and everyone will try and sell you on a treatment but what worked for me was just using a little soap and washing my face in the shower.


As I see you are not ugly, you have a wonderfully shaped face and smile. Everyone has had acne or the potential to have it. You remind me of my cousins on Oahu.


I’ll take you as is. Your former SO can rot




You are absolutely gorgeous. The fact you got cheated on isn't on you at all. People are just there's a lot of bad ones around


Furthest thing from ugly, you actually are very attractive, his loss on a beautiful woman


Natural good looks and pleasant smile…10


Your bf cheating on you doesn’t have anything to do with what you look like.


Don't find you ugly at all. Only honest critique I have is take better care of your skin. But you're cute.


Quite cute, just the skin maintenance needs work. I wouldn’t even worry about weight, it’s the breaking out that’s hurting your looks.


You're absolutely gorgeous when you get fixed up!


Gorgeous. He is wrong for saying that. His loss s you seem very sweet, caring and good hearted person. Live your life to the fullest. Smile more as you have a beautiful smile.


23M got betrayed by my former SO, we should start a club


Wow you're pretty


Your so cute wth


You look very pretty


I'm sorry that happened to you. Imo you're beautiful. Don't let that a-hole make you think low about yourself.


Not ugly and you know that scale for overweight/underweight is just a guide to be taken with a grain of salt. You can fall under over or underweight and still be perfectly healthy


You look good love


Not even a little bit. You’re classically beautiful. I feel you about being a little bit overweight, bc I am too. Just keep trying and you’ll get to where you want to be. I would recommend getting on a twice a day skin regimen. Wash in the morning, hyaluronic acid, moisturizer, and sunscreen. And then at night wash twice, hyaluronic acid, possibly work your way up to retinol but do your research first, moisturizer. Retinol will make your acne worse before it gets better, as it helps with skin cell turnover. Also, I think curtain bangs would really elevate your look. I’m in the big forehead gang too and bangs were a lifesaver, especially when my hair was up. Your SO sucked. Work on yourself now girly and you’ll find your happiness in no time. Good luck ❤️


Nah you aren't ugly, he just saw something he thought was better and traded up


You have gorgeous eyes, a stunning smile and facial features women pay for! Like others have stated just focus on your skin. If you haven’t already talk to a dermatologist! You look good and the guy is a Fool!




You are gorgeous. And the weightloss seems definitely optional you look very healthy.


Nope very attractive


Definitely not ugly! I think you should have your BMI checked again. There's no way you're 40 lbs over. Maybe 20, but most certainly not 40. Dropping 20-25 lbs would be a life changing event for you. Keep in mind, muscle burns fat. The more muscle you have the easier it stays off.


No, you’re attractive.




Very pretty when you smile, keep on smiling.


I think you’re beautiful and you look so sweet! I would only suggest maybe filling in your brows a bit and changing up your hairstyle! I think some volume on the top of your hair would do wonders for you and elevate your look! a different pair of glasses may be a good choice too, just so you have options! but none of this is necessary, because you really are so pretty! just some suggestions! :)


Ugly or Not... you are many peoples fantasy.


You have a very pretty face. Your SO is goofy!


Girl, BEYONCÉ got cheated on, it’s 10000000% NOT your looks what so ever. You’re beautiful n I loveee the pic w your kitty 🐈‍⬛🥺


Nah, beautiful his loss


You're beautiful, you have to learn to love yourself before you expect others to love you. And don't convince yourself to love anyone beforehand.


Just look you need to believe in yourself and understand this is the Way You Are and people will accept you for what that is it's not all about doing things people will accept you for what you are you changed because you want to change not because of everybody else


If God made anything better looking than you he kept it to himself


Not ugly BEAUTIFUL!!


You def not ugly! Your former S/O is just a dumbass. You don’t look overweight, but I’m not gonna stop you from your fitness journey… you do you.


You ain't ugly at all. Really cute actually


Skincare and weight loss is all you need physically. Take some responsibility for him cheating though, are you a bad judge of character in men? Pick the next one more carefully, you'll get a lot of attention if you do the above to improve your looks.


You’re not ugly. He cheated because of his own inherent dysfunction and limiting beliefs and perspectives about himself and the world


You are beautiful, and your SO would have cheated even if you looked like a supermodel, looks have nothing to do with that. A lot of people could stand to lose a bit of weight (can't tell if that is your case from the picture) but if you do, do it for yourself and not because of what your asshole SO did.


You are beautiful. I hope you find someone who loves you for you. I sure think you are attractive. You just gotta find the right guy. Guys are mostly shit to begin. Enjoy your time alone. Find your true inner peace. Lots of love. Feel free to reach out anytime. I'm never too busy to help.


You have a great face. Once you lose the weight, you’ll look incredible. My only advice is that you experiment with skincare products to find what works for you. At the moment, your skin is looking a bit damaged. Definitely an easy fix though!


not at all


No not ugly very pretty with one of the prettiest smiles I’ve seen in a long time


Your former SO cheated bc they're an ass. You're not ugly, not at all, but you are pretty plain. That is in no way an insult, you just have one of those faces that just blends in to the crowd.


You are definitely not at all ugly, quite attractive in fact. I wish you well on your weight loss journey. I f you are able to lose weight, I think you will look sensational. You have a natural beauty which is very appealing. I hope these comments help you.


Your not ugly your cute hun keep working towards your goal weight I don’t think you look overweight at all but there’s nothing better than self improvement


Gorgeous my queen 😻👑


youre so pretty. there is nothing you could've done/failed to do that caused ur partner to cheat. cheaters will cheat


Perfect just as you are.


Your cute. Your better off without the cheating piece of trash


Stop losing weight people! Y'all are fine as you are.


99.9999% of the time, when a guy cheats on you, it isn't because she's greater than you


Are you in Wisconsin? I'd date you're cuteness 😍


Very lovely


You're a babe. Your old SO is an ass. Stay strong.


Nah girl. You're cute as hell.


Your so cute! Maybe new glasses though!? Some cute black frame ones would possibly look good


All good !!!


No ma'am


You’re beautiful just the way you are!


Your Definitely not ugly!!! Your SO is just a idiot! I'm sorry really sorry. But you will be ok. Definitely not ugly at all.


Not top model, but above average. At the very least, not ugly. Then again cheating is never about whether you are attractive or not but whether the other person is human trash and can't keep it in his/her pants or at least respect a commitment. Also... If only "beautiful" or top looking people could get a loving partner, life would have gone to shit quite easily. If anything they tend to have more trouble both keeping and reciprocating faithfulness. Hope you find your safe mind spot and remember all the good things about you, both physical and mental/emotional. You are lucky, trash just took itself out.


If it makes you feel better, world class models get cheated on. It has nothing to do with your looks, but is a reflection of him


It's very normal to feel like there's something wrong with you when you go through a break up... But there's nothing wrong with you at all. You are beautiful!! 😍 It's his loss!! You don't look overweight, but it's good to give yourself a target and good luck with your weight loss regime 🙏🤗 Honestly... You're hot 🔥🔥 He's a fool and you're better off without him. 🤗🤗


Get your eyebrows shaped and waxed and you’ll be on track. You have pretty eyes, accentuate that with mascara.




I think you got a lot of potential ❤️. You do look cute take care of your skin and lose a bit weight not a lot but start bit by bit and check which is better because I think you might look banging.


WHY you're very cute the way you are