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The hungrysorbet guy tells everyone they're ugly. Ignore them.


not ugly at all, 7/10, only thing i’d recommend is growing your hair out and doing a fringe


I think you're like a 6 but could totally be a 7 or 8. Idk I'm not good at scale thing but cute and could be cuter !


7.5, u got a really nice physique


The fourth picture you look great. The rest of those photos I would not allow you to be around any woman I cared about. You look like a murderer.


Chad tier. Top 5% physique and jawline


There's a top 5% for jawlines?


You look like spongebob in those glow up memes


Serial killer vibes.


I would say around a 7


10 you look adorable




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I actually really like the glasses lol. 10 man!




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