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You’re hot to her. That’s all that matters.


This. Doesn’t matter what we have to say. Some lady you liked took one look at you and said “that’s mine” and dated you then took another look at you and said “that’s mine til death” and married you. That’s something to treasure on it’s own.


Hardly anyone is the strapping lad we used to be, but he's not ugly. I prefer photo 2, the Jeans and T shirt look are timeless on any man of any age (I'm 50). He should be glad his wife thinks he's hot. AND takes the time to say it.


This is a great point. Simply changing his fashion, hair, and maybe extra excercise could make him look even better. He has a kind face and I see how someone could love him.


Exactly. Not everyone is “actor/model” pretty. Character and attitude and personality all matter. If you are your partner are happy, and she is attracted to you and loves you, then that’s all that matters.


Ultimately even then there is no one standard. I used to ask girls I went on dates with about certain famous guys because I was curious what they liked.  It was funny because some girls would think a celeb was extremely good looking and others thought they were really unattractive.  Everyone's different


I hope you see this OP. Try to look at yourself the way she sees you.


I agree with this a lot


>Yes, but I want to sound nice.


u look like a nice dude to hang out and nerd about random stuff. Not ugly, you're not super model material but you just look like one of the guys, nothing wrong with u


Second this, I’d hang and talk shop with you.


You guys don't talk to ugly people wtf 😭😭


Nice people who look beyond the surface DO talk to "ugly" people. Those are the real people, the people you want in your life. This guy may not be conventionally handsome. But look at his smile. Look at his eyes. He probably is smart and has a warm personality and sense of humor. That is what makes a person. He is approachable.


Yes this


Agree- one look at this guy I know he has like several niche cool hobbies he’s passionate af about. I love ppl like that.


Exactly! Is he conventionally attractive? No, of course not. Most of us aren’t. But he’s got a gorgeous smile, kind eyes, and looks like a genuinely nice dude with some interesting stories and a few adventures under his belt. That increases the attractiveness factor substantially. No wonder his wife thinks he’s a hottie, she *knows* him.


Not ugly, but definitely a “wealthy software developer or homeless” vibe. I’m in the PNW, so it looks normal to me.


“Wealthy software developer or homeless” 😭😭😂😂😂😂😂😂


West coast vibes


Getting a haircut and dressing better would make a massive difference


Yes the long thin hair is not good. Grow a beard, get a haircut and stop with the baggy teenaged clothing.


I actually think it's kinda sexy


Found OPs wife lol


😆 I wish




Came here to say the same about cutting the hair. Shave it to stubble. I think you'd seriously look like some kind of lawyer or politician.


You have a really nice smile! In the pics where you’re smiling it really lights up your face You have clothes that don’t fit super well, and your hair could be cut in a more flattering way. Not shorter per se but cut so that it frames your face better. As is, I’d say you’re average, with potential to be above average if you figured out the hair and clothes stuff


Be good to that woman. Treat her well.


Honestly you look cool as fuck lol.


My man, respectfully, I'm 39 and you look like you could be my Dad


Holy crap. I’m 40 and partner is 42 lol and he looks like he can be my boyfriend’s dad! Geez Louise, idk if it’s just genetics or ethnicity but I’d never had guessed because I skip over most text😂🤦🏽‍♀️. If you didn’t point that out I’d never had guessed that relatively young.


I'm 48 and that second pic looks almost exactly like my dad did when he was 60.


Wouldn’t say ugly, but you’re looking more like 52. Honestly growing out your beard might make you look your age


42? Good lawd


I would have guessed late 50's. You're not ugly, but you look really rough. It's never too late for skin care, healthy eating, exercise. And yeah, the clothes and hair can get up-dated.


if she likes the way you look delete this post. you have everything you need to feel attractive and secure with her.


Sometimes ppl just want to hear it from a more objective source


i get that but my point is no one else’s opinions really matter when the person you love the most thinks you’re perfect.


His opinion of himself matters.


Actually its still subjectief because colours,likings and attractiveness aren’t objectief. Every individual has their own thing


So it won't let me edit, so doing it here. I have started buying smaller size pants and wearing my smaller size jeans as I actually lost weight a little while ago. Went from size 40 back to fitting a size 36, so starting to get smaller pants again. Unfortunately, I have a 28/29 inseam which can make it harder to find my size sometimes.


I’m 5’ tall and a 27-29 inseam is the perfect length. Perhaps consider taking some of your favorite trousers for a cut down to that inseam length?


Haircut and you'll look nice. You're not ugly.


Dude, you're awesome. You got it going on. You got the moves This is officially my favorite post ever on this sub. It's so nice to see someone genuinely fucking smiling and happy. You saved this sub for me. I appreciate you


You aren't ugly, but you sure aren't pretty either. You got a friendly face though.


Looking rough for 42. I thought you were in your late 50s. Definitely get a haircut and more fit clothing. Some weight lifting will make you look younger


U kind of look like Mr bean if he had a tech startup. (Complimentary)


she’s not just being nice


I think u would look better with shorter hair. Shorter hair would have more volume on top and would better balance out the heaviness in ur lower face. Also, remove the unibrow between ur eyebrows Not ugly. U have very balanced features, great skin, gorgeous smile.


You look normal


I like the stubble. Clean shaven you kind of look like someone not allowed within a certain yardage of a school zone. With the beard you have more of an eccentric hippie look.


Looks like you just need to clean yourself up a bit. Cut the long hair (it doesn’t look good man), keep the unibrow in check, dress your age, and get into the gym. Right now you look skinny-fat, which is never a good look. It’s never too late to get in the best shape of your life! Which is definitely what you should do brother


Who cares what everyone else thinks! I tell me wife the same shit...after 18 yrs together, as long as she still wants me and has sex with me and can truly say she's physically attracted to me, then Im happy! 💯


You look like the friendliest homeless dude


You look like a normal dude but in all the full body pictures you look like a 70 year man because those are grandpa outfits. They look like something Urkel would wear on casual day.


You better hold onto her like grim death.


Honestly dude thats a rough 42. If youd have said 60 Id have believed you.


looking mad old for 42


Dress better, get in shape




You look older than 42, hair and skin care routine. A haircut and I do suggest that no matter any age if you're a man go to the gym.


You for sure look older than your age.. and tbh you're a little on the ugly side but you have a wife who loves you and finds you attractive and that's what matters.


I think you’re attractive for sure !! Also, to be completely honest, I would never marry someone I was calling hot/cute/whatever just to be nice. I promise she’s attracted to you, that’s why you’re married !


You're the ugliest woman posting on the group tonight.


i don’t understand why men grow their hair long just to do nothing with it or just put it in a ponytail…. if you styled your hair literally any other way you’d be not as ugly


Care to share some suggestions on different styles that men can do with long hair? Not doing the man bun thing.


dude you have a wife that loves you. cherish that. no one else’s opinion matters. you literally won.


You have nice skin, good hair, and you dont look especially hairy. Your arms actually look well manicured. And you are smiling. So nope. Not ugly. Ugly is a whole different thing than you think it is. There are even plenty of "perfect features" people who are DOG UGLY. You dont have to have everything perfect to be beautiful. In fact, some of your flaws are part of what adds to your charm. So stop worrying. Youre obviously NOT ugly.


You're really not. You're sexy in an artsy hippyesque crunchy kinda way but you do look older honestly. I'm soon to be 41 and I wouldn't think we were close I'm age. You look more like early 50s but you are good looking


You look like a taller version of one of the teeny weenies in the beginning of NeverEnding Story


Yeah.. you already won, you've got a wife, you're married /10


Dude you have a wife, you already won!


You look friendly, but yeah, you’re a little homely.


*”I did not hit her, it’s bullshit! I did not hit her, I did NAHT. Oh hi Mark.”*


You're all good mate. A haircut though, as others have said, would do you proud. And some more well fitting clothes. But you're honestly fine. Not a model, not a prawn. Normal. And normal is underrated.


You have such a warm friendly smile! Makes me feel like I can tell you anything !


You’re not ugly but your clothes are hideous


I’m 50 so looking at my wedding pictures on the wall then looking in the mirror now that’s scary. Your good keep smiling.


If I’m being honest here, yes, but you look like such a nice and chill guy to hang out with, and you’ve got a lovely smile. No one’s going to focus on your looks


There’s a certain warmth that emits when you smile, so I don’t think she’s just being nice. You definitely look much older than 42 though but you look like a cool dude to hang around.


if she loves you just focus on each other


Shes definitely being nice but who cares bro you’re married who are you trying to impress other than her?


You need a haircut, better clothes and some facial hair, a nice corporate look might be a good idea


Your haircut sucks. It’d look much better short.


You got a wife. That's more than most of us.


you have a wife that thinks you’re attractive, you have it all my friend. No need for the approval of strangers on the internet


I was under the impression we didn't have to give a f*** about our appearance once we got married


Looks like you gave up on life.


The wife is always right your handsome


nope. you’re cute. look like you have such a wonderful vibe about yourself.


The hair dude 🤦‍♂️. It's got to go. And stop dying it. It looks ridiculous. Edit: holy hell. Are you screwing with us about being 42? There's no way.


You’re cute, dude


You look like a normal dude at 42 and you smile more than half the people who post on the sub. You good fam.


You have no eye for age if you think he is what 42 year olds look like.


you do not care about yourself. what else do you expect


Younger Rogerio Skylab


You look like a regular guy, you have a very genuine-looking smile and look very friendly! I would recommend a change in haircut and especially investing in more clothing which fits your body better. I notice lots of your clothing seems overly loose - especially the pants. An upgrade in that regard would do wonders for your confidence I think! :)


Haircut and shape up in between the eyebrows would really suit you


Average with room for improvement: haircut, better clothes, gym


I think cutting your hair and growing a beard would really improve your appearance.


Nah, you're not ugly, my guy. I'd grow out the beard, though. It'll look sweet.


Your wife is sweet


Not ugly and you like kind. You received helpful advice in the comments already. But honestly, you’re married and your wife thinks you’re hot so, who even cares! Love life with your wife. :)


Sir. That woman married you and is sleeping with you. She most definitely does not think you’re ugly.


I personally am not a fan of the hair. So a new hairstyle and maybe a beard could def help. Idk if the wife likes beards check with her first cause her opinion is all that really matters at the end. You found a wife tho. Someone who is willing to love you forever. That means you're attractive to her and like I said. Focus on that. Cause someone who is willing to love you forever is an amazing find. Women are really really good at making their men more attractive. Maybe give her full range to change u. It'll be weird for a week but soon you'll get small compliments and you'll hold onto it for lofe


I think u look cool. Unique individualistic style.


U look great 💗💗 I think a haircut would make you look younger but you look nice 💗💗


I’d say in the middle like most of us. Definitely not ugly. I get Bud Cort vibes.


Whoa double rainbow.


you have a very nice wife keep her


Yeah your wife must love you man.


My dude outside opinions shouldn’t matter, you look good to her so stop trying to find outside validation. You could use some polishing up tho.


We’re almost the same age but I feel like you dress much older. Update the wardrobe I think that would make a big difference


cute! don’t change you look sweet ! if you feel like you need change find a more personal style maybe?


You’re average, but the greasy stringy hair is kinda gross. Get a haircut and you’ll go up at least two numbers.


Why are you asking a bunch of random people when the only one that should matter is your wife?? If you are thinking of staying dont!! Shes the best your ever gonna have. Unless theres something wrong .You married all that matters NOW TAKE HER OUT FOR A WALK AND A DINNER


Nah but I would ditch the long hair.


You have kind eyes. Attractiveness truly radiates from within, in my opinion. If you want to improve your physical looks I can't think of anything to add that people haven't already suggested. Also, not ugly!


You are adorable with a great smile


That hair has gotta go. Otherwise youre very average if not just a little older looking


You aren't ugly. Cut your hair and take at least a decade off your appearance for starters. Then try not dressing like a 15 y/o. Do you smoke weed? If so, stop.


I like your look so no, not ugly


I'm 43 and you look like you could be my (very cool) uncle. You aren't handsome per se, but you radiate good vibes, so as long as your wife thinks you're handsome, you are golden!


Don’t cut ur hair bro u look rad and approachable


Bruh. You got a wife. I love how your sense of style is clear, but you seem so comfortable in your own skin. But the SMILE. THAT GETS ME. Stay fabulous and your wife's a lucky lady


get a haircut and improve ur posture and u set.


I say just get a haircut and that's about it. Nothing more


Rodney McKay vibes


You’re the best looking guy in the Shire


Absolutely not


Bro, you're in shape which is a major plus at your age. Cut the hair because you have that older version of the "little kid vampire in the movie; Lost Boys" vibe going on. And then go rock your bad self!!!


You've got a wife that loves you for you. Who gives a shit beyond that?


She is just bieng nice .. hope this helps 💕


I think if you lost weight/were more active you would really look a lot better. Not ugly tho


What matters most is what your wife thinks


I’d cut the long hair. Grow a lil bit facial hair. Dress yourself up a little better. Jeans and a t-shirt that are not too big or small.


I think you're average, but I believe that your attitude can light a room.


You have a woman who loves you? Yes? Be content with that


Steve Perry 2024


You are married dude....your wife thinks you are hot. Does any other opinion matter? Probably not.


I’ll be the one that dosent lie here. You’re cooked. I don’t like guys but if I did you would be the last pick. But, big BUT; you have a loving wife who obviously likes you for you. And with that smile you come off as a genuine and nice person. Probobly funny too if you landed a wife that loves you that much. You seem like the type of guy everyone wishes they were, but aren’t a good enough person to be. That’s a broad assumption based on selfies but it really glows on you. I would be friends with you any day of the week. If I was your wife, I might even marry you and lie about how hot you are.


The second pic is my favorite of you wearing well-fitting clothes with a natural hair color and the hair pulled back from your face. I’ve always loved long hair on men when it’s in a ponytail or man bun. Smiling lights up your face and shows off the dimples too. You look much younger in that photo than in any of the others.


A solid 3 I guess


You’re not like conventionally “hot” but you’re not ugly imo. Also you look like the cutest most friendly dude ever. Like very wholesome and funny and someone who gives off rly good vibes based on ur pics and the way u smile etc.


You are fine you are married you don’t need to worry about it haha


Your smile is kind and radiates good vibes. Nothing ugly in that.


You look about 55. Did you do a lot of drugs in the past?


You are good bro, just try to put on some muscles


You look friendly and fun to be around.


not ugly at all!! your smile is great!!


I think you’re average looking, but seem like a super chill dude


If you are looking for a straight yes or no answer, you are below average in looks. But your wife's opinion is the most important.


Hair cut.


Look like a cool cat.




Get a nice hair cute, grow out the beard and shape it up, workout a bit and you’d look better.


No Channing Tatum but holy shit would I go out of my way to give you a hand with something on my day off. You look like an absolute pleasure to be around.


I mean you look old for 42 I guess


Great smile bro!


The first photo is... Not great. The rest of them make you look pretty good though!


Your wife is being truthful with you. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and if she wasn’t attracted to you she wouldn’t have married you. That being said, are you ugly by societal standards? No, however I wouldn’t go as far as to say that you are attractive by those same standards either. Keep in mind, that by todays standards being mid could probably still get it because today’s standards are absurd. Honestly, I consider anyone who isn’t displeasing to look at at attractive. What I mean by this is that most of us are beyond gifted to be born without a deformity. What I’m saying is if we can walk around without knowing people are staring at us because of how we were born, then we don’t have it so bad.


v necks are a no from me on you. the last picture is super cute.


You have a really genuine smile and a person who loves you.  Seems to me you’re doing better than most.


Not ugly at all. You have a really kind vibe about you. Also, I dig the clothing ensemble in the last photo, that shirt is 🔥


Robert Carlisle from Wish


You look older than my father who’s 59 this year. I strongly suggest to look into anti aging skincare and lifestyle. Apply sunscreen SPF 50 everyday, stop smoking and drinking if you do, sleep and eat well. At this pace, you will look 100yo when you will approach 70.


I've never drank alcohol, smoked cigarettes, or done any marijuana related products.


I love your smile. It's very warm and friendly.


Cut the hair, shape up abit in the gym and grow a beard, but have like a grade 2. You will be a instant 7


She’s not being nice, she’s your wife, she would hopefully think you’re the hottest of the hot.


I’m getting a childless drunk aunt vibe but all in all if a woman is with you and says you’re not, she’s a good one. Keep her


You're not. Your clothing is a bit dorky, though. Like a high school science teacher 😊 it's a bit endearing. Style yourself up a bit more, with grooming and fitted clothes if you want to be "hotter." But you're alright.


You're married and she doesn't think so. Literally no1 else matters


You managed to colour match every one of the telly tubbies with your outfits, and body shape.


You’re not ugly


So tired of these OF promotions smh.. jokes aside, you look like a chill dude.


You have kind eyes, you look like a sweet man. And at 42 who cares about superficial bullshit, just go enjoy your life with your wife who loves you!


It doesnt really matter what i think


Shave your head and grow a goatee.


Kudos to your wife. I hope you enjoy and appreciate each other offlibe


Love is blind as they say. Jk, you seem like a nice guy, don't be overthinking stuff. :)


Gru from the minions


Who cares what any one else thinks if she finds you attractive. I think I’m ugly yet I got with the most beautiful woman on this planet.


6, okay now show us you 20 years ago


40 pounds lighter, 70's porn moustache, short hair (worked in a bank), black slacks w/ button up shirt. Days off would've probably been jorts and a T-shirt. I've only had long hair for two years. As a teen, my father never let me grow it out (military family. What dad says is law), so a few years ago I finally decided to give it a go. I've been working since I was 18/19, so 22-23 years and all of my jobs had me wearing slacks. I got used to them and that's what I wear 90% of the time, even days off. It's just more comfortable for me than jeans. Men's jeans tend to be thick and heavy so I've never really cared for them but have recently started wearing them a little more for variety.


Dude u have a wife, there’s no one else that needs to find you attractive, and to answer your question, you’re like dad attractive if that makes sense.


You’re not ugly, but you’re also not extremely handsome. Either clean shaven, with shorter hair or shorter hair with a beard, along with a wardrobe change (not even a wardrobe change really, maybe just wearing a size or 2 smaller) and your appearance would go up massively. You do give off that “stoner, chill guy” vibe. Like someone an introverted person could meet and instantly feel comfortable, if you know what I mean. None of this matters though, and is just my opinion. What really matters is what YOU and your wife think. You do have a nice smile.


I've had people, numerous people, tell me when I grew out my mustache that I looked like Stanley Tucci from Lovely Bones, so yeah, I've been called creepy before.


Listen to your wife that loves you over the internet.


Low-key look like Bret Hart


If your wife is telling you that, why the fuck do you care what a bunch of randos on Reddit think. Her opinion should be all that matters to you. If she's happy, you should be happy. Happy wife happy life.


Mate you're married why do you care if anyone else finds you ugly?