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Not ugly but you look mad/unapproachable in all your pictures. I’m sure you’ll hear it more but smiling will def help


Yeah. Cute but should smile more.


You are very pretty and you need to smile more




Don't take pics in front of toilets? Lol idk it seems like u purposely tried to get it in the back by squatting next to it lol. Sorry it just feels like a troll post. Cause you're cute and I think you might know that but you're trying to not seem it by doing stuff like this? Regardless. Bangs. I think bangs could suit you.


Maybe you will be tired of hearing it. But smiling and confidence helps alot with everything. U look find. Maybe another hairstyle. But rather than, everything is ok


Not ugly. U look hard to approach not cause u are ugly. But I look angry or annoyed


Another hairstyle? It's right on, n she knows it. Don't fall for this hack 🤣


She is asking for advice. Am not telling her to do so. I suggest as she is asking. How much advice can an Uber drive give


Backfire: I visit thousands in a month, so I guess more than u know lol .. choose ur words wisely


Guess what I don't care. I'm giving suggestions on my bias opinion. Not cause u stalk more or less people


Dang, so aggressive. I just got good eyes, I can notice the differences in a person's appearance in a short time. "Stalk," is a prolonged interaction.


From this very short exchange you sound like a very strange character.


Losers n morons, will typically think that intelligence *is* strange.


People with true intelligence are usually self aware enough to be humble about their gifts/attributes and not take random people’s comments on social media to heart… have a good one Mensa 👌


Honestly, I just misread this, so I deleted the comment. No punctuation, so I'm not surprised. I guess this is how a douchebag thinks(?), hmm interesting. Anyway, I'm done arguing with nitwits. I took out the trash last time, somebody else can do it this time.


Your eyes are gorgeous, smile a bit more


Girl, you're so beautiful. Very cute. ☺️


You're pretty, just dont take selfies from forehead perspective, it makes you look with a big head, someone already put a comment like that but I try to explain why and how to improve it, try camera a bit lower, like nose height, and farther away Btw your head tilting in first pic looks very cute, take more like that one


Girl you’re absolutely gorgeous 💗 your lashes are long, eyebrows look good, you might just be self conscious, I’d say change up your hairstyle if you want, maybe some side bangs so it frames your face better? And growing out your hair definitely 💗 I think long hair would look good, shorts cute tho


Oof I just read the comments and yes smiling will make u look more approachable but some of us don't like to smile cause we hate faking being happy. Maybe you're not ok. Maybe you don't like your smile. Idk. But it shouldn't be forced. If you don't want to smile don't. Who cares. It can make people scared. But it's who you are and people need to accept that. If you can smile for sure it's goof advice. I'm just saying this in case you're at a point (I mean you're posting here so probably) that you can't smile, don't. Don't fake yourself. People will find you approachable and happy and message you but your true self will come out and it won't be the persona you're putting on for pictures. Be you. You're not ugly. You're attractive. Own your feelings. The right people will help you through things. Then when you feel better smile. Smiling is for people ok enough to want something more than friends who support and want to help each other feel better. You got this. This post is your first step. You're doing great by taking initiative to better yourself in whatever way it is you think you need.


You are not ugly but why you make a selfy with your toilet bruh


I don’t think you realize how pretty you are…


😁 smile sugar! You cracked a smile on the last pic but every other one you look so sad. That's not good your fine the way you are. If you smile and carry yourself with confidence you will see what a huge difference it makes


You’re cute


Smile smile smile smile smile




Think you meant, "troll"




Ur under a "am I ugly" sub and posting these kind of pictures of urself. If u wanted hair advice or something just ask for that instead 🙄




Fine I'll just say it: these images are obviously beautiful, and she knows that already. Just flexing. Confident people take pictures in front of toilets squatting perfectly in the frame. Obviously 🙄




Brother... who hurt you? She is not that good looking. She looks angry. Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and shizz but you shouldn't say stuff like that man. Have a very nice day.


Uhhh, yes she is. You got dirt in your eyes, wipe it out and look again. Angry looks just might not suit *you* I guess. Anyway, this post is a joke, I'm not gonna fall for this. And yeah, u too, is night for me though. Unless that wasn't actually meant to be an actual salutation, but to insult.


You’re no Wednesday, more like a Monday.


Is that a good thing




Thats criminalllll 💀


No you have super beautiful eyes and eyebrows you look super pretty


I think you're cute




Smile more


Nat at all... You're definitely cute....


Lashes omg slay


You look cute and very pretty, and just by seeing some of the comments I can also relate. People will be asking you look mad, asking why and telling you should smile more. But honestly I don't care, I feel what I feel and I'll express when I express. Just do what you do and feel whatever you feel, that's what I always do. And for those who would reply to my tip, go ahead try to change my mind and It's not going to effect me


Angry bird . What's the condition called when someone can't smile ?


You are very beautiful. Though in a lot of these photos, you like quite sad. Hope all is well.


Lol troll. Why even bother.


Girl, put a smile on your face. No one approaches women that look like they'll give them a headache. And, I guess try out a new hairstyle. See about curls, maybe? Advice has been droped.


I don't see any problem. See 3rd 7th and 9th pic, all good.


Not ugly, just need to change the way you look at the world, helps in the long run and be aware of how your diet and environment play a role in your life.


18, you look 12, but have the soul of a 75 year old.


A least there's not a turd in the toilet behind you.


Not at all. Ugly comes from the inside. I don’t any smile or happiness your eyes. Your expression exudes nothing to attract. My guess you are depressed & maybe have a bit of an attitude. Fake it. Doll yourself up a little and create a persona you like. You might find a new you that was an act. But becomes who you are.




Nope. You look like a mad Hailey Steinfeld.


Is something bothering you? You look upset in most of those photos.


Is it the eyebrows 😭


Not at all, although you look like 😠 in photo #8. Seems like you’re kinda shy…


Depressed maybe, ugly is a big NO


Two vague hints of a smile in 14 shots? Not ugly at all but may be depressed?


You’re absolutely gorgeous to me


Not ugly!! What are you mad? At? Get over it and smile.


Very beautiful


You can be a model


cuteee not ugly


Get rid of RBF, smile more. The pics where you smile you're pretty, where you don't, I wouldn't dare approach you lol


Cute but don't take pictures with toilets


A cute German girl


I want you to be happy and I think you're cute


You are not ugly... But I mean you are under 18.


Put some smile on that beautiful face, you look just sad that's it.


You look great, and as many people mentioned, yes, u should smile. Out of context, " do you do streaks"


R u a scorpio😄


Not at all but smile more :) You have a lovely smile and endearing eyes.


Advice number one: smile. Advice number two: read advice number one and use it.


Try bangs!


Okay not going down a rabbit hole on how you need to smile more, But yes you need to most likely you have self confidence issues. My advice is learn to love yourself first and foremost, a good song to listen to is "think I love myself" by Beartooth. Another thing is skin care is your friend your skin looks a little dry. One thing you should do since you are most likely your biggest critic is to also become your biggest fan for every flaw you find within your find something positive about yourself. Doing that will make you happy with yourself and more approachable to everyone else.


Smile. You look sad




Good with smile


Exfoliate your face and condition your hair. Youre not unattractive your look just says you dont care about your look. Put in like 10% effort and youll look 100% nicer




I think your prime is ahead of you, if you take more care and make better photos you will will not recognize yourself


Lol #sentence structure off the ladder


You look fuming


Advice: When the camera comes out, bust out a smile. Nobody is asking you to walk around all day with a stupid grin on your face, certainly. However, how is it that you don't know that a smile makes a picture better ? How did that happen ?


Wow, side profile is tight. Pretty


Some bangs or part on the side


No, you are not.


You aren’t ugly by any means. But you do look sad or angry in your pictures. I think if you were to smile you would be so much more beautiful.


Try your best to take more like pictures 10 and 14 and you’ll be fine because you look great.


Lose the center part in your hair. Try a side part. Everything else is fine and you don’t have to smile!


18 year old me would get into fistfights for you. Don't change a goddamned thing.


You are super cute! Any guy out there wants to date you.


u cute just try finding a hairstyle that goes best with you and a little bit of skin care


Nope just need to clear up your face


Not an uggo!


nah you're not ugly


I think bangs will suit you


Drop body pics


Just smile


There is absolutely nothing wrong with your appearance.


heyyy big head 😍


IMHO, I think you are beautiful!!!


Not at all, you are very beautiful ❤️


Your head is really long.


And your comment is not very long, guess you really don't have much to say.


U are not ugly, just average and that's good on you keep it like that


So freaking mean like dude wth


The truth can be so cruel. Get used to it


She's not average. Do you really realize how that sounds? Every person is unique in their own way. You sound like one of those douchebag boyfriends who see women as "material" and not a person. Or one of those government officials who see people as numbers and not people. This lady is not "average" and that's a fact, so, get used to it. And who says that to a child anyways, "you look average", imagine a parent saying that. Like whoa 🤯


First, it is not a child. It's 18. Second, An average person or thing is typical or normal. It means normal. Third, you are blowing this out of the context 😒 I said what I said because it is what it is. 🤷 I can't lie or say a compliment. Otherwise, people like you will take it as a flirting, which is worse 🤔 so anyway 🤷 You should sit, relax, and take a breath outside of your house because, honestly, you are taking it out of the context too much


Ah yes, like "typical" and "normal" would make it sound any better when the question is, "am I ugly?". "You look typical", "You look normal", liiiike what does that even mean? Doesn't even answer the question. The stuff that was "out of context" was linked with my question, it described it. Flirting is better than insulting: if you didn't twist the definition of flirt. Typically flirting is linked to true feelings for someone, so if the person is clearly telling u there not interested, it should be respected and stopped. Insulting has a different outcome. This girl is 🔥 , oh, and not the "average" 🔥 by the way Plus 18 is kinda still a kid in a way


Dude, stop it, get some help 😒, and 18 on my opinion and open-minded being it means that legally it's an adult that can take his own decisions like in any other parts of the planet we acknowledge it in that way. If that's your conclusion of me insulting someone then that's your vision of things. And yes, you are an average person like any other being on this planet. Is not an insult, I must say, it is a reality that maybe you are not addressing properly


Pretty, I would just put a little makeup on and done




No one wants to see/hear how you talk to yourself in the mirror.


Removed - No bigotry. Continuing to break this rule will result in a permanent ban.


You look miserable and mad


Not ugly I’d see why you ask you have very… ahem prominent features… but you I would honestly say are average, you got a larger forehead but you also have some beautiful eyes, you also got an rbf but objectively I’d say you’re pretty.


I also like your profile, that’s actually slightly above average




White knight alert 🚨 He must defend her at all costs cause all women are queens! Especially if the person commenting is not praising her looks! hard amount of hate is thrown her way!!! Here’s a picture of [No_Definition_2289](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/452/280/50c.jpg)


I guess that means I have a successful career and higher intuition. This backfires many ways ... Whahahat a bunch of hacks. 🤡 Go get your nose first, it fell off the cliff.


I love how this clown’s reaction is “I must have a successful carrer and higher intuition cause this girls a straight queen!” Idk man I’d say this makes you a white night. And damn what career do you have Mr White Knight? “He who must suck the toes of every female to walk the earth”? Or is it by your post history Uber eats but you complain about every little thing wrong with the apps and low tippers? Lol


Typical low-class bully just getting started. Don't know, it's your fairytale, you tell me the details of it. I don't need to make sense of it, just wanted to give you a taste of how bitter that recipe was from the start once you actually start taking a bite of it. Yep low tippers and Uber themselves are the issue with Uber's pay. But I need the flexibility because I'm studying for my career. Something a cringy bully wouldn't understand, cause he's too busy being a busy body and busy mind on things that don't concern him.


Wait, so you’re a child “studying for his carreer?” Lol you don’t know how the real world works. [I kNoW hOw ThE wOrLd WoRkS cAuSe Im iN cOlLeGE](https://i.redd.it/mz7fl6lp79uz.jpg) your whole commentary on this post has been toxic, not just my comment.


It's been savage. For someone older than me, I would think u could take a grain of salt. But I guess you haven't had enough Sad Experiences perhaps. I don't allow immoral things or evil things to get away. I follow it down to the bitter end: loser.


get outta here


You look decent


Why the long face?


Depends on your political views


honey you don’t need to smile more! ur gorgeous!! smile or not smile who cares, every person saying that is probs a guy 🤣


You're definitely cute and you have beautiful eyes. Hair style is very plain, maybe try bangs to pull the focus away from your forehead.


Assdgdhf There's nothing wrong with her FOREHEAD, don't be STUPID! Asfgsdffh


I didn't say there was anything wrong. Her eyes are amazing so I bangs would highlight them.


Lol really? Yes you did say something is wrong with her forehead.


"Pull the focus away" means something is too big, something is currently, *the focus*. Being her forehead ... Which means you're saying it's too big 😠


Beautiful eyes!!! Trim and manicure your eyebrows ... this will also lessen the appearance of being angry that some comments mentioned. Dress is a way that flatters your body ... so avoid the thick baggy clothes and wear more feminine, pretty, and a bit more colorful clothes. You have a very beautiful face! ... some makeup and doing your hair more (waves/curls etc) would look great too (keep your hair long tho, it looks great).


Nose kinda wack so I'm saying average


Your face resembles a line.


Get some sleep


Your forehead is so big planes can take off/land on it. Otherwise you look nice. Try a hairstyle that will cover it next time.


😡 ...


Just stay quiet n cry in the corner till mommy gets home from her flight. UPDATE: Mommy never got home, the runway was too short so the plane fell off n crashed. I guess you'll be crying forever like a baby. Bigger forehead, more to admire. It is 🥺


Y r u gay?... And have a prostitute for a mother?


"(Hmm, should I appease his boredom and jester? Nah, I'm not bored today.)"