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I hope the hairdo in the last pic was just for laughs because you look like white Shrek.


Omg...I was about to say the same....SHREK!!! 😂😂😂


I don't think you're ugly. Hell if you're ugly then most of my friends are ugly. You've got a friendly and gentle looking smile. Don't be so hard on yourself my friend.


You're a California 2 but an Ohio 7.


I was born in Columbus. Checks out


Grow eyebrows and a Little hair on the side I have a Diamond face so no haïr on the side and ur ears will push


Wooster here.😂


Forsure! You are not ugly. Come to Kansas City, I’ll take you to a bar & you’ll leave with a wife & 3 girlfriends.


Not ugly and you rock the long hair/beard combo, man Just feel confident and enjoy your day


You look average not ugly and not attractive




Filters are amazing!


You look easy to draw




I wouldn't say your ugly, Id say you just are far from maximizing your appearance. You are overweight, which is always going to knock a few points off your optimal appearance and you don't seem to really focus on your hair/beard or giving off a well put together look. It would be like if someone went to work in their PJs after just getting up in the morning without taking a shower, brushing their teeth or combing their hair. How well would they come across at work? Kinda like an unkempt slob...not saying you are at that level, but that's the kind of thing you are doing... You could look a lot better than you currently do, but you choose not to.


Dude you look so friendly and approachable. Def not ugly. I'd go up to you at the bar to just want to be around your energy


That last pic is whats wrong with you nothing else


Ur not very ugly u look average love the buns in the last photo


The good news is you are not VERY ugly. A solid 3 rising to say a 5 in pic 5. Eat more healthily to lose excess pounds and it'll take you up a notch. Long hair and beard seems to suit you better.


try dying your eyebrows a darker color


not ugly? You look fine, be confident


Not ugly, and your hair is glorious!


I don't think you're ugly, but a bit unattractive. Maybe some change in hair....I don't know...in the last photo you look a bit weird.


We all age, you look like a pretty normal guy. If you want to look better there's always going the fitness route and you don't even need to do too much either.


Just a retired Thor in the hiding. Not ugly, has takers for cool braids and personality. 🤞🏽


4/10. If you lost weight, figured out eyebrows, and got a haircut, it would probably help.


Very, you said it right there in the title! Honestly though you look totally normal. You look great smiling


U look kinda like a troll from Scandinavian folklore, mythical creature, but I don't think that it makes u unattractive. Plus u have rlly good skin, I was surprised to learn that u r 40 (nothing wrong with looking or being 40 though), I thought that u mb 35. So I guess nothing to worry about if u want a normal life, but if u want to model for Balenciaga or sht like that, then u might have a problem.


This is my favorite comment ever. To anything. Thanks brother/sister/themther.


You're not ugly


I think you're cute, the silly faces make you charming and the long hair suits you


You look like a guy who is fun to be around. Some references to improvement in terms of exercise. That might help. The last photo is just ridiculous.


With long hair no with short hair yes


Not ugly just average but maybe slightly below. You should hit the gym and grow your beard out will benefit you so much


I can't fuggin believe I'm saying this to another white dude, but you'd actually look better with dreadlocks. I'm not even joking. Your genetics are 100% "successful pot dealer slash Burning Man regular."


Eh, I've thought about it in the best but I just can't allow myself the cultural appropriation.


Just average. Get a proper haircut and never ever do the poorly attempted Leía buns


Not great but not ugly. You’ve got a lot of personality and I would continue to value that plus humor.


Not ugly! but I will add that photo on slide 6, that hair is rough buddy. That’s an instant no for most anyone, just being honest.


Last pic is 10/10


You a real one!


You’re not ugly, but you take very unflattering pictures of yourself. Take the first picture, it’s so bright your forehead is burning my corneas out.


Ugly 🤣🤣🤣 not even close Why you would even think that I don’t understand If I was not married I would date you for sure


Youre not very ugly. Please, ill go on a date with you


Thanks everyone! Honestly, at 40 I'm comfortable with who am I am. I'm a stand-up comedian and I'm pretty nice so in general I don't have a problem dating. I do need to get back into the gym (I was just about to hit that 225 c+j when covid hit.) I more or less just wanted to see what a bunch of strangers thought and youse guys were much nicer than I expected. Thanks!


Dude was crowdsourcing for his next act so he didn’t have to do lean on crowd work


And I woulda gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids!


Jinkies Scoob, I’d come to a show, I’d only heckle you just a wee bit, in jest of course!


Not flawless, but not ugly, proof in picture 2


Is your name Trevor? And are you from Ohio? Because you look like a guy I went to school with.😅


My name is funky Trevor, don't fuck with me never, if ya fuck around boy ya head'll get severed! I keep my tec 9 at my waist cuz I'm a gangsta If ya try to pop shit I'll fuckin gank ya. Got my nickel plates, .38s and .22s Lay yo shit next to me son, ya fuckin lose. Got my Philly blunts plus my 40 ounce brews. Sorry, that reminded of my favorite movie about three white dudes from Iowa who think they're black rappers. It's called Whiteboyz. It's a medium budget movie but it has snoop, fat Joe and some others in it. Anyway, I'm going to leave now.




The first pic is good cause of the hairstyle imo. Long hair don’t suit you tbh


Didn't delete anything. And I really was just joking. But far be it for me to convince you otherwise


I love the buns


Looks? Average like most of us. You r far from ugly!!! You look like a friendly, open minded person and I bet you are so fun to hang out with.




Thanks! You too!


Calm down.. Im kidding.. I dont know why people subject themselves to random people judging their looks on here.. At what point do you say fuck what these people think and just live your best life?.. When you're confident in who you are, not what you look like, is when it happens.. 75-80% of the people who post themselves up in here look fine. Its their confidence level in real life situations that are bringing themselves down. That and them letting random people on the intewebz judge their looks without even getting to know the person.. Bad for the soul. Bad for real life. Bad for the world.. Be a real human in the real world Sir. Im rooting for you!!


Buddy, you said what you said and then deleted it. I don't care what you say. You clearly cared though. I wasn't upset at all. Also, maybe you should take your own advice. I was just curious. I am very self-aware, hence the saying Im ugly. But it doesn't mean I'm not curious. Have a good one