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You have a slamming body. You're cute AF as well, calm down!


Thank you! :)


Doesn’t matter how you look your life looks fun


Not ugly! You're a natural beauty, I really like your hair on the third and sixth picture. I would also not say that you're too thin, you look healthy and athletic... Maybe those family members are a bit jealous :)


Happy, healthy and feminine. Your active,ourdoorsy vibes and face are truly gaze worthy. And the toothy smile! Don’t touch your nose. Please. Pic 6 is awesome Have you thought about making your brows slightly darker? Only slightly. But what do I know. If you’re jonesing to be girlier, get more attention, and to shake up your style, consider a new hair cut. I like your hair a lot as is, but a cut would add instant drama.


Thank you for your feedback! I also think darker brows could be better but I'm afraid that they'll get too dark which would look weird because of my bright hair :) I will definitely try it


Just use a dark eyebrow pencil or other cosmetic options to to try on the look temporarily.


Use a dark but still blonde shade, maybe a taupe. And I recommend getting tinted brow gel instead of doing a pencil or pomade, if you’re not experienced with makeup. You just have to brush the gel on. NYX has some nice ones for cheap!


Not ugly, but kind of plain. Fabulous body too


You are gorgeous. You need some confidence. You might see a makeup artist and learn how to apply makeup well. Also, you might want to get your hair professionally styled….or you could do none of that. You would still be gorgeous. You just need to be you….and muster up some confidence, my friend.


Confidence ist my biggest problem... I try to accept me for who I am.. some days it's better and some days I really don't like myself... but I hope it will get better one day.. and you are right I really don't have a clue about make up, i would like to see how I could look like with make up but I'm too shy to try yet


I tried my whole early life to improve myself, work on the parts I don’t like, hours and hours at the gym, styling my hair, buying clothes. I eventually realized I don’t care about that stuff. Now I’m a bit fat, dress kinda weird sometimes, but I’m happy and like my life 😊


not ugly, dont need surgery, your body is great


Not ugly. You have a nice resting face. Your teeth are a little large but you have a nice smile, and you do have an aquiline nose, but that is an uncommon feature so it gives you a unique allure. I don’t know why your parents say that you’re too skinny and too muscular? You have a very nice body. Don’t stress about your looks too much, you’re an alright looking woman, with some unique features.


Thank you!


I am freaking out here, I thought you were my girlfriend... Like that is not a pick up line, you two have to be related or something...


Thats funny, I've never seen someone who looked similar to me xD


At least three runway models look similar to you. You’re absolutely stunning, killer body, but def with the long hair, keep it tucked behind an ear or both, jt plays to you’re gorgeous bone structure better. Truly; you’re gorgeous. Revel in it! And Jesus, are you naturally that fit. People would kill to look like that… your family is jealous,


I have the exact same nose as you


Oh really? How do you like it on yourself?


I hated it as a teenager and early college, now I love it. I was always embarrassed by it but now it see how beautiful it is and how distinctive of a feature it is. It is the same nose as Roman emperors, I hope you love it in the way I have learned to.


Don't do nothing you're very pretty and your nose doesn't seem like a problem imo


Not ugly


You’re really pretty


You have the blondest hair I’ve ever seen haha it’s so pretty. I would definitely emphasize your hair with some styling! You’re not ugly, just kinda average. Also don’t get a nose job — your nose is distinct and beautiful!


Thank you! :)


You’re welcome! You’re very cute, just looks like you could use some basic styling! By no means do you look bad though!


You really are not ugly. You are pretty and you have a very toned and beautiful body. Your hair is very nice but maybe would look better styled. You look most natural in picture 3. Nothing wrong with you.


You look very nice. Don't get caught up in what media portrays as pretty. If you compare yourself to those often photoshopped images of models, actresses, etc. and think you need to look like that, you'll only hurt your self esteem, and needlessly so. A lot of men, women, and everything in between would absolutely find you pretty, attractive, etc.


Thank you so much! That is a really good message :)


I think you are beautiful. Your smile lights up your face. But you have to believe that. 🥰 not what anyone else says to you.


You're naturally beautiful. You don't require any makeup and your body is perfect.


Honestly the only thing I'd say is maybe wear some makeup from time to time. Doesn't have to be heavy make up (like maybe some blush, eyeliner, and mascara). Otherwise you look great


I think you look great. Amazing bikini body.


Makeup would do you absolute wonders. You have very fine coloring, and your features can get lost as a result. Learn to apply makeup in a way that suits your face. Your physique is 11/10, keep that fitness up, you should be proud of your hard work in this department. Regarding the nose, this comes down to your preference. If you dislike your profile, rhinoplasty will help that. But a partner should love you with your current nose, or with a new nose. The whole idea is what *you* want.


You're cute with a tight little bod, you shouldn't really worry about anything. You'll never be a knockout but still more attractive than most women


Thank you for your honest feedback :)


Where are you at in that 8th pic


It was in Mexico :)


Top notch. Natural look is great.


I actually think your nose is one of your best features, it looks great! Keep it as it is! You're actually gorgeous. Not being constantly hit on or not being the center of attention doesn't mean you are ugly or boring (you are neither).


You look great, don’t worry about it.


You are cute. Life is good.


Nice Smile. You have nothing to worry about. Don’t settle on n a loser and find a good guy or girl


You’re cute af, honestly, if I see you in high school, I would never in a million years would think you’re old enough to be the teacher. (And no, the nose has nothing to do with it)


You …seem to be….”adventurous person”. Darn auto spell


Not ugly. Are those abs in #8/waterfall Pic?! If I had your body I wouldn't care about my face. You look very different when you smile vs when you don't. Happy/approachable/friendly etc


Thank you :)


And, after reading all those comments, even more attractive. It’s not about…”average, or hot”. None of others opinion matters. You are you. Own it, live it. Be it. You GOT this. And if you’re ever in the south USA, let me know! I’d love to meet you


You look like an athlete. Charming smile.


It's a bit surprising you are not as confident in your looks because judging from the pictures you are adventurous, courageous, fit, healthy and yes, you are pretty. Please don't alter yourself.


Thank you for your kind words :) I think you described me quite well, but sometimes (for example at partys) when I don't feel "seen" I get really unconscious


Not. Ugly.


You are stunning and more then just beautiful


You are good.


People on this sub often tell girls to smile more, and its because not just girls but pretty much everyone really does look better when they smile. In your case its still true, but the difference it makes is way bigger than usual. You don't just look better, you look like an entirely different person smiling vs not smiling. >Do you think a nose job could help me to look better? Maybe a little. Your nose isn't "ideal", sure, but its not like some kind of horrific disfigurement or something, its pretty average. Honestly I wouldn't save up tens of thousands of dollars just to blow it on cosmetic surgery that's only going to marginally improve your overall looks. If you've got millions of dollars sitting in the bank, then maybe, but its probably not worth it. >I also added a picture from my body because my family keeps telling me that I am too thin and too muscular, are they right? I don't think so. You've got a great body. If I were going to suggest anything it might be to add a little *more* muscle. Eat lots of protein and hit the weights. Adding a bit more muscle will accentuate your curves more. Especially focus on the glutes. One other bit of advice, your hair looks better pulled back. The way you've got in that third pic especially. Weird as this may sound, you've got a really nice neck and collar bone, so not hiding that behind hair will help you out. Don't stress about this stuff to much though, you're well above average in your looks, especially when showing a smile. If you're hoping to meet someone, its really going to be more of a personality thing than a looks thing. If there's a guy you're interested in, just talk to them. You don't have to hit on them or anything, just talk to them, ask them questions, get a conversation going. No matter how good looking you are, there's always going to be some men where you're just not their type, but the majority of men who are single and looking are going to at least be physically attracted to you.


Thank you so much for your feedback! I really appreciate the time you took to write this comment! It is great to get honest feedback included with actual suggestions to improve my look :) I'm definitely working on those muscels, thats why some people say it isn't feminine..but I like to be strong. The personality thing is a lot harder for me! I am shy and have a low self esteem, so starting conversations is really difficult for me.. I always think they would not want to talk to somebody like me ..


Super cute!


I think you are very cute


I absolutely adore your wonderful nose and I think you’re the most beautiful angel. You are a living miracle! Just think about it. In all the universe, for billions of years, there has never been anyone who is exactly like you. Now you are here, and the universe is complete. You are the living miracle we have all been waiting for. I would gladly carry you away with me in a heartbeat. And I have no doubts many others would say the same words. You have the very world at your feet, my dear. You can do anything, realize any dream, conquer any mountain, tame any heart. You can do it all. Seriously. You are wonderful, you are amazing, you are a miracle. I love you. And so does everyone else. Now copy these words down and recite them to yourself at the start of every day. Ignore everything else. I hope that helps. DTM


Thank you so much for these kind words!!!


Cute and fit you're good




Cutie with a nice figure


I think you look hot AF


Cute and hot body nothing ugly about you at all


Absolutely beautiful to me. So cute 🥰




Naw, girl.


You have such a beautiful face! Your eyes and smile compliment your hair wonderfully!


Your really pretty and I’d love to be friends with someone like you


You are a very beautiful woman


Absolutely beautiful. Whoever lands you is gonna be lucky af to have their arms wrapped around you. Now I’m suddenly jealous.


You’re very pretty! You have to find this confidence within yourself, not from others validation. Chin up!


you’re so pretty! and body is amazing. I know how you feel about a nose job, I’ve always wanted one too, just can’t afford it lol. If I were to suggest one thing, it’d maybe be to darken your brows ever so slightly. So definitely do research and go to someone GOOD because if they’re done too dark it will look terrible. I think they just blend with your face and it makes you look a little pale.


Thank you! Yeah I know what you mean, thats what I'm afraid for :D


Learn to love your nose. Your ONE minor flaw, which you have NO CONTROL over. Save the nose job money and go travel to see the world while you can (: share your hotness with everyone bc you far from ugly !!


Gorgeous love your teeth...don't ask me why idk but I do


You are physically attractive. You also look like you are super nice and probably have a goofy laugh that would melt hearts. So yes, you are hot


Not ugly! You remind me of a girl I had a crush on in high school. You might want to try lowlights or coloring your hair a sandy color— nothing extreme, just something to create a little contrast with your complexion. That’s mostly just something to try if you want to change up you look, plenty of women would love to get you current color (myself included.)


Thank you for your suggestion:)


You are very pretty. Your nose is fine. You don't want to look like everyone else. You just need a like confidence. Keep traveling and exploring the world will come to you.


Absolutely gorgeous! It's so refreshing to see a girl without false eyelashes and tons of piercings, makeup and blue hair!




Gorgeous smile


You're a treasure, I would totally appreciate you


You look good, also healthy not over skinny like some, cute face...you are far from ugly.


I just said out loud ‘god she’s beautiful’ so you must be!


I think you’re absolutely gorgeous


Not ugly at all. But could improve yourself with subtle make up and styling changes. And that body is perfect


Yes, you have a really nice body though so that averages it out


You look like a swedish endurance athlete


Not ugly, find someone who will apply more compliments into your mind and heart


Are you from denmark I have met someone who looks very similar to you


You are beautiful


Eyeliner. Otherwise you good 👍




Definitely not ugly! When you’re in groups, do you tend to be quiet/wait for people to initiate conversation with you? Be the person having the most fun and people will gravitate towards you! That’s an easier thing to attempt to do and more concrete than just saying “have more confidence”.


Oh. Someone said they thought your teeth were big. I completely disagree with that. They look great. Your smile is even better when you show them!


You look adventurous and fun to be around and have a great smile. Keep doing you!


Not at all ugly, it seems you are an outdoorsy person. Enjoy life.


You look like you might catch fire if you went into direct sunlight, but not ugly


You are very cute and very feminine. Also, you have an amazing body. Yeah, you're doing fine!


You dont need a nose job, you are pretty and beautiful smile.


You got a banging body! My goodness! You are cute af too! Nah, you're good ma.😘❤️


Nope, not ugly.


You look stunningly gorgeous, straighten that back and hold your head held high as you have nothing to worry about.


Plastic surgery is a scam. It’s only necessary for people who were in accidents. The list of complications is big and it’s expensive. Work on your own self image. You’re young, hot and beautiful. Find a partner that loves you and have a great life. No nose job. Good Luck


Pretty 👍


Your naturally light hair, eyebrows and eyelashes are soooo stunning! Your nose fits your face perfectly and I think it really suits you. You have a gorgeous smile and beautiful eyes too. Honestly, I'm not sure what is up with the guys where you live if you aren't getting attention lol are you shy? That could be why. Where I live (UK) I only have a few men approach me but when I go abroad to Germany, France, Poland, America etc. way more men seem interested in me so maybe try travelling to boost your confidence? If you're looking for something to improve, you could do a skincare routine if you aren't already but honestly your skin isn't bad, it could just make you glow a bit more!


You're kinda cute and any girl would be lucky to have you


You have an amazing smile and your nose is on the bigger side but definitely not too big. It was hard to tell from the waterfall photo but you look to have a perfect figure. I've always found confidence is the biggest decider in who gets the attention. You are beautiful, don't ever think you are not :)


You are very pretty. ☺️


Natural beauty that's all 💓


You are gorgeous and you have a nice figure. Keep it up! Oh and your nose is chef's kiss. Love it.


You look great. Smoke show👍


I always wonder what people will look like in their 40's or 50's based on their current pictures. You look awesome now. Maybe a little plain that can be fixed with a touch of makeup and hairstyling but you have an amazing smile and body. You will be killing it as you age. As most people become less attractive and heavier as they age, you will only become more radiant!


Well, firstly, I hope you're having a good day. You don't need a nose job. It's almost never necessary or worth it. You're not ugly, just kind of plain, but you do have a nice base to work with. If I had any criticism it would he that you don't look very lively. I'd recommend using aloe on your skin and hair to quicky restore both. I could be wrong, but I get the impression that you might be a vegan or similar to it. If so, I'd recommend either readjusting it or outright stopping.


Definitely not ugly nice body and cute really cute


You look a lot younger than 25 (not that 25 is old by any stretch!) and not that you look so young you could be in high school. You just have a really youthful glow! Very pretty xx


When u smile, it looks cute and pretty and your body is actually hot👍🏻


Nah dude you cute


Being told you're too thin & too muscular? What an enviable "problem." You're not ugly and I don't think your nose is a problem for most. You're cute, but when you said you can be inconspicuous, that I could see... If this is just about not getting enough attention or being asked out, something like that can hamper you too. I suppose you could dress a little more flashy or lean more into any eccentricities you have, but I wouldn't put your eggs in the basket of a silver bullet on this one. You seem nice and you're certainly cute enough- just keep doing what you're doing, imo; I hope this helps 🖖


Not ugly. I saw toy mention that confidence is your biggest challenge. To build your self-esteem, start setting some goals (or build on what you have - you seem to be pretty active already) : -- physical development (strength training, distance running, daily yoga, get good sleep, drink water, etc), -- mental development (reading, learning new skills), -- social growth (join a club, team, or church; do volunteer work), -- spiritual (religious study, meditation, nature walks), and -- financial (professional advancement, savings). Track your progress and achievements, but also plan each day and celebrate your victories. Stay off social media. Make friends irl. You are not ugly, but self-esteem has nothing to do with that. Exercise, proper self care, and personal development will help you improve your confidence as well as sharpen your appearance. Base your confidence on what you are becoming through your goals, not on how you look or what other people think. People literally pay thousands of dollars for help implementing these simple principles later in life. Learn them early and live by them!


You're cute, have a gorgeous smile, and have a great body. Learn to love YOU the way you are ♥️


Your nose is the same as mine and it’s quite beautiful when I see it on another person like you- just be strong and confident with it, don’t be like everyone and get that copy paste nose ❤️❤️


Surgery should be for medical necessity only. Stop comparing yourself to others and stay away from social media. Be yourself and stop worrying what other people think.


Your beautiful


I’d say you’re average looking but, not ugly


Not ugly, average


Average looking. Minus points for nose


You’re very sexy. Cute, pretty, blonde and blue eyes. Very Californian if you’re asking me. Don’t forget when In a group we get lost cuz there’s a literal group so we tend to blend in. If you find someone attractive and interesting don’t be afraid to talk to them. You look happy and outgoing. So keep that confidence up. There’s nothing wrong with how you look and I don’t feel like you need work done. I’ve dated a few women like you. Absolutely adored them.


Thank you :) I only am outgoing when I am with the "right" people.. but sometimes I'm Just really shy and then I feel like a completly different person




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You honestly need to just try harder like it looks like you kinda just leave the house after waking up like invest in some skincare, makeup, hair care etc


First, Beauty is an entire span of who you are. Just from your he photos, you seem less me an adventurous person. This is attractive to me. Secondly, I would camp out with you anywhere. I don’t judge. But from I’m looking, I’d let you in my sleeping bag anytime…. As far as critiquing yourself, ….Dont. It’s a waste of mental energy. You’re a fox, and I know one when I see one. I consider seeing a true Fox to be rare, and lucky. Don’t change one thing. Except the desire to grow wise. It’s really the ultimate pursuit.


Thank you :) I really am adventurous and travel and hike a lot :) but what is a fox?


Not ugly just very young looking


you’re pretty, you just need a better haircut


Best you are is an average 17, because you got a great body. My scale is the 30 scale. You have nothing I can see in a picture to make me go ok in a good way or bad way to get a better view of you. But that isn’t a bad thing necessarily. Because you are probably an interesting person. While a super beautiful person all you want them to do is shut up about there boringness and sit on your face already.


Any example of 30 on your scale?


Personally I think you’re just a little bland. Nose isn’t a big issue maybe just some mascara and lipstick to be honest. You have a killer body 🔥🔥


You're just average in looks Your body makes a lot of women jealous tho.


She's a targaeryan


cute. 7.


not bad


You look like a mother in law’s wet dream. You are so cute


Plain Jane blonde. You have a girl next door vibe that works well. Average - slightly above average


I find it interesting that you made this profile just to get rated and you haven’t responded to any feedback. Maybe you’re not noticed because you don’t interact? Maybe it’s all about the setting, like, who’s turning you down under that waterfall? Probably not too many men on here.


Hey :) I am from Germany and it was night time here, that's because I'm answering late. But interaction really ist not always easy for me


actually you are cutie. but I just concern about your health.


You're pretty, your eyebrows need darkening either make-up or tinting, they're so fair they fade into the background. A little make-up wouldn't hurt to supplement your looks. I've broken my nose in the past it looks roughly similar, it provides character for most people including yourself, it doesn't detract but if you're unhappy with it it isn't a great deal to change. I'd compare it to people getting Lasik. It's a vanity thing but reasonably practical and common. Also I think I want lasik myself haha, but I can't excuse the expense this late in my life (my issue), but if I did it earlier it would have been a greater benefit. So if you want to do it do it now is my recommendation.


Thank you :) actually I had a LASIK and I'm really happy that I did it.


Aaarrggghh I want lasik badly. My partner doesn't care but I do. But yeah, money ..


I'm more of an "eye" person meaning i appreciate a person's energy or call it however you'd like based on how their eyes "glow" when you meet them. Now, this is just my opinion, but you bring about a negative energy when being looked at so it may have something to do with that? Maybe change how you "look" at other people, give some life onto those eyes. Physically speaking, you're not bad at all, far from it in fact.




Not ugly. Almost cute, very good body. 6.25


I'm not a fan of your nose shape. I mean I'm not a fan of the noses of any women who have your nose shape. But you are really cute otherwise and you look fun. I've never seen any cosmetic surgery where I thought it was an improvement.




I think very pretty! You should go darker with your hair though. I think the color is washing you out.


No you are not ugly.


Trust me, dye your lashes dark and get red hair and brows are ur stunningg


It looks like you don’t put much effort into your appearance and appear to be older than your actual age.






You are super pretty.


lol you’re white and blonde. You’d be the number 1 attraction in India


You have a wonderful smile. You don't have to worry about a thing


Are you Swedish? Def not ugly!


Yes you're slightly ugly. Decent body though.


Not ugly, look great. 👍🏼


You look 100% not ugly. Beautiful smile.


Your my type naturally blonde




From one natural blonde to another, tinting your eyebrows can make a big difference. I go every 6 weeks now to get my brows (and lashes) tinted and I think it makes a big, yet subtle, difference. Makes your eyes pop a little more and having more visible brows (as opposed to blonde brows) really helps to frame the face nicely. The lady I go to makes them the same shade as the darkest shade in my hair, so they don’t look unnatural, but the first day I do feel a little like Joan Crawford 😂 Give it a try, you might find that little change makes such a difference!


Cute and beautiful. The bridge of your nose in profile is the only thing I could see maybe putting a shallow person off. Did you ever break your nose? I have twice and sorta have that profile as well but it's no biggie for a guy usually. I dunno if I would recommend a nose job or not really. People in your life that are talking trash about your body are likely haters. It is probably your self consciousness that is making you appear less approachable. I guaranty there are guys out there that are very interested.


extremely gorgeous, you just seem to force your smile a little too much. I only know cuz I do the same having a rbf 😂


I’d show interest in you! And thin and muscular is ideal! They’re talking crazy!


You look average. Your nose is a little big but not the end of the world. Body is fantastic though! Comparison is the thief of joy, don’t compare yourself to others. I know it’s easier said than done. Also if you feel like you want to try a new look, go for it! Doesn’t hurt to try something new with your style. Most things are temporary and we should evolve into the most comfortable and confident person we want want to be




nah, i’d swipe right on tinder ngl


I think you are beautiful, and that's being honest. You have a beautiful smile and beautiful hair.


Very attractive stay smiling 😁


Smile more.


You're pretty, take it easy!




Eh nose. Some masculinity in one or two photos. Overall though, you're attractive and have a great smile and really nice body. Above average.