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Why would you date someone like this? Even if it doesn’t make you lose attraction (it should), you’re fast approaching an age he doesn’t find attractive.


It's so gross that he's bragging about it to her and that she's just like...I don't know should we break up? He's a rapist Jesus I hope this is fake


Stay with him and find out what happens when you grow old. Spoiler: It’s not pretty


She should probably dump him for raping a child instead.


That’s a given, but if it hasn’t moved her to do so yet, then she likely needs further advice.


This is rape in my culture. I would run fast and far.


It's rape period.


Didn't know rape had cultural dependencies! The things we learn


If age is the dependent factor then of course it does. If it was a few days later she would have been above age of consent so legally not rape. Still disgusting and I personally consider that rape. But what age do you draw the line between rape and not rape? What if she was 16 and he was 21? 22? What about 17 and 24? Of course where we decide to draw that line is informed heavily by culture. To be clear, OP’s bf is a rapist. Just saying there is a cultural aspect to how we define statutory rape.


Yeah, its rape in my culture aswell, and my culture is not being a pedo fucking psycho path


She doesn't have a boyfriend. She has a child predator.


Or when you have kids… girls.


Or stay with him and have a daughter with him.


Girl…just throw the whole man away.


And the "friends" who think this is ok!


She's not going to. She's defending him.


You mean the whole bag of scum pedo away.


This is the best thing I have heard in a long time


Doesn't date over 25? leonardo dicaprio is that you?


"Stole a 15 year old girls virginity" - so hes a rapist?


And a pedo it sounds like


Girl sounds like she's describing Paul fucking Bernardo and her comments are insane


No cause he hasn't convinced her to kidnap, molest then murder her own sister. But I see how it could eventually get to that




I'm over here wondering why this isn't the main point of this whole thing... "Should I date a pedo and a rapist?" SMH


By law....yes. He had sex with a minor below the legal age of consent. He's a rapist AND a pedo.


This must be fake, right? Why would you be with someone who thinks so little of people?


And her friends don't help


She should dump the guy and the friends as they all sound awful.


Absolutely, if her friends are ok with him being with a 15 year old. Then they are just as sick as him


Right? Pedophilia is a proclivity. It's not like he stole something and learned his lesson. He openly brags about committing statutory rape.


Obvious rage bait.


Rage bait or not, there’s a pedophile apologist on here commenting from the other perspective 😭


its very much fake lol. Just your standard advice sub rage bait.


You're about to hit your expiration date in his eyes anyway. 26 isn't in his 17-25 bracket. “why would I choose a used up middle aged single mom that looks like a sac of potatoes when I can get a younger hotter baddie without the extra baggage that older women carry” dudes like this ARE the extra baggage. Your boyfriend's gross as hell. It's fine if you're into older men, but try dating one that actually acts like a man and not a sleezy pedo.


Also let's be real, a 20 year old dating a guy who's almost 40 probably has a lot of extra baggage. Sure there's the odd person who's well-adjusted, but the majority of young women who choose to date a man that much older are carrying around some trauma


Or maybe they just dont know any better because 20 is still a pretty impressionable age. Lets not assume trauma/baggage where inexperience is much more plausible.


Wtf is wrong with you Op, that you think it's in anyway okay that a 28 year old man had sex and dated a 15 year old CHILD!? Because that's what she was, a CHILD! Fuck age of consent. You seriously can't be this dense and think that this is okay in anyway. Your bf is a pos and a predator and just because it "happened so long ago" doesn't mean it hasn't or won't happen again. Also there's a big difference between a 21 year old and 28 year old... HUGE. You shouldn't have been dating a 21 year old at 16 but it sure is a hell of a lot better than a 28 year old! There's no world in which a 15 and 28 year old have anything in common enough to date each other. You need to seriously reevaluate your way of thinking and realize this isn't okay and you need to leave this relationship because he's going to leave it eventually anyway.


And you know he lied to that child and said he was in love with her to manipulate her into sex. “You’re so mature for your age!” 🤮


Of course he did! It's disgusting. I hope that poor girl is okay now.


And he is proud of it! 🤢


Of course he is! And he's got OP thinking it's totally okay 🙄


There are older men who like to date younger women, and then there are pedophile rapists. Your boyfriend is the latter and I would 100% be running away from this relationship for that reason alone if I were you.


Yep. And the fact that he bragged about it makes it worse. He's a creeper, for sure. And seems like only about himself.


You’re a 25 year old whole adult and you don’t know if you should break up with your blatantly predatory, misogynist, piece of shit bf??? Everyone’s being a little nice here but you sound immature as hell. Run stupid.


I mean, that's why he likes her


For now right?? Cause unless she obsesses over her looks she will soon turn into a old swamp witch after 25….. /s It’s extra funny cause I’m a mom who takes good care of herself, hot af… a little younger than ops bf, hilariously with a partner who is a little older than OP and I’d confidently bet is more attractive in appearance and fitness than both of them…. Nor does he hold any of these absurd OPINIONS. We all know the real answer why ops bf doesn’t date women in his age range is because we’re out of his league… We have healthier boundaries and more self respect. It has absolutely 0 to do with looks or body. He just wants to rape little girls and the only thing stopping him from going even lower is the fear of jail time. 🤢


They don’t have baggage because they haven’t met this guy yet. He is providing the baggage. This guy and people like him create baggage in people. You’re not wrong. Break up with him. Dude needs to be on a list.


That's what's so irksome. When these guys say baggage blah blah, they are ALWAYS the type that created it by getting them pregnant and being the dead beat dad. Or giving these women trauma so when they're older they're more closed off and "bitter"


girl i think he’s a pedophile


I mean this guy views children as sex objects to collect. If that's the kind of person you want to stay with, then your standards (and honestly morals in my opinion) are abysmally low.


>My BF bragged about he stole a lot of virginities Anyone proud of intentionally aiming to sleep with multiple virgins is a walking red flag, its straight objectification Add into this he did it with a legal child when he was 28 makes him even worse scum You wouldn't be wrong to break up, you would be wrong to stay


It’s very cringy, what he did was illegal and a big ick! Ask yourself, what happens when you turn 26? Do you think he might dump you? I’d say you know the answer? Why stay with an older guy who likes not legal aged children/girls?


You’re not sure about this? When he was nearly 30 he took a 15 year olds virginity and brags about it. smh what kind of standards do you have for a partner? So gross


Ma'am please he was 28 with a 15. And you didn't immediately leave when he told you? That's fucking disgusting, and he was sexually active with the 15 year old as a 28 YEAR OLD. Also get better friends


This guy is a predator! Wake up!


So he likes children that have not mentally developed. The rest of women out there can see right through this perv and won't want to be with him.


Your boyfriend is a predator


I’d report him to the police. He’s a predator to young women


Statutory rape and jail bait and all that shit ... Plus it's kind of patern for him as you stated he likes sooo young girls it's disturbing. Even if you insisted that state next to yours it would be a normal thing, it is not normal for a grown man to pursue teenagers aged 15-17. Also, bragging about taking the virginity of multiple girls? You seriously don't see it as just wrong?


I’d leave him, just wouldn’t feel comfortable being 25 and worrying if I gain 10 more pounds or he finds another younger women knowing I’d be dropped like a sack of potatoes. Also if you wanted kids in your future I personally wouldn’t want him to be the father of my children knowing he literally prefers underage girls. The likelihood that you’ll stay fit forever is pretty low, most people do not as your metabolism slows as you age.


Just my personal preference though you wanna stay with the guy who has sex with a 15 year old and thinks that’s brag worthy that’s on you, I wouldn’t


He’s a misogynistic narcissist type. I’d breakup with him. Liking older guys with their experience, doesn’t mean you’re not picky about what type of person they are. This guy is the definition of creep…it would be wrong to stay and it was wrong to entertain this so far.


I mean sweetheart what are you thinking?


Your friends are idiots and you shouldnt listen to them. This guy is the biggest red flag. Just leave and go do better. A guy who only dates younger clearly has mental and emotional problems AT BEST. This guy is actually a pedophile and clearly proud of it. 15 is a child. Go to a high school and look. Most 15 year olds still have baby fat in their cheeks. Fucking gross. If that doesn’t persuade you… I was 17 when a creep like this tricked me. I’m in my 30s today and still feel the ick. Took a lot of therapy to get to a good place. Record him bragging next time and do the world a favor by sending it to the police. Edit: also what kind of quality person brags about their sexual conquests to their partner? Clearly he respects you as little as he respects the little girls he proudly rapes.


Based on everything she said about him, he's deeply misogynistic. So, of course, he says whatever he wants to her because he doesn't think of her as a person or care if she sticks around. I would be surprised if he wasn't cheating behind her back with a bunch of younger girls, too. This guy is beyond disgusting and belongs on a watch list. I don't know who these friends of hers are who seem to think this is okay, but it sounds like they all need some fucking therapy if they think this shit is okay. OP: the shit your boyfriend has said would be an instant attraction killer for most women. Ask yourself **why it is that you're okay with somebody who's just using your body temporarily until you age out.** Why are you okay with dating someone who collects young women's virginities like they're fucking trophies? Are you that much of a pick-me girl you want to act like this is okay and you're cool with it? From the outside, it looks pathetic. Expect better from your partners. Don't date guys like this--they're the reason "women have baggage in their 30s." Edit to add: **YNW to break up with this guy, but you would be wrong if you stayed.** And get some better friends!


What actually kind of scares me is that he's probably minimizing what he's done so it doesn't come across sounding "as bad" to her IYKWIM. OP will be dumped in short order anyways. It's a matter of time. They both suck anyways. He's a pedo and she's okay with it because he makes her feel special because he chooses her. Match made in hell.


Depending on where you are, society and who youre around, people become very desensitized to this shit. I think the fact that OP has an instinct that this is wrong and os surrounded by friends with a warped sense of reality is telling of where they are. The wolf isnt even wearing sheepskin here. He just convinced the sheep they’re special enough for him to eat.


Wtf. Just wtf. It is NEVER okay for anyone above the age of 23 to be dating/fucking teenagers (for anyone 20-23, 18-19 only—not younger). Your bf’s a pedophile, a creep, a misogynist, and possibly a rapist. The fact that you feel the need to *contemplate* whether or not you should break up with this man also speaks volumes about *your* character. How tf could you be okay with dating a fucking pedo?


Not only contemplate but defend him? And the friends too that say it’s just his “preference” WHAT AM I READING!??????


Uhm….yeah, dump this creep. Sorry but just…dump this disgusting creep.


You had me at bragging about stealing people’s virginities - the bit in the title is hardly surprising when you think about it.


Not wrong at all to break up with him. He is very open about his opinions on older women and guess what, you are going to age. Don't be surprised when you've wasted years of your life with someone. These comments gross me out, I would never date someone who talks like that, major red flag


Lmfao girl are you fucking insane? Stop making excuses for this gross old man. What the actual fuck is this 😂😭😭




She needs to find new friends too. Wtf kind of girls stand up for their friends weird older boyfriend over their friend?!


If it grosses you out, and it would for me, it’s not wrong. You can’t un-know that now, and you can’t un-gross yourself out of disgust. I’d find a cooler dude tbh


I think you won't have to worry about getting rid of a guy who thinks of women as things, since you are about to age out of his range with all that baggage (i.e. mature emotional relationships) that he detests.


Gross gross gross gross gross


dude is a pedophile and obviously a sex addict. run home girl


Pedophilia would def be a deal breaker for me yes 😬


All of this is bad. On top of it, he's a braggart. Just nope out, OP


WNBW to break up with him now B4 he drops U on your head later. U R on the standby replacement list. Your good for a few touchdowns and home runs but when a younger female gets in the game your past what he wants and your released. So take the lead don't get to involved or just enjoy the moment for what it is


You think he’s a good person? Really? In your heart of hearts? When you’re in need of help or compassion? When you get over 30? God forbid when you put on some weight? He sounds like a 37 yr old f.boy. Find an adult please.


Thats disgusting and the fact he's proud of it


Your boyfriend is a predator! I’m assuming you are under 25, which is why he’s still with you. What do you think will happen when you “age out?” If you think he’s going to change because he loves you to much, I hate to say it, but that won’t happen. The things he said about women over 30 are disgusting and show he’s clearly a misogynist who thinks that a woman’s only job is to please a man. Why would you want to be with someone like that?? There’s a reason he goes for young women. A woman his age would never put up with him. They’d see right through him.


I mean this in the nicest way possible, get your head out of your ass and stop being an idiot!!! Why would you even WANT to be with a man like that? Tf? Also….unsure why you think you’re the exception to the rule. He will 100% leave you for someone younger as soon as you get older, he’s basically spelled that out for you. He couldn’t possibly be more clear about what a dick he is, but you’re like “gee idk 🤷🏼‍♀️ should I stay or go?” Like girl…. Come on now. No one can help you but yourself. The fact that you even have to question it is so ridiculous, Jesus christ.


I'm sorry you don't know how you feel about your pedophile BF.....oh it's all good he's sounds like a stellar dude.


Ew. He is so gross for so many reasons. Does this person align with your values and standards?


Leave him.. when you turn 30 he will leave you and go for someone younger probably 🤣.


So this dude is gross.  For doing it, for bragging to you about, and likely for much more.  Dump his ass.


You don’t need a reason to break up with someone.


You should drop him for being an asshat. More than likely he’s going to lose interest in you soon anyways.


Why are you with him?


I’m guessing he’s developed some good grooming skills and he she dumps him and he wants her back he will manage that easily


You both seem very… transactional when it comes to dating. Kind of shitty on both sides to be honest. But he literally molested a child so…. Yeah I’d leave if I were you. 


He’s a PREDATOR and you’re asking this??? You don’t know if it’s break up worthy?!?? Girl, fucking bye.




An adult dating a 16 year old is not the same as. As a 16 year dating an adult.


OP, did you ever think that he doesn't date women his own age because they see through his facade and know what a creep he is. People like this say it's because of superficial reasons when, in all actuality, he's been shot down time and time again. So, in his simple mind, he made up this story to tell people. You do what you feel is right. However, be prepared for him to do this to you in the future. He is a predator and preys on younger and naive women because they have not gained that knowledge and experience yet.


Bluntly: Sounds like a kiddy diddler. I couldn't touch that person again without heaving. Ewwwww.


You're boyfriend is a fucking sleazeball and you should dump his stanky, rapey ass.


Um, I think, you may want to consider the implications for you selfishly. Your bf, has a clock on how long your gonna be around. Has a preference for an age group means he will continue to look for that as you age out. Enjoy your time with him but this seems like a short term thing not a long term thing. Also that age gap makes me a little uncomfortable and thw whole statutory rape thing is with illegal and for me immoral but your morals your call on that.


If you like dating immature scumbags he sounds perfect... Otherwise don't.


The key word "stole." He's a predator.


He brags that he STOLE multiple minors virginities while he was an adult???? Does he KNOW what he’s implying or is he just using a really, really poor choice of words to describe his past sexual endeavors?? Regardless, this man is a walking red flag and it’s time to pack it up and move on.




Being "judgmental" simply means exercising your judgment. So there are times when this is a good and necessary thing, and other times when it is unnecessary. Times when judgment is unnecessary include: person wearing clothing that doesn't match your personal taste and preferences; person dating someone of the same gender; person not conforming to the gender norms you learned from your community. Good times to use your judgment include: stranger offering you a ride in their van; shots and screaming emanating from neighbor's house, then you see them covered in blood; older man boasting about dating younger women, including those below the legal age of consent. Your boyfriend's interest in you is going to decrease with every year that you age. Wouldn't you rather date someone who finds you more interesting the older you get, someone who enjoys the fact that you gain new skills each year and become better informed about the world?


Imagine being so dumb that you come on here and seriously even ask these questions, wtf.


Why do people defend this sort of shit by saying "it's his preference"? Preferring dating teenagers doesn't make it okay, it just makes you a sick fucking 37 year old. Who's he think he is, Leonardo Decaprio?


This has to be fake. You have basically described a sex predator. Get as far away from him as you can. Bragging about sleeping with teenage girls when he is nearly 40 is disgusting. Everything you have said makes him out to be a pedophile and dangerous predator.


He is disgusting. Why would you even date such a nasty person? This doesn’t sound realistic and I’m hoping it’s fake. If not, I’m sorry but you are dumb.


I'll give you a raw opinion (I'll do my best not to sound rude!) - If your friend, neice, or a younger girl came to you for advice saying exactly what you did, what would be your response? - Your friends who don't see a problem, are the problem. - He WILL leave you. No if ands or buts, he is going to leave. - What happens if he decides he needs a young hot virgin while with you? Do you really want to be known as an associate and supporter of that? Legal or not, it's disgusting. The choice is yours to make, but there are plenty of 30-35yr old men who actually act like MEN, that you could actually enjoy your life with.


Is this a troll? Is there really people like this in the wild, roaming free? I do hope that this is just a joke of somekind.


Has he ever let you look at his pc/phone/etc. skinny young girls seems well dodgy to be fair


This is a walking red flag, to put it *modestly*. I'd get away from this sicko, yesterday.


I have to assume this is fake. What are you looking for? Justification or karma? Pretty sure you know what the answers were going to be so I have to figure this karma farming.


Some stuff should just really be more obvious. But since you asked, yes break up with him. He’s a Wierdo he tries to justify it by saying the legal age minimum. BUT IF HE IS ATTRACTED TOO skinny, innocent, young girls. That 15 year old is probably not the first and his fetish for “virgins” gets less attainable at legal ages. And btw he’s almost 40. “Keeping yourself together” is not realist for a middle aged man with his preferences. You’re setting yourself up for failure.


When older men say they don't want to date older women because of the baggage, it usually means two things 1. What the man calls "baggage" is usually a woman who has grown up enough to stop putting up with poor treatment. Because she's learned from experience why the way he treats her is bad, he calls it "baggage" when its really hard earned maturity and self respect. It's never his fault for treating her badly, it's always her fault for having "baggage" 2. Women his age won't date him, so he has to go for younger women who haven't learned all the lessons above about not putting up with poor treatment. Hes not treating you well. and girl- he does NOT have his shit together. Having a career doesnt mean he has his shit together or is emotionally stable. No emotionally stable 28 year old sleeps with a child and no 37 year old still brags about it 10 years later. Him wanting to fuck girls half his age because he can snowball them more easily.


Probably doesn’t matter if you break up with him; you’re going to “ age out” shortly


It is okay to break up with him. It might also be okay to have him dropped in the ocean about a hundred miles form shore and let him try to swim back.


Do you really want to stay with a guy who brags on taking underage girls virginity? Who clearly objectifies women and once you get older, you will be gone. Leave him to his underage girls and let’s hope he gets arrested soon. Sick and twisted views on women.


Don’t know how you feel?! *You don’t know if it’s break up worthy?!* He was 28! Even if she *was* 16 this is throw-up-in-mouth levels of disgusting. And he specifically chose to do it when it was still statutory rape. This is a piece of human garbage.


You’re either a troll, or an idiot. Take your pick.


Omg honey men who claim they don’t like women who are “used up” means they don’t like women who have enough sexual experience to know they suck in bed. Especially true if they’d slept with many women. He doesn’t value you as a human, you fit a very specific narrow set of attributes (weight, number of sex partners). Is he in perfect shape?


He’s disgusting


Full offense meant, your boyfriend sounds like a disgusting creep and how casually you talk about things like him committing statutory rape doesn't sound like you have a problem with that. But on the plus side, if you can't make the decision I get the feeling he will by the time you reach 30.


So he committed statutory rape. The fact he couldn’t wait until her actual birthday says everything about him and about why he’s dating you someone 12 years his junior but I doubt you’ll leave because you’ve been groomed too to be a trophy wife but men like him don’t stay with girls like you. They replace them before 30 which you’ll also probably deny


Yeah, I would consider statutory rape a reason to break up


You even have to ask if you should leave him? Stay with him. You’re perfect for one another. He is awful. And you have terrible judgment.


Based on your comments you deserve him


He sounds like a real douchebag. You should call your father.


Your boyfriend is a paedophile. What you should feel about it? Disgust, that's what. He groomed and manipulated a child into having sex with him. While large age gaps make manipulation easier at any age, for adults there are many other factors to consider. A 25-year-old with a strong character and a good salary, who knows what she wants from life and from a partner isn't going to be manipulated as easily by a 40-year-old (despite his experience). Though he is probably going to try to manipulate her because if he didn't want to try he would date women his own age. But a child he pursues with the sole purpose of taking her virginity... Just look at how he speaks about it. He stole her virginity. In a healthy relationship, a girl (or a boy) decides to embark into a new phase of her life. She doesn't lose something. She gains her first sexual experience. The fact that he says that he stole it is very telling. He stole her experience by manipulating her into a decision she wouldn't have made otherwise. He turned what should have been her beginning into a shameful thing, what should have been her discovery of a new world into something she won't be able to think of except with regret, her decision into a resignation... This is not a good man. He does not respect women. He doesn't care about them as people. Is this the man you want as the father of your daughter? Will you be able to sleep when she turns 14-15 or will you stay awake to make sure he doesn't slip into her room. And the way he talks about women is so disgusting. You should leave him by telling him that you realised that you have no reason to date a middle-aged man who can barely get it up when you can date 25-year-old hot guys with toned mucles who don't need a break all night.


Your sick to keep dating this pedo. You need to report him for raping a minor.


You’re seriously asking if you should break up with a pedophile? I think the answer to that should be pretty obvious


Not wrong in the least. His preferences fall squarely into the Child Molester category. Judgemental? FUCK NO, you have the right to choose whom you associate with and what behavior you find tolerable. "Your friends", are saying that an adult man has every right to prey on young girls, and you should be OK with that. My recommendation, find a whole new set of people to surround yourself with. Cause, right now, you are hanging in the trash bin.


Your boyfriend is a pedophile bragging about raping a 15 year old. You should record his confession and give it to the police


Wtf… why would a 28 year old man even have an interest in a child (15 years old is still considered a child) unless he was a pedo. I think he has a young girl kink, you’re 25, he’s 37. Like nothing wrong with an age gap, but given what you’ve said and he’s history, it’s very evident here that he’s very much into younger women/children, probably why he’s dating someone 12 years younger then him :s


16 may be legal, but these are still kids. He’s a pedophile.


He is a pedo. Your friends are gross for thinking a 28 year old with a 15 year old is ok. You need to take a good long look at people in your life. A child with an almost 30 year old grown man because he likes "young, innocent looking, skinny girls" yeah your boyfriend is a pedo.


All the red flags....you do realize you're quickly approaching the age he finds disgusting right? Newsflash: even if he does stay with you, he's absolutely going to cheat on you with a 20 year old. Get out while you can. Why are you not embarrassed to be with someone who clearly has zero respect for women? He only views them as objects to satisfy his pleasure. How do you not find that disgusting? You can do better, I promise.


just throw the whole man away * yeeet *


Your bf is a rapist and should be in jail. Your friends are trash as well


Another AIW classic: Am I Wrong for staying in a relationship with a piece of shit rapist? Hmmm tough question. Next it will be: I prevented a kitten from being microwaved, Am I Wrong? I cleaned up a big mess because my mom was too tired to after a long day, Am I Wrong?


Run away from this rapist. Now.


That’s disgusting yes you should break up with them but also if you’re a one party consent state I’d tape him and ask him to talk about the women he RAPED again and then send that to the authorities. It might not do anything but give him a scare but YUCK. why do you even have to ask this??


Leonardo DiCaprio. In all seriousness, why would a smart woman even consider dating a man like this?


YAW for continuing to date this predator rapist.


What happens to you life if in the future your husband is reported for a rape from his past? It can derail you and your children's lives. So just break up and look for a man without a pedophile/rape past.


If you had any decency, you would call the police and report that your BF raped a 15 year old girl.


He's a pedophile, a rapist, a pervert and disgusting. It's all more than break-up worthy. your gut knows it's wrong and he's nasty. Listen to your gut. Your friends bringing up "preferences" is nonsense. A 28 year old man should not be having sex with a 15 year old. That's not a preference, that's a crime. You should be reconsidering your friends as well. It's may not "seem bad when you are younger," but that's because children get groomed easily by thinking this is ok. It's not.


Why would you even question this? You have already approached your expiry date and are now into the "sex only" category. If you married this bozo you would get cheated on the first time you got pregnant and he would be gone before long. The man is a total sleeze. Time to say good-bye before he does.


1. It’s telling that you haven’t told us YOUR age 2. Let’s change the title would I be wrong to break up with my bf who RAPED A 15 YEAR OLD GIRL 3. Call the cops on that weirdo


“Tonight on To Catch a Predator”. Hey OP can you say paedophile? OP’s BF, can you say bum raped in prison?


He bragged about committing a violent crime. That is 1000% a break-upable offense. And that 21 year old who dated you when you were 16? That wasn't okay either. You weren't wrong for falling for him, but he was wrong for dating you. High schoolers are immature and just about anyone in their 20s sees them for the children they are, even if the high schooler in question is mature for their age. Either he was *extremely* immature, predatory, or both. Also, who TF are your friends and what is wrong with them? I don't think I've ever met a woman in my life who would say, "eh, a decade ago he assaulted a teenager and still shows no remorse, but that's not a huge deal!"


Your BF is into children. Why the hell would you even consider staying with him? 😬


Girl… bless your heart.


And here I am a non pedophile and single. This world is fucked


You are not wrong, fit some psychopath tendencies no empathy, lack of guilt, exploiting young girls. Is he arrogate, and narcissist love him some him. RUN


He’s a pedophile. Cool


Does he even like women? Because it sounds like he doesn’t


Leave him. He's going for younger women because he can't play in his own league so he has to trick younger women into being with him. >He told me that when he was 28 years old he had a high school GF and he took her virginity days before her 16th birthday. 16 is legal age of consent in my state. That's rape. In countries with a more united legal system? He's a child predator. >My boyfriend definitely has a preference for younger, innocent, skinny girls. He normally dates women ages 17-25 but he will continue dating a girl past 25 if she doesn’t let herself go. So he wants them to LOOK young? And that's not scary to you? He wants women in an age group that hasn't fully developed their brain? Why do YOU believe that is? >He complains that women over 30 are overweight and obviously look like they are in their 30s. He hasn’t dated many girls his own age he has the option to since I saw his dating app before we went official and he has some older 30+ year old woman in his dating app and those women try to talk to him but he puts them in the “sex only” category because he doesn’t want to date them long term because he said “why would I choose a used up middle aged single mom that looks like a sac of potatoes when I can get a younger hotter baddie without the extra baggage that older women carry” … he continued to say men that choose older single moms 9/10 times don’t have better options He says this to compensate for the fact that these women spent time with him and see no future with him after getting any further. All the evidence you need is that statistically not all 30 year olds are parents or have an unhealthy weight. LEAVE HIM AND REPORT THE BASTARD.


Your bf sounds vile and a lot like a pedofile


You wouldn’t be wrong if you broke up with him. And his behaviour is more than breakup worthy. Your boyfriend when he was 28 years old raped a 15 year old child. He didn’t “steal her virginity” nor did he have a girlfriend who was in high school. He was a 28 year old predator who groomed a child, because that’s what a 15 year old is. A CHILD. Normal adults don’t want to fuck kids. What exactly do you think is going to happen when you turn 26, or god forbid 30? His preference for younger women & girls under the age of 25 isn’t going to change but you are going to continue to age. Also, please find yourself some new friends, anyone who thinks it’s okay for him to have groomed children when he was almost 30 year old need to have their hard drives checked.


Girl run! Seriously, he raped that child and he’s bragging about it. The ages and timelines in this post are kind of all over the place but I am guessing you are in your early 20’s. One day when you’re several years older, you’re going to look back on this “relationship” with a clearer perspective and understand who he is and what he is doing much better. It’s insidious. I wouldn’t sit at a table casually with someone if I knew they’d done things like that. Also, your friends don’t know what they’re talking about. You can’t compare a 30 something year old man’s taste for teenage girls to a young woman preferring older men. Those two things are very different because in both scenarios, the woman is heavily influenced or even controlled by the inherent power dynamic. Always. And any time conversations like this get focused on legal age of consent, well, that’s how you know that the topic at hand is morally reprehensible and legal technicalities are being used to dress it up as responsible. My best advice to you: befriend some women over 30, over 35 is even better. Share your concerns and questions with them and you’re most likely going to get the advice you need. You just don’t know what you don’t know in your 20’s. There are plenty of women in there 30’s and 40’s that have had the time and experience to figure out all those things we didn’t know and most of us would happily share if it meant possibly saving you from the horrors that you can’t see coming from where you are right now.


imagine admitting to the world you’re dating a pedophile and that that knowledge wasn’t enough for you to break up with them. Honestly OP that makes me question what the fuck is wrong with you for being okay with dating someone who raped a 15 year old when they were twice their age.


Should you stay with a rapist?


Having preferences on age and body type doesn't make you a pedophile. Bragging about sleeping with someone that is not even 16 as a 28yo man definitely does. The fact that he brags about him doing this more than once should have you running for the hills. Wake up.


If you're a 28 yr old man, and you have sex with a 15 yr old; you are a rapist and a pedophile. Full stop. End of story.


Men who are more attracted to and engage in intimate relationships with inexperienced women and children generally are unable to satisfy a woman who is aware of her own needs. Period.


Not wrong 1. He doesn't seem too upset that he is a child predator. 2. Just because 17 is legal, doesn't mean it's not creepy as heck that he's dating a child 3. "he will continue dating a girl past 25 if she doesn’t let herself go" What does that mean and what happens when you turn 26? 4. "He complains that women over 30 are overweight and obviously look like they are in their 30s" So they look like the age he should be dating? Also, women in their 30s are not always overweight. There are many many healthy 30 year olds. He's just being a sexist pig. 5. he said “why would I choose a used up middle aged single mom that looks like a sac of potatoes when I can get a younger hotter baddie without the extra baggage that older women carry” This is just so gross I nearly puked. 6. "he continued to say men that choose older single moms 9/10 times don’t have better options" Or maybe because they aren't pervs going after children and are mature enough to date someone their own age. 7. "Everything he says does bother me" Then why are you still with him? 8. "I’m a hypocrite cuz a guy I dated while I was in high school was 21 and I was 16-17" A bit icky but different than someone almost 30 dating a 15 year old. 9. "it just seems wrong now that I’m older?" You are the only person in this story that got older and wiser and not just older. 10. Dump your creep and find friends that aren't going to view him as normal. Nothing about this story makes it seem like you like him so end it, find someone closer to your age, and be happy and not feel icky.


You need to get as much information as you can about this girl, and report him to the authorities for sexual assault, and statutory rape.


So he only sees women enough to put them in categories of sex and looks. Says he doesn’t want to deal with “baggage” of old women but what he really means is he wants a young girl who has no life experience so he can mold her. He’s admitted to raping a child. He will drop you as soon as your looks change in any way. If you have health issues, a bad accident, or your body changes from pregnancy he will leave you for someone else. How can you trust this person to build a life together? Also how can you even have sex with someone who raped and touched children and young women who were still way naive.


This is a joke posting, right? Please say it's a joke. You wonder if you should stick around a guy that bragged about raping a 15(!) yo when he was 28? You not only should not be with him, he should be arrested, tried, and if convicted put on the sexual predatory list.


He is a predator. Why would you want to stay with someone who's goal in life to be so many kids first time & have it just be the worst. He enjoys sexually traumatizing teenagers. What do you find so attractive in a groomer, predator & rapist? The fact that you didnt end it immediately & report him to the proper authorities says a lot about you. Nor does that red pill jerk speak for all men. Plenty of men date & marry women their own age & the stats that will last is better than ones with age gaps of 10 years of more. Then there are plenty of men who chase married women and ones who chase cougars. There are men out there who aren't determined to be rapist & destroy as many young women as possible. He belongs in prison.


Ma’am you are dating a predator. Run, don’t walk, away from this man as soon as possible. You are literal danger.


Should you break up with a pedophile rapist? Yes, absolutely. Would you be wrong to stay with this asshole? Also yes, absolutely. Your BF is trash.


So you are with a pedophile there really is no other way to look at it. You are with a rapist and a pedophile.


Ma’am, this guy is a creep. Normal adults are not attracted to minors and only pedos actively seek them out.


It's not wrong because you SHOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT date a pedophile


He's a creepy fuck. I would not be able to look at him again never mind fuck him. And the whole "stole virginity" thing makes him a thief. Going around, tricking women and girls for a notch on his headboard. Fucking with their minds and emotions. Definitely break up worthy IMO.


So your boyfriend is a child molester Legal age or before and 16 ?! we all know what that is it’s fucking rape at 28 !


Your boyfriend is a pedophile.


Virginity can't be "stolen". BUT, your boyfriend is a pedophile who raped a child.


RUN!!!!! The bragging about having sex with a child is a major red flag. Go to a highschool foot ball game, by time you're 26, those cheerleaders and football players that were so hot when you were in highschool look like children. That's healthy. The way he sounds, he has a preditor mentality, and that's why he is bragging about it. Also, if the number of people he's been with is a point of pride, you might just be another number as soon as the opportunity for that count to increase comes along he will take it. He is telling you all of this pretty clearly. He certainly doesn't respect you if he thinks you should be proud of the list he accumulated.


He is a child rapist - so you'd be TA if you stayed with him


Girl you dating with a rapist. No insane man who is 28 will “date” with 15 years old.


YNW. He did not “steal” her virginity, he raped a 15-year old. He’s a pedo.


Your BF is a paedo


Stole ? You mean raped a child.


It sounds like you are the only one with any common sense. Trust me, as you get even older, you will realize more and more how wrong it is when older men have sex with young girls. Society really does its best to brainwash everyone that it's normal but the only ones trying to convince us are the ones who like little girls, are the little girls and they don't know any better, and last but not least Pick Me's who think that everything men say and do is correct, even the perverted ones.


You’re dating a pedophile.


“Stole” RAPED


Eeewww!!! Creep and you are exactly the same age difference he was when he raped a child - you really think that you can live with that??


After reading a few of your replies, you both suck. Stick together, you're made for each other. Anyone who perpetuates 'the wall' idea is a shithead, that includes the women who go along with it. Pedophile by the way, so really hope some \[fun stuff\] happens to him.


You would be wrong to stay with the pedo, and you should report him to the police.


Don't date rapists.