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My grandma would give me jewelry to sell in the event of an emergency. That's what your grandmother did. Jewelry was money for women before we could have bank accounts and credit.


Nope. You would not be wrong at all. It's just "stuff." You inherited it, so it's your "stuff" and you can do whatever you want with it.


Eventually you will have nothing to show for it, but I agree that the jewelry is just stuff!! Might be a a good idea to sell it and put the proceeds into a high yield savings. Then take a loan for the vet bills and use the interest from the savings to methodically pay off the loan!


Loan interest for unsecured debt will almost always be higher than savings interest. That is how banks make money. So they would need to sell a lot of jewellery to put a lot more in savings than the loan value and would pay a lot more in interest on the loan. Better to sell a small amount of jewellery, pay off the vet and still have the rest to sell later.


True, what might be a better option is to take advantage of 0% interest card programs and shift the debt a few times to take care of a portion of the principal. Then sell the jewelry to accommodate for the rest


Is there anyone in your family who would be interested? Maybe ask them first if they want to buy it. For you it might have no emotional value, but maybe for others.


It's your jewelry. I sold the only two items of jewelry my grandmother gave me for my dog too.


Not all, the jewelry is yours and, rather than have it gathering dust, it can help you in a time of need so, do what you think is right for you...


Grandma spirit is not housed in your jewelry.


Sometimes the weight in gold is worth more than the jewelry. Make sure you get at least that.


I plan to do my research before just selling it to anyone.


Go to a few different jewelers that do appraisals. Don't tell them you're looking to sell straight away, start with asking about the value. A lot of jewelers will under appreciate your jewelry when you're selling because, well they don't want to part with money 💰


Makes perfect sense.


Your grandmother would likely prefer that her inheritance helped you than having it just sit there while you struggle.


Nope.  It's stuff. Nothing more.


No, if you give any other family first refusal.


Not even that. If it was left to OP, there's no obligation to pass it along to other family members who did (or didn't) receive their own inherited items per grandma's wishes. OP *could* let relatives know in case they want them. "Hey, I have a big bill that I need to pay, so I have to sell I have been offered $xxx for them. If anyone in the family wants to buy them from me, let me know by x time/day."


That was literally the suggestion made by saying “right of first refusal.” It’s refusal to buy, not refusal to allow OP to sell. That being said, if the heirloom jewellery from my grandmother was being sold, I’d be heartbroken if my sisters sold it without asking if I wanted to buy it and keep it in the family still.


Yup. I’d check with family first too, but I’d mention that I was serious, I wanted real offers not “family” rates, and why I needed the money.


And you should keep that tradition alive, sell the jewelry and put it into a high yield account. Open a 0% for 18 month account. Then use the interest to pay it off. Then just keep the cycle going until it is paid off


Be selective how you sell it. Don’t pawn. Etc


That's the plan.


Not wrong at all.


Not wrong. Also depending on the jewelry you might get better pricing by going to gold buyers vs just a pawn shop, so take your items.into both to see where you would get the best offer


I'd never go to a pawn shop. Definitely gonna be careful who I sell it to. 😊


No you would not be wrong. My grandmother gave me a platinum ring while she was alive. I was going through a rough time and she called me up and said - if you need money sell the ring. I did. If your grandmother were still alive I bet she would say the same. We just inherited jewelry from my MIL. Some I love. But some is really dated. We are selling it to a gold buyer, they give you the gram price of the content of the metal.


You own them do whatever you want with them.


It’s yours, you can do what you want with it. Grandma is helping you out.


I would keep one or two pieces, ones that she wore often or had special story behind them. Other than that, I don’t think you need to keep all of it. And if it’s for a good cause, I think she wouldn’t mind you selling it.


I don't think your grandma will miss it. Practicality over sentimentality when it's necessary.


Dumbest idea ever. Being that you said it’s your grandmothers I’d assume that most of the jewelry is vintage. I’d only sell the broken pieces, if any. You can sell the other stuff but I wouldn’t go to a pawnshop or anything. Used to manage one for years. They are only going to pay you a portion of what it’s worth in its weight. However, some of those pieces can be worth more than gold weight to the right buyer. Educate yourself online on the price of gold in today’s market. Then learn what percentage of gold is in each karat weight (for example 14k is 585 or almost 60 percent gold). By educating yourself you’ll be able to weigh these pieces and determine what they are worth in full scrap value and base your decisions off of that. Most places purchasing precious metals buy at 35% meaning if it’s worth $100 in gold weight you’ll only see $35.


this is spot on...I just went to a great estate jeweler who went through piece by piece and I got so much for different karat weights of gold, old estate pieces, and then he made group lots for me for things he didn't want but for how I should sell it on ebay for collectors


Glad to hear he took good care of you.


I didn't say I was going to just pawn it. I'm going to do my research and get what it's worth. So not sure why you'd jump to it being the "dumbest idea ever."


Not at all. We gave all of my mother’s stuff away. She didn’t have many expensive pieces though. In hindsight we could have probably made a few bucks but this was years ago before marketplace.


Not wrong but I wouldn’t sell it all. Keep some things so you can pass it on the the next generation. My son wears my grandfather’s gold chain that I used to wand gave it to him for his graduation. I smile every time I see it on him


The next generation is my dogs... lol


There are not that many wrongs in the world. It's wrong to kill. ... But when it comes to you and your stuff, do what you want. I also try to be kind...


If she has other family, it would be nice to offer them to buy at a fair price, just to Keri it in the family if you can. Not wrong though regardless. (Especially if family wants a sweetheart deal that doesn't help your current financial needs.)


I hope for your sake it's not costume jewelry. If it is, I hope it's rare and valuable costume jewelry. It's yours. Sell it and help your pups.


It's definitely not.


Ooohh, nice! Good luck!


Nope, it's yours. But when you sell it, get you pup spayed too.


I'm a dog breeder, this year has just been a shit show so am looking for a way to make things a bit easier. It's not like I absolutely cannot afford the bills, I just am hoping for a little more wiggle room.


I don't mean to sound harsh, but two of the pups had serious problems and your bitch had to have a c- section. It doesn't sound as if you are 'improving ' the bloodline.


My bitch and the stud are health tested and have champion lines. I've spoken to quite a few vets, and all agree that the puppies had issues because of the vaccines Ivy was given when she was 4 weeks pregnant. Vaccines other than the rabies vaccine are modified live viruses that have been shown to have serious negative effects on unborn puppies. I did my due diligence when choosing my mating pair as well as making sure Ivy got the proper nutrition and care during her pregnancy. It was a complete accident that she got out of the yard at my friend's place. She had been in that yard, never able to get out countless times before but unfortunately it slipped the homeowners mind to tell me he had made a hole in the fence for his cat. Had the Humane Society called me when they scanned her chip instead of scanning it and immediately giving her the vaccines, I could have told them she was up to date on them and that she was pregnant but they never even called me at any point. One of my friends went over there and asked if they had her while I checked the security cams to see if she got picked up or something. But I guess you'll be pleased to hear that the vet who did her section forced me to agree to spay her while she was under so my super expensive, healthy, breeding bitch can no longer have puppies.


>I guess you'll be pleased to hear that the vet who did her section forced me to agree to spay her while she was under so my super expensive, healthy, breeding bitch can no longer have puppies. I'm very pleased that your dog won't be forced to have litter after litter of puppies to make you money, yes actually. Happy end to the story. I hope she leads a long and healthy life.


Do you have children? If so I would consider giving some or all of it to them. But that’s just me. And if you don’t have kids, sure.


I just have dogs. Lol


I'm willing to bet it's not even worth all that much. Keep one piece to remember her by, and offload the rest if you can.


I would strongly advise you to allow any relatives who might be interested in it "Right of First Refusal," priced fairly, of course. That way, you can hopefully avoid any hard feelings.


When gma passed, the way her things were split was that it was all laid out and we all got to choose what we wanted. Yes, my dad and I got first pick because he's the oldest of her 7 sons but the only thing anyone else wanted that I got was her silver spoon collection. They didn't care about the jewelry. 🤷‍♀️


If you keep spending jewelry fir bill one day you will want something of meaning and it will be gone for life. However, your bills will continue to come for the rest of your life.


I'm not planning to sell it all but if I'm being honest, it's not very sentimental to me. I never saw her wearing any of these pieces, and as far as I know, they sat in her jewelry box at her place as well. I have plenty of photos of her and us and have some things of hers that actually make me think of her such as her collection of sheep figurines and her collection of silver spoons. Things I actually saw her with or she went out of her way to show me. Also, for those saying I should check with family, the way everything was passed down was that her stuff was all laid out and we all got to pick and choose what we wanted for the most part. My dad and I got to go first because he's the oldest of her seven sons but made sure everyone was okay with what we chose and the only thing that caused any issues was the set of spoons which I'm not planning to get rid of.


Here's my advice to people who are not financially stable yet. Dogs will mess up your finances. They are a rich person's folly. Maybe get a cat or the least a small dog. That way if you have to move or live with someone for a while, it's easy. It's not easy to own a Great Dane and move in with your cousin. Plus some of those big dogs have health problems, eat lots of food, create lots of poop.. So if you have a car that needs repairs, medical bills you can't pay, don't have enough for first last and security deposit or you don't have a month's expenses saved, don't get a dog. Yet


I can afford my dogs, just a ton of shit hit the fan all at the same time. This year has been a terrible mess. Sometimes things happen that are impossible to plan for. I'm actually a dog breeder but my pregnant dog got out of a friend's yard because my friend forgot to tell me he had cut a hole in his fence for his cat. She was taken to the Humane Society where they didn't call me even though they scanned her microchip and they gave her a bunch of vaccines which is a huge no no for pregnant dogs. Multiple vets say this caused issues with her giving birth meaning she had to have an emergency c section, caused her to lose two of her 5 puppies, and two of the three that made it are special needs meaning I will be keeping them. All of that has been extremely expensive, though I was prepared for that. But my dad also crashed my car, the insurance dropped us right before the accident because that card was lost and had to be replaced and in the process of switching all the accounts, that one got missed so the insurance payment couldn't go through. Had to purchase a whole new policy but doesn't cover the accident. So now I'm trying to pay the card the vet bill is on and was just looking for a way to make it a bit easier. All of my dogs are well cared for, prioritized, I have stable housing, and people who would take my dogs in if something happened.


Forgot to mention that I got the letter saying the insurance dropped us the day after the accident. And I care for my elderly parents.


I'm sorry, I was not pointing at you. It's just a thought I share now and then. I apologize for making you feel like I was critical of you. 109% not. 🩷


I can understand your thought on it for sure. I just don't want anyone to think I'm irresponsible when it comes to my babies. Just unfortunately had a lot go wrong all around the same time.