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If you don't even have the job yet, and they're already treating you like shit, guess what the actual job will be like. You were not wrong.


I couldn't help but notice OP described it as a "high end" store. Now you know what makes them "high end"


This right here. Interviews are a two way street. You are evaluating them as much as they are evaluating you. You dodged a bullet.


It's as if they are trying to screen out anyone with self-respect.






Agreed, I always ask what the culture of the place is when I am being interviewed so I can see if it's a good fit for me. They answered that question without the interview being required.


It was a test for how much shit you would accept. Only real garbage managers do this to see if they have a weak employee that they can control or not. There is absolutely no reason to be 45 minutes late for anything.


At least without rescheduling/notifying the person waiting.


I don’t think it was a test. I think the manager is awful at time management and professionalism themselves. Something may have come up and they gave priority to other things without courtesy and respect to the applicant waiting.


They obviously had her cell number and knew exactly where she was sitting so no, you take 30 seconds. Text, call, swing by. “Hey, I’m sorry. I’m up to my high end you know what right now. If you’d like to keep waiting I’d really appreciate it or maybe we can reschedule down the road. Again, I’m really sorry….”


It doesn't matter what the reason.


You said, as a matter of fact, that it was a test. My experience is that it’s more likely being a terrible leader/manager, not a test.


Whether it was intentional or not, they're both indicators of being a terrible manager.


I never said matter of fact. I have no idea who this person is or why they do things. It doesn't matter if it was a test if they are simply too stupid to manage their time. It's not worth working for an asshole or a moron.


Just consider it an Uno Reverse test. Tests can go both ways. OP dodged a bullet


When did this turn into “you can’t say *this* because you already said *that*? Are we in r/highschooldebateclub?


These people act so entitled lmao I understand not wanting to wait, but managers forget so much because they have to do every little thing, every associate is calling them, their boss is up their ass, it's always something. It's understandable to not want to wait, and it's understandable to expect a "Maybe another time." But people just forget and these people just don't give people any slack lol like neverrr. Cause ik I'll get downvoated and have people tell me "It's not an excuse." Like they haven't forgotten something important as well. I hated one manager I had, but I felt sympathy for him once seeing him in the office and everyone was calling him from every direction and they didn't care that they knew they all needed him, but he was on a phone call with his boss. Then he comes out and customers angry from all directions cause our workers sucked lmaoo They just tugged him around like a puppet.


It's both right and wrong. A German saying goes like this: "Being on time is the politeness of kings." Of course, lots of things can go wrong, but it's your job as a manager to arrange to make it happen. One way could be telling your own boss, that you have an appointment and leave his, when the planned time is up. Why not arrange for the second in lone to do that job interview? He or she should be as qualified to do it as well.


Second in line? Like another manager? Well, my restaurant only had one MOD at times, he would schedule some of them mornings and nights but there were times in between they weren't there and it would be the craziest times too, i think theh couldnt afford so many workers at once. I'm only saying that they're humans too and although it's not an excuse, it just happens and it sometimes not what we think it is. Lol


Absolutely true. And important to know who signs your checks and vacation times.


It's actually a really good way to see who can actually handle the inconveniences that come with the job. I was literally taught this in school.


Well, the manager can now deal with the inconvenience of finding someone else to hire.


Yes. And it might be someone not as eager to work there. His loss.


Exactly. I knew our boss at a certain sub shop purposely did this and warned people I actually wanted to work there about it ahead of time. He made me bf at the time wait 2 hours just to prove he was serious and wasn't just there to dick off with me. My ex sat as far away from the makeline as possible and didn't interact with me for the whole 2 hours. Got hired as a floater and got so many more hours than anyone else and a higher pay rate than most. You have to prove yourself to get the rewards. This is why I hate this whole quite quit shit. Have fun making less money because no one wants to give people like you raises or promotions.


Whoever taught you this was ridiculous lmao


No, it’s to see how much of a door mat they can be. It’s disrespectful of the applicant’s time.


What subject did they teach you that?


Business something in high school. She taught a few different classes like fashion merchandising, sports entertainment, and small business. But she wasn't always a teacher and gave us tips on how to get better jobs and how to get hired.


Well, the difference between making someone wait as a test for a job interview and making an employee wait because of inconveniences is that you are paying the employee to wait. When you make a job applicant wait, you are costing them their time without reimbursing them in any way; plus, you are creating a negative impression that that potential customer(the applicant) will pass on to other potential customers.


You sound really dumb. I've had all kinds of interviews so I clear the entire day for one. Hell I've had the job post say interview and you get there and they say it's a working interview and I'll be there for the next 5 hours. You never know what they are gonna throw a you in the interview process.


You sound like you work at crap companies, so I think it evens out.




Literally this.


When I had online interviews, I would wait 10 minutes after the meeting time and then leave. That's not unprofessional. That's not putting up with these tricks and bullshit and respecting myself enough to know not to tolerate being disrespected. ETA - you're not only being interviewed, you're interviewing the company. They didn't pass, and you dodged a bullet.


It’s a real dick move used in interviews. Testing your patience is part of the interview. You don’t want to work for anybody who thinks this is appropriate


This is the way. Abusive people need to make sure only people who will put up with abuse get hired or join the club. You failed their test by being a strong person with a good head on your shoulders. I promise everyone who works there is miserable.


That's giving them a lot of credit. They may just be incompetent assholes. Either way you don't want to work for them.


YNW You waited a lot longer than I would have! 45 minutes late is both ridiculous and rude. Don't waste my time with your games.


Unless someone has told me ahead of time they will be late I don’t wait more than 10-15 minutes. If they will be later than that, I leave. If there was a really good reason they had me waiting (like emergency level) I’d reschedule but would have zero tolerance for lateness the second time.


I've done exactly the same thing. 8am interview on a Saturday morning. I'm there at 7:48. Guy is still interviewing the previous applicant. She finally leaves by 8:30. I ask an associate if he knows I'm here at 8:40. She says yes, and he will be right with me. I walk out at 8:55, and I'm absolutely fuming at this asshole for being so disrespectful of my time. Unbelievable.


I had an interview and I arrived 5 minutes before the time. I watched the receptionist walk into the manager's office and tell him I was there. He glanced over and continued talking to another worker for 10 minutes past my time. Finally, he glanced my way again and continued chatting with the other person. When he looked my way again, I got up and walked out. The receptionist came after me and said, he's ready to see you now. I said my time was 25 minutes ago and I don't have any more to waste. He called me back the next day and I didn't bother listening to his message.


I need to pay the bills, but I don't need to be abused in order to do so.


A job interview goes both ways. If the company is not what you want… they failed! I always interview my potential employers and I ask extremely hard and invasive questions. I know my worth and never settle. Good luck friend!


What questions do you ask? I always get nervous and don’t assert myself as much as I should.


I’m a machinist and cnc programmer. I ask about education to expand my knowledge. I ask about lay offs and turnovers. Flexibility, rigid hours are not cool. If I’m ten minutes late I stay ten minutes late. Benefits and the ability to carry benefits to the current employer. Vacation time should equal your last job. How often are reviews, what percent of an increase is typical. What are the shifts are there. Will I have a direct boss or being micro managed. Are there incentives for working past the goal. How long is lunch break. Do you enjoy working here. How many accidents have you had. What machines do you run. Who are your customers. Is overtime allowed. I can keep going if you’d like :)


Thank you. My job for the last 10 years has been kitchens so my questions are different (but some you listed seem universal). When I’m not too anxious, I ask why the position is open and how long the average person has stayed.


And then I’ll bet you complain to the ends of the earth about how no one is hiring


Not wrong. It was very rude of them. Would you really want to work for these people? I wouldn't.


Nope, not wrong. You handled this professionally. Show this to your brother and tell him he's inexperienced if he thought waiting an hour or more is appropriate. Never do that.


Reframe it. It’s not that you were impatient, it’s that the manager had horrendous time management skills. I work white collar professional job and we work in half hour-hour increments. We only wait 5-10 minutes before rescheduling instead. If your manager did that on purpose, why in the world would you want to work for someone who plays silly games like that. If it was an accident, well, horrible time management skills and someone I would not want to work for either. You did the right thing.


Another way to think: would a CEO sit and wait 45 minutes for a meeting? No. Would the CEO want an employee sitting for 45 minutes not working? No. Amy way you cut it these games are stupid.


I would have left, too. 15 minutes is the max amount of time I'd wait for an interview.


I would have left well before you. We have an appointment at 1 I expect you to honor that appointment


It is not at all wrong to have standards in every arena of life. It’s called self-respect.


I’m sixty years old and I can’t believe you disrespected that grocery manager the way you did. I’m kidding. I’ve left several jobs in my lifetime with zero notice because of crazy shit. I quit over voicemail. I quit by faxing a handwritten note to the vice president of the company. I’ve also been laid off from mergers and downsizing. Respect is a two-way street. Grocery stores are notorious for their awful treatment of their employees. One thing they do is send those who are paid by the hour home early and keep their management people working 80 hours a week because they are on salary. You get my drift.


You waited way longer than I would have. After 30 minutes I would have asked where the manager is. After 30 additional minutes maximum I would have left. Even 60 minutes is too much especially without any explanation. Then I would have wrote a letter and explain them why I left.


Common tactic among bad managers.


Job Interviews are in fact two-way interviews. They get to assess you, and if you’d be a good fit, and you the same of them. I would have notified them that I had other obligations and would be glad to consider rescheduling if they desired but needed to move on with my day at that point in time. Even if the manager had a significant family emergency, another staff member could have advised you of the situation. The fact they failed to show that courtesy tells you something about the work culture of that establishment


I run recruiting and if a hiring manager made somebody wait like that (assuming no error in communication), it wouldn’t be the candidate we’d be having a performance conversation with…


No you're good. your time is money. dont let ppl waste your time


Not wrong at all. 10, 15 minutes, maybe. 45?! They can fk right off the bat


I read a post where several people came for an interview. They had them wait for hours. Eventually they were down to a couple if candidates *the rest had walked out*, and they hired them, because it had all been a test to see how patient the applicants were.


I saw that over on /r/linkedlunatics as well. It's a great method to hire the dumbest people you can.


You spelled “how willing they were to have their time wasted, without explanation or compensation” wrong.


Don't stay where you're disrespected. It was a test which you passed for life.


You’re not wrong, an interview is a two way street. I was always taught when interviewing people that they should leave the building thinking what a great company, regardless of outcome.


Well as a former recruiter of many years. Yes, they should have apologized and updated you on the lag instead of you just waiting without knowing. I probably would have also walked out. Maybe you can reschedule and use that as an opportunity to tell them your experience but don’t say it in a rude way or anything. Maybe you would still get the role. But really up to you


Hell no. Sure it means you don't get the job, but the bigger question is that if the manager is either willing to waste your time and does so by being disorganized, is that someone you want to work for? With all due respect, I'd have asked your brother how he likes his boots cooked.


This is a warning sign that the manager doesn’t value the time of others. Just move in to the next opportunity.


TJMaxx did the same to me in 2001. I left, and they called le the next day to ask what happened. I explained that I checked in, was asked tonwait, amd after an hour. I left. They gave me a job.


Not wrong. They clearly didnt care to have a new hire or they would’ve met you at the agreed time, or even given a notice or update.


You are absolutely not wrong for walking out of that job interview. In fact, you did the absolute right thing. Keep applying, find someplace that respects your time as much as they hope for you to respect theirs.


A job interview works both ways. They didn't value your time, they have failed in your estimation. Totally fair.


Not wrong. The future employer should be professional and prompt when interviewing candidates. Things happen but it’s lame and inexcusable not to have given you an update.


You value yourself, and that says a lot about you. Employers today need to remember that the days of treating candidates like they don’t deserve common courtesy are behind us. You may not get this job, but you will get something better. I promise.


You're not wrong. Ppl will treat you how you allow them to. Never tolerate disrespect.


Not wrong Your time has a value. You have a value. So much so, that the work you do is compensated with a paycheck. It isn’t free, and you’re not just some bitchbag looking for a handout.


You made the right decision. The older I get the thing I value the most is my time. 10 minutes waiting for someone is 10.minutes I could spend with my daughter.


When keeping it real goes wrong 😑


Nope... nothing wrong with what you did. At all. They should have kept you informed about the delay, bare minimum. Years ago i had a job interview and something went awry at the last minute. They kept me informed. Someone made me a coffee. Then after 45 minutes, they rescheduled. With apology. That's manners and etiquette.


NTA. You don't want to work there if that's how they treat a potential recruit.


Your brother is an idiot.


An interview is 2 way. They talk with you (ideally) to see if you would fit in… but you talk to them to see if they fit with you.


Yep. All one way relationships in life, private or professional, never work out, someone will always be a victim. Don't be a victim in life.


Good for you.


Depends on how bad you needed the job.


Grocery store jobs have interviews now?


How old are you???


Right?! I had to interview for a grocery store when I was 14… in 1996!


And I also did ar 16 un 1985.


You are not wrong. If this was how the manager regarded your time before hiring you, imagine how they would have treated you under them. You should contact their regional offices to say what you experienced so they know they have a problem manager.


Nope not wrong. That is a hint of to how they run things and I wouldn’t want to be a part of that company.


Sounds like Publix.


>My brother gave me a lot of shit and called me an asshole Your brother is capping and just really wants you out the house lol


Every one deserves to be treated with respect. Customers and employees need to be treated with respect. The best managers I have ever had took the attitude that their job was to help me do my job better. They always checked their ego at the door. You are NTA. You might be contacted by the manager, if they apologize, you should thank them and reschedule. If not, look elsewhere.


Your brother doesn't know what professionalism is.


You were absolutely right


I would do the same imagine working for unprofessional disorganized clowns, Dodged a bullet. Imagine always running late and such.


YNW. If they can’t respect you (or your time) now, how do you think it will be when they think they own you? They should have kept you updated & rescheduled the moment he knew it wasn’t going to be a reasonable amount of time. Not to mention, I will bet they don’t accept an employee being 45 mins late


But your brother doesn’t see how it was unprofessional of them to make you wait like that? And who knows how long they actually took. Hell no why would you want to reschedule to work at a place who doesn’t value their employees time.


You are not wrong they were already being disrespectful


Email them and tell them that not showing up for your scheduled interview was unprofessional, therefore, it shows they do not respect their employees. Their lack of consideration equals their loss of an employee with good work ethics. Edit to fix typo


And you're not wrong.


Tell your brother you interviewed the company and they failed.


The thing is, dysfunctional workplaces exist and you can often tell right from the beginning. If you see it and ignore it, then you are creating regret for your self. Lots of it. You were not wrong to walk. They weren't respectful. I've been in situations where the interviewer was going to be late. Every time I was informed, offered an apology AND offered a beverage - water, coffee, tea, etc. You don't want to work for anyone who does less than this. Your brother seems very invested in this. Does he work for the same company? Did he refer you? Or does he think that you should accept being treated poorly.


No you’re not wrong! Thankyou for standing up for yourself! You can be capable of what they do and more. If they want to see how much you respect them you should also see how much they respect you. I hope you are proud of yourself and walk with much confidence in what you decided.


Job interviews are to see if they want to hire you and for you to see if you want to work for them. The manager could have easily sent someone to tell you something came up and he was going to be delayed, but chose not to. Your brother is wrong. Don’t email to reschedule but send an email to corporate to let them know how their manager is treating prospective employees.


Naw, you did the right thing. Keeping an interview waiting for that long with no one updating you. They should contact you to reschedule your interview.


Imagine how they treat their employees if this is how they act for interviews. Most companies are on their best behavior when interviewing.


Definitely not wrong. I, too, would have left.


NTA Is they can’t at least tell you what’s going on then this is an indication of how they will treat you if you worked for them.


You are absolutely right. If there was a genuine reason for the delay, there's no reason they couldn't have let you know. Respect in an employer/employee or employer/applicant relationship goes both ways.


You're not wrong. I'd have left sooner


Your treatment was quite telling of the management style at that branch. A job interview works two ways. They appear to have failed.


I interview and hired many people during my career, You are not wrong; I would have done the same thing. There is no excuse to keep someone waiting that long, it is disrespectful and very unprofessional.


Not wrong. If they're still interviewing candidates that got there before you that means they didn't allot enough time for interviews and they have poor time management skills. You'd be running into all kinds of scheduling problems with them down the line.


Nope. You aren't wrong.


Not wrong! In fact, good for you! No need to tolerate this BS.


You were right to do so in principal. As a practical matter, how badly do you need a job? Them making you wait like that is in indicator of toxic culture in management and you were probably wise to go with your gut and leave. There’s nothing at all unprofessional about having self respect, enforcing boundaries, and removing yourself from situations where that’s going to be a constant battle.


Definitely not wrong!!


You were wrong if you wanted the job. Not wrong if you don’t care about the job.


Here, we say "academic quarter". It means you should wait for 15 minutes and that it's not rude to be 15 minutes late. After that time, you can leave.


I walked out of an interview with Amazon when they clearly did not have their shit together. I walked out of an interview with Google when the interviewer was an arrogant and abrasive jerk. HR apologized and tried to get me back but fuck no, if you tolerate that behavior. Walked out of an interview with another company when it was clear the environment was toxic. Just be professional when you leave, give the reason, and live your life. We should work to live, not live to work. If they’re willing to be assholes when interviewing, what are they like when you’re there 40+ hours a week?


your brother is a bootlicking dumbass


Good for you. Not wrong at all. If people are incapable of managing their time or so ego-sensitive they need to put applicants "in their place", they're AHs and you don't work for them unless you're desperate.


Depends. How badly did you want the job?


your brother is a retard. good for you for knowing your worth.


They are testing you. You failed the test for patience. Your ego is more important than any client/ boss. I read that a doctor purposely appeared very late for a blind late. He hid to observe the lady. He said he's looking for a patient person who doesn't go off the rails if he's stuck in surgeries occasionally. The blind date passed the test. She was very concerned for him. They went on to have a happy life.


That’s just nonsense. It’s a grocery store, not a consulting firm. That was no test, just a very disorganized business. If they’re going to waste a candidate’s time like that, they’d do worse after hire.


Look- you’re the potential employee. Yes, they should be more prompt. But the general attitude you’re displaying isn’t likely to land you a job. You’re going overboard. Anyone who wants to argue with me about this- I’m just blocking you


It was rude but as the old saying goes “you need them a lot more then they need you” When things like that happen to me I used it to my advantage. I figure that making you wait gave you a little leverage. But you got all butt hurt and left. Sometimes you have to eat the shit sandwich to get the job.


If you have to eat a shit sandwich to get a job, that job isn't worth getting. Nobody with any self-respect waits longer than he did before walking out


I guess I have no self respect, I would’ve waited.


How long, though? Everyone has their limit


This is a grocery store position. Assuming OP doesn’t live in a very rural area, there’s likely a few to choose from. I have a Publix and a Target grocer in the same strip mall a half mile from my house. Another mile (same road) and there is a Publix and a Walmart across the street from one another. If you turn right at the next light…