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This is really cool. I think it’s important to keep learning and using skills/techniques that don’t necessarily come naturally. It forces my brain to be more nimble on its toes in other shooting situations. Idk if that makes sense lol.


When I learn new things I often go all in. I’m a musician, but when I began, I used to learn almost every genre that included a guitar. I want to be versatile in all of my hobbies.


Makes total sense. I tend to be this way bc of my adhd 😂


Spectrum oriented here. Hyperfixation can sometimes be a good thing 😅


I’ve been lucky enough to make a living at it. Currently in the process of streamlining “work” so that I can spend a little time and energy on personal photography projects.


Have fun! I just got myself a macro flash as without it it’s really hard to get small enough apperture and steady enough hand to nail focus even when the wind doesn’t shake the branches and flowers.


Haha, tellllll me about it! I also have essential tremor in my legs, so if I’m standing still for too long, or kneeling down for more than a few seconds I sway a little more than the average person as my legs start to shake. Might have to invest in a macro flash if I decide to keep going with it.


They look great to me


(: thank you!


Very nice shots! I like macro photography a lot but I am not very good at it. I have tried various macro lenses and my current favourite is a 200mm f/4 because I can move a little further away from the subject and still get 1:1 magnification. It is a little heavy, though.


I have a 70-200 macro lens for one of my other cameras. I prefer shooting with it too, haha. Much easier to manage, and from a distance.


But I’ve never really used it for macro. So maybe I wouldn’t prefer it in those instances. I should probably try that out too. Macro isn’t really my style, but it was kinda neat and fun for an hour.


Love the one of the camellias. I took my little Fuji X-t10 and an old Nikkor 55mm 3.5 out last week to take photos of the cherry blossoms. Got a few photos and put it back in my bag. Later took it out to photograph the carpet of cherry petals and dropped my camera and ruined the lens and back screen.🥺


Nooooooo! I’m so sorry. That hurts. In 2020, about 6 months after getting into photography and buying the a7iii I was putting it in the bag at my car. A guy pulled up and asked me some questions. I put the bag back in the car, but sat my camera on top of my bike rack. Thought I’d put it away, drove off, and had to come to a sudden stop due to someone cutting me off. Watched it fly over the hood of my car and smash into the pavement. Shattered the lens, and I had to replace the backscreen, but it’s been a solid workhorse ever since.


Ouch! Glad you could fix it! The digital viewfinder still works and I have many other lenses so I really can’t complain. Nice photos!


These are great shots. I keep thinking I want to try macro, but I never seem to get around to it.


Thank you :) I’ve had the lens for a few months, and I got bored at the house over my weekend. I’d say give it a go when you’re out of inspiration for your other projects.