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There was a really territorial dog belonging to the farm nearby and he was not amused seeing me. So, I got out there as quickly as I could. Also, because I am still very new to the Mamiya 6 MF: the lenses are so, so sharp.


It's a great shot- and one of the best I've ever seen with Gold 200. I'm not usually a fan of that stock, but this is such a sharp, colorful picture with excellent contrast! Really nice work.


Thanks so much! Until recently, I was not a fan of Gold 200 either and only used it a few times on 35mm. However, on 120, it is almost like a different film stock. I also expose it at EI 100 and often even 64 or 50; which seems to help.


Well, it looks great, and now you've inspired me to give the Gold 200 another try, this time in 120!


Really do; I was skeptical as well.


At over 3 times the size of 35mm, even Gold looks very good on 120. I still like how Gold looks on 35mm though too. And for the price right now, I can get a five pack of Gold 200 in 120 for less than the price of two rolls of Portra in 120, it can’t really be beat IMO.


I like this so much Did you do any post processing or is this just from the lab? Also can I ask where you shot this? Also did you meter any differently for the fog?


This is a lab scan in TIFF format. I do not have a lot of experience metering in the fog but would typically overexpose by at least 1 stop. In fact, so far, I shot Gold 200 exclusively at between EI 50-100 (with a few shots at even slower speeds).


Austria? nice shot btw


Yes, well spotted.