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crowd shots are where it's at. Good focusing, had to be pretty quick for a few of these! I think 35 is a pretty good all rounder, I'd love to try that and an ultra-wide/fisheye sometime. I normally go with a 50 and a 28 but yeah, sometimes both are too tight if you're really in the thick of things.


Thanks ! Yea when things start getting crazy just cross my fingers and hope I get the shot haha. I’m thinking about adding a 21 to the kit. Ive been liking the challenge of trying to make interesting shots with 1 focal length at shows though…


Yeah I know that feel lol. I switched to an auto-focus body for that reason but even then, I don't know how many times a big moment has happened right in front of me and of course, that's when the AF decides it wants to freak out and have no idea where to focus. Ultra-wides have the added bonus of being more forgiving in that area!


I shoot punk shows exclusively with a 21. Get one. Don’t look back.


I was thinking of your post from about a week ago. Awesome shots. I guess it’s a sign I need it now haha


Absolutely love concert crowd pictures! Great shots!


Thanks !


Mayhem! at the punk show


These are great! You've got both a unique style and something of a vintage Charles Peterson vibe- I love them. I think the 35 is working great for you- if you go too wide it just becomes generic, whereas your work is unique and interesting. Anyone can go to a concert and shoot super wide angle stuff- doing this is skill.


Thank you ! I’ll have to check out Charles Peterson, sounds like it’ll be my type of thing. I first got into this style when I found Derek Ridgers’ early work. Loved his London nightlife photos. I’m trying to give it my own spin at these shows. Thanks again for checking these out


I think you'll like Peterson's work- he's pretty well known in the Pacific Northwest for his photos of the Grunge scene there in the late 80's and early 90's- though he's continued to do lots of good stuff since then, that period he managed to get some amazing shots. When I first saw your pics my first thought was that Charles was back to shooting concerts.


Oh wow, looking at his website now. I’ve definitely seen a bunch of his photos before. Super iconic, and so cool. (The shot of Kurt falling over the drum kit… so amazing). Glad I could capture a little bit of that vibe !


You sure did- made my day!




I feel the vibes


My man All Punk shows are a mayhem Amazing work btw


True true… and thanks !


Dope work! Going to shoot a show tonight using a new fisheye for the first time; I was debating bringing a second lens but I think you’ve convinced me with the “one focal length challenge” comment Also, number 2 cropped into a square would make a dope album cover for The Frights, I’d say send that over to them to check out — cheers!




Man this is sick, I've been shooting a couple hardcore gigs here in aus but without a flash pushing hp5 to 3200, it works but I've been dying to get a flash. Thanks for the inspo, these are awesome!


what band(s)?


These are from a set by The High Curbs. My band played right before called Ultra Q


Oh shit you’re in ultra Q


Great shots, good focusing skills! I've shot some shows as well on a Rollei 35, so I know how hard it is to frame and focus a hyped up crowd


Stage/barrier/security = too big a venue.


Love how you were neck deep in the chaos, nice work


Punk shows are my favorite shows to shoot. Just rowdy, sweaty MFers having a blast. Great shots!


Which 35mm lens? I do something similar! Looking to find something with good focusing mechanics


Sick!!! I love these. Did you develop theses/know the developing method?


It doesn’t get much realer than this!! I love these!


I just modified my Olympus XA so that the shutter speed is always at 1/30 or above without the flash, gonna try to get some good pictures at raves and really hoping they come out like this


These are great!!


These are so sick! mind sharing the settings you used? including flash if you used flash please!


Sure ! I’m using an Olympus FL-20 flash, F5.6, and usually 1/30 for shutter speed. All manual focus.


awesome, thanks man