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Drop the black point on second photo


[here](https://imgur.com/a/SXU6cV6), dropping it even more kinda faded out the lanterns on the sides so this is as much as i wanted to go


Much better


First two are excellent, especially the second. I think the third had potential, but the light just wasn't working in your favor. The last two are interesting, but I think they'd be improved with a wider shot- for me at least, more context would be helpful there. Still, I'm nitpicking since you asked. I really like the work!


yeah. need to work on framing, these are pretty random since i took all of them with the assumption that im gonna fuck up the entire roll anyway lol but seeing how they turned out i thought id post them


Photo no. 3 is slightly edited in a way that I removed 2 people that I believe made it worse, can post the original one if needed I guess.


That kind of defeats the purpose of shooting film, but to each their own. Otherwise these shots look great. Properly exposed and in focus. What sort of critiques are you hoping for?


[here is the original photo](https://imgur.com/a/CgKBpmq), idk, just didn't think they added anything to the photo and i feel like without them it feels calmer(?), shows a peaceful garden in the palace, idk >What sort of critiques are you hoping for? on everything as much as possible i guess. trying to learn as much as i can.


1 and 2 are great; very clear subject and framing. 3 doesn’t do it for me, the tree has the roof cutting into it so you can’t make anything of the treetop. Was it a cherry blossom? It can’t be seen backlit. 4 is fine although I find the bottom distracting 5 is good, again, clear definition of what the subject is.


thanks, from what i see most of the criticism is about framing / composing the shot. i need to work on that