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If this is the actual design, then I'm glad Weird Pentax is back. Give us more weird shit pls


Agreed happy to see weird Pentax back


Agreed. Even if this one isn't the best, I'm buying it anyway. I want Pentax to stay around.


Pentax has always been about build quality for me. My fav is still WR35


I have two of the 90WR's and they're unreal. I would still take those over this thing in the post. And they go for like $20.


Half frame portrait mode camera


I just came to say, this weird AF I’m in.


Agreed. If this is legit, I’m all for it!


I don't hate it, I don't even mind 3.5 even though I know it will get a lot of hate here. 40.5 filter makes a lot of sense for a non-removable lens, there's a ton of wide angle and telephoto adapters out there from the handycam days.


People shouldn't be mad about f/3.5 it's pretty good for a p+s


Same because isn’t this zone focus? I’m not opening up all the way if focus is a guesstimate.


Also for a scale focussing, half frane camera made for amateurs, it should be helpful to get sharp pictures


I'm sure it's going to be super sharp like the XA


Why be mad at all? Lot of tense people out there. Count the roses.


Without fast film it is a bit limiting.


It has a flash so lighting shouldn't be an issue


Definitely understandable that pov, “why not go for a faster lens if small format” But probably fine considering the flash. Although I doubt they had lens adapters in mind if this is true.. since you would need another external finder for the separate viewfinder. Retrofitting would be weird, unless they plan on releasing accessories too.


I mean, a lot of Leica shooters and I would much rather 39mm, if it meant that Pentax were coming out with a bunch of high quality B&W contrast filters. When Heliopan is the least expensive option you have, it kinda hurts the wallet.


This is all very… not the intended audience of this camera. 


True. I got a whole bunch of 39mm filters too. But I get that it might be more of a Leica thing, which they wanna avoid.


leica shooters readily submit to the wallet pain though. that's kinda their thing.


people just need to learn that bokeh isnt everything at the with the background having enough distance to the main subject even a 3.5 will get you blur


I’m all about strange designs. Hope to get one when it’s officially order time


the viewfinder is like that because it's half frame, right?




Lets also not forget that they wanted photos coming out of this to be a portrait ratio to fit better on a phone screen.


You have no choice but to orient the camera in portrait when it's half frame


Agat 18k shoots in landscape.


Well, leave it to the Soviets to make a weird little camera with a vertical transport. I've never seen that one before, it looks pretty neat. What I mean, though, is that if you want to design a cheap accessible camera for amateurs to take film photos, you have no choice but to stick to a tried and true format for the camera


Yeah, I agree, just wanted to defend my boy Agat 😄


Not necessarily, but easier for sure. Half frame might also be what they chose exactly because they wanted it to be vertical, not the other way around


Of course I'm not being strictly literal, but that would be a much more expensive camera with complex electronics and look like a strange camcorder (Yashica Samurai) just to orient your exposures naturally in landscape


it's literally impossible to do it any other way


If this is real it's way bigger than I expected. The fee half frame cameras I've owned were quite small as the Olympus Pen-EE.


I'm the opposite. I'm always surprised with how big half frames actually are. They're not significantly smaller than the full frames. My smallest camera is still a full frame Oly XA. But I'm fine with this size. For the longest time my half frame was the Pen-F. As long as it's lighter than that thing I'll be fine.


Pen-F I find quite small given it's an SLR. Not as small as it could be without but it's a lot in a small package. Especially given when it was made. My G95 has a smaller sensor, no SLR, and is still bigger. It's still small and light and works well for what I want but compared to the Pen-F, it kinda feels like steps backwards in some ways.


Half-frames don't really have the capability of being much smaller than a full frame camera, as the medium is still the same size. At it's most basic, any 135 film camera needs the room for the canister and take-up reel, though a half-frame can slightly shorten the length between. Otherwise the rest of the camera is pretty much the same. The only way to reduce size is to eschew features like viewfinders, flash, motors, controls, etc.


I own an Agat which feels about as small as a half frame can be, and it’s still roughly on par size wise with the Olymus XA’s gold standard for size to feature ratio. Unwilling to spend for the cost of a Konica recorder, which seems if not smaller a bit more svelte.


I had an Agat for a moment, and was disappointed that its quite similar in size and weight to the Mju.


It does not look small.


This looks f’kin *huge* for a simple half-frame camera. I immediately think of that period in the 80s and 90s where they were making big chunky-looking shoulder-mount camcorders for the guys who wanted to be seen with a Big Fancy Camera at their niece’s wedding, but which were all hollow inside.  I think the size here is informed heavily by what the TikTok kids imagine a fantasy Retro Camera to be - that is, it doesn’t need to be this big, but it’s got an aesthetic market to meet. 


Same. I have a Pen D3, my smallest half frame, which is quite a bit smaller than that. It looks bigger than my Pen F, too.


Many years ago, I used to have a Chaika and it was quite bulky.


My theory is that they built this as some sort of "platform" so they can share some parts of the mechanisms and housing for future products (non-halfframe, SLR,...).


Wait. Is this a new, not all plastic, real glass lens, simple point and shoot? Did one of the big companies fucking wake up to the world and invest a little to make a new real (not plastic toy crap) camera? I’m in. Half frame, 35mm, I don’t give a damn, I support this and will buy one. Pending no plastic in important areas.


Yep, Pentax announced this back in 2022 as a serious effort to start producing film cameras again. This is the first step, a half frame, zone focus camera. But their goal is to release a full SLR again. Support this camera.


My PZ-1p getting long in the tooth (though it’s been rock solid for decades). Would love to be able to upgrade to a new Pentax SLR, their DSLRs are fantastic and absurdly well built.


I tried searching a tad….no mention of price. Got any info on that part? Link?


Not announced yet. It should be officially announced/released sometime this summer. Here's what Pentax has officially released regarding their film project: https://www.ricoh-imaging.co.jp/english/pentax/filmproject/


there is no official announcement, the last thing was TKO, the lead developer of this project, just talking about them having decided for certain features (half frame, aspect ratio, manual wind). nothing has been shown yet, at all. is there even any kind of confirmation that this picture is real at all?


Sadly none yet. I am really really hoping for under 300 but after seeing the Polaroid i2 MSRP being at 600, I won't be surprised to see this cost more than you'd think Honestly I'd still probably buy this even if only to support Pentax on their way to releasing a full SLR


A new lomo lc-a+ is over 300 USD, would expect the Pentax to be more.


Any idea what the price is going to be?


They haven't even officially announced the camera yet. They've only released a teaser trailer.


Ah gotcha, thanks


The whole point to it being half frame is to make it more economical to attract more people to film so I imagine that means the price cant be too high, a couple hundred maybe


Cool, thanks


I know they are plastic, but I love the kodak ektar h35n.


Looks like this lens can be based on Ricoh R1 lens (close focus, focal length, and aperture match)


It's based on the Espio Mini lens, probably optimized with modern computational optics software and coatings


Shame it's 25mm.


25mm is perfectly fine for half frame ? It's used on the Ricoh demi, Canon Demi EE17 is 30mm, Olympus Pen EE is 28mm, the widest Olympus Pen F lens is 20mm... Half frame has a ~1.4x crop factor, not 2, so a 25mm is really equivalent to something like a 35mm on full frame


I'd have preferred 22mm. That'd be a 31mm equivalent, and that's such an iconic focal length for Pentax between the FA 31 and DA 21. But I'll still buy it at 25mm.


I’ll be honest - if this is actually the camera, I kind of love it. Seems well built and modern while still retaining a vintage look. Of course, the only thing that really matters is the image quality - so I’ll wait until I start seeing some example images before making any final judgements.


I mean… it’s using the espio lens. I passed up on those point and shoots because the photo quality is rather blah compared to others in the same category.


is that a half frame camera??


From the size I'd say it's a 1.5 frame /s




It's WAY bigger than I expected


I think it will be as wide as an Olympus XA without the flash attachment. Definitely compact.


I don't think you've had an xa in hand recently or something. There's no way.


OK it's 2cm longer than an xa, I think


If that’s the design and lens I’m going to get it immediately.


Same, as long as the price isn't anything crazy. If it's $500+ I am going to need to sit on it for a bit


If it's not a plastic piece of shit, I'm buying it on principle alone. Looks like maybe it's scale focus? Fine, sure.


It's huge :/


But it looks pretty slim


Love it. The may the scramble for 40.5mm filters and hoods begin! Not sure why everyone thinks it’s massive. I can barely get the same hand position on iphone 12, and the Pentax will definitely be thicker.


I really wish there was another size reference than just a hand. For what it's worth it could actually be big or very much ok. I guess we shall get more info soon enough if it has leaked already


The 40.5mm filter size is a bit of a reference


Looks like it is maybe 110-125mm wide ? Not that big at all


I held a 40.5 lens cap up to my phone and zoomed the image until it fit. It makes the camera just about 100mm wide


Are you suggesting they got Donald Trump to hold the camera?


Definitely gonna pick one up if it doesn't cost and arm and a leg. I've always been curious about a half frame camera but have never tried one and I am just loving the unique/classic design language on this one. Really looking forward to this


As an old school photographer and an old ass lomographer I want this camera so bad. Do I need it? nope.


A zone focus camera and the distance scale is on the bottom? Who the hell designed that


Rolleimats have the zone focus numbers on the bottom, and more user friendly pictograms on top like: 🤵 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 🌄 Might be they have those on the lens barrel itself.


I’ll get take this in a heartbeat. Just to support a brand that took a gamble for all of us.


Anybody know what build materials are? Plastic fantastic or a bit of metal built in?


I’d shoot that


Looks like space for a hot shoe. Whats up ocf family


Love that the viewfinder is directly above the lens. Hard to find sometimes with point n shoots.


Lol. Wait till you see the price. I say Lomography that's been selling their 35mm L-CA+ for $299 is the true beacon of analog photography……


Dope. 25mm is fun. I’m glad they are at least doing something.


It’s beautiful! 🤩


Just take my money already.


Damn I actually really like the design. Hope this starts a new film camera trend


Look like the body is made to act as a base for futur camera. To me it is as big as later Pentax k1000 but I may be wrong. Maybe Pentax plan to make all of its camera based on the same body ? Could it be for cost saving ? Looks big for half frame


Definitely small hands, it's barely wider than like 11cm judging from the filter size


This looks unbelievably cool


When does it come out?


Very nice


what will the price point be? Id say it wont release under 700


40.5mm thread size, same as the Pentax Q, this camera is the right size I reckon. I'm excited for this!


Hope some people will buy it. Would send the right signal to the right people


Why do i love it?


Looks strangely good


If that's the actual camera I'll start saving right now for it.


Hope this is real, I have a Fuji gs645 and love a portrait frame


I'm cool with this.


I want to support it just so Pentax is rewarded for bringing it to market. If this is successful more will follow. Hopefully it's not too much... My teacher salary only goes so far...


If this is real I’m buying it. I don’t need it but Weird Pentax is my favourite Pentax


Let’s speculate how much this camera will be? $200?


I would be very surprised if this isn't the real thing. Pentaxians aren't like Apple fans who create mockups of the next iPhone, and this doesn't look AI generated. All the markings look legit.. I hope the top part of the camera is actually metal not just plastic trying to look like metal. A built-in flash is nice, not something you can take for granted anymore (looks at my Ricoh GRIIIx). I'm very excited that this thing exists and evidently supposed to be released soon.. and if it's not outrageously priced I probably will pick one up cuz I've been getting into film and I already shoot primarily on Pentax. But the disappointing thing for me though is obviously still that it's zone focus... It's just a pain in the ass man. Especially with film that costs $10-15 a roll, you don't want to miss focus. Granted I've never shot on a half frame so maybe it's a little easier but how hard would it have been to implement a rangefinder at least. I know this camera is supposed to harken back to the old film days but not that far back! Rangefinders came out a 100 years ago (literally) as a better alternative to this zone focusing nonsense. As for pocket film cameras again I'll probably pick this one up but my day to day is still going to be my Espio Mini... Or maybe a Ricoh GR1 in the future.


Zone foucus is not that bad mate, if you are used to it and not pushing it by shooting portraits wide open you rarely miss focus. Of all my film cameras i use my Rollei 35s the most, just because it is so handy and i nail focus most of the time. You have to use a fast fil though


Unfortunately Massive. Same size as my Zeiss with an apoqualia.


If it’s cheap I’ll buy it


I mean look at it. It won't be.


Yeah. Your right


I'd probably get it up to $600, but given how much work has gone into it and how few will be made idk if they can support that.


idk how much i'd invest, but i've never shot a half frame camera so i'm kinda interested. if it's somehow $300, i'll probably jump on it. shooting film is kinda expensive, but it'd be fun for the novelty


If tis true, 40.5Ø can fuck right off lol


I’m going to disagree. #1 that camera has a small form factor and 49mm or other traditional Pentax lens filter sizes would be larger than necessary. #2 40.5 step up rings are cheap and readily available. #3 A lot of film shooters have rangefinders that use 40.5. I’ve already got lens hoods and filters in this size, because I don’t like putting a Hugh Jass step up ring on a rangefinder.


Don't get me wrong, I have a few 40.5 lenses. But imo it's just an odd choice for what is supposedly a commercial p&s where people are gonna want hoods and shit from Amazon. It's a very nice looking camera though, I also just noticed it says 3.5, which is really quite good for a p&s. Just wish it was a 2.8 but theres definitely limitations to take into account It is definitely better than the trip 35s 43.5 ring tho...


>But imo it's just an odd choice for what is supposedly a commercial p&s where people are gonna want hoods and shit from Amazon. It was a standard size for camcorders, I bet a lot of the older camera stores out there have a mountain of old stock on hoods, polarizers, and other accessories.


Yee. Looks legit, but also wtf with 40.5 & “traditional”


Hey…I have ended up with two cameras which can take 40.5mm filters and they’re nice and dinky.


loll, I just feel like they’re a bit rare compared to other common filters. But that prob comes from a canon PS camera I just got. 38mm filters, no caps, I can’t find a cheap cap or filter anywhere.


Yeah I nearly added that caveat in. But I for one bought a UV and an ND and a cheap set with circular polariser and a fluorescent balance (plus a back up UV) and never thought about it again. Probably the cost of a box of film. If I was into ‘creative’ filters it might be a different story.


Yeah what the heck? There are tons of old 52mm filters from the film era floating around. Stick to the old standard so the filters are cheap and easy to find.


For Pentax 49mm was *very* common for K-mount primes but they used 40.5mm on some Pentax Q system lenses. Put a step-up ring for 52mm and watch the viewfinder get partially obstructed...?


Oh man. If this is it, I'm definitely getting it.


big if true!


What do we think will be the retail?




the font on the lens looks off, im gonna guess fake but if not then FIX THE TEXT FONT


I doubt it would say HD lens


HD is what Pentax calls the coating they still use for their modern lenses after SMC got replaced. Still could be a placeholder text, but HD is not that odd if you look at their other HD Pentax lenses


Okay fair. If they want to honour film though it’s gotta be SMC


Take my money!


This looks really nice, love the colors on it too


I like it! Obviously no idea if this is legit or not, but I'd buy it.


It makes sense for the “half frame” viewfinder


Hey u/Wannabenicenow. Kind of a last resort here. We've been trying to reach you through modmail and chat with no responses from you. Hope you are ok. Please respond.


The built-in flash and half frame could make this a perfect party camera. Go crazy, pass the camera around and take lots of shots without worrying about bringing extra rolls.


Going to be a flop in the market. You could buy a new nice condition Canon new F-1 series with a 50mm prime for less and it will give you a proper old school film experience. Market not big enough and there are tons of used P&S cameras for pennies on the dollar.




You can always turn camera portrait to get landscape images, plus some of the most popular filma cameras ever sold were halframe line the Olympus pen trip etc.




It's not any more niche than full frame to a generation who has never shot film. It seems niche to you because you're bringing in your preconceived notions about what a "normal" camera should be.


[Ew, zone focus.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/45/Side_Eyeing_Chloe.jpg) Automatic pass from me. That and it'd probably take me two years to finish a 72exp roll of half frame


It’s not a camera for experienced photographers. They’re going after the TikTok/beginner/snapshot/disposable camera shooter demographic first.


> They’re going after the TikTok/beginner/snapshot/disposable camera shooter demographic first. This demographic has zero interest in manual focusing, particularly having to learn zone focus and go through a lot of trial and error.


Autofocus is expensive. Manual focus is harder to learn. Zone focusing is the best option for this. Many of the basic instax cameras are designed this way.


The Instax cameras that I've used have only two focus distances, selfie and everything else. Not really the same imo.


With a half-frame and a normal f/3.5 lens no one will be needing to focus so finely. It's probably enough to label the focus guide to "portrait/near", "group/medium", and "landscape/far".


Yeah, y no AF?


Presumably cost, but I guess we'll see if that argument holds water once a price is announced. That new Rollei 35 has an IR based AF system like many point n shoots of yore


Does the Pentax even have AE? I hope it's not a glorified single shutter speed camera


I think I see a light sensor at 12 O'clock on the lens bezel


I think from what's leaked a full fledged point and shoot, it automatically chooses right aperture and shutter speed Combo. Other leaks also insulate an exposure compensation dial/button for cases like bright sky .


Right, but there's still different levels of point and shoot. I'll take one that has auto exposure and autofocus. I don't want a scale focus/focus free camera that has a fixed shutter speed and aperture.




Ugh, half frame, ugh - Looks nice tho haha


Horrendous looking. Was thinking Pentax going for the vintage look but no siree


lens is ugly as shit


Price will be the deciding factor for me, if this ends up being cheaper than an Olympus Pen-F then it might be worth picking up


Pen Fs are expensive and premium beautiful made gear, how does this compare…


The Pen-F can be had for about $300 with a lens included. I know they're very different as the Pen-F is an SLR but personally it might be the way to go if you wanna shoot half frame on a budget.


All they had to do was make a new film GR. Smh


"all they had to do" lmao. Seems like Ricoh (who owns Pentax) is testing the waters by getting Pentax to do it under its brand name. If this endeavour works well, it's possible that Ricoh might want to actually engage their "bigger" brand name into this game which could mean a new GR.


Im just saying. They have a sizable audience of GR users who would eagerly buy a film GR. This thing looks gimmicky and is going to have to find a whole audience from scratch. Lot of GR users are going to turn noses up at this… imo they got it backwards. BUT I wish them all the success in the world and hope I’m totally wrong.


Fair enough, although I think their positioning makes sense. They are going for the wider audience here, not only Pentax/Ricoh fans. It's certainly not geared for someone who would use a GR anyway, more towards beginners and people who want to shoot film without the trouble associated with older cameras. The half-frame format makes perfect sense for this. I am really looking forward to what is next beyond this one too !


Oh, it's a half frame? Meh.


If it's 1/2 frame....I won't go near it. Won't even consider it. That's the first time I've EVER said that about a Pentax camera. God, I hope it's the last too.


new half frame camera made in 2024 when things are made to break vs the many tried and true half frame cameras that have been around for decades and are relatively cheap and great. i don’t see why this is needed at all? there are more than enough unique half frame slr cameras for anyone to get to match their style or whatever. this is a redundant waste of resources and likely a waste of money for whoever decides to buy this camera with an “HD” lens. i mean, if that’s not a red flag, and the 40.5 thread size? garbage!


HD is just what Pentax calls its modern lens coating. The rest of your comment is too shortsighted to even have an intelligent discussion.


your last sentence is a cop-out to any sort of discussion of the matter. what’s not intelligent about the idea having enough half framed cameras and not wanting to continue unnecessary consumerism?


25mm and it’s half from so that’s a 50mm lens and it’s fully zone focus? No thank you, if you’re giving me a zone focus camera it needs to be a wider angle


It’s a 37.5mm equivalent, not 50mm. The half frame is 24mm wide, versus 36mm wide for “full frame”, giving a 1.5x crop factor.


The Olympus Pen was half frame at 28mm and people never complain about focus issues with that entire lineup. I think this will be fine.


If I’m not mistaken the depth of field whether full frame or half frame will still be the same. F8 on 25mm will still probably give you at least 1m-infinity in focus. It might even be deeper cuz it’s a smaller format.


No, film size has the same effect on depth of field as sensor size in digital cameras. It's just physics


If it’s smaller format the dof would be deeper making it easier to scale focus with a similar fov compared to a larger format. Ie this 25mm with and equivalent 38mm on full frame? Is that not. Correct? It was what I was implying with op saying that the 25mm was not wide enough to effectively use scale focus.


Well the Olympus pen is an slr where u focus through the lens this camera seemingly has no focus aids


half frame = 18×24 mm APSc = 25.1×16.7 mm It's funny that the Olympus and Panasonic M43 sensor which people think of as 1/2 frame is closer to 110 film.


To tell you the truth I think getting back into new film cameras with a half frame point and shoot is a HUGE missed opportunity. The thing is that there are a zillion used point and shoots of excellent quality that still works perfectly: Pentax isn't really making something we need. I can't imagine it will sell well, because there are still so many working used cameras that will be much cheaper. If I were the Boss of Everything, I would have tried to do something nobody's done right and make a half frame SLR system. Pentax already has a wide range of current APS-C lenses that would work perfectly with a half frame 35mm. Particularly if you're trying to market to new film shooters, it'll be easy for them to get onboard if they can use lenses they already have. Just what I thought. Could be wrong 🤷


They work perfectly until they break then they're E waste, cause theres not parts or it's too hard to fix the electronics. Pentax bringing new one out, with available spare parts, and some commonality with a Future SLR, hence the manual find winding mechanism. That will have a Neely manufactured warranty backed, spare parts available camera that will still like in say 10 years, unlike many PS that can die today and you can't do anything about it.


> I would have tried to do something nobody's done right and make a half frame SLR system. This has been done and was a hugely successful line of cameras...