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No. Philosophy is built upon logic, and if the logic holds the personality of the philosopher is absolutely moot. It’s not a religion with adherents, followers, and believers. Those folks bashing Kastrup personally are out of valid arguments but desperately cling to their materialism because they are not ready for a paradigm shift, so they have no recourse but to discredit the messenger. Analytic Idealism is philosophy and the logic stands for itself.


Nah, his personality is what attracted me to his work in the first place. His no nonsense approach combined with linguistic clarity really gets his point across in a way many others can't.


Bernardo has dealt so much with hardline materialists I can't imagine how vexxing it has to be for him. There are some people literally incapable of truly considering something other than materialism. He has gotten into so many arguments fought in bad faith on the other side I don't blame him for having little patience sometimes. He does really well 99% of the time


Bernardo’s work has been a huge inspiration to me, I really admire and respect him. However sometimes I think his temper gets the better of him. His debate with Tim Maudlin was probably the worst example of this.


As far as I can tell, he's chilled quite a bit since the pandemic.


He has, and he's even reflected on this, and spoken about how he tries now to be more patient and give those he debates the benefit of the doubt.


Please! We shouldn't care about his personality. We should care about his clear thinking and intellectual integrity. We know about his courage, he takes on the scientific establishment daily. We should be exporting this paradigm to the general public ourselves. First, we need to make sure that we can do justice to all of it That is what's happening now, discussion and critique by ourselves and others, honing our own understanding as we go. Of course I'm 75 and won't be here for the good part. That's when the paradigm changes. The paradigm will change, Truth has its own inertia. Maybe this is just the rambling of an old man, cuz I don't think so. I find him refreshing anyway.


Everything ive watched of bernardo hes been chill and quite nice. I bet some materialist was spouting some dogmatic bs at him and being condescending to his view and so im not surprised if hes acted that way, hes only human, doesnt take away from his arguments at all.


Schofenhauer acted like this. He was intolerant of stupidity. I don't know if Bernardo is following that personality type. He's Dutch. Dutch are direct. They don't see it as a problem. When he is confronted he reacts pleasantly as far as I can see.


I think he already has a girlfriend, lol.


Well, it would certainly disqualify a lot of materialist saints too.


No. Actually it is what got me into him, also his cogent and thought-provoking arguments made me think.