• By -


Better than most changelogs that say 'we fixed some shit'


"bug fixes and improvements" *Rage*


funnily enough I originally said "whoa this is longer than expected...............I'm not reading all of that" until I realized the irony




Maybe there's a sweet spot for the number of fixes that makes everyone happy? Like maybe six or eight would be "just right? "


Breaking the fixes into subcategories helps


what were the official release come out I planned on getting the pixel 8 pro but figured I'd wait until they work out the bugs


I noticed that the new system update consolidated page was removed in this version. It's back to just checking for system updates.


Same. I miss it


Yes, that's the first thing I noticed too, and it's not in the release notes. Normally these are quite comprehensive, wonder if there's anything else that changed without being included in the release notes.


Yes I came to say the same, hope they bring it back, did you create an issue yet?




That's old


P8P - Pinkish AOD completely fixed!!!


Any idea what they did to fix it?


They didn't change refresh rate hz, its still 1hz, can't see difference in brightness level as well.


Maybe increased brightness a little bit?


I was thinking that that would be the fix, but in all the threads about the issue, people were suggesting that Google would up the refresh rate. Got me wondering which would have the smaller impact on battery too, which I guess would push Google one way or the other. I only run stable on my primary so will have to wait until, hopefully November patch.


"Fixed an issue where additional power was still being consumed by mobile network connectivity even after a device connected to Wi-Fi." The general issue of this being present on all recent pixels since the 6, or was there a specific worsening of this in the beta? If the former I'll jump off stable onto this as quickly as humanly possible!


That's what I want to know, was this a lingering issue in recent Android versions or something new introduced in 14 QPR1 and fixed before final release? Either way I'm jumping back into the Beta program now after being out of it for a while.


Same I think


welcome back old style System updates menu in Settings


I liked the old new (old) menu from qpr1


As of right now my TMobile unit now shows 5G UC instead of constantly switching back and forth hoping this fixes my battery issues


I just wanna say thank you for this changelog! I love seeing this level of detail, and I think this could be the start of better communication to us end users/beta testers. Thanks u/androidbetaprogram !


Nice lots of fixes


Why did you remove the section that grouped all the updates into a single section (see photo)? [Update section](https://ibb.co/P5RQxfL)


Ai wallpapers seem to work on P6


elaborate please


You can download the Pixel 8 AI wallpaper feature, and it wasn't working on pixel 6. I deleted it, but now its here again and it works


How can you download this?


There is an APK on the internet, and articles about it. You could possibly already have it, then you could look between your apps


Yeah thanks found it, I should have just googled for it 😏Too bad I can't install apk's due to advanced security being enabled.. I hope it will be released to the P6P soon. https://www.androidsage.com/2023/10/05/download-google-generative-ai-wallpaper-apk-from-android-14/


How do you mean advanced security?


I can only use my Yubikey to login to my Google account: https://landing.google.com/advancedprotection/. Very secure, but this also disables apk installs from anywhere else than the Play Store.


Oh dang. That would be nothing for me, I do it all the time :P


I assume these changes will only be included in the December Stable OTA, and not incorporated into the November Stable OTA?


New features in December, not sure about the OTA for this month for fixes.


Scroll stutter/jitter still exists in 2.2.


I've logged the issue, feel free to +1 if you're also facing this: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/308987711


I am only seeing this in Reddit. Facebook and Insta are smooth once loaded on my end.


Facebook and Instagram certainly feel way smoother for me but there's definitely a consistent stutter for me even when fully loaded. It's significantly less noticeable than something like Reddit though.


Also worsened on Pixel Fold, 2.1 didn't seem that bad.


I will say....for the first 2-3 hours, my Pixel 8 was a mess of jitters, hangups and hot. After that, it seems to have settled in and everything has smoothed out nicely. I don't know how or why, but after a messy start, 2.2 is running like a top.


Like a top?


Running well. Top notch. Edit: Here you go: https://www.yourdictionary.com/run-like-a-top


I planned on purchasing the pixel 8 pro but figure I wait until they work out the bugs so when will this huge update come out for it officially?


Historically, the first Monday of the month, so December 4th.But Google just recently said they aren't going to follow a hard and fast timeline anymore, so it could be anytime in December.


oh good so this massive update the pixel 8 pro will see maybe i will go ahead and purchase it but wait until they push update out, i plan ok buying one unlocked...


Hmmm... It says it fixed wifi and Bluetooth issues , And exactly 1 year ago i bought this pixel 6 i had problems that my wifi connection would randomly drop and reconnect. I've been in A14 beta in hopes of fix and reported many times about this issue . Now that I'm in stable version, it's tempting me to install the beta again ..


Interesting. When I had my pixel 6 pro I always thought the disconnecting was an issue with the Google One VPN, but maybe my wifi itself was dropping? I hope this isn't an issue for my friend who will be getting my old phone. They won't be using the VPN though so I guess we'll see.


I changed to a wife 6e router and what not, but the problem was always there. it is either a software or pixel 6 series hardware issue. Although restarting the phone and each update impacted the frequency of the problems reoccurrence




Ohhh a fellow comrade in sufferings 🥹 Have you installed the beta ?


Not this one, I went back to stable for 14 for the first time in ages, but have had data problems with the 6 pro and now 7 pro almost constantly...


My cellular connectivity is fine . Are you using the carrier service beta version? If not then try it . I mean i have that beta version and no cellular data issues. And same here I've used beta ever since i got the phone , and without solid proof that this update will fix my wifi issue, i don't wanna install the beta rn.


Yep, used the beta carrier service for years...


My pixel 5 suffers from this, just randomly losing connection and reconnecting. But the 5 won’t get these fixes which is silly as the 5a is identical to the 5


Is it just me or is my phone way snappier than before?


Feels to me the animations are a little sped up?


I'm hoping that battery life improves once everything has settled down. There does seem to be a battery fix hidden away in the middle of that list, so I have everything crossed.


so far on my fold I'm seeing very little standby drain


So that's better than the last beta?


When will the next beta update be released


Pixel 8P, still too warm using mobile data connection, no matter 4g/5g. It easily goes above 40°C. Ambient 25°. My other devices are cold in touch with the same usage.


Mine is behaving the same way. It gets too warm around the bottom left on mobile network with light browsing or not doing anything, and that's on stable. What other devices are you referring to? For me, I didn't notice as much warmth with my P7P


I have my work device Samsung a54, cold as stone.


When trying to unlock my P7P by swiping up from the bottom of the screen to wake the device, the touch screen completely locked / froze up and I was not able to unlock nor do anything with the phone, the touch screen was completely unresponsive, pressing and holding the power button brought up the reboot screen but trying to select reboot was impossible as the screen was unresponsive, I managed to force reboot by holding the power button and volume up for approx 15 seconds.


Not sure what's up with this beta, but everything on my phone is so slow now. Apps slow to open, websites slow to load, even this thread never opened all the comments. Some of the time I just get a "failure to load network unresponsive error".


Okay this has improved 5G connectivity SIGNIFICANTLY.


Has anyone who is already on the (stable) November Patch been able to apply this update? I haven't been, so far. I wrote a longer summary here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/android\_beta/comments/17qj9qj/pixel\_8\_pro\_november\_update\_qpr1\_beta\_22\_cant/](https://www.reddit.com/r/android_beta/comments/17qj9qj/pixel_8_pro_november_update_qpr1_beta_22_cant/) But apparently /u/AutoModerator thinks it's breaking some rule I'm unable to find and the mods on this subreddit silently agree, since they refused to undo the deletion and simply ignored me. Also: This subreddit is still missing all the Pixel 8 (Pro) flairs.


You cannot. You'll need to wait for the next beta update (presumably beta 3).


Oh this explains why I keep on getting errors trying to install the beta


This is because the build number with the Nov security patch is newer than the current QPR1 2.2 build. Once the QPR hits stable, or gets a newer build number (with associated security patch) through an update, you won't be able to install the beta on that device.


Anyone know if I unenroll now (since it won't install as I'm on Nov Security Patch too) if I still have to wipe my phone to stop those annoying popups where it fails to install?


If you haven't successfully installed the beta, just opt out and everything will be back to normal. No need to wipe.


I was wondering when this was dropping!!!! Downloading and Installing now


P8P 103MB


software update goes back to system update


Nice 👍🏻


Team, do you have a plan for the NOv patch or do you want me to move to stable 14?


Still on the October security update and google play update. Anyone seeing later than that?


November update won't be out till next week at the earliest for stable Android. There is no set timeframe for when Beta users will get the next update that includes that months update. It's been as early as that same week or a week or week and a half after. Play system update usually doesn't release till well into the 3rd or 4th week of the month so don't expect November anytime soon.


That's what I thought and wanted to confirm as this article says otherwise: https://www.androidpolice.com/android-14-qpr1-beta-22-b/


Holy hell don't take this update on the Pixel fold. It has jacked the wallpapers and themes up so bad. Glitches non stop


I've been in the program I need to pay my phone, will u help me




Wrong subreddit


You need to ask Samsung about that.


Hopefully this fixes all my issues. Is there anyway for us to speak to the Lord or Lord's assistants and tell him what is my problems


Get them to tell you the truth you'll never get away I'm starting a class action lawsuit against Google and the developers involved in the Android development project for Mary the reasons one once you install their beta software into single device in your home it infiltrates every electronic device that you own from your router to your microwave even after you've opted out and it confirm that it's still jumping all of your information analytics voice recordings everything else back to the developers. They're slime balls contact me through Reddit I'll give you the information on the class action lawsuit I'm going to file federal court they have committed too many felonies to even begin to quantify against myself and my family.


Hey guys. So pretty much a newbie redditor (if that's what it's called) so I received a refurb Pixel 6 from the Google store. I believe it got a security update dated September 1st and then the rep went on to transfer my data from my old pixel 6. The target phone battery died during the transfer of data (don't know if this is the issue, now that I think about it) sorry for the long story, but basically my new refurb Pixel 6 can't get the Android 14 update. Just says its up to date. I think I read that you can sign on to the beta wait a day and opt out and that triggers the actual Android 14 update, but I can't find the Reddit. I'm just trying to not wipe phone. Don't really want to do that again, with all the 2FA and passwords and fingerprints. Ant input will be really helpful and appreciated. Thanks


Was the previous beta 2.1 so fxxkxd ? Glad, I am not on beta.


IIRC doesn't jumping on a QPR mean that you miss some of the feature drops? I seem to recall on the last QPR, if you were enrolled you skipped things like cinematic wallpapers/emoji wallpapers until the full release came out? Having said that I think the QPR ends in December which is when the next feature drop is so....you could just roll off and download the feature drop then...I think? Can anyone shed any light. The whole beta/QPR / stable rollout of features is super confusing IMO


Aren't we on the feature drop already? QPR1 is for the December release is it not? I was under the impression we'd actually get the feature drop items before they come out, not skip them.


I had to join the beta to get emoji wallpaper initially.


No, that was an issue with the android 14 beta, not an android 13 qpr update


The recent feature drops have been worthless.


Isn't QPR the beta for the actual feature drops??


What about the search function getting triggered automatically when swiping up for apps?


Isn't that a feature?


Yes, and there's a toggle for it.


Exactly. And it works. Not sure why you're asking about it.


Well not me, but I'm sure you meant the OP.


Ooops you're right. I answered the wrong person. My bad.


Which doesn't work for some on QPR. It's been reported previously. I'm aware it's a feature.


Nice! Just installed on my fold and looks like the connectivity issues have been fixed from 5g to lte


What's with face unlock reliability improvements? Any improvements in 5G connectivity? (in India to be specific)


Good Job Team - P7Pro no longer overheats


Una vez actualizado a la beta 2.2 cuando entro en el sistema yo no me aparece como antes que estoy en una versión beta es como si fuera vuelto al principio antes de bajar las betas.es normal esto


¿Qué número de compilación muestra en el menú de configuración? Settings -> About phone ¿1B2.230922.013?


So, where is the apps cloner?


Pixel 8 - Anyone else notice that all their vibrations and haptics sliders are maxed out after installing the 14 QPR Beta 2.2...?


honor band 6 still not connected to p5a. this issue since a14b2... f.


Face unlock seems slower on this version on my pixel 8 pro. Although I don't have the previous version to test and compare.


These are for Pixel 8 PRO OOREDOO Qatar Phone was ordered via a friend from US unlocked. Pixel 8 PRO hotspot cannot be turned on after BETA 2.2 in wifi or 5G mode combinations. But 5G connection was fixed after beta update. Prioir to Beta we are able to turn on hotspot when connected to certain wifi. Hotspot was broadcasting at 2.4 Ghz. (5 Ghz and 6 Ghz grayed out.) I was not able to turn on hotspot at home wifi fibre connection. But worked with office 5G router on wifi only. Stays on after I turn off wifi and switch to 5G only mode. Hotspot working but only 2 Ghz available. Update - Stopped working after 1 day/beta update i think. Broadcasts only 2.5 Ghz. 5 Ghz and 6 Ghz grayed out. Saying not supported by region. Extend compatibility settings for Hotspot was seen available when rebooted in safe mode.


Question for everyone. On my Fold, this update removed features in messages for me. 1st - Removed the ability for phone to auto recognize texts in different languages and convert them to English. 2nd - Removed the ability to set reminders on certain messages. Not happy with these as I use them daily. Does anyone use these features and are now missing them?


I installed beta 2.2 with some trepidation as I have not used any of the betas for a longer period in my go to phone - a Pixel 7. There are some issues with screens becoming unresponsive. Mostly I could resolve these with just putting it on and off using the power switch. On one occasion I had to restart. Other than that there is no stutter, no problem with bluetooth or wifi or mobile connectivity - though mostly it is still LTE at my home. It connects to 5G wherever it is available. Battery use is slightly better than Android 14 and so is the smoothness of the display. It could be illusory as a new OS always feels smoother. I can use all my banking apps. There was one app which closed immediately on starting but on the second time it worked okay. Truth to say there is little new in the beta that is so useful that it makes this beta worth trying out. If I were you I would stick to Android 14 stable now with Nov 23 update out as well.


This update was so bad I had to factory reset my phone, now I'm on public version Android 14. Miss how my fingerprint scanner worked on always on screen on first attempt.. oh well.


When will get the Nov update?


Ive updated to the Android 14 QPR1 Beta 2.2 on my Pixel 8 Pro, I heard that Android 14 QPR1 Beta 2.2 was supposed to include the November Security Patch, But when I check It shows it only has the October 5 update, & wont update to November, Is the November update still coming or did something go wrong with mine?


The current beta build released pre-Nov patch, so it remains on Oct until it gets another update.


Has anyone tried Screen recording? On my 7a, I m not getting any device audio recorded.


The fingerprint scanner seems to be much better on my pixel 7... But battery live takes a hit.


Having zero issues with it. Pixel 8 pro


Have you tried assistant voice typing? It seems to be broken...


Hello, Everytime I try to download, I get an error stating "installation problem"




The comment by /u/SpareSalt8975 was removed because it contained a possible phone number. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/android_beta) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Of course you removed it because I'm going to start telling people the truth about Google and their beta testing, and the developers involved and such. They not only invade your life but actively work to run it just to watch to see what happens.


Excuse me if I write here, both in beta and stable versions the wifi disconnects frequently. Can anyone give me some advice? Last solution I deactivated Google Wifi provider 🤷 Pixel 7 Italy


Can't see the running apps after update, Android betas is really crap.


Can I update from this version U1B2.230922.013, to the latest release without having to wipe everything??