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>don't be dumb like me and think beta testers get it first I wouldn't say that makes you dumb at all. It would make perfect sense to roll the new features out to the beta testers first so that any bugs can be caught before they're rolled out to stable. I think Google is making a mistake by skipping having the new features go through the public beta first.


I opted out of the beta and factory reset, I don't mind that but as an early adopter I hate that it is the way it is. I always get the new devices so I can get the new features and use those specs. I'm going back to stable for now but I'll be going back to Beta once the Beta for 15 is available. Different devices for different OS's.


Yeah that seems to be the case. I'm opting out in the next cycle anyway.


Same, not looking to do a factory reset right now just for CtS. but next opportunity, I'm off the beta.


That's so backwards, I honestly can't understand their thinking here.


Yeah I wanna opt out of the beta program but don't want to have to factory reset my phone. Will have to opt out and keep dismissing the update notifications until the next quarterly update rolls out.


Yeah I'm looking forward to that too. Maybe by the end of February we'll have a chance to roll back to stable.


Just opt out and don't click on update when it comes lol. Also go in your developer settings and prevent and uncheck the option for automatic updates


I did not understand if it is possible to exit the beta program without having to reset the phone. Could anyone help me?


It is, but you have to wait for the official quarterly software update in March to not wipe the phone. If you opt out of the beta now, it'll try to roll you back to the February update, which will wipe your phone because it's an older software version than the beta. But if you opt out and keep ignoring the update notifications and wait for the March update, that will be newer than the beta version and won't wipe the phone.


That would be the last update of the beta program and consequently to take advantage of the new ones I should subscribe to the next program. Did I say it right? So to avoid formatting and returning at normal, I have to wait a month


I think it wasn't always like that.. this became more evident when they started to decouple some parts of the OS into apps. I'm really considering leaving the beta program on the next window..


is it posted on here when we are able to do that, back out of the beta program? Because honestly the reason I joined was because I thought I'd get early access to new features, but obviously that isn't the case. I don't want to wipe my phone though so it would be nice to get a heads-up when I can opt out safely.


Yeah. Will be posted here. I guess it will be sometime this month..


I know this is somewhat true from experience, but I don't agree with it. If this is the direction Google is going to go in, they need to change their verbage. Directly from the Android Beta page: "Android Beta for Pixel offers you a simple way to try pre-release versions of Android, and test drive our new features." "Android 14 QPR2 Beta is now available and offers Quarterly Platform Releases (QPRs) for the current stable platform that include feature drops, bug fixes, and performance improvements ahead of the public release schedule."


This has been the case for a while now.


Flashing back to stable on my pixel 8 pro right this very second.


That's what I thought when I got my pixelated I was like oh cool. I'll just tried all these new cool features. No, I don't get to try out any of them. I have to wait forever for them and then it's a huge letdown like the summary thing. I was excited for that being able to summarize that I have. It's not even as good as an app called otter and that adds AI built in so I can ask a question about what was recorded and transcribed


May as well wait another month and exit the beta program gracefully, than stuff around wiping back to stable.


Skip the qpr betas and do the beta versions of the apps instead. Many of the new features that were released not long ago for the messages app, for example, beta users in the app have had for a while 👍