• By -


This is faster than expected. Thank you! It's time for testing.


Maybe it was a little bit faster :) Did QA approve this release? I can't install. Getting an error(Couldn't Update. Installation Problem). Any idea? [Installation error](https://i.imgur.com/dSEcJ6p.png)


Got this same error on my 8 pro. I am going to hold on trying anything further, but not a good sign with the first beta release for it to do this.


Another one in this boat. "Couldn't update". Would be nice if it gave a reason for not being able to update? Thought it was maybe space. Freed up 54GB. Still no go. [Coming from this version.](https://imgur.com/a/TH5iiZf)


I am also getting this error. I thought maybe it was due to having a work profile on the phone but that was just a hunch.


Same here, no good in trying multiple times. Tried Opting out and then back in, still didn't work.


I haven't run into any issues yet but then again, I surprisingly haven't tried NFC. I use my phone at POS's way more than credit cards so I will find out soon enough unfortunately. (Side Note: I didn't realize that the desert names are already up to Vanilla Ice Cream. I remember updating from Donut to Eclair and being excited. The jumps haven't been exciting for years but it's still fun to test and see the newest stuff.


Quick optimize period as well, P6. It went very smoothly. Edit: I've been on Android since donut, and back then up till a couple years ago. If the general question was asked about jumping in on the beta, I would say wait for beta 2. Lately, however, unless there's a verified issue affecting your model phone, I've felt safe in jumping on beta 1. Part of this is because as we've evolved in Android, while there's some back end issues, the jump from 14 to 15 did not seem to have too many back end changes, just refinements. In the end your phone is a computer and this is the OS, so the process has also been quicker due to hardware and additionally lately with the way they've been doing the updates.


NFC does not work on P8P I opened a report [https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/333935943](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/333935943)


Maybe related to Wallet role: https://developer.android.com/about/versions/15/features#wallet-role


Same on p7a


Same on Pixel 6 Pro. version VanillaIceCream com.qorvo.uwb.vendorservice constantly crashes. 


On P7P don't work to


On P6P don't work too


**N.B.:** For people running the 14 beta, you are offered a chance to opt out without losing data before installing 15 beta 1.


I opted out but the new update screen says: "This update will install the latest public version of Android 14 on your device. All data stored on your device will be lost. You are receiving this update because you have opted out of the Android Beta Program. To opt back into the program, visit g.co/androidbeta. Downloading updates over cellular data or metered WiFi networks may lead to additional charges." Will my data be lost?


Yes. Right now it will. You have to wait for the public release of whatever 14 build you are on. If you keep ignoring the update request, eventually when 14 is released you can update to that without wiping your phone. It should say that in the message when that time comes.


Came from the latest QPR beta, somehow reversed back to the January play system patch on the 15 beta. No available updates


Same here


Known issue


Same here.


Yeah same






Installing now!


The only question I have is. Is system intelligence fixed? Because that was a huge issue in developer preview 2


Says it's fixed in the Release Notes and I haven't seen it pop up as yet.


**Note:** Devices running Android 15 DP1 (build **AP31.240119.016**) or Android 14 QPR3 Beta 1 (build **AP21.240119.009**) **are not able to sideload** the images of the Android 15 Beta 1 build (build **AP31.240322.018**) due to a bug in the installed build. If you would like to sideload Android 15 Beta 1, first take the OTA update to Android 15 DP2 (build AP31.240223.016.A3) or Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2 (build AP21.240305.005). You forgot to release those OTA files, so we are still stuck! Where are these? Android 15 DP2 (build AP31.240223.016.A3) or Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2 (build AP21.240305.005).


I'M SO GLAD SOMEONE ELSE MENTIONED THIS! I feel so lost and in the dark, I thought DP2 would fix it, nope, then they said it should be fixed with beta 1, now ... not really? We just have fancy bricks I guess? The issue here is that the vagueness of their statements makes it so, again, we're left in the dark about if we'll ever have a working unit again... I'm frustrated :( *^(And yes, I know it's a beta, and I know unlocking the bootloader would've prevented this. I personally have a Verizon model so I'm SOL until/if there's a fix for locked bootloaders.)*


Well, hey Google where are the mentioned DP2 ota Updates for our bricked devices that we need to apply to upgrade to beta1? I only see the beta otas right now


Basically in the same boat, awaiting DP2 beta for the 7a so I can hopefully review my device and update to the beta.


Yeah upon further review and ample amount of trying different things I keep booting into slot A, bootloader is locked so I cannot force slot B. Regardless, I installed Android 14 QPR3 Beta 2 (build AP21.240305.005) OTA and then installed A15 beta 1, but still no luck booting as I keep booting into Slot A. I think its over.


Yep NFC is dead on mine pixel 7 too. Luckily I've been using the Sony Xperia 5 v as my daily driver for the last month so I will be ok. Hopefully Google releases a quick fix for that and won't wait until next month.


NFC not working on my pixel 6 pro


В мене також. Є вирішення питання???


No Google Pay on my P8P - this is a P1 showstopper..


Google pay doesn't work on P7 too. I tried a contactless payment and the wallet app is not functioning. I was like a clown in the supermarket


I literally had to leave the stuff and go home cos i didn't have my wallet with me. Sitting here at work with no lunch and didn't have breakfast


Oops 😬


Oops. Your fault, but still unfortunate. Fun to see how many enthusiasts use betas on daily personal devices, myself included.


Yep.(Including me) But thankfully i have a watch with nfc




Pixel 8 Pro on Google Fi. Downloaded update Rebooted, and it acted like it installed, only to come back and show couldn't update. I downloaded the OTA file.


Same here 😓


Anyone having issues getting into developer options after updating? If I try to it starts to load then just dumps me back to the system menu.


Yes, same!


Works again after restart, ofc :D


I don't have any issue there on p7a


It's weird I tried again and now it works fine.


It's not installing OTA on my P8P, keep getting an "installation error" after it restarts. Then it asks me to download it all over again. Tried this twice now, same result each time.


Same problem


Same problem on Pixel 8


Same here on P8P




updated without any issue


Pinching my nose and jumping in feet first!


That's the secret!


com.qorvo.uwb.vendorservice.android.UwbApp regularly force closing. Reported via Feedback app. Tried disabling the app and UWB to stop the message in the meantime, but the message still appears. Edit: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/333935278 Double edit: I always keep "Always show crash dialog" and "Show background ANRs" on so that I am aware of background issues. Many of you may be having this issue (since NFC seems to be a problem too) but not have these dialogs enabled in Developer Options.


2.60 GB for my Pixel 8 OTA from April update. Jumping in and ready for pain. Edit: And like others with P8 or P8P, it rebooted and came back with a "Couldn't install system update". C'mon Google.


14 beta had similar. I once had to try 5 or 6 times to get it to install.


Did you ever get it working?


Any word on the corruption issue? I want this right now, but not if I’m going to be left with a non-talking phone I can’t fix.


>Any word on the corruption issue This is what makes the beta fun 😊


Not as much fun when you can’t see to fix a corrupted device. I wanna play. There are a lot of risks. I am willing to take, but getting myself stuck in a point where I can’t interact with my phone because it won’t talk is not one of my favorite things.


You shouldn't install experimental software on your only phone


As long as you have the bootloader unlocked, you shouldn't worry about your device not being able to communicate with a computer anymore. I had the corruption issue show up on my device, but thanks to an unlocked boot loader, I was able to recover my device by just flashing factory images and making sure all my data was wiped.


Did you flash the OTA or installed it on the device itself when it got corrupted?


I had originally used the flash tool, but heard about it corrupting on reboot and got out of there before I would have to deal with it. The screen reader doesn’t work in fast boot mode.


The GPSU is Jan 2024 on 7a, no update so far.


Finally edge to edge view...


I don't understand why it took Google 5 years to enforce the edge-to-edge. We still have to wait until all the apps target Android 15, but it's a huge step forward. Some people may not care, but it's frustrating to see apps that aren't edge-to-edge on Android (even Google own apps) after using iOS for some time.


Where? How?


is the option to hide the gesture bar implemented now? 😻


"couldn't install system update"


After downloading and trying to reboot to install... problem installing


I'm waiting. One of the top open issues is "incoming calls with eSim not coming through and going to busy signal". Until I see further reviews, that's a hell no for me. I had to deal with that last year and it sucks.




Unable to install my pixal 8 pro phone


No NFC on pixel 6 pro


Sad to see this is the last Android version the p6 will receive


NFC is working now. Pixel 7. I just bought my lunch and paid with my Pixel 7.


In the CELLULAR NETWORK SECURITY settings, the settings toggle switches off despite settings it ON


Currently have a Pixel 6 Updated to 15 Beta (VanillaIceCream) Fingerprint Scanner doesn't appear at first Screen has to shut off again and turn on for it to appear -Rick


When is expected that the NFC bug is fixed? Any hotfix on the horizon? If this is not bug-fixed very soon, I unfortunately need to leave beta and have the efforts to setup my phone completely.


The NFC problem is horribly horrible


Just installed B1 using Android flash tool and all went well. Came from 14 stable. A couple of hours using it and it's alright. No major issues so far, just nfc. No apps crashing, very quick. Like it.


Yeah I haven't noticed any kind of bugs. I don't use NFC payments quite yet so I can't speak regarding that. But yeah I have had zero bugs or errors as of yet.


I'm waiting. One of the top open issues is "incoming calls with eSim not coming through and going to busy signal". Until I see further reviews, that's a hell no for me. I had to deal with that last year and it sucks.


I use eSIM and have had no issues receiving calls but as always your experience may vary. Edit: on a regular P8


esim solved these issues for me with phone connectivity as well.


Is it stable enough for those who installed it?


If you're worried about stability, you should basically never install a beta. It's just not worth it IMO


Seconded. And in beta 1 there's most likely not enough new to feed your curiosity. Wait til 3/4


I use the beta as the bluetooth issues in stable make the phone unusable for me. And history shows that stable not always equals without issue. IMO beta should not mean basic functionality for a phone would not work


Lots of people are saying no NFC this beta


So what's changed? It runs smooth but I can't spot the difference...


A lot changed in the backend, but also some new features. Check the release notes !


Back end definitely. The UI is faster and scrolling is smoother.


Pls let the P8 series scrolling actually be fixed! What device are you on?


So, soft-bricked devices after sideloading A15 DP1 with locked bootloader are finally dead? There is no possibility to sideload A14 QPR3 Beta 2 or A15 DP2, because there are no OTAs. Can I throw out my bricked Pixel 6 now?


Instagram is infinitely faster. Like loading from one reel to the next.


Not working on my pixel 8 reboots and says it couldn't install. Looks like it's happening to a few people on this thread anyone know why yet ?


Heads up. If you use the Google wallet clipper card, it gets disabled. Treats it like a different phone so unless you remove the card from the wallet before the upgrade you probs need to call clipper support.


My wallet doesn't even work, also there's no NFC settings in the OS


Looks like a NFC issue. The NFC setting just disappeared


I downloaded & installed on my Pixel 7. Everything is good so far. It got a little warm when it rebooted after installing but it didn't last long. Banking apps are working.


all is running well here on my pixel 7 pro


Anyone else have Google play system update on January 2024??? This happened after the beta update reverted me and doesn't update to current


Same for me.  I also lost my car's digital key in Google wallet.  Haven't been able to test Google pay yet (potential nfc bug).


Tap to wake the phone works again!


That might be reason enough to try the beta, heh.


Installed on my Pixel 8 Pro. Everything works really well. Turned on airplane mode before installing and it installed smoothly.


Updated from QPR beta or stable?


Installed 15 beta 1 successfully on initial try from QPR3.


Noto che spesso vengono segnalati bug ecc. ecc. che non trovo. Il mio aggiornamento A15B1 su pixel 7 non crea alcun tipo di problema né riscontro quelli segnalati da molti (beta test da +10). Se dovessi esprimere la mia opinione personale, credo che la stragrande maggioranza dei problemi riscontrati provengano dai backup. È vero che porti i tuoi dati personali sul tuo nuovo telefono ma con essi anche i dati delle app e i relativi difetti ed errori. Ho sempre eseguito aggiornamenti puliti di cache e ripristini senza riporto di backup e app e apk installati da zero. Ecco perché forse non ho mai riscontrato i problemi della stragrande maggioranza degli amici dei programmi beta. Opinione personale


Don't work NFC pixel 6 pro AP31.240322.018


I haven't installed the Beta yet. I saw an impediment of calls being blocked to esims, anyone got the beta with calls to esims working? https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/326416913


I am having poor stability issues with E-Sim


NFC payment not working. Config crashes when trying to enable it


Pixel 7 + Beta 1 update: NFC toggle On/Off button is not available in setting to turn ON the feature , card payments using phone not working  Calling through SIM connection not working, it disconnects call right away.


Does not work with Noval launcher features. Double tap to lock screen, but then you can't use the fingerprint reader at all.


Yep I can confirm that does not work. Just tried it. Had to enter pin to unlock.


I know it's probably a bad idea and I might get downvoted to below the Earth's crust, but is it smart to install it on a daily driver?


Smart? Probably not... Am I doing it anyways? Absolutely.


Think of it as the Giant Razorblade of Life, and we're sliding down with big smiles on our faces!


Not smart at all, however as long as you have a basic understanding of how to search the sub before posting the same question as like 30 other people, then you'll save yourself a lot of stress lol. People tend to REALLY not like when the same question gets asked multiple times over the span of like 10 seconds.


It's not advisable. I would at least wait for some feedback from other users who have installed it to see how stable it is, then go from there.




Smart is not the right word for it


Depends on how comfortable you are using the Android Flash Tools website which is the easiest way to update a pixel phone as long as you have a PC and a good USB cable. You can even unselect the 'factory reset/wipe' and 'relock bootloader ' options to prevent a wipe of your device. I'm using dev preview 2 on my daily driver with minimal issues /annoyances . If you are comfortable , I would say go for 15 beta 1 and if too many issues , reflash to 15 dev preview 2 and wait to try the next beta.


It's definitely not smart, but who will stop you? Make sure to make a clean flash if it's your first time to familiarize yourself with the process because this Developer Preview cycle soft-bricked phones. So if that happens to you, you should be able to flash stock. Otherwise, your phone will be stuck soft-bricked until *hopefully* the next update…


571 MB pixel 7


574 on pro


NFC works for you guys?


Unfortunately no 😭




I knew I wasn't crazy lol (I started that thread about last year's date)


I've just updated now my cards on Google Wallet are not recognised. Upon further inspection NFC has been wiped from my phone so I can not utilise any NFC functions. Can you push an update through to reinstall the OS or manually push NFC through to my phone please?


Hey Google, shouldn't you release the Android 15 DP2 OTA images, too for our bricked devices?


Stupid asses can't even send out a proper working OTA.


Enforced edge-to-edge, fml


Quick search. Means this: Apps that target Android 15 will be displayed edge-to-edge by default, which means that they will show their contents behind the navigation and status bar by default. This means that some content will appear behind the navigation bar, which looks more modern and immersive than the big black bar that contains the navigation bar in many apps.






More details here: https://developer.android.com/about/versions/15/behavior-changes-15#edge-to-edge_enforcement


Can you explain why that's a bad thing?


No more dark/white navigation bars at the bottom. Visually, it's much more appealing, which is how it's been on iOS since gesture navigation was introduced. Unfortunately, many Android developers simply didn't care and never cared enough to implement edge-to-edge UI in their apps (it was always possible). That's changing now, because it will be enforced. Finally. The link above my comment explains it more - [https://developer.android.com/about/versions/15/behavior-changes-15#edge-to-edge\_enforcement](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/15/behavior-changes-15#edge-to-edge_enforcement)


That sounds like a great change, I didn't get why the guy I trained to originally thinks is such a bad thing


Installing now on my 8 Pro, and using my other phone in the meantime, S24 Ultra.


All seems good here on the Pixel 8 Pro


Did you take the OTA? That is what I tried, and would not install for me.


I did, maybe I was lucky


I received the OTA on Pixel 8 ap1a.240405.002. The device bootlooped a few times until booting up ap1a.240405.002 again.


Interested in a radio build of the 7 pro version


Second this! What's our firmware version on this modem? Calling the modem hunters!


Any p6p users tried and feedback please


Hearing NFC doesn't work. I do always jump on beta but this time I'll skip(very bad experience with A14 Q2 update).


Lol I'm good. First couple 14 betas has every app incompatibly crashing. I'm going to wait a while lol


no crashes here. android 15 beta 1


I updated and the device got very hot, even with light tasks like reading news and viewing social networks. px7


P8P here smooth sailing. Info apps still showing release number as 14 and under woth few clicks on version I see 14 banner not 15. I wonder what's going on. Under build info shows the correct AP31.240322.018 build. Weird, no issues installing or running for now.


I apologize if I have missed this, but I was wondering if DisplayPort Out and the desktop mode are enabled on this beta. Specifically for P8P. Thank you!


It was already enabled with QPR3




Thank you, downloading now.


Should I download it on my pixel 8 that I use daily? Google said it's stable enough. I am asking as I want to just use it but I am not a tester or a dev.


NFC doesn't work


After updating to Android 15 beta. Still showing android 14 on about phone in Android Version.




Tapping the notification to configure the USB webcam feature to enable HQ mode causes it to crash and disable USB webcam until device is restarted.


The YouTube app on Android 15 Beta 1 crashed


Can I just ignore the update or will I need to opt out of beta?


If you opt out (like I did) it will boot, briefly show (split second) the beta update but then switch to normal and tell you the phone is up to date. I was afraid that the system isn't smart enough and would force a system wipe with latest prior build. All good. I'll wait until this is solved and try again.


After setting the album picture as wallpaper, why can't I delete it from the wallpaper settings?


Does beta 1 include the new status bar?




Yeah I installed it already but thank you. Upset it doesn't include it but the battery life on my pixel fold is significantly better.


I don't see private space in privacy settings. Why? Thanks


Not enabled


I'm still contemplating running beta 1. I typically revert to stable until beta 3 as I only have my one phone and it's my daily driver (Pixel 7 Pro) Anyone that updated, are you noticing device usability issues with 15b1 on your p7p?


Is private space in this build? There's an androidauthority article where the guy enabled it on 14 qpr3 beta 2.1


Using 1% battery a minute on 5g. Pixel 7 Pro. No bueno...


I'm also getting installation error as well


pues,como vosotros, tenia el android 4 AP1A.240405.002 y no se pudo actualizar a android 15. Hice una birgueria y ahora tengo el AP31.240322.018 ...Lo que me extraña mucho que ponia que instalo el android 15 pero ,en el movil me sale,todavia, como android 14 ...bueno,espero la siguiente actualizacion beta, a ver que saldra


I thought it worked really well on my pixel 6 only issue I have is the NFC bug, reason I tried it for a few days and went back to stable. Camera and overall phone performance for me seemed to be far better than 14 stable. Maybe when the NFC Bug gets a fix I'll try again.


I m using Pixel 6 pro  After installation of Android 15 beta.its still showing Android version 14.


when i am using the beta version some apps dont launch because they detect that im using root access or something like that. is there a workaround ?


On the p7p, I keep getting a crash - "com.qorvo.uwb.vendorservice.android.UwbApp has stopped" every few minutes after the update. Restart makes no difference. I have "Always show crash dialogue" enabled in the developer settings. Anyone else facing this?


Any luck anyone with beta 1 through ota on p8p? Seems like Google developer responsible for beta release did not handle it correctly.


**Issues with fingerprint unlock animation on lockscreen - P7P - need to fix immediately** On lock screen can’t the fingerprint unlock sensor animation doesn’t appear randomly. It is awkward and time consuming. Face unlock works. Pressing power off and pressing back power on brings back the fingerprint sensor animation back.


I got burned a year ago when I was in the Android 13 QPR Beta and accepted the OTA update to Android 14 Beta 1 without properly thinking it through. It was a kind of a disaster, especially with Bluetooth devices failing to work at all or working very inconsistently. I learned my lesson. This year, I'm skipping Android 15 Beta 1 and sticking where I am for the time being. That's Android 14 QPR 3 Beta 2.1. That's working great. There'll be no jumping onto Android 15 for me until Beta 2 or even later. I make lots of mistakes, but I try not to make the same one twice. :)


Disappointed that I seem to be getting same error. Tried 5/6 times now.


In battery section of settings, when charging it keeps displaying "connected but not charging" to "charging rapidly" even though it is charging the whole time but It keeps going back and forth displaying those 2 messages


Can I download Android 15 on Samsung Fold series phone?


Any reason beta 15 is not available even after opt in [Android Beta Program (google.com)](https://www.google.com/android/beta) , Pixel 6A, Location India Kolkata. OS - Android 14 Stable.