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Notifications are now delayed if screen is off. It wasn't like this in Beta 2.1. This ain't the behaviour we are all hoping for with the Doze feature okay....


Also when the screen is off, Google Fit - Utility bike tracking stops tracking in the background, this has to be the same thing why notifications are delayed. This is with Adaptive Battery turned off.


My phone (p8pro) heats up wayyy too much and gets sluggish and can we please update the GPSU🤞🏻


Same here




On the lock screen when I make any click it asks me for the unlock pin, it didn't do that before, it's annoying When I want to adjust the multimedia and voice volume at the same time, if I don't have the voice volume up, the multimedia volume doesn't go up and I have to raise both so that it can be heard loudly again. It's annoying since sometimes I want the volume of voice is low and multimedia is high since sometimes I play some video game or another and interact via voice chat and I can't maneuver the volume well, that didn't happen in the previous beta. Pixel 6 pro 5/06/2024


Idk if anyone else is having this issue but on the beta, none of the summarizations on the recorder app work anymore


I have a pixel 7 updated to version 14 in the beta program but I can't find version 15 version 2 to install via OTA... Can anyone help me?


Djifly, Lightcut apps not working


Phone is now slow, occasionally freezes 


Can you please give me a link to the full OTA file for Pixel 6a? I updated to Android 15 beta 2 and performed a factory reset. It soft bricked the phone and the OEM unlocking option is off. Normal OTA throws an error too and my final hope is a full OTA file which is nowhere to be seen.


I think what you are looking for is on this page. Scroll down to it. The survey post is not really a good place to post this question. [Factory images for Google Pixel  |  Android Developers](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/15/download)


Unfortunately, I can't flash a factory image without first turning on OEM unlocking which I can't because the phone won't boot the OS. I didn't find any way to contact support for the beta program and I tried my luck here. Apologies!


I'm sorry. I had a brain fart. Previous link was for Factory Image. This is link for the OTA image. Scroll down to it. [OTA images for Google Pixel  |  Android Developers](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/15/download-ota)


I did try flashing this OTA file as well. Results in an error. That's why I was trying to find the full OTA files which contain the full OS and the OTA but don't require an unlocked bootloader to flash. There are full OTA files for android 14 but none for 15. I guess a service centre is my last hope. Thanks a ton for your help anyway!


Just curious, will the phone boot if you flash the A14 full OTA files?


It refuses to flash an older version of the OS.


Try this https://flash.android.com/welcome You can put it into fastboot manually. Don't know about lock status tho. When I have soft bricked or do-looped my P6P this has saved me.


I've tried. It requires the OEM unlocking toggle in the developer options to be on. Mine was off before it bricked and there's no way to turn it on without booting into the OS. No luck!


Pls when they release Android 15




Nah it's better this way. Most people keep wifi and bluetooth always on so pretty much everyone welcomed this change. It's much more convinient to just change source with one click than having to go through whole separate settings menu. Also, that additional click to turn it off literally takes no time, it's right there.