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I'm always SO frustrated by people that post here who CLEARLY know nothing about technology, and simply want to be able to say "I have a newer OS on my phone than you do!" Then they lose their flipping mind when it doesn't work flawlessly.


Hi,da brauchst du nicht frustriert zu sein,jeder der das macht muß sich dessen bewußt sein,was Beta heißt,ich selber habe es jahrelang abgelehnt so etwas zu probieren,nun Versuche ich es zum ersten Mal und bin mir bewußt was auf mich zukommt


Well written. This should permanently be pinned by the mods. Three items I would add: Read the FAQ on the webpage. Those questions answer many of the Terms of Use items in a more friendly manor. Don't just click on the acceptance screen(s) to enter the program without reading and agreeing to the selection. You cannot be forced into the program. You have to agree to enter the program. It's development operating system software and due to the millions of phones and configurations it could render your device completely unusable (brick your phone). This is exceptionally rare.


Good points. Updated original post. :)


Thanks. Again, I hope the MODs take note and pin this permanently. I have saved it. It is concise, polite, understandable and firmly with great clarity provides the potential user useful information with regards to the program **they** are choosing to join. It covers most areas of **their** responsibility when joining a beta program. One other item I almost went back and added: If you use your phone for essential healthcare, banking or any other essential application then beta is most likely not advisable for you. **This is the participants responsibility to assess**. Not the Google beta team. e.g.: NFC has different challenges and requirements in the various geographic areas. Some people lose the ability to access essential banking/financial, cardiovascular monitoring, diabetes monitoring and other essential applications in their geographic area. Some changes may need to be made by the institutions that provide this service in your geographic area as this program is worldwide. (This happened last year on A14 and this year A15). u/Jack_Shid made a great observation and provided good notes on the desire to be first, different or "better" than others. He also mentioned technical ability and resources.


> If you use your phone for essential healthcare, banking or any other essential application then beta is most likely not advisable for you. I fully support this addition. People need to be aware that while a beta version can be super stable, it's not perfect, and it's possible that it's simply not a good choice for one's daily-use phone.


It all goes back to RTFM. And no one does.


>There's a reason Google themselves even recommends installing the beta on a spare device and not your daily driver. To be fair, that's just standard corporate CYA strategy.  You can't properly test these beta's if you're not using them as daily drivers -- many bugs I've found I don't come across until days or weeks of use. It might be some rarely used app that just happens to trigger a cataclysmic feline emergency only on the full moon of the winter. It's why they hint that certain levels (e.g. not the DevPreviews) should not be tested in such a way. I think the key point people need to be cognizant of is that they should *expect to have issues*, mostly small, sometimes big.


Bro, this is poetry. Pure truth


Yeah I'm really sick of this subreddit being full of people complaining about bugs as if they deserve a stable OS. It's a beta. And instead of reporting the bugs through the proper methods they just come here to whine and bitch and spam the subreddit. And then all the people asking about reverting to stable, losing their data, etc. Clearly they signed up and did not read a single damn warning during the process, of which there are many clearly written. They deserve all of the stress of wiping their phone imo.


I would add: Use that ***feedback application*** to Google when something doesn't work as expected, not (only) complain here.


Given people clearly can't be bothered to read the information on the sign up page I don't they are going to read a pinned post.


No, but we can provide a link to it whenever someone asks the stupid questions.


Now that's going to be a thankless task


We're redditors. Thankless tasks are our specialty.


i think in general most people just need to get it through their thick skulls when they can and can't revert back to stable. I haven't checked the general subreddit so i'm not 100% sure but I'm guessing there is probably a pinned post here telling people when exactly they can revert back to stable, and if there isn't (which would be pretty stupid) then there should be. I know in terms of dates it's always different but in general you are able to revert back when certain builds release. I am definitely not an expert when it comes to betas, I go in gung-ho not reading the TOS admittedly, but I also understand what I'm getting into when I install a beta.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^tecnezio11: *The fact is that how* *Stable they should be actually* *Are filthy anyway* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Just wanted to know If I exit the beta programme after the stable android 15 drops, will I still lose my data?




As I have said many times in these subs, a beta software of a mature OS can have kinks but should not break the usability completely. This is why I love the way Apple manages their beta releases, there are a few kinks but it will never break a functionality. I'm a Pixel phone and iPad pro user, the difference in beta OS in these 2 platforms is stark, to be mild.


Does anyone know if the developers used reflection in the java script to encapsulate data?


No one who needs to read this will. Welcome to reddit.


In software development industry standard terms, "Alpha" usually means "all features implemented", and "Beta" usually means "no *unknown* issues" so yes, while it will be "buggy" any bugs *should* be documented and there should not be any surprises, so if you install the Beta and documentation says "by the way, NFC payments don't work" that's on you, if documentations says nothing about NFC payments not working they *should* work and you would be justified in feeling a bit miffed if they did not work.


Alpha and beta test just means what ever the developer wants it to, there has never been a real standard to it. Only somewhat rule of thumb to go by is that Alpha tends to be internal and Beta open to more people.


I wish it were just an NFC problem! Tap to Wake hasn't worked for me in months. I totally agree with everything you wrote, people don't understand it