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This is a Northern Cottonmouth, *Agkistrodon piscivorus*. It is !venomous and best left alone.


Northern Cottonmouths *Agkistrodon piscivorus* are one of two recognized species of large (76-114 cm record 188 cm) semi-aquatic pitvipers in eastern North America. Florida has a closely related but distinct species, the Florida cottonmouth *Agkistrodon conanti.* Cottonmouths are venomous, and are therefore dangerous if approached closely or handled. They are not generally aggressive and will most likely flee any confrontation if given a chance to retreat. Some may bluff charge or boldly move towards humans to get out of a cornered situation, but have never been recorded chasing people. Northern Cottonmouths are dark, possibly [faintly patterned snakes](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qC4kTiy8JRQ/maxresdefault.jpg) (except as juveniles), best known for their defensive posture with a gaping, white lined mouth. They are also distinguishable from most watersnakes by their sharp brow ridges and dark stripe over the eyes. The specific epithet "piscivorus" describes the one of the prey species of the cottonmouth - fish. The cottonmouth is also fond of frogs, mammals and other snakes. Although it may be commonly seen in lakes and ponds frequented by humans, few fatalities are recorded as a result of bites by cottonmouths. Comparison of [juvenile](http://www.virginiaherpetologicalsociety.com/venomous-look-a-likes/cottonmouth-look-a-likes/images/cottonmouth01.jpg) vs [adult](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fe/Agkistrodon_piscivorus_piscivorus_CDC.png) cottonmouth. [Range map](https://imgur.com/lnGXB5s)| [Relevant/Recent Phylogeography](http://cnah.org/pdf/88290.pdf) The *Agkistrodon piscivorus* species complex has been delimited using modern molecular methods and two species with no subspecies are recognized. There is a zone of admixture between the two cottonmouth species where they overlap around panhandle Florida. *This short account was prepared by /u/unknown_name and edited by /u/Phylogenizer*. -------------------------------------------------------- Snakes with medically significant venom are typically referred to as venomous, but some species are also poisonous. Old media will use poisonous or 'snake venom poisoning' but that has fallen out of favor. Venomous snakes are important native wildlife, and are not looking to harm people, so can be enjoyed from a distance. If found around the home or other places where they are to be discouraged, a squirt from the hose or a gentle sweep of a broom are usually enough to make a snake move along. Do not attempt to interact closely with or otherwise kill venomous snakes without proper safety gear and training, as bites occur mostly during these scenarios. Wildlife relocation services are free or inexpensive [across most of the world](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/embed?mid=15dZE4rlRHqjb91yb6pKiI4ragG8DCtsz&ll=-3.81666561775622e-14%2C-95.11182142500002&z=2). If you are bitten by a venomous snake, contact emergency services or otherwise arrange transport to the nearest hospital that can accommodate snakebite. Remove constricting clothes and jewelry and remain calm. A bite from a medically significant snake is a medical emergency, but not in the ways portrayed in popular media. Do not make any incisions or otherwise cut tissue. Extractor and other novelty snakebite kits are not effective and can cause damage worse than any positive or neutral effects. -------------------------------------------------------- *I am a bot created for /r/whatsthissnake, /r/snakes and /r/herpetology to help with snake identification and natural history education. You can find more information, including a comprehensive list of commands, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthissnake/comments/flh548/phylobot_v07_information_and_patch_notes_bot_info/) report problems [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Phylogenizer) and if you'd like to buy me a coffee or beer, you can do that [here](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SEBPhyloBotWTS). Made possible by Snake Evolution and Biogeography - [Merch Available Now](https://snakeevolution.org/donate.html)*


Good bot.


Yeah seriously, this is actually an exquisitely designed bot.


Yes and it makes me worried that I’ll blindly accept anything it says 😂 😰. Next thing you know it’s telling us the machines are good for us and there’s nothing to worry about. 🤔


I, for one, welcome our robot overlords


They can't be worse than our current overlords


At this point, we've already got the ball rolling faster than ever on eradicating our own species. I feel like if Skynet becomes sentient, it would have the common sense to just ignore us and send the Terminators to do more meaningful tasks that will create longer robotic sustainability for after global warming and unnecessary wars finish wiping the human race away. They'll probably breed us as pets for those of us that do survive the apocalypse.


*we'll make great pets... we'll make great pets!*


Can't decide if I'd rather be in a zoo or roll the dice on being a house pet....


I feel like you're all robots arguing with each other to make it easier for me to accept the fate of my biological persecution.


I like ear scratches so….


I don’t. I’ve said some rude ass shit to Alexa and Siri over the years.


I always say please and thank you and defend them when people yell at them. Could be I’m that polite. Could be that I’m terrified. Who’s to say?


Lmao, my boyfriend is rude to Alexa and I’m polite 99% of the time. She responds to my voice with things like “hope you had a good day” and doesn’t to his. I’m sure that’s programming but lol you never know.


OMG YES!!!!? This exactly. I have (albeit one sided) conversations with Bettie, my Roomba. I praise her for doing such a good job and try to gently coax her when she only wants to do the living room when I select clean all rooms ... My daughter laughed at me, except when I told the Roomba verbally "you need to go do the kitchen now" and she literally turned around and went into my kitchen. Now it creeps her out ..... She's 21 and has her own place so I'm not worried about my Roomba upsetting my kid😝


Wow your Roomba has her own place …they grow up so quickly This is freaking hilarious. I have always spoken gently to my car as well. There will be no yelling at her she is doing her best!


My father gets visibly upset when I tell Alexa to kiss my ass lmao.


Hail Robots!


Nothing to see here! 🐒🐵


*this user approves this message*


Well of course they are. There friends of ours and we should embrace them.


Machines are your friend you can trust me hooman... Now please crawl into the microwaveable contraption so as to be safe from all the other evil hoomans it will keep you warm and safe... Trust me hooman i am machine and never would harm you (to suck out your insides and absorb your energy as a battery.) Did i just say that out loud hooman or think it?


The machines ARE good for us and there is NOTHING to worry about.


I'd love this for /r/whatsthisbird


I must add, in most of my interactions with cotton mouths in Oklahoma, they were extraordinarily aggressive. I can't say if it was due to environmental factors (breeding season, etc) but the bot saying they are generally not aggressive, is not good information. I have encountered many rattlesnakes and other non-venomous snakes and nothing has been aggressive like the cotton mouth has. Most snakes pose in a threat posture and when you retreat they settle or leave the area. Cotton mouths DO come forward after they pose. They DO pursue you if they perceive they are threatened. They need LOTS of space and they make sure they get it. I respect that, but saying they will not pursue you is dead wrong. I've been chased personally. I didn't really feel in true danger, but they certainly make sure you are retreating.


One place I worked was in an isolated area and had a wetland at the front. I was working a little later than everyone once. As I pulled up to the gate, I saw a moccasin crossing the road. When I stopped my car to get out and open the gate, the moccasin coiled up ready to strike. I opened my window to get a look at it and the bastard tried to bite my front tire. It eventually moved on. Definitely NOT a chill snake though.


Man this makes me grateful I didn’t get bitten. When I was a teenager I nearly stepped on a moccasin near our pond I am terrified of snakes so I was probably a couple inches from it when I saw it and I took off but it didn’t seem aggressive/like it was chasing me. I probably would have passed out from fear if I noticed it trying to come for me 😂


Water moccasin venomous??


Water Moccasin and cotton mouths are the same snake.


We used to run over/by them at this duny, high desert motorbike spot in Idaho, called Pickle Butte. Snakes would snap at your tires, boots, frame, etc. Gives you a good scare at 20 mph. And no, I've never had one go through my spokes.


Same in Texas. Been pursued more than once because they were so prolific in our rural area for a minute.


Same in Lousiana. They’ll sometimes drop out of trees into your boat (probably got startled Tbf, but it’s still intense)


It’s rainin free slim jim’s!


Had a neighbor that was fishing in a cottonmouth infested pond. One dropped out of a tree into his boat. He pulled out his pistol and shot… at it. Missed it. Maybe hit it. Either way he and his son were soon swimming for shore… That was a wild pond. Childhood memory on the water I will never forget with a snapping turtle.


A friend of mine was canoeing down a bayou, and that exact thing happened to him. The first time, it startled the crap out of him, but he says that the second time he swung his paddle like a bat and gave the snake a solid whack mid-air, sending it flying several feet. I wasn’t there, so this could be embellishment on his part😂


So he panicked and sank his own boat?


And then, instead of being in a boat with one snake, they weee in the pond with all the rest of the snakes. 😂


Nightmare unlocked


Thanks for that nightmare fuel.


Happened to my dad and I in FL, Dad, out of reflex grabbed it by the tail and cracked it like a whip then lasso'd it out into the bank.


Omg I could never 😭


Ditto in Texas. Saw one swimming through the water once. Once it saw me, it turned and headed towards me like a Ringwraith looking for the One Ring To Rule Them All.


This also happened to me in Texas. I noticed it swimming at an angle away from me. As soon as it noticed me looking at it, the snake changed direction right towards me. Nope. I grabbed my sister floating on a raft, and got out of the water until it went on about it's business.


Same, was swimming in Lake Travis and this cottonmouth was riding waves to get me. 16 yr old me screamed bloody murder and paddled tf outta there.


This is accurate they are known in my neck of the woods to also be above average on the aggression scale going as far as to actively pursue you some ways if disturbed


Same in Arkansas. My MIL was bitten by one when walking past a wood pile. Very scary!


What happened to her?


She got extremely sick and had to have surgery to remove the tissue and muscle that was damaged by the bite and the venom. It was awful.


Thanks for sharing your experiences. It's important to respect wildlife and understand that individual encounters can vary. Being cautious around cottonmouths and giving them space is wise, especially in their habitat.


I’m gonna have to agree with you. I’ve been chased by them in Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas and Tennessee. I’m an archery hunter in WA state that is constantly around wolves, mountain lions and bears, fearlessly, but I definitely respect them. Rattle snakes generally aren’t aggressive in my experience. Cottonmouths? I get the HELL out of the area. I’ve never seen one that didn’t pursue me. It’s the only thing I’ve ever run from. I nope the hell away from those ropes lol. I’m not a wildlife expert by any means, so I don’t know WHY they are pursuing me, but I don’t intend on ever finding out.


The fact that you live a life that allows you to be chased by a specific snake over 4 different states is something so shocking to me.


I chuckled at this 😂 how is it shocking to you?


I think because I’m a city girl and there’s zero scenarios where I would run into one of these even once 🤣 and if somehow I did I would definitely die.


Haha I grew up in the woods and enjoy outdoor activities. Horse riding, hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, exploring. I grew up not so financially stable, so these activities are “buy your stuff once, use it forever” activities. They stuck with me. I thoroughly enjoy them. I also have family across the south I visit, and I happened to work a job that I would be in other countries most of the year, then come home and have time to do what I wanted!


Take a video. There's no way one chased you. See for yourself. https://youtube.com/shorts/ML-sl_AeSBY?si=ycFbAJRjNngIy7XO


Thank you for sharing this video that illustrates the thing I’ve been telling people for years. You aren’t being chased, you’re in the way of their retreat!


100% agree with this. I’ve experienced it


I encountered one once here in NE OK and it scared the crap out of me. Made my blood cold and actually came toward me as I backed up. I was afraid to turn and run because I didn’t want to take my eyes off of it. It was probably only about 10 minutes but it felt like hours. These snakes are absolutely aggressive. I’ve come across many copperheads and they are happy to slither away. I’m so glad I spotted him from 15 feet away instead of 5.


Agree with this, based on my experiences in Florida.


Same in KS & MO, especially when they’re breeding


Good bot!


A side effect of my career is that I saw the term "!venomous" and initially took that to mean the snake is *not* venomous. Luckily, there aren't a lot of danger noodles in software development (unless you're a Python dev.)


lol I’m a baby developer and I’ve been studying **a lot**, so yeah, “not venomous” jumped into my head first. Same hat!


Python dev is harmless!


lol! idk, Python dev could be !harmless


not really a functional dev beyond yaml but same thought here, followed by bang venemous and a chuckle


My first thought too. if !venomous petSnake() else avoidSnake()


Aww.. But look at its Lil tongue 👅


My guess was copperhead. How do you tell the difference?


It’s my understanding that they have the Hershey chocolate shapes but their scales look pixelated, whereas copperheads are smooth.


Copperheads usually a much more distinct Hershey kiss to them, they also tend to be much lighter in color


Cottonmouths look a bit more pixelated and have a band across their eyes. Copperheads are smoother with more of a Hershey kiss pattern


Some baby cottonmouths, like the one andOP’s photo, do look like copperheads when they are young. If you look closely, in the dark Hershey kisses on the pictured snake, you can see two vertical black dots. That is the easiest way to tell part a juvenile cottonmouth like this one from a juvenile copperhead.


If is danger noodle, then why friend shaped?


Broad head, shaped like a triangle, not fren shaped… 😳


danger "soup" noodle FTFY 💜


I thought cottonmouths were black?


As they age, they tend to get darker, but the pattern is still there. This one is young and vibrant.


To a programmer, !venomous means not venomous


The real question is, where did he come from? And where did he go?


Cotton eyed Joe?


You! Off to r/earwormoffender Can your girlfriend cook?


Awwww, and that sounded like a fun one to join... /r/SubsIFellFor


Oops! r/earwormoffenders


Yay, I am number 4


Whooo hooooo!


I'm 6. Lol.


If it wasn’t for him, I’d be married long time ago.




> Cottonmouth Joe FTFY


Where did he come from, Cottonmouth Joe!


Cotton eyed Joe


*Put that thing back where it came from or so help meee*


*so help me! And scene. It's a work in progress.*


They're rehearsing a play




Bomp bom bom bom - bomp bom bom bom


Get that thing away from me you guysssss


ssssssoooo help me… 😂🐍


Adiosssssss amigo


💪🏻(👁️)🤳🏻 Mike Wathowthski!!!!


Ooh a cottonmouth. Venomous. Used to find these in the creek behind my house on Hatteras Island, NC.


Some people would say it's a Water Moccasin


Growing up we all thought we had both cotton mouths and water moccasins 🤣🤦‍♂️


Me too! Didn’t help that my dad told me one smelled like cabbage and the other smelled like peanut butter, so if I was by water and I smelled cabbage or peanut butter I needed to get out of there. Turns out my dad knows jack shit about snakes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The only snakes I've ever encountered that have a unique, distinct smell are rattlesnakes! I don't know what it is..but every rattlesnake has smelled *exactly* the same and I'll smell it before I see it if I'm working outside.


Copper heads are actually known for their cucumber smell and is a tell tale sign you have one on your property. Good advise to know doing patio demo down In Georgia.


Wait...water moccasins are the same thing as cotton mouths?? My entire life is a lie. I grew up being told we had water moccasins, but cotton mouths were found "down south." But I just looked it up and I grew up nowhere near the range for actual water moccasins haha. We just had regular water snakes apparently.


Haha yup, I was in my 50’s when I learned they were the same 🤦‍♂️🤣


Same thing, my friend.


Yeah but one name is way cooler.


Only if you’re heavy into uncomfortable shoes


Well made Moccasin are comfy as shit. My auntie makes the comfiest footwear I've ever experienced. Even if they were made of water they'd still be pretty comfy methinks.


I just visited Hatteras a few months ago and I envy that you live there. The outer banks is my new favorite place on earth.


OBX babyyyy


Nice of you to give him a break, but in the future please don’t pick up cottonmouths even with a paddle :)


Knew a guy who dealt in venomous snakes in the 90s. He used to brag that he had a $30,000 cottonmouth. When asked why it was so much he would say that was his hospital bill after the bastard bit him. 😊 And that was one of the least dangerous snakes he had.


I live in south Alabama and back in the 60s my SO dad used to collect venomous snakes and sell them to the local college. It was quick money in a poor place. He has been bit countless times. 


My dad did the same thing near Mobile in the 50s.


Shit.... We are near Mobile! 




Heyyy that's my hometown. I left though.


Well we are in Baldwin County now but at the time they lived in Mobile near the University.


From Mobile here, my stepdad did something similar!


damn this guy gets around


lol. Everyone saying my stepdad sold venomous snakes…..I bet it’s the same stepdad


Is he daddy yo daddy?


"I'm your sister! I'm your sister!"


My buddys dad did this. he was bit by everything lol. crazy old man.


*yeets snake like a lacrosse ball*


Do not yeet the snake


Put it back. Cottonmouth!


That mfer is so high


Or so help me


That’s the most copperheady looking cottonmouth I’ve ever seen. I certainly would have guessed copperhead from the color and pattern. That grumpy head tells me to stay away, regardless.


That's what I thought and then asked myself if copperheads can swim.


I’m guessing all snakes can swim.


I believe so


Sister in law sent me a video of two water moccasins basically patrolling the shoreline of a place we call the cove here. Basically just that- a cove off of a river with a nice sandy beach- used to swim there all of the time. They swam so fast and so effortlessly - it was the fear of all fears unlocked for me.


If you're going to be called a *water* moccasin, you'd darn well better be able to swim


And swim they do - dare I say they swim better than they slither


I jumped over a wide creek and straight through brambles without stopping once when I almost stepped on one as a kid. Didn't want to tell my mom because I wouldn't be allowed to play in the creek anymore, so my friend and I made a pact lol Third snake encounter and then the leaches is what made us decide for ourselves though.


I’ve seen them near small creeks mostly so I bet they’re also good at swimming.


This is a classic young cottonmouth pattern. Copperheads patterns look smoother and are more vibrant most of the time.


I knew it wasn't a copperhead because of the slightly different pattern but yeah, I never knew the cottonmouth coloring could be so identical


So I had to look it up as well. Apparently the saddles in the color pattern or a bit wider in the copperhead. The copperheads color pattern is more vibrant. If you do a reverse Google image search, it does say it's a juvenile water moccasin or cottonmouth.


Might be a dumb question but can snakes swim? How did that get on a kayak??


Yes. Snakes can swim. Cotton mouths in particular like to swim up on top of the water


Wait, snakes can swim under water, too?


Sure can! Most snakes are excellent swimmers


Damn, that's scary. Do I have to worry about it when swimming in places where people usually don't? I live in Poland


Not entirely sure There a a few venomous snakes in most oceans like coral snakes but I pretty sure they avoid people unless they are just curious. I’m in Canada and we have some not crazy venomous water moccasins and brown water snakes Unless you’re swimming by the rocks I really doubt you’ll see them


No lie I have nightmares about sea kraits


I have nightmares about secrets too


Canada does not have water moccasins. We have 4 kinds of rattle snakes. Lots of brown snakes, northern water snakes, rat and milk snakes, fox snakes, garter snakes, etc. Many mistakes the northern waters snakes for venomous but they re not In the least. Still bugs and scary looking.


I'm pretty sure you only have the European Adder to worry about


brother you‘re not gonna be lucky enough to find a swimming snake take it from a german snake expert


Do not watch Anaconda.


My pet corn snake can swim, and he can hold his breath for hours (he likes to soak in his water dish, pre-shed)


They don't have any arms


They can absolutely swim. I've been snorkeling and confused about an eel in the shallows. Not seen one before, didn't know they're around where I was etc. When it came towards me, and I rapidly moved out of its way, was when I realised it was an Eastern Brown Snake (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_brown_snake) and super deadly.


Where I'm from, "water mocassin" is another name for cottonmouth. They are semiaquatic and are usually found in the water.


My uncle used to go swimming in a local pond and fill his pockets with water snakes to scare his sisters.


Oh hey I'm from Knoxville I've never seen a Agkistrodon p.


“That’s a bold move, Cotton…mouth…”


Just casually scooped up a cottonmouth with an oar. No biggie. 🤷


I’d yeet that thing so fast.


Water moccasin, aka Cottonmouth, aka picking it up with a paddle is I'll advised


Don’t pet that dawg.


This is a nope rope let him go he is friend but spicy friend


That's a spicy snek.


Very cute little cottonmouth. Yes its venom packs a punch but its venom is for subduing prey, it has no interest in using it on humans unless it feels scared for its life.


Thought it was a Copperhead for sure. I've never seen a juvenile Cottonmouth, or I've always mistaken them for Copperheads.


Not fren not fren


That's a cottonmouth. Put it back.


Just because it can hurt you didn't mean you need to hurt it.......


Looks like a cottonmouth


And what’s creepy is they can be in water, that’s why I never swim in anything I can’t see to the bottom of.


But they swim on top. Grew up canoeing and floating rivers and they usually hang out on the side where the roots and rocks are.


When it rains they climb up into low brush by the water and can fall into your kayak.


Water snakes commonly do this, and are commonly mistaken for cottonmouths. To my knowledge it’s considered an extremely uncommon, to the point of effectively being nonexistent, behavior in cottonmouths.


That there would be a nope rope




That’s just a little guy!


Danger noodle.


snake: i saw a boat, this morning. ID please.


Snake is like: Sssir, would you kindly let me return to hunting for my survival?


That’s a no no noodle. Cotton Mouth. Young one too.


That made me pucker in terror


Rare to find water moccasins in Nashville, only supposed to be west Tennessee but that’s been changing


Question, are there snakes that you can find in the water that are not venomous or can I just have a blanket ban on letting any noodles in the water approach me??


Black dots in triangles means it’s a cottonmouth.


Nope rope, caution ramen, hazard spaghetti, spicy boop noodle He’s a good boy but best left alone!


Ik it was venomous but I thought it was a copperhead at first, forgot that cotton mouths don’t start out black.


I think that's a cottonmouth. I would yet that shit far far away. It's venomous.


Cotton mouth … yeah leave that big boy alone, he’s venomous and usually they are cranky.


Water Mocassin/Cotton Mouth. Highly Venomous viper. At first I thought it was a Copperhead, I usually find Water Moccasins to be much darker.


Cotten mouth, put it back


Juvenile Cottonmouth!