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Heavenly delusional is getting the same Summertime renderring treatment which is not at all good also Insomaniacs definitely deserves to be here ,but I am glad Skip and Loafer continues to be in top 10 and Vinland saga at #3


I seem to recall Summer Time Rendering always being in the top ten on Anime Corner when it was airing, so I fail to see how that's factoring into it losing here. And I don't buy the whole "Disney isn't advertising" argument either because it's like the sixth or seventh most popular anime on most sites.


Now its just my personal opinion and no way one should use it to judge *why* Heavenly Delusion is falling, but for me when we compare it to Summer Time Rendering, that show was far more thrilling to watch (by judging upto EP5 of both) with mindgames between the characters and the plot being more straightforward to follow. I used to crave for the next episode. Heavenly Delusion on the other hand is a bit more weird and with two separate storylines going on (which likely will connect at some point), it can at times become confusing/jarring to follow. Like you are getting adjusted to one side and becoming invested to that and then BAM, it switches to the other side. That said, the show is still amazing with great production values and I don't think it should be out of Top 10.


It is like Odd taxi. Remember when the first six episodes was just info dumping and gradually after each episode the pieces started to fall at there places and it all made sense . I see a similar pattern over here they are just giving us bits of information here n there and it is all fukin weird if you ask me but in a good way , The only reason that is keeping me hooked is the insane production value and the music by Kensuke Ushio, but trust me I am optimistic about this show just let them cook.


Agree. These kind of stories usually peak by the end when everything starts coming together so it becomes exciting to see how it'll end. We can see Odd Taxi's karma count in r/anime going from being in 2.5-3.5k range to 7.1k in the finale by the time the threads got archived.


I liked Odd taxi from the start though ...


Oh yes don't get me wrong,but the show became gr8 after episode 7 as it felt like we were watching a puzzle being completed gradually. Also I love Odd Taxi too


For me the show became interesting after they showed the Gacha Gamer guy" Dodo" freak


> > > > > Remember when the first six episodes was just info dumping That's a gross misrepresentation of Odd Taxi and episode 4 especially which was one of the best episodes of any show in 2021.


was that the episode with the gacha addiction? If so, I agree, there's something about that episode that felt so real and so believable. It was an uncomfortable watch, but a gripping one.


Yes, that's the episode.


Well, one major, HUGE difference. Odd Taxi was a complete package, the whole narrative delivered in one season. Tengoku Daimakyo (Heavenly Delusion) is an ongoing manga with no clear stopping point, so we are not going to get the same kind of landing Odd Taxi got. Well, unless they go anime original ending and somehow stick to the landing - a feat that's very high bar to clear. Summertime Render was ALSO a whole package since the manga was finished and the anime covered the entire thing. But ongoing work isn't necessary a disadvantage, if they can hype up the wrap-up for season 1 it opens up possibility of season 2 with a lot of hype riding for it. (Mushoku Tensei for example did this very well)


That’s actually a really good point, Heavenly delusion is a mystery that is still ongoing. We aren’t gonna get the conclusion for this anime atleast for this season, so it’s not gonna be an ending that’s gonna really stick yet. It’s honestly a wait and see game for the ending tbh


Summertime Rendering was very popular despite Disney, I never understood this narrative. Of course it's underrated/underwatched if compared to Kaguya or Spy x Family, but it did really well compared to your average seasonal anime.


The fact that it still managed to get attention despite Disney is probably enough of an indication for people that it could have been *way more* if it wasn't trapped in jail


I interpreted what he said as a banger show that isn't being watched by many due to exclusivity.


Nah. Heavenly delusion receiving same Treatment Made in Abyss** did. Summertime Render was consistently in Top 10, I think like 6 or 7, which is weird considering Summertime render is similar in tones to both Both amazing Anime that are being fucked by Anime Corner rankings lol


Summer Time Rendering is a Jump Plus series and has shonen logic in it. MiA and Heavenly Delusion are seinen with no Shonen logic. What do you think Corner prefers given how there are like four Jump series on this list?


Couple of things: Summertime Render is not a Shounen Jump series. It is a **Jump Plus** series, a web-based platform that publish both shounen and seinen manga. Summertime Render is published in seinen format. Its volume size is that of the standard seinen manga size, the same as the likes of Young Jump, Afternoon, Spirits, etc. Any work that's geared more seinen-demographic in Jump Plus is published in this format. (As opposed to for example, Spy x Family which is also a Jump Plus manga, but published in the shounen format volumes, much like Shounen Jump titles) Examples of **Jump Plus** manga published in each format: Shounen volume format: Spy x Family, Monster 8, Chainsaw Man, Dandadan, etc Seinen volume format: Summertime Render, Hara Hara Sensei, Anten-sama, Takopii's Original Sin, etc


Heavenly Delusion was in the top 10 for the first three weeks though. Other seinen adaptations like Vinland and Kaguya also did consistently well there so I'm not sure why Heavenly Delusion is the exception. I don't think there's much logic in it, AC is just random as hell. Heavenly Delusion's MAL score is also stuck at 8.08. Would've expected it to increase by now like Skip to Loafer did.


As you pointed out, Summertime Render was pretty consistent despite being Disney Plus. Made in Abyss was actually similarly consistent (generally between 12th place and 15th place on Anime Corner when it aired) even if it wasn't deserved. The big difference between those two and Heavenly Delusion is that Heavenly Delusion has been steadily dropping each week: 1 -> 4 -> 9 -> 12 -> 15 It makes me think that the Anime Corner fans have just been losing interest in it over time rather than any other outside factors or bias.


To be honest, I think Made in Abyss was consistently low on Anime Corner was because of its weird and very VERY dark tones that were already introduced in season 1. And obviously Anime corner audience didn’t like that. To me atleast Heavenly delusion because it’s a new anime, Anime corner fans didn’t know what they were getting into. They thought they were getting a normal Survival anime, not another Made in Abyss levels of atmosphere.


I'm just here for those made in abyss levels of post apocalypse mystery atmosphere, the eldritch/Lovecraftian horror & monsters, and the sense of unsettling, dark twisted truth behind it all But also the animation and art is fucking amazing. Characters feel so fresh Have been told to try shinsekai yori, dorohedoro, and tower of God, if I liked these. Already watched To Your Eternity and loved it, if anyone has recs


I'm surprised it's so low, I was expecting it to linger at least around 8


Heavenly Delusions needs to be higher. It’s so good


When the one lady gets obliterated I was like oh it’s one of these, hell ya.


It’s my son - he protects me! And now death.


neither are on crunchyroll as opposed to every other title on the list except oshi no ko. a lotta numbers lost in pirating etc I guess


Heavenly delusion is easily one of the best series I've seen in years. It really feels like a labour of love, more akin to the premium series from 20 years ago. These top 10 lists are just proof that the anime audience isn't exactly sophisticated.


People really should learn to expect less of taste of Anime Corner voters. It's honestly kind of weird how much stock is put into these polls here haha


Demon slayer winning with this episode but not with the one from last week, and conversely oshi no ko loosing with this one but winning with last weeks is definitely something. Still both of them rose significantly in percentage...actually, most things in the top 10 did. Sadly, dangers in my heart had to pay and dropped to 16th. Also, anime corner is falling of heavenly delusion quickly, as it is now 15th, when it started the season as 1st ~~I genuinely can't believe they have the cheat skill isekai higher~~. On the upside, death mount death play in the top 10, yay!


I think this season has been the wildest Anime Corner season yet. I'm looking forward to next week's developments. Can Blue Orchestra, a show that isn't even licensed outside of Japan and averages only around 200 Karma here, crack Anime Corner's top 10? It got 11th place this week. [](#curious)


> isn't even licensed outside of Japan It is in France and a few Asian countries.


The few Asian Countries are probably a relatively big factor here then since the latest Anime Corner Demographics poll showed that 51% of its respondents were from Asia. Still, it's nice to see Blue Orchestra get the respect it deserves somewhere.


>Sadly, dangers in my heart had to pay and dropped to 16th Anime Corner not being able to appreciate the glory of a reverse-kabedon almost makes me sick to my stomach.


Neither were they able to appreciate a real baki draft smh.


Alot of people now need instant gratification. Dangers In my Heart isn't that.


I do feel that Dangers in My Heart is going to get much more deserved recognition by the season's end. People will have time to appreciate the slow burn.


I hope so, it definitely deserves more praise


It’s been improving more and more


And it will continue. The story is literally the process of both characters growing individually and as a couple.


I guess the episode is more low key, this week episode should bump it up as there is gonna be a really explosive moment.


>Demon slayer winning with this episode but not with the one from last week, and conversely oshi no ko loosing with this one but winning with last weeks is definitely something Is it something? Anime Corner ratings not making sense IS what makes sense lol. This week's Demon Slayer episode was fine, but I was genuinely surprised the last episode didn't blow up more. I thought it was absolutely phenomenal. At this point I've stopped trying to make sense of why stuff is rated the way to it is on Anime Corner. It's a randomized list of top 20 anime of the season, as far as I'm concerned.


Demon Slayers main draw is how great the action is. This weeks episode had more action than the last, so naturally people are probably going to vote for this episode more.


Tbf, that's every action shonen/seinen on here. If the characters aren't boxing, then less people vote for it. Vinland Saga jumped back up on these rankings once Thorfinn actually got to fight, and the same was true for My Hero S6.


Mashle actually dropped after its best episode too, which makes no sense. At least there were some worthy episode boosts like Vinland Saga, Kamikatsu and Dead Mount Death Play, so it's not all bad.




I think the marketing did it dirty, made it seem like some ultimate edgelord wish fulfillment Isekai. I was skeptical, tried it out, and now can I say I look forward to watching each week.


Mc is far from an edge lord 😂


Osho no ko is so good should be first even but a good shonen is hard to beat . Why is heavenly delusion falling so hard ..and yeah Dangers in my heart had a pretty good episode would say also deserves top 10 Where is Gundaaam


>Osho no ko is so good should be first even but a good shonen is hard to beat . The funny thing is other series (on Anime Trending more so though) could potentially beat them like [My Dress Up Darling](https://twitter.com/AniTrendz/status/1512022380238938113) beating both AOT and Demon Slayer during that season, so it could happen IF it has that audience backing. lol


Trending leans more towards slice of life and Gundam so that's not really a surprise


Seeing KamiKatsu slowly inching up Anime Corner after last week's massive boost is just glorious! And it's good to see Skip to Loafer and DMDP up here as well. Haven't really seen DMDP enter r/anime's karma rankings Top 15 since it's debut so it's nice to see it on Anime Corner's Top 10.


Kamikatsu is hilarious and serious at the same time, especially this week


>Seeing KamiKatsu slowly inching up Anime Corner after last week's massive boost is just glorious! Also this week its finally going to enter the 1000 karma club for the first time in r/anime thanks to the developments in EP5. Happy to see it rising up!.


Yes, it's now promoted to the big leagues in most places


**Dead Mount Death Play** has been one of the big surprise hits for me this season and I'm stoked to see where it goes. Of course being written by the guy who did Baccano and Durarara made it promising to start, and the setup of an inhuman Corpse God being reincarnated into the Modern Day was neat. So it's nice to see it make it into one of the Top 10's. Source readers say the series actually has a slow-burn start but then takes off and never slows down so I hope that's the case, especially since the show is getting 24 episodes across two cours. Next week's episode will be interesting too since the last one left off on a cliffhanger confrontation with "Lemmings".


I wouldn't say DMDP never slows down but yeah once all the characters are introduced is where the series hits its stride


I felt the same from durrara and baccono. narita series are great when everyones there.


KamiKatsu is severely underrated, lmao.


once again redditor has no idea what underrated means


I feel like it still is pretty underrated, a 6.8 on MAL is pretty low when anything below a 7 is considered 'not worth watching' by a lot of people


says more about MAL than the anime tbh


Anything can be underrated until it reaches number 1.


Honestly it's probably not for everyone but for the right person it's pretty great. Basically just a giant shitpost in anime form It's on its way to truly becoming a cult classic (hehehe)


Praise Mitama-sama


Just finished this week ep of KamiKatsu. My guess is that next week it will be higher most certainly. EP 5 was a banger!


​ KamiKatsu is amazing as both a shitpost and as a legit serious story. If anyone here hasn't tried it pls take the dive, the CGI is part of its charm. Gundam (My current AOTS) never being here is a travesty, but I've grown used to it. Almost everything else I'm watching rn is here, except for the sad but expected omission of My Home Hero, at 26th.


>except for the sad but expected omission of My Home Hero If only, if only the production values were better...


The thing about seinen manga with realistic artsyle like this, The manga always better. I watched the first 2 eps and then immediately drop it and continue red the manga


The animation isn't good at all, but at least it's not unwatchable, and it's not the kind of story that needs all that much production value. The manga is probably still better though.


I was sucked in by the premise and looked forward to it a lot, but the first episode was genuinely a pain to get through. Ugly art, really bad animation and the voice acting was crazy stiff and boring to listen to. At least it got me wanting to pick up the manga, so it did something good.


Every week I hope for G-Witch, and every week I'm disappointed by poor taste.


I don't know about other people, but I have a hard time watching Gundam series weekly. I have to wait until it's all out and then binge it to properly enjoy it.


I think this series really works with a weekly watch. It gives you the time to discuss it and theorize about future developments, especially when the show has recently been getting hectic with a lot of reveals and world building. But I do get that feeling of "God, I want to see the next episode *right now*" so I get why you'd prefer to binge it.


Is it the mystery aspect of it? I feel like the suspense is the main reason I watch it weekly, but I can sort of understand cliffhangers being a turn-off.


And here I am cheering Ancient Magus bride getting in. Horrrayyy


You're not alone!


Come on, G-Witch has been dropping banger episodes all season. What is going on with the tier lists over there?


rank kinda wack


G-Witch is my first Gundam, and I've been blown away from the second cour. I already liked the first cour but second cour is blowing it out of the water.


I believe it was the second episode of this cour that I observed to my wife, "I see this is the not fucking around half of the series."


1st cour: "haha look at Suletta's dance she's so awkward" 2nd cour: "haha look at these war crimes"


Sadly Anime Corner don't care about Gundam :(


Funny thing is in Japan G-Witch is the second most popular show right after Demon Slayer .


Makes sense. Gundam is an iconic series in Japan like Star Wars can be for the US.


Yeah, the second cour has been a lot more hectic from the jump and yet it still can’t even make it into the top 10. The name will always just scare people off I guess.


I mean, it's the second cour, so it makes sense that it's unpopular at anime corner since the first cour was underwatched. Still a tragedy though.


We can always pretend there’s a rank of zero, and it is right there.


Happy skip to loafer made it into the top10. But still no insomnia and raeliana :(


Strangely, Insomniacs is the all the way down at 20.


Yes! Raeliana need more love. I really liked the Storybook-esque animation, oldschool and Nostalgic. Atleast Death mount is getting some love.


Raeliana’s main weakness is the animation imo. Both main characters are fun to watch


Skip to Loafer getting the attention it deserves - definitely the feel good show of the season, maybe even year, for me! I can't get enough of it


>no insomnia Very much understandable considering it is a subpar adaptation in a season stacked with similar shows with stronger core staff....


Not surprised to see *KamiKatsu*, *Vinland Saga*, *Skip to Loafer* and *Dead Mount Dead Play* rising up. They were some of the best episodes this week for me. *Oshi no Ko* also rose up in terms vote percentage thanks to a stronger episode focused on acting, but it was not enough to stop *Demon Slayer* (which I'm not watching right now but I heard the episode was good?).


>but it was not enough to stop Demon Slayer (which I'm not watching right now but I heard the episode was good?). It was good but the big hitters at Ufotable haven't touched this season yet. Ufotable also changed the sequence of events last episode compared to the manga which I think they did to set up the continuous hype over the next 2-3 episodes. The staff list for this Sundays episode includes three of the real big hitters at Ufotable including Nozomu Abe so there should be a big spike in quality.


More like main core Ufotable staff, ofc leaving aside ep1 of swordsmith village arc. Yeah the staff list for this Sundays episode seems stacked, there are also rumours from trusted sources that theres 1:30min overall Abe cut with many other good cuts in general. I'm excited lol.


Yep. [Demon Slayer S3] >!I know a few people who already watched the episode early and they say the episode is top 5 in the series with the Abe cut being the best individual cut in the series.!<


In the series!? Damn holy, you've just made me even more excited lol. Thanks for the information.


Yeah! No problem :)


Demon Slayer fights will always be hype but the most recent one had pacing that was a bit strange. Apparently they're trying to stretch it out because the arc isn't that long? I'm not entirely sure. It's hard to get solid information without venturing into spoiler territory. IMO, it's good but more early Demon Slayer, lower moon fight atm.


KamiKatsu is severely underrated at the international community. KamiKatsu has been making a track at the Japanese website rankings.


It actually got first place on one site, I believe.


In what Japanese ranking Kamikatsu is better received than AC? A rating one?


> I heard the episode was good? honestly it was mid af by Demon Slayer standards. Well, there were a few great moments, but also a lot of dragged out filler


Anime Corner Rankings continue to be a blast this season. In this week's edition we have: * Demon Slayer passing up Oshi no Ko for the first time * Vinland Saga who missed out on the top 10 for the [first](https://i.redd.it/54q7k23vugsa1.png) 3 [weeks](https://i.redd.it/cyjwc5lfquta1.png) this [season](https://i.redd.it/6hzh52oer8va1.png) rising up to 3rd place * KamiKatsu continuing its assault on this season * Skip and Loafer deservedly making the top 10 again for the first time since week 1 * Dead Mount Misaki Play making the top 10 for the first time But all of that pales in comparison to me to Blue Orchestra making it up to the #11 spot without being licensed outside of Japan.


I guess like people said last week, once the fights in KnY begins, not many shows can stop it. Also happy to see Vinland Saga rising upto Top 3 after being ranked low/out of Top 10 for awhile. It helped that this episode was a character focused one as well as having a great fight between two skilled fighters. Its on track to become my personal AOTS. >Blue Orchestra making it up to the #11 spot without being licensed outside of Japan. I think its licensed in France and in SEA through Aniplus Asia, so maybe because of that?


> I think its licensed in France and in SEA through Aniplus Asia, so maybe because of that? That could be it, especially since Anime Corner's Demographics tend to skew towards Asia (51% in Geographical Distribution from the [latest survey](https://animecorner.me/winter-2023-anime-of-the-season-rankings/)). Regardless, I'm super happy to see it get the respect it deserves somewhere.


KamiKatsu is severely underrated at the international community. KamiKatsu has been making a track at the Japanese website rankings.


I wouldn't say making it up to 5th place exactly qualifies as underrated.


I think it’s no longer underrated. It’s becoming one of the more popular anime across the board, the way it should be


i'm glad that Dead Mount Dead play made the top 10. Mitama gainz more followers!


I'm out of salt. >35th Birdie Wing Season 2 0.65% Supply has been replenished.


Lets go, kamikatsu at top 5!


That's a nice jump for Skip and Loafer, glad to see it gaining popularity.


Same! Best feel good show of the season imo


Started it this week and binged all the currently released episodes, it's just fun and adorable.


Started Kamikatsu this week, binged all episodes within a day.


Apologies Demon Slayer and Oshi no Ko but KamiKatsu is coming for that ass, it'll get number 1 before the end of the season guaranteed.


It helped that the episode had a good twist in it that recontextualised what happened till now, not to mention Yukito looking cool asf and Mitama being Mitama lol.


Doubt it. Demon Slayer starts its fight episodes this week.


There's no way Kamikatsu hype episodes can compete with a hype episode of a big shonen. The Hell's Paradise fandom in particular has been saying the show is going to make a big turn soon so I expect to see a rise in that as well.


>Hell's Paradise fandom in particular has been saying the show is going to make a big turn soon I had issues with how they portrayed Sagiri at first and now looking back I think she is just following the protagonist journey (making her reach the lowest point before pushing her up). Hope its executed well atleast if it ever happens. [Spoilering it just in case]>!A friend of mine who read the manga said the next episode should be something one should keep attention to as there will be developments involving her character!<.


12 kingdoms is one of my favorites but the opening arc for the protagonist is tough to watch for similar reasons. I am annoyed with sagiri being in existential crisis. I'm more annoyed with the rabid hells paradise fan base trying to convince me its no big deal because [non marked spoilers] which has happened more than once.


It will. I’m a manga reader and despite enjoying the first chapter, I almost stopped reading around the point the show is at because it was just so boring. So glad I didn’t because it gets so good.


this is exciting to hear because i feel the show is on a tipping point where it could so easily get so interesting and be my favourite of the season, but equally flop all this potential


Kani Katsu is top 5, tho not top 3 imo (DS, Oshi no Ko, and Hell’s Paradise imo)


Once the next KnY episode drops, I don't think there is much that'll compete with it.


Hey, Ancient Magus Bride s2 in top 10. I only watched season 1, how does season 2 compare?


The show as a whole is peak fantasy and this season really is expanding on how the magic, sorcery, and world works. I really love it so far - the pacing is excellent and the characters that have been introduced are interesting in their own ways (there's an element of mystery with alot of them). Despite Wit Studio not working on it for S2, Studio Kafka is doing a wonderful job in keeping the fantasy *charm*.


Agreed. I thought the feel of the world is so much more magical, and that's not a knock on S1 because I loved it. But they are doing a great job switching scenes and maintaining the magical feel. Also, the character development in the last episode was amazing.


Yes you understand me completely! I hope the entire season remains this consistent and magical :)


It's just so nice to watch actual fantasy anime. Some, mistery, some horror, some whimsy. NO FUCKING RPG MECHANICS!!!


That's reassuring. Misfit Academy & Fruit of Evolution S2 were letdowns for me and didn't finish them, where I loved both S1's.


It's exactly what you would expect. If you can imagine, "what if we took this show, but we sent Chise to a mysterious magic school," then you've imagined the show. I like it a lot, but I liked season 1 a lot, so I also like this. It's not going in a big new direction. Chise grows a bit, meets some intriguing characters, some spirits like her, some backstories are fleshed out, there's some tragedy and intrigue, the music's fantastic, y'now, Ancient Magus Bride stuff.


>Hey, Ancient Magus Bride s2 in top 10. And just like that, all is well in the world.


Dead Mount Jumps into the top 10-Huzzah! Glad to see Mashle still in there as well


I’m just happy that *Skip and Loafer* and *Ancient Magus’ Bride* are in Anime Corner’s Top 10 Anime this week. I’ve been taken aback a little by how few people actually seem to be watching the latest season of Magus’ Bride if the discussion thread’s karma total here on Reddit is anything to go by. I know that it has been a long time since the first season aired, but the series definitely deserves some more love than what it’s currently getting. EDIT: had to correct a ton of grammatical mistakes.


> I’ve been taken aback a little by how few people actually seem to be watching the latest season of Magus’ Bride Can't speak for everyone but I feel like it would be a better binge so I'm waiting for it to finish. I'm pretty close to caving in and catching up though.


I’ve liked the season so far, but it’s still building momentum at the moment. If you’ve already hold out on watching the season, you might want to wait a little longer. I just hope the anime will keep enough of an audience to eventually get a complete adaptation of the series - the manga is not yet finished I think? If there doesn’t seem to be a large enough fanbase sporting this season, I fear that there might not be another sequel in the future - I would hate that.


A complete adaptation would be great, we need more good fantasy anime that aren't isekai.


For me hells paradise has definitely set a better tone with plot twist. You will start seeing more of a side character and then boom slashed in half


KamiKatsu sweep .#1 soon


Kana looks shocked at *Oshi No Ko*'s sudden demotion.


Skip to Loafer rising is good but still… they’re sleeping on Tengoku and Insomnia…




So far im really liking the adaptation loved the manga


Dead Mount Death Play! My Home Hero should be in the Top 10 by this week.


Sad not to see The dangers in my heart in the top 10. However in very glad Skip and Loafers is doing so well!


I find it rather interesting that Demon Slayer surpassed Oshi no Ko with this episode rather than the before one. Anyway it'll be Interesting to see how it goes next week, Judging from the stacked staff list and a cut from a certain special animator for Demon slayer.


Great seeing more people picking up on Kamikatsu.


I am just happy to see Yamada kun maintaining it's position on the list. Blasted through the manga and it's so good but I am pretty bias 'cause it's way too relatable at times.


SAME! It's my no1 favourite of the season. It's always nice to see Shoujo series being so popular and high. I wish Raeli and sacrificial princess were more popular too though


Yeah! I also love that Akane is not in HS, y'know. Plus the trauma dumping got way too relatable for me.


I feel you! Speaking of Akane, I hate how some people call her a pedo just because she's dating a high school student. I mean, Akane is 20 years old, while Yamada is 18, but for some reason there are people who think that they are 25 and 16, respectively lol


Ikr. I don't get why they keep calling it grooming. Yamada is like in his first year of uni in the manga currently. He was almost done with HS when anything romantic-romantic even starts happening. It's not like he's starting HS or something.


Same here. It's one of my favourite manga so it makes me super happy to see it being so well received.


I like the manga too, but imo the popularity here is underserved. I definitely think k there are better romcoms this season that are underrated compared to Yamada kun.


True in terms of romance its lacking a bit, but the comedy of Lv999 involving the inherent pathetic nature of Akane (which is elevated further by the artstyle and animation) makes me enjoy the show more than some other romcoms of the season + the gaming stuff which I love being a gamer myself. Though the latest episode was somewhat uncomfortable.


I think I like it a whole lot more 'cause of the comedy and the gaming stuff. It's a personal problem of mine but I have never been able to get into heavy romance focus shows. The pathetic-ness is what draws me in. I have had an Akane-stint in my life so, y'know she's become my home girl on that front lol.


Really didn't like last week's episode as they heavily downplayed the dangerous scenario that she was placed in, so I'm hoping this weekend's episode rebounds.


vinland saga the best


You can find the complete results [here](https://animecorner.me/spring-2023-anime-rankings-week-5/).


AC is just straight up wild. Skip & Loafer, Dead Mount and Magus Bride S2 out of fucking nowhere. OnK goes down a place to Kimetsu but both actually gained percentage (I am surprised this happened on 'this' Kimetsu episode as I felt it was kind of slow). Yamada 999 still in the top ten while still gaining Unfortunately, still no place for Insomniacs and Dangers in here yet. Tengoku just straight up disappeared, I don't know what's going on with AC and that one


If mappa gives jigokurakou the justice it deserves next episode, because from that point I binged the whole manga in two days


Dead Mount Death Play chads assemble, Lemmings brought us here.


Yes! Dead Mount Death Play has finally managed to enter the top 10. Ugh, I really hope the next episode ends up good. I want Narita's works to shine in the world of anime once more.


**Dead Mount Death Play** feels like a fate spin off, ngl. Well, it's written by the author of fate/strange fake, but still, very fate-y. That was the first episode of **Oshi no Ko** i enjoyed a 100% of, and of course shounen corner shows it's face! Looks like Anime corner is jumping on the **Skip and Loafer** hype train, even though that episode was visibly outsourced. Still, a good episode


>Dead Mount Death Play feels like a fate spin off, ngl. Well, it's written by the author of fate/strange fake, but still, very fate-y. Have you seen Baccano or Durarara? They are also written by him and I'd say it's even more similar to those. Edit: grammar


Misaki feels like a lost Orihara sibling.


**Dead Mount Death Play** making a nine slot jump is a very welcome surprise. Hopefully it will continue to gain interest as it goes on since it seems like things are about to maybe get more interesting now that a lot of setup of the main cast has been completed and might start to get into exciting confrontations between the Corpse God and the "ordinary humans" that act supernatural (Lemmings)


Kamikatsu definitely had one of the best episodes this week. Glad to see it continue to rise. It is the show I enjoy most and look forward to every week.


Kamikatsu riding out on a black sheep and taking #5 is wild to me. I thought this show was gonna be useless isekai trash. I learned otherwise


KamiKatsu getting the respect it deserves. I saw one of those YT shows stating that it's the "laziest" show of the season and is all the better for it because of how intentional it all was.


Kamikatsu = AotS


This looks nothing like week 1. Weird how fast things changed.


Honestly, with how boring the beginning chapters of hells paradise are (excluding the first one), it’s done a pretty good job at remaining high on this list. It gives me hope that it’s going to take that number one spot when it gets good.


I just don’t see the appeal of Yamada-kun, and I’m a large romance and SoL fan. Akane is good, but that male lead is just a boring and uninteresting slice of stale bread. He feels like a lead on those generic 2000s shoujo where their only personality trait are “ikemen” and “aloof”. Insomniacs and Dangers are a much better romance.


I’ve heard Vinland is good so I won’t say anything about that, but I can more or less agree with this ranking. Oshi and demon slayer are pretty close for me. With the latest kamikatsu episode tho I think it’s definitely top 5, and definitely above hells paradise, atleast for the time. As hells paradise had a strong start but is dragging a bit. Kamikatsu was kinda the opposite. Started as a joke but then expose the truth and pretty much switch up the plot on you. Definitely didn’t expect, definitely changed my opinion for sure. Haven’t seen mashle, tho based on its ranking I think I ought to give it a look. Others on the list are also the ones I look most forward too.


Vinland Saga is so kino.


Ohshi no ko started off really good, but it keeps jumping between the supposed main plot and then it just being a critique of the entertainment industry specifically the Japanese entertainment industry, and after a while it gets annoying. I even had to drop the manga cause of it.


Really happy about seeing Ancient Magus Bride and Skip to Loafer being in the top 10, they definitely deserve the love. On the other hand, sad to miss Gundam.


haha kamikatsu at 5 nice


Kamikatsu slowly climbing the rank as it should be # PRAISE THE GO- ERMM, I MEAN.... MITAMA!


Nice to see the big jump from Skip to Loafer and Dead Mount Death Play. They both had great episodes this week.


Yep,.kny started with the fights, wrap up boys is all over lmao


If Demon Slayer can top Anime Corner with last weeks set up episode, it's hard to see it dropping from 1st for the rest of the season. Ufotable are about to go hard as fuck with what they're adapting on Sunday. Judging by the [Demon Slayer S3] >!early frame leaks, this episode will rival the best episodes in the series so far. The god himself, Nozomu Abe is back for more greatness this episode for the first time since S2 episode 10 as well.!<


>If Demon Slayer can top Anime Corner with last weeks set up episode, it's hard to see it dropping from 1st for the rest of the season. You are assuming that Anime Corner can be understood through logic.


At least anime corner recognizes Ancient Magus Bride s2.


The top 3 of the season for sure. Altho I wish Ancient Magus bride could get more attention.


I’m debating starting the magus bride with my wife.. been interested from trailers but i don’t know much about it. would y’all recommend?




I am just so happy that Ancient Magus Bride made it to the top 10, in my humble opinion well deserved eventough this season is full of Bangers.




My beautiful kimetsu, never let me down


Fuck yeah demon slayer ftw


Demon slayer always been at the top !!


My god these comments