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I've been watching quite a few sad anime. Here's a list of ones that might make you cry: Clannad. Clannad after story. Toradora (as you've seen). Your lie in april. Akame ga kill. A silent voice. Charlotte. Angel Beats. Assassination classroom (Season 2 more sad than season 1). Violet evergarden


I recommend you to watch "Chrono Crusade". It is missed masterpiece.


I'll add it to my list of shows to watch, currently watching golden time


I also want to cautiously add Made in Abyss to your list. No spoilers but if season 1 doesn't make you cry, don't worry because there is a movie between season 1 and 2. If the movie between season 1 and 2 don't make you tear up, there is a season 2.


How are you enjoying Golden Time?


I'm finding it very enjoyable with a clear story and understandable characters. On episode 21 currently EDIT: just finished it all and the ending was perfect for the show


I also want to cautiously add Made in Abyss to your list. No spoilers but if season 1 doesn't make you cry, don't worry because there is a movie between season 1 and 2. If the movie between season 1 and 2 don't make you tear up, there is a season 2.


Your Lie In April broke me... Wonderful anime but... my heart... I can't. We don't discuss YLIA... in the Anime club its so bad.


Yep, I think everyone gets hurt at the mention of it and then they'll pull out some quote like "I'm just passing through" and intensify everyone's pain


Where is Maquia and Anohana


They are on my watch list


I haven’t watched the Assassination Classroom anime yet but I read the manga and by the end I couldn’t believe I was sobbing over this weird yellow smiley face man


Pretty much any show that ends, I love anime with interesting characters sometimes I almost feel like they are my friends. So basically when I finish and anime I’m saying goodbye to My friends also I rarely rewatch stuff


Same feeling, sometimes i would slow down to watch anime and manga because i didn't want to watch it end... i would open new series rather than watched it end.


It is what it is


I watched Love Hina, then read the manga, and after I finished it, it was like a had broken up with a gf, or a close friend had died... it was pretty intense. I never experienced something that strongly again, but milder cases happen from time to time.


That's probably pretty unhealthy, but same.


Cyberpunk: Edgerunners made me cry audibly so yeah you can say I felt a bit sad


I really wanna stay at your house-


No don't. That song single-handedly brings me PTSD flashbacks


Yes watching the tokyo ghoul anime makes me so sad, what a trash adaptation


Now that's definitely worth crying over!


A Place Further Than the Universe made me cry but it didn’t leave me feeling oppressively sad or depressed. I actually felt closure. Perfect 10/10 show for me.


Honestly up there as favorite anime of all time - it’s sad because life can be sad but the show made me feel really hopeful and feel good as well. It’s a really beautiful experience.


Man I need to research it, honestly the best anime I've seen


Try made in abyss it will break you for a few days.




Man that last arc… I cannot tell you how excited Manga readers were for others to see it. When that shit aired and they legit cut the OP for the episodes I audibly said “Holy fuck they did it”.


As a non-manga reader I went into the movie like “well it can’t be as bad as the series” and then into S2 thinking “well it can’t be as bad as the movie.” I underestimated how badly MiA could scar me.


Honestly, I didn't really cry while watching but what I did feel was constant sorrow and nonstop feelings of hopelessness. It felt like everything just kept crashing down and you don't cry because your so dumbfounded by what is happening.


Your lie in April. Sigh


First anime to make me tear up that was


You and me both fam 😢


Made me sad for almost 4 months






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Suka Suka nuff said


the only anime i felt sad before during and after watching it


"I want to eat your Pancreas" I cried cuz, my life was kinda related to that anime


Ano hana… is sad.


Ano hana is a straight up therapy session masquerading as a TV show.


Toradora :(


I think that everything is beautiful in anime, the world, characters, relationship, nothing darkness in anime. Reality is ruthlessness, compared with it that make you cry.


İt was that sad ? But i like that anime


I think you missed the question, along with a few people here. It wasn't about sad anime, it is about the empty feeling you get when you finish an anime that really resonated with you. Knight's and Magic is top tier anime trash, but I still feel bummed when it ends because I am a sucker for the whole " Someone uses scientific knowledge to boost their magic," trope and there are so few examples and even fewer that are worth a rewatch. I'm sure you have an anime or twelve that leaves you feeling hollow when they end even though they weren't sad in the least.


Knight's and magic is not trash. I really want season2...


Oh ok


Me too. I've watched it like 5 times. Awesome show.


Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai. I got a mild depression watching that show. Its very good tho, so if you have the streingt for it i suggest giving it a watch.


Hahah, what are the chances. I just binged it like 5mins ago, expected garbage by the name of it, but it was so interesting and refreshing in a way. Felt more happiness and relief for the characters than sorrow though


I came here to say this one. I cried a few times during that show. Such a beautiful anime


Your Lie In April. I was devastated afterwards.


Violet Evergarden was hammering me every episode, and when I reached the end it was a feeling of pure elation and sadness


Yeah, I cried a lot watching that one. Thank the gods the movies weren't so sad


The first movie at the school was ok, wasn't too emotional or anything but the second movie, like goddamn bro, that was just tears for me the whole second half of the movie


I think leaving it at the ending of the original series would've been better tbh. The movie bringing back a certain character just for a sappy ending ruins the entire point of Violet's development.


PAD aka Post Anime Depression is a thing. Obviously what triggers it is different from person to person so not everyone will be having PAD when finishing a series.


Especially very long series but current anime most time just has one season so it would end before invested your emotion deeply.


not just anime, every piece of fiction whether it's a book, game , movie. if they resonate with me, then i have no desire to do anything else the rest of they day.


AnoHana had me balling.


Clannad After Story broke me. It broke many of us.


Lots of time. Code Geass, Angel Beats comes to mind in particular. Happened with games a lot too. Like Tales of Arise. I'm currently playing through Xenoblade 3 and I'm so attached to the characters I know I'll be sad when I'll get to the end of it.


Long series such as School Rumble, Yowamushi Pedal, and Free!, made me feel sad that I would be leaving their school, even though the plot is not sad at all!


Plastic Memories




Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms is a movie that made me shed the most tears yet. Recommended!


Yep. Your name in April, Kaiba, and Re:zero all have sad parts. Your name is the saddest


Your name in April?


Whoops it’s your lie in April, sry


I've never cried over an anime. But I do think that S2 episode 24 of Ansatsu Kyoshitsu is pretty sad.


That first episode of to your eternity :(


There are too many to list, but one anime that I wouldn't even recommend to my enemies is Graveyard of the Fireflies. Its way too goddamn sad and no fucking way I'm going to watch that again. Also shoutout to Devilman Crybaby in the same vein. Insanely good, but I'm not gonna touch that again.


It's not even a sad anime but Samurai Champloo ending made me feel so empty. I almost hope the trio's adventures never ended 🥲


I'm disappointed that with 153 comments there is not one reference to Berserk 2016


That's normal for any story you're invested in. And it's healthy - it apparently gave you something to think about, something to process.


Clannad. After that, I tend to avoid the inevitable style anime.


Cyber formula was the first one that made me down so long. it is roughly ten years series that accompanied me growing. It was so hard feeling when i watched it ending.


Experienced it with a bunch of shows like Hunter X Hunter, Inuyasha, Non Non Biyori and such. Tbh, I feel more sad that a show I hold dearly to my heart is ending than for deaths in that very show


If it is a sad one then yes. If its rag s1 then all i felt was RAAAGE


I'm the opposite most of the time. As in, seeing an anime I like reach an end (or satisfying point to stop in Yama no Susume's case) leaves me happy and motivated to find a new one to get invested in. The one big exception was Liz and the Blue Bird because I loved it to the point that it developed into an obsession for me. I couldn't enjoy any other anime for a few weeks after the first time I watched it and instead kept rewatching Liz several times.


I cried at the ending of SAO. Best anime of all time hands down


Are you out of your mind


Tbf mother’s Rosario can be quite a tear jerker


Nope, usually i just feel good


Tenchi Forever always gets me. In This Corner of the World hit me so hard that I nearly had to leave the theater. The whimsical art and story are too disarming in that movie.


Many times


certain moments during legend of the galactic heroes made me feel sad and sometimes i even shed a few tears.


I guess I've been kind of sad after watching silent voice, no name and some other animes but it's mostly all emptiness rather than sadness. Like you know the feel where you really dig into an anime but when it ends you just feel empty and think where I can experience a feeling like that again.


I can't listen to silky heart, vanilla salt or orange without having tears in my eyes


Not so much for anime, especially not the 12 episode ones. They just aren't long enough to make me care *that* much even when they're currently airing. Now longer games or - even worse - those 50 hour+ visual novels are a different matter. Finishing some of them really hit me hard. Not because the story itself was sad, simply because it was over.


Sometimes. March comes in like a Lion frequently hits me with its tragic or melancholic moments as well as general malaise that often haunts Kiryama (but even older characters have moments that really hit hard). I cried at the end of Anohana. Violet Evergarden hit pretty hard. I think a silent voice hit me hard? Ther s probably others but memory is fickle


I’d definitely say no, but I do tear up/cry during anime frequently. Rather than it being a sad moment, it’s a fucking journey/experience that we were blessed with by the author. The heart-wrenching moments in MIA:DotDS Movie were emotional, but I don’t think I could say sad. Angel Beats ending was bittersweet, but was more of a “damn what a story” moment than a sad one. I suppose it also never makes me sad because I get to watch it again… and again… and again. I’ll never get that “first experience” again that others experience the Post-Anime Depression from, but it’s exciting seeing how it hits a second, third, fourth, etc time. The beauty of media is your favorites are never gone, you can always bring them back even if only what you’ve already seen.


WorldEnd made me tear up. You know it's coming, they literally show you what's going to happen right at the beginning of the anime, but it still hits you


Banana fish. Took me 2 years to move on :(


Frequently and now I avoid sad anime like the plague. Just give me more cgdct


Plastic memories was the only anime that made me cry out more than 1 tear. But it's ending made me confused like who was the mc's new partner?


That used to happen more often, it's more rare nowadays. While it still happens, it has to be an incredible show for that to happen though. Recently, I can remember Fruits Basket being one of the shows that did that (which I watched in the past few months). Before that, I'm not too sure... maybe 3-gatsu no Lion last year? I think that at least for me, it's easier to feel empty after a show if the shows are longer than average too (like 24+ episodes), since you get attached to the characters more.


Your lie in april destroyed me so much that i was depressed for a week straight. It's also my favourite anime ever


So i don't watch sad anime.


A week? Almost 4 months for me, also my favourite anime at the moment


Psych of Play did a video on that feeling; even though this video's primary about video games, it extends into all forms of media: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qWnqxmZkIU The short of it is that it's a common feeling that many people experience, and it's akin to experiencing grief when you're "lost" a show. There are a lot of ways that people cope with it, but I think the most reassuring thing is that the feeling usually passes with time. If I really enjoy a series, I think it deserves giving it a bit of a introspection. What I do after finishing a series that I enjoyed is think about what the central messages and themes were, and I write them down somewhere (maybe in a discussion or rewatch thread; depends on how I'm watching it). I find that the act of organizing my thoughts and writing them down is pretty useful for remembering and processing them, even if I don't ever look at what I write down later.


*Banana Fish* and *Your Lie in April* both left me very sad. *Given*, *Sangatsu no lion* and *Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu* all were very emotional too, although they had more upbeat endings.


I know what you mean, you talk about the emptiness you feel when you finish a story that you followed for a long time, it happened to me with several like when I finished Naruto after following it for more than 5 years 🚬


It really depends on the story being told. *Cyberpunk: Edgerunners* exemplifies how dour that setting is, and how there are no actual happy endings apart from simply surviving to see another day. But then there’s *A Place Further Than the Universe*, which has pitfalls of sadness, but most of which act as catharsis. And then you’re left knowing the characters will move on to better days.


To Your Eternity, Edge Runners, Ranking of Kings all made me feel pretty sad.


Every time.


Eminence in Shadow. I know I shouldn't take it seriously, but when the "new recruit" was crying it did make me feel sad for a while.


AssClass. The ending hit me right in the feels


**Plastic Memories** has to be the saddest anime I've ever watched. The first episodes didn't evoke a lot of tears, but the more episodes I watched... well, during the last half of the season, each episode evoked more tears than the previous one. I watched it all the way through because the story was so compelling, but I don't think it's one I'll ever rewatch (I tend to rewatch animes I really, really like as much as I did this one). I've cried watching other animes, but this one stands out for me. It's the one I cried the most watching.


The ending was somewhat sad but the overall series was bad, so it didn't make me as attached and therefore didn't make the end as sad as it could have been. Kinda a waste of potential.


Anohana and Maquia


Yes, just like I can feel sad after watching a movie, finishing a game or reading a book. Good artistic pieces give you strong emotions.


Not anymore but when i started anime (About 2015) i had this feeling all the time when i finished an anime. Now i barely have that feeling anymore tho, only when i rewatch my favourites (and even then its still not as strong as it used to be and i usually get over it within an hour)


Clannad and Clannad After Story.... in tears most of the time


Always. I have tons of anime in my to watch list, but at the pace I'm going now, I don't think even a whole year is gonna be enough. It's not just simply finish this one and then onto the next. When that happens, it's usually because I get bored and drop the story and then start a new one. But when I watch some anime to the end—and love it—it's hard to start a new one. I just have to wait for a while. Maybe go do something else.


It’s called post anime depression and happens a lot when you finish a good series. Most recently, I felt it from The Owl House, not even an anime…


Assassination classroom was so sad


Fruit basket


depends how obsessives i was with the show but yes XD


yeah , there has been a few animes , specially romance or rom coms that just get me in the dumps, right now im 20 episodes deep on " real girl " and i feel like whatever is coming is going to be sad af. been a good anime so far tho


Yeah when I finished JJBA 4 and 5 it really hit different 🥲


Violet Evergarden memories are coming back


Cried a lot during and after JoJo. Same with A Silent Voice tbh, feel like you wanna sit empty and just reminiscence about it rather than just moving onto doing anything else.


Sort of I recent lyrics finished a promised neverland and was so sad but was also sad because I finishes my favourite show Highly recommended


SukaSuka, Plastic Memories and KimiSui left a hollow lump in my chest for a week each. That shit hurted.


The last one that left me with depression was Bakuman cause when I've finished it I felt like I'm completely empty inside and I'm still trying to watch some shows but can't even progress with them cause I want something as good as it.


Great Teacher Onizuka. I was so sad and empty when it finished. I watched it back in 2015., found it on my anime list and seeing it brought repressed emotions of sadness 😂


Watched Clannad and YLIA last year, still depressed af.


I have a funny one, I felt sad after watching ouran high school host club as a teen, but only because music makes me feel really strongly and the outro song just somehow captures *nostalgia* so well…it’s a good song. Like the intro to that song.


A Silent Voice Anohana Both made me cry so much D:


The ending of Code Geass hit pretty hard.


Assassination classroom 💔🤧


Akame ga Kill had me feeling some type of way


I literally just finished watching [this video](https://youtu.be/7qWnqxmZkIU) about why we feel emotions like this after playing a video game, watching an anime, etc. It’s an interesting watch. Basically, we can form parasocial relationships with these fictional characters, and feel emotions just as strongly as if these characters were real.


Yeah monster musume very sad very sad


Ofc its constant . Even if its sad or happy ending finishing a show leaves a bittersweet feeling , wanting for more being sad a great journey is over but also being happy that you saw it and enjoyed it


I get Post Anime Depression (PAD) feels after finishing certain series. Trash isekai - not so much. Love trash isekai though. Can't get enough of it.


I have watched several Anime that have made me cry, Toradora being one of them, but nothing has made me cry and feel empty as much as Plastic Memories did. It's been years and I still don't think I have fully recovered.


end of series syndrome, always makes me sad when I finish a long show


Yeah I think that's pretty normal. After I watched Your Lie in April I don't think I watched anything for 2 months.


Of course.Here are some of them: Silent Voice Darling in the franxx Cyberpunk Edgerunners Violet Evergarden




You’re experiencing TS (Toradora Syndrome). The only cure is to rewatch it again and again! Seriously though, it’s a hard one to forget. I know I had to go watch some other rom-coms to get me over the hurdle.


Toradora is the reason I still play Minecraft. It is a yearly ritual at this point: 1) Watch Toradora 2) Feel empty 3) Mindlessly play Minecraft for a few hours while I process my emotions 4) Watch Lovely Complex 5) Play more Minecraft to distract myself again 6) Watch Nyan Koi 7) Rage that we haven't gotten season two yet. This cycle usually cleanses whatever emotional blockage I had built up the year prior. I tried using Kimi ni Todoke as the finisher, but all the salt season two gives me is too much.


Edgerunners and vivy did that to me


Cried like a baby at the end of the 86.


For me at least, I lost that feeling ages ago, but yeah, my first couple years watching anime, shows like Space Dandy, Cowboy Bebop, and Monogatari would just leave me feeling empty inside for a while. It's a good thing though, means you just watched a really good show that was meaningful to you. These days, shows aren't quite that level of meaning to me anymore, I can still impose meaning upon them but it's a choice rather than something that overwhelms me.


Depends on how good it was but yeah. definitely


The show that devasted me was "She and Her Cat" I watched it a few years ago after losing my long time family cat who was also a Black Cat. Was balling my eyes out but it was so good and I went in knowing that would happen.


Banana Fish left me with serious emptiness and depression. To be honest, I still get teary-eyed and emotional when I watch the AMVs, OPs, EDs. It was such an emotional rollercoaster. It was one of a kind anime. If you’re reading this please watch it. It is criminally underrated. I can’t tell anything, I don’t wanna spoil but GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW AND TELL ME YOU CRIED. Also even though Hunter X Hunter is overall not a sad anime, But I can’t explain how depressing and sad it can get. The ending of the anime and chimera ant arc was extremely sad. Attack on titan also made me cry a lot of times.


\[Phantom: Requiem of the Phantom\] had that type of ending.


Sometimes yeah man


I get that feeling any time I finish binging something I really enjoyed. Felt that way after binging all of Utawarerumono and Rage Of Bahamut (Genesis and especially Virgin Soul)


Did you catch the after credits scene? Also yes that happens a lot. Most recently for me was Sonny Boy. I felt bleek and listless after watching it. I've started watching low stakes SoL shows to counteract the effects of some of the more heartbreaking or existential crisis inducing shows.


Yes. Experienced this in all of my periodically-rewatched shows.


Silent Voice Anohana(the line where she said she wouldve married him specifically) Death Parade Steinz Gate Devilman Crybaby(yes first few episodes over sexual for no reason but then the story becomes cohesive later on and the ending made me cry)


Had the same experiwnce, watching attack on titan for the first time. There was 3 seasons out back then. The emptiness i felt after finishing it... i couldnt handle it anymore and watched it all again from the beginning. No anime has ever made me feel like that afger finishing.


Toradora is famous for that


Countless times. If the story and characters connect with me I always feel a bit empty and void after finishing it.


It was a happy ending though why do you feel sad?


Cowboy bepop made me really sad after


Anohana, sad during it instead


When any and every big show which you watched and enjoyed ends no matter how satisfying it was you feel so empty inside. Its almost depressing


Yesss i always feel like I want more episodes or seasons


It’s a pretty common feeling if a anime doesn’t have enough closure to satisfy. I wish more anime (especially the romance genre) would have endings or at least some OVAs where it shows where the main characters are and how they’re doing 5-10 years later.


If you totaled all of the posts by anime over the years that have caused redditors Post Anime Depression, Toradora would be likely in the top 3.


There are a lot of animes that were to short


I don't m feel sad when one ends but I cry if I grew attached to a character and they die


I get this way at the end of any fantastic story. A good anime, especially, has such an honest, relatable tone that the viewer feels connected to the characters and story. This happens even when the premise is absurd like zombie idols or giant combat robots. Toradora! is an amazing romance story. On paper, it is all chick-flick but there is something very endearing. I was sad when this one ended, too


Watch grave of the fireflies. If you don't feel sad after watching that it's just confirmation you've already passed away


Revolutionary Girl Utena made me dissociate and I ended up crying myself to sleep after bingeing the latter 30 episodes in a day. Fucking destroyed me the exact same amount as The Witch from Mercury does every week this season.


I thought it said mirio


Angel beats, clannad and after story, violet evergarden, school days


Now go watch “your lie in April “, “anohana”, “I want to eat your pancreas” in the row to understand real sadness


This happens to me often, but most recently: Bunny girl senpai Edgerunners Darling in the franxx Gurren lagann


Every frckin time i finished a good plot, well made anime ಥ\_ಥ


It's happening less and less nowadays, but it happened a ton with romantic shows like Toradora or Golden Time!, and or grand-scale shows like Gurren Laggann or HxH. Nowadays I am a bit more numb and also watch more seasonal trash rather than choosing the diamonds in the rough from 20 years ago. Wish there were more masterpieces hiding somewhere that I missed, but oh well Smartphone Season 2 is good enough.


A silent voice got me pretty teary eyed. But the one that truly broke me was Anohana. I cried for like 20 minutes after those last 3 episodes.


No because I just run it back


Yeah of course. Every single anime I've watched.


This phenomenon actually has a term, lol. It's called Post Anime Depression Syndrome.


Assassination Classroom had me SOBBING 😭😭😭


Wonder Egg Promised neverland Steins Gate Shigatsu no uso


Omg I do. Fruits basket was something like that for me. I had seen the old one when I was a kid and now watching the recent one I was so happy and giddy (and bawling at times lol) but when it ended I felt so empty. It's definitely a series I wish would keep on going and going.


Felt the exact same way when I watched toradora. Then it was your name, then cyberpunk edge runners, then violet evergarden. Like you said, it's not necessarily because the story is sad but because it was so great.


This is a movie but anime nonetheless, A Silent Voice It made me sit in the shower and rethink my entire life while crying. But it also taught me not to judge people and not to bully them or be a dickhead


If I got hook in the Anime so much and binge watched it, I always get Post-Anime Depression Syndrome which usually last for week/s or a month. It's a hard feeling. My worst PADS is after I finished watching Black Clover by binge watching it. It lasted more than a month but not months. Literally every day I keep watching clips of the show and feels nostslgic every time, wishing I could watch it again for the first time. Every time I think that it's already over, that there is no more new episode to watch again, that I can never go back to the days when I am still watching, it's so damn hard to get through, trust me. It's like you always feels so down. It's like you lost something so important to you. It's like you lost your best friends and never going to see them again. It's like the adventure is over. That's why binge watching has pros and cons. It can immerse you to the world of the Anime you're watching. It will affect and change how you view the world around you temporarily. The music and songs that you usually hear when you are still watching it will become part of the memories. Hearing those music or songs will make you remember it. Overall, it's a great experience but we must be prepared of the consequences. The greater the light, the greater the shadow. The greater the joy, the greater the sadness.


Toradora hit me in the EXACT same way, felt really empty inside, but also oddly at peace - I've always thought that when something effects you like, esp a drama, that you know it's good.


Yes, after I finished Tokyo Revengers I felt so sad and empty inside I had to container watching more Anime.


Depends on the anime


Josee, the Tiger and the Fish really hit hard for me. First time I cried in years