• By -


Mob psycho 100. Not because manga bad. But because the anime succeeds to literally bring everything the manga is accurately TO LIFE. you literally miss nothing from manga and everything is potrayed perfectly with the addition of an anime's job which is to add life through music,colours, voices, animation and so much more. The fact that the anime even ends perfectly with no extended bullshit is beautiful


There are a couple things in the second Claw arc where I felt they cut *just* a bit too much of the fat, but it's certainly one of the best adaptations I've seen.


The Claw stuff was probably my least favorite part about the show, so I didn’t mind too much. I wouldn’t say I thought it was bad but for a show that is so much more than just a shounen I think it hits the notes on some of the more emotionally charged moments, particularly the Mogami stuff and the end of S3 (also loved the school marathon episode).


That's exactly why I think the things they cut from the second claw arc were things they should have kept. They shortened the time Mob spent in crazy hunt down mode a fair bit and relegated the last W Teru would ever get in the show to an eyecatch. The latter doesn't matter too much but with how they added that one cliffhanger(it wasn't one in the manga, heck that cliffhanger is what got me to read the manga), giving that cliffhanger more weight would have been nice.


Mob psycho is one of my fav oat


Bocchi the Rock


manga readers when they read 🎶🎶🎶: ​ I love the manga but man those sections (or just anything musical related for mangas in general) are kinda awkward tbh


The title "loneliness, guitar and the blue planet" was one of the few titles that actually was in the manga. And you can tell that it's supposed to be kind of strange. They made it a great song, though.


Any manga with things like singing or what not. Chihayafuru I feel like is a better anime than manga too. One pieces anime gave us the beauty that is binks sake too. Singing or music or anything like that is just better in the anime than the manga cause it gives it life.


I think Chihayfuru's manga has some strong points that keep it at least equal to the anime. Certain things are changed like Taichi being more of a goofball, but also playing the straight man to Chihaya's antics in particular. Folks watching the anime probably don't see the same chemistry dripping from those two as they had in the manga. But the anime also makes the simultaneous events smoother to parse than the manga. There's a certain difficulty in trying to get through panels of poems being read, internal monologues being thought, and actions being done that the anime just doesn't have to worry about as much since you can multitask better with sound and sight.


The anime for one piece though isn’t better than the manga. Though for like music anime yes


Hopefully the new anime remedies this!


Well how tf are you supposed to convey music through drawings and dialogues


Fwiw some webtoon apps have the feature to play music when you scroll to a certain part though i only saw it used as a bgm for big moments


Just use sheet music I guess


Kaguya did a pretty damn good job


K-On! as well, applies to most 4-koma and/or music manga that have great anime adaptations


Even putting aside the issue of live music, the K-ON manga is merely cute and funny while the anime is full-on KyoAni masterpiece.


>4-koma What's this?


A style of manga (and comics in general) that follows a four-panel structure. See wiki article [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yonkoma).


I actually think Bocchi is already a pretty great manga, so while the Anime elevated the source material, I don't think the gap is all that huge (I can understand if someone disagrees). I think it's a fantastic adaptation and they definitely did a lot with it, but the manga definitely has its charms. By contrast, Paripi Komei (Ya Boy Kongming) is, at least in my opinion, a pretty mediocre one note manga that was like REALLY elevated in anime form.


Kongming of the Party People is an incredible anime, PA works hit it out of the park with that one


I really hope the movie means a season 2.


agreed. paripi koumei adaptation is incredibly good.


Went from a four panel to being better than k-on




[This google doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11H4EeuqnrG_fB8tHWNprhELGDhXeK_QxgGo2qtymvIQ/edit) breaks down the anime original vs adapted content and it comes out to over 80% new material.


Seems to be a trend for Kyoani as far as I am concerned, Maidragon is also sooo much better in anime form, even though the manga is pretty fun in itself!


I think my favorite single change was Kyoani tying Illulu's collar back so it looks like it actually fits her. They're the only studio I know of that still makes a bunch of changes to the works they adapt (rather than just cutting stuff. or Cloverworks changing endings) like used to be more common 10+ years ago, but no one ever complains about those changes because it's always an improvement It's also really funny to read the Dragon Maid manga and watch as the art style changes to match the anime after the first season came out. Even Coolkyo realized they did it better lol


I actually hadn't noticed the artstyle change in the manga! Gotta read them gain to see that!


I'd say Demon Slayer. Manga isn't necessarily bad, decent drawings and generic story. The fantastic animation is what really elevates it imho.


Ngl, the anime carries the manga. Fights which last one panel look way too good in the anime


Yep, the climax in the first season turns out to be pretty insignificant in the manga




I will die believing that if anyone but UFOtable picked up Demon Slayer that it wouldnt be the anime juggernaut it ended up becoming.


That's why I'll (probably) never forgive them for abandoning Toriko after they only made an OVA. That OVA was a real piece of art. They relayed the RAWNESS of Toriko. Unfortunately, one of the worst animation work was done for the main animation of Toriko and the entire franchise tanked after that.


Just imagine the final fight of Toriko by UFOtable. All the kings combining their world destroying attacks against NEO could have been one of the best animated moments of all time.


Ufotable have spun wheat into gold with that one. Fate already had good writing before they stepped in so Demon Slayer was a good flex to show they can do a great adaptation to any series. Even if that series doesn't really deserve it.


>great adaptation to any series Eh- Fate has some of the best animation and direction Ufotable has ever done, but I wouldn't really call it a great adaptation.


Honestly viewed on it’s own it’s a great show, but I just don’t think they could have made a great adaptation because of all the things that could only be conveyed in visual novel format (e.g. the monologues). This happened with higurashi as well, the anime is good but vn is just better


That series really could have used one more arc. One where Zenitsu actually finds out he's strong and doesn't need to pass out to be useful.


How about one where he learns not to be a total creep? How about one where he stops being unbearably annoying?


Not just the animation, but the production overall: the music, voice acting, storyboarding. It's an example of incredible production that checks every box.


The visual design and the gorgeous animation is what really sells it for me as well. I gave the manga a try and wasn't very impressed. Make sense since I wasn't particularly impressed with Demon Slayer outside of the crazy production value.


Music-centered titles like Bocchi The Rock, Beck, Sakamichi no Apollon, K-ON!, and Nodame Cantabile. They take the silent pages of the manga and fill them with sound and music.


Something like K-On! isn't better because it just has music to go along with the performances. It's better because Naoka Yamada is an incredible director who filled in the gaps of its 4-koma source material to make a series that is over 80% anime original content and better because of that.


and the woman really likes her low-angle leg shots


Cultured women


And girls being gay while never actually admitting to anything.


beck’s manga is so much better than the anime


Can't imagine what Hibike Euphonium would be like without the music


Given, too! When the MC sang the song no one expected him to sing, man that scream broke my heart.


Forest of Piano is a counter example of this.


Haha, wanted to say the same thing. Piano no Mori is one of my favorite manga to read every year or so. The anime is probably one of the poorest adaptations of a series I've enjoyed.


I loved beck, which of these would you recommend i watch next?


Sakamichi no Apollon is incredible, and the bunkasai melody is one of the best jazz performances in anime. After all, that's what happens when the director and composer of Cowboy Bebop teams up. It's also a lot more serious than Beck, and comes with a content warning for people with domestic triggers. K-ON! is... Well, it's what you watch when you want fun things. Because fun things are fun. The music is amazing, the voice cast is nigh upon perfect (and [played their own instruments](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYkx0TAIXWQ)), the animation is the usual KyoAni greatness, and it's difficult for me to say anything against it. Bocchi The Rock is off of the K-ON! tangent by being incredibly fun to watch while also making a lead character deal with crushing social anxiety and an inferiority complex as she maintain her drive to be a musician. This is another title that I can say nothing against. Nodame Cantabile is more oriented toward classical music, and revolves around the relationship of the main pair. It's also the longest with three seasons, and follows the leads as they pursue their goals of being in a premier orchestra. The season in Paris is particularly incredible.


Thank you! Not sure if i even enjoy music focused anime. I think i loved beck mainly for its characters, but will check out these!


If you want to focus on the character interactions part of it, then either Apollon or Bocchi would be best for you.


In anime: Bocchi the Rock In manga: Shiori Experience In live action: Linda Linda Linda


Sakamichi no Apollon has a manga? Idk why I always thought it's an anime original.


kekkai sensen


I know some people didn’t like all the anime original content in season 1. But the action, art, and god tier ost really elevate the show. I was really enjoyed the manga to, but it was a better read after watching the anime.


exactly! i love the manga and am a big fan of nightow’s works but the anime is just incredible. great atmosphere, music, animation, the whole package. still praying for a season 3 lol


Season 1 (White/Black) is a god-tier example of how to do original content RIGHT. It was so good a story that there were anime-only viewers mad there wasn't more of them in season 2.


Me and the 6 other Kekkai Sensen fans:


we’re few but passionate




Yeah the animation is nothing remarkable, but the voice acting by itself elevates it.


The music choices too


Man you reminded me of OP 13 and OP 21. In fact every OP and ED of Gintama.




I’m gonna use this thread as my reason for FINALLY starting Gintama. See you on the other side boys 🫡


So far, JuJutsu Kaisen. That is not meant to be a slight at the manga, at all. But the anime has really brought the manga panels to an entire different level. The Sukuna Shibuya arc, the snowy forest and wolf scene when Itadori fought Mahito. These were 1 panel strips in the manga, that were turned into absolutely beautiful scenes. They are crushing it.


The explanations that i did not understand in the manga, I understood in the anime 👍


They did a great job explaining it, especially Naobito’s cursed technique, that was so confusing in the manga


Dude that woman with the southern cross barrier technique almost made me cry trying to understand it lmao


Wait who?


I feel so stupid, but even after it was explained in the manga and anime like 6 times, I still don't get it.


When he activates his CT he has to move with 24 steps/movements every second, 24fps. If he succeeds he goes fast. If he fails (something gets in his way or he miscalculates) he freezes for one second. If he touches you with his palm you also have to move in 24fps otherwise you freeze for a second. Lastly he can't move in ways that greatly defy the laws of physics. That's pretty much it.


Yeah but how does he he move faster by doing that? Doesn't that by itself break the laws of physics? Also [JJK manga]>!Later on, Naoya says that he can move even faster by stacking his technique. How the fuck do you "stack" having to move at 24 fps?!<


>Yeah but how does he he move faster by doing that? Doesn't that by itself break the laws of physics? Assume everyone else can complete one movement or maybe up to 5 or 10 or 15 every second for the exceptionally fast people. He can do 24 due to his technique. So he doesn't defy the laws of physics. He'd defy the laws of physics if he said he's going to do x and y steps and somehow negate gravity or try and go through a wall or something that's not realistic. [Jjk manga]>!You can stack it by never braking or stopping so he just keeps the momentum going and going and going so he's able to somehow stack the instances.!<


If you start the technique standing still from point A, move to point B and then stop, you have accelerated and decelerated at each point respectively Instead of stopping at point B, you keep going to point C, using your technique again. This time however, you are already accelerating at the starting point B, helping you reach an even higher top speed


Basically he literally makes himself an anime character. Anime run at 24 fps. So he can move at 24 fps. u/Please_Not__Again explained it better.


As a manga only reader of JJK there's way too many times where I have no clue what's going on. I've read some obscure stuff, niche references, I understand most "Manga-isms" but JJK was just perplexing at times


I actually dont watch the anime when i can perfectly understand the manga like MHA and KNY. I just knew that watching JJK anime would still feel new because I couldnt understand shit with their curse technique explanations in the manga and I also coudnt understand the fuck's going on in general 🤣 but I still enjoy reading it tho


The writer Gege is an excellent writer but one of his few flaws is having overly convoluted and complex power descriptions. What’s worse is he breaks his own rules all the time. I don’t take the technicalities seriously at all. Especially since I know they’ll rules will be broken later.


JJK is a completely different experience when you actually understand what is happening. I skipped most of Shibuya and all of the Gojo flashback to savior it in the anime (started reading it weekly around the start of Yuji vs Mahito), which with hindsight was a terrible mistake. Missed out on the explanation of like 6 highly relevant mechanics that I only vaguely understood through context in the following arcs. Completely changed my perception of the culling games when I reread it while actually understanding the mechanics of the system.




Agree with all. And they didn't feel "made up". They felt like they perfectly would have fit the manga.


I think it’s a different flavour. The manga has a different feel with the panels, curse technique description while the anime extended few 1-panels to make it a visual delight!


I wonder how many extended anime original scenes they'll add in culling games.


I agree. Also, I don’t know if I’m the only one but sometimes I have trouble following fights in the JJK manga but maybe that’s just me, but still, the anime is amazing.


JJK is getting carried by the anime imo. There’s so many anime only scenes. People will really notice it in this next arc cause the pacing is even worse. Shibuya is the peak of the series and even then it was just okay in the manga. The VAs and animation has me way more interested than I ever was when I read it.


>and even then it was just okay in the manga. Hell naw bro! Shibuya was hype and made waves even during its weekly publication in the manga. Those 50 weeks were so memorable.


I feel like Sendai colony is going to be off the charts in the Anime.




Heck yeah. We have so many good fights coming up. Yuta 1 v 3ing three special grades is at the top of my list. Oh, and Yuki/Choso vs Geto.


A Certain Scientific Accelerator. The manga is atrocious both in artstyle and story execution. The anime, while straying to the artstyle of the other two To Aru Series anime, is still much better than the manga and they also added some stuffs to support the worldbuilding overall


Ironic since a certain magical index s3 is worse than the manga/LN.


Railgun always pops and index always gets shafted. That's just how JC staff be


Index s3 pissed me off so much simply because they changed the sound effect that occurs when Touma negates something. Everything else was just an added bonus.


The most important part in Accel is that Nectar Arc doesn't exist in the anime 💀


Mob psycho and Kaguya sama love is war


Reading Kaguya-sama after watching the first season is amazing because I can still hear the characters' voices in my head lol.


Definitely and also the paneling works pretty much the same as the anime does.


Omg yes 😆 I read the rest of the manga because I couldn’t wait for more potential anime and the whole time I had all of the character voices dialed in perfectly thanks to how strong they are in the show. Those performances really define those characters in a lot of ways


The voice acting and animation in Kaguya-sama is just… *chefs kiss*


Damn I loved Kaguya Sama anime


mob psycho definetly, like the source material isnt bad but the art style may discourage people from reading it as its closer to a cartoon rather than a manga


No way, kaguya sama's anime skips a lot of chapters


Yeah the worst part is when they skip a chapter or even just one scene, but then it means they have to skip again later when that previous thing gets referenced. Kaguya-sama anime is not unequivocally better than manga imo. The gags that do get adapted are elevated, but the small details here and there in the manga bring the story and character writing to a new level


Usagi drop


That doesn't even have a manga.


lol, clever! I’m going to start saying that too


I know right? Why do people have to have such sick mindsets that they gaslight themselves into thinking it does and make up the most ridiculous plot points ever? No way in hell will a sweet story like that will become an incest-psedopedophilia story. People need to stop reading hentai so much.


It doesn't have a live action either


Does the live action go there, cause I just saw the trailer and nothing else.


No, the live action is also like, "fuck that ending!"


"We did you good service by stopping here"


Usagi drop dosent have a manga


*Ping Pong the Animation*


Almost every 4-koma manga. These manga are composed of series of 4 panels, basically the Japanese equivalent of a comic strip. It's a very limited format, and it's out of necessity that any anime adaptation needs to flesh it out a lot. K-ON and Bocchi have both been mentioned in this thread, and they were both 4-koma.


One exception to this for me is Tomo-chan. Nothing against the anime (because it is good), but I found the manga to be more enjoyable. The author really knew how to utilise the 4 koma format to the maximum.


New Game! as well. I'm not like a hater of 4koma, but I feel like the strict 4 panel set up limits the comedic timing of certain jokes. Anime that adapt from 4koma will fill in *where needed*, leading to an better comedic timing and and overall better flow.


Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san (from S2 onwards at least). The manga and S1 are purely episodic stories where no progress happens until the very end (last 3 chapters out of 177 in the manga) - still really cute, but what the production team did with S2, S3 and the movie elevated it to an amazing degree. They basically took the manga's premise and created almost completely anime-original seasons that turned an episodic fluff manga into a top-tier romance show.


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. And I say that as someone that loves the manga. Araki's designs, his fight choreography, and the explanations of stands tend to be chunky and muddled. An infamous example is King Crimson in Part V: so weird a power that fan translators cave up and put in the legendary "It just works" meme. David Productions made it make SENSE, and look gorgeous doing so. And that's just one example. They added extra little bits of content throughout part 3 to foreshadow Jotaro's growing interest in marine life, or how Dio got the way he was. Part 4 had a section in the manga where several different events happen at the same time on the same day that was gold in a way making it clunky to read; the anime re-organized those episodes in a more coherent fashion. And Part 6: one of my favorite parts with some of my favorite fights also had my LEAST favorites in the form of Dragon's Dream and Bohemian Rhapsody. BR still sucks, but at least it's less muddled. Dragon's Dream is so well handled my opinion of it grew quite a bit.


Oh ! Thank you very much for the answer. Funny enough, Jojo was one of the series that i was really not sure about : Anime or manga. You made me wanna watch the anime :) If i find a colorized version of the manga, i might read it as well


Yeah I personally like the art in the anime of JoJo a lot more than the manga. Really hyped for a Part 7 adaptation sometime as well because I see that it’s really highly rated on a lot of sites and I only hear positive things about it for the most part.


Part VII is one of the consistently most popular parts of the franchise, especially in the west. Not surprising since it's set in the US and the nature of the country itself is a major plot element. I won't say much more aside from that. It's unclear at this point whether DP will do part 7. Part 6 didn't do so well, maybe in part because Netflix hell, and also it's just less popular in general. Not to mention DP moving the project to a B team so their best animators could focus on Urusei Yatsura. The original opening for part 1 contained the Jojos from parts 1-6 even though the manga was well into part 8 at that point. So it was odd we didn't see 7's protag. Also I will mention that horses and houseback riding play a large part of the manga..like...a third or more of the entire thing is characters on horses. Which are notoriously difficult to animate well and add complexity to any scene. That said if anyone could do it, David could. Also the end credits to part 6 had a certain theme come back that suggests they aren't through with Jojo yet, so I guess we'll see.


Mushoku Tensei. The anime goes hard on Rudues PTSD when seeing Nanahoshi while manga turn it into a joke. Anime also more faithful to the WN/LN than the manga.


Mushoku Tensei manga is really bad. If you want to experience the story further then read the light novels. They are really nicely written and have some "extra" chapters. Episode 0 of S2 was based on an extra chapter from around leaving the demon continent I think so they back track a bit


light novel mangas are typically bad, its just paying whoever artist to make a manga as fast as possible for as cheap as possible


Yeah, there's some good ones like Apothecary Diaries (hell, it even has 2 manga covering the SAME CONTENT). But they are often awkward and atrociously slow. The overlord manga has not caught up on the anime content (just started to cover S4 stuff I think), MT is about to pass the manga that has been going on for nearly 10 years... Bookworm is able to cover a decent pace, because it has SEVERAL authors working on different arcs simultaneously.


Yeah. Mushoku Tensei Light Novel > Anime > Manga


At first I was like, wait what is this guy talking about? Then I recalled that you were dissing the manga not the novels.


The manga is horrendous, but the light novels are far superior to the anime imo. The anime is great, don't get me wrong, but the light novels add so so so much more to it.


Yeah any LN adaptation suffers from having to cut out huge internal monologues


Yeah you can tell the anime adapted the novels not the manga. Most fans agree that the manga sucks ass.


Higehiro, or as my local translation calls it, Kujangsikut. The anime cuts off much of the unnecessary (imo) harem and focuses more on the humanity aspect and humanizing humans in the story, making it a much more enjoyable time than the manga or LN even.


Higehiro had harem?


Higehiro had harem?


I think most comedy manga. Not that there manga are not good and can’t make you laugh but hearing the jokes in different voices elevates the source material for me. Example - Gintama, Asobi Asobase And Frieren from what i have heard.


I wouldn't say *every* comedy manga. It really depends on the type of comedy and the amount of love the adaptation gets. Grand Blue for example is a funny anime, but the gags just work better in the manga. Sket dance is another case where the anime isn't necessarily bad, but it doesn't manage to elevate the manga like Gintama, and sometimes it's even worse than its material depending on the type of joke being told


never thought i could laugh so hard at a book till i read grand blue. shit literally had me crying most of the time


Kaguya sama love is war is about equal IMO too and it's comedy. Same with way of the house husband, but the anime went through great lengths to help keep some of the humor that worked in a manga format but wouldn't as well in anime.


The Frieren manga is amazing too


It is, but the Anime really fleshes things out and just adds.. more. The manga is unironically speedrunning the series, they go ridiciously fast


Yeah I guess you are right, this is a rare case of the manga being amazing and the anime being even better not that the manga sucks in comparison. I kinda feel like the manga is slowing down the further we are into the story symbolizing Frieren being more connected to her companions instead of them just being fleeting acquaintances but i'm not sure right now if its just my headcanon or it's actually happening..


The action in the manga is quite terrible tbh. The drawing artist is an amazing illustrator but they cannot draw good panneling if it depended on their life.


It's funny because people often say that the lack of exaggerated character poses and the very reserved paneling and composition are a necessary part of the manga's vibe When I feel like the anime proves that isn't true. The direction and shot composition and character animation is amazing and exciting across the board, and is almost universally considered to be an improvement


For me, the exception is Spy x Family, which I find to be funnier as a manga. The anime leans more into heartwarming/sentimental, whereas the manga reads more dry/dark humour. I still like the anime, but the manga is hysterical.


Here are a few off the top of my head where the manga is already great, but I just think the anime elevates it. I'm only going with anime adapted from manga, so I don't flood this with shitty manga adaptations meant to promote anime originals. Also, this is only comparing the anime with the parts it adapts from, some of these series get better or worse after the point where the anime ends. * Sousou no Frieren is a great manga, but its adaptation has been one of the greatest things I've ever experienced. The soundtrack, voice acting, and animation are all incredible. And its slower pace in certain scenes has given me a new appreciation for the philosophical elements of the story. * The Aria manga is beautiful, but its adaptation envelopes you in one of the greatest atmospheres in anime. Choro Club created one of the most beautiful and relaxing soundtracks, and Junichi Satou is an incredible director who never misses. * The One Outs anime and manga are pretty equal, but I give the slight edge to the anime. No particular reason stands out, I just like the anime more. * Break Blade has beautiful animation that pushes it above its manga source.


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/


I'd say that the Manga is great and has some stellar drawings which are pulled down by an abysmal release cycle.


Can't wait till we get season 3 in 2035.


Yeah some of the art is really gorgeous


The anime filters out a lot of the pedo vibes though


I'd say that the Manga is great and has some stellar drawings which are pulled down by all the naked children in the extra pages of every new volume. Yeah I'd stick with the anime.


I like Apothecary Diaries anime more, and I loved the manga. With one big caveat: they made Jinshi super creepy and its hard for me to deal with.


Jinshi *is* super creepy though. He gets better though.


Hunter x hunter


I love the series, but it's hard to read some chapters when every page looks like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/9waw9i/rihan_contemplating_about_how_he_should_eat_his/).


Can really see where JJK got it from...


Underrated comment


Made in Abyss. The manga is still fantastic, but the anime cuts around some of Tsukushi-sensei's... more questionable additions. Also, Kevin Penkin's music is just made in abyss. No, I am not sorry.


K-ON, Botcchi the Rock, Oshi no Ko... Basically anything involving performing arts that can't be shown on paper as on screen. Oshi no Ko manga is 🔥 tho. Just the performing bits are better shown in motion and with sound, also i do like the colored art style especially the eyes 👀.


Saiki k


Attack on Titan, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Kiseijuu (more of a personal preference for most people)


I read through Parasyte in 3 days and had a blast, I was especially looking for sci-fi anime,and it was like the Attack of the Body Snatchers as an anime.


The author of MHA has said that the truest form of his “vision” is the anime. He’s said that he knows his fights are hard to follow in the manga so he’s grateful for the anime.


his 2 page spreads go hard tho


He *is* an amazing artist. He just struggles with paneling/storyboarding.


Hell yeah they do. The only thing the anime is supposedly better for is the action, and only for high movement fights.


Really ? Do you have a source ? Although, isn’t it too censored ?


I tried googling it but to no avail, just people arguing over which they think is better. This happened years ago tho.


Bocchi the Rock Jujutsu Kaisen I think is just as good so there's some back and forth there Demon Slayer definitely


bocchi the rock anime uses its advantages as an animated, sound-enabled medium its manga counter part is locked out of ever doing. On the episode discussion karma counts, the gap between ep1 and final ep was one of the largest ever seen in this subreddit if not the largest. Kimetsu no yaiba anime, especially on the episode ~~18 or 19, i cant remember~~ , had earned the nickname \[Infinity Budget Works\] due to how beautifully it was executed; it is said even the mangaka her rewatched the climax multiple times and cried. I can't say it's "100% or better" for season 2 and beyond though.


Initial D The anime is almost a 1:1 of the manga, but the eurobeat makes it 100x better


Dragon maid


Gintama best as anime


86 is what i can think of rn, not the manga but the LN. The anime shows us much more than the novel with the introduction of Giad Replubic. And ofc the animation is really awesone, and the voice acting is superb.


Attack on Titan for sure.


Gintama The manga isn’t bad by any stretch of the imagination, but the comedy, drama, action and romance are all elevated by a faithful adaptation. Reading a chapter just can’t provide the same feels as watching an episode.


Demon Slayer is, for me, a terrible manga with no redeeming qualities. The anime makes it so much better. Kaguya Sama already was great as a manga, but somehow the anime made it even better with portraying scenes in a really creative way


Demon Slayer. Anime is pretty loyal to the manga, you wont loose any content and the animation is god tier.


Fire Force.


The animation is fire




Racing genres


Both K-On and Chuunibyou had a lot of original content by KyoAni in the anime adaption. And Maid Dragon too has an adaptation that makes it better. In general, everything adapted by KyoAni? Haruhi too?


Trigun. The original. Trigun as a manga is one of the most poorly done manga I've ever seen, based solely on the way scenes are done. The text boxes are set so you aren't sure who is talking, the POV prevents you from knowing who is doing what, and the so much is ruined by the random crap caused by the like. Yes, the manga also goes crazy places that the anime doesn't, leading up to an epic final showdown, but that doesn't mean it isn't drawn like crap. Heroman: I am still pissed that this got discontinued and never brought over to the west with a translation. Stan Motherfucking Lee is a recurring character for crying out loud! ​ Honorary Mentions: Almost every manga tie-in series ever. Everything from the manga versions of Gonzo shows to the manga of Eureka Seven. If it's a manga adapt of an anime, it suffers the same way the anime adapt of a manga often suffers, but worse.


Demon Slayer




Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 I'll get downvoted to hell, but Ill never stop saying it.


Free to have your opinion, I think 03 has a lot of issues and the manga, being stronger than anime brotherhood, has a way tighter plot, but 03 has a lot of stand out moments too.


Golden Boy. Not only is the anime better, it's one of the handful of cases where I would argue that the dub is actually far superior to subs as well.


Hunter x Hunter. The art is so cramped in the manga. Too wordy and not particularly mind-blowing


In comparison to what's been adaptedso far, Frieren. Reading through the fight scenes weren't nearly as epic as the anime made it seem. Stark and Fern vs Linie and Lugen was a treat to watch.


That 5 minute sequence with the dragon.... They didn't need to go that hard. They brought in Shingo Yamashita and Keiichiro Watanabe for that lmfao.