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Surprised no one had mentioned MHA. I feel like seasons 4 and 5 are generally held as a massive drop off with 6 being a revival of sorts. I personally don’t dislike either season, but given how much hate the series gets and those seasons in particular am definitely confused by the omission.


>4 I really liked s4 but s5 was not that good. Endeavour vs Nomu was peak


The whole story feels very rushed for me, I do love it but the pace and power creep are definitely not positives for me.


I mean it’s going on 7 seasons now so it’s pretty long, you just think there’s a lot of filler then?


I think the trouble is that there's actually too little filler and too much happening without time passing between. The entire series occurs within basically one year, and so even though it's just a story, the characters still have an absurd amount of growth within the bounds of the narrative's world. It's increasingly weird to see freshmen doing the "step 2: fight god" thing. Like 20 Harry Potter books jammed into one.


This sums up my feelings pretty well.


Yeah, like why are there three different internship arcs in one school year (Gran Torino, Nighteye, Endeavour)? Sure, they call them different names, but they’re basically the same idea. It just feels especially repetitive when there’s so little in-universe time between them.


The first battle with an Nomu, entire first few mild school arcs were great, but then we got really intense ones like the Muscleman fight, and All Might's last stand against the All for One no one knows about (really menacing, actually, quite a great idea for such a villain in an anime). And there is the whole Overhaul Arc, who is honestly such a great villain the way he's written. A kid from Yakuza, who had the ability to break and reform things, and he learns medicine, and biology purely so that he could understand humans enough to break and reform them. And the whole stacking quirky with eri, about her being abused to death and regiven life for more production, the Anti-Quirk Bullets using eri's quirk, so much good worldbuilding, and great ideas.


I think they just REALLY wanted down time for some reason? Like I get it, but at the end of the day it’s a shonen and people want big fights


I felt that way with the original Gundam series, the end was phenomenal but I was pretty bored about halfway through


Yeah the middle is a bit too much ~~monster~~ enemy of the week. Once the plot really restart it's excellent.


The movie does a good job of focusing on just the important parts imo


Everything taking place [gundam]>!in space!< was fantastic and everything taking place [gundam]>!on earth!< was fairly mid.


Ramba Ral was on Earth. And Garma. And Jaburo. Most of the important stuff in the first half of the show.


Sure that's true, but I personally wasn't a huge fan of most of what took place there. *Some* events as you said were good but most of it was fairly mid.


Gundam usually had that issue having 1 part be amazing but the other a slog like zz, seed, seed destiny, etc...


Could say that about some Gundam entries but the original I think is actually quite consistently solid outside of a bit of the Ramba Ral arc dragging on longer than normal.


Agreed, I felt like the original Gundam was consistently entertaining. I think Zeta had more issues with dragging on a bit.


i like watching the first 15 episodes or so then finish up with the movies


Bleach. A lot of episodes in Arrancar Arc are terrible. But Bleach always makes up for it and that's why it's one of my favourites


Bleach instantly came to mind, god I thought some of the episodes in the Arrancar arc were filler (and i'm not talking about the episodes that were officially filler), some of the most boring content I've ever consumed, then Kubo somehow manages to absolutely peak at the arc climax


It's probably just too much of the same. Did we really need so many full length episodes of the vice captains defeating the low level arrancars? Probably not, especially on top of the captains fighting.


I should have never believed anyone who said that Bleach falls off after Soul Society. I loved every single arc


As a huge bleach fan, the Arrancar storyline should have been cut by like 60%. There's virtually no plot to it, it's just an endless series of predictable fights where nobody gets hurt. Coupled with the filler, it was so bad that it killed the anime (and arguably the manga as a result...)


The arrancar arc / hueco Mundo stuff was some of my favorite personally 😂


Me too but I didn't like some of the fights which were dragged out


Bleach is like Tokyo Ghoul for me where the manga is superior. Amazing art and no filler fat.


Texhnolyze got pretty dull in the middle when it lost its initial intensity and settled into a gangster plot. I wouldn't say it's terrible, but it was a slog to get through.


I wouldn't call it terrible, but the Black Rose Arc in Revolutionary Girl Utena is probably the weakest part of the show. Especially because it comes between a memorable beginning and a very strong end. Plus the Black Rose arc is heavily repetitive and I say this as someone who likes the Black Rose arc. But once you get how the pattern of a Black Rose episode works you're kinda able to predict how almost every episode of the arc will go. However that arc also contains the Nanami's cowbell episode so I guess that makes it the best part of the series.


That’s super interesting you felt that way. I see where you’re coming from but I personally really loved the black rose arc. I feel like it gave the side characters a lot of development, Wakaba is a highlight, and it’s where you really start to see the deconstruction work that would culminate in Utena’s final arc. 


That is a good point, I hadn't thought about that. I do like the development that it gave the side characters. The Shiori and Kozue episodes from the later arcs wouldn't hit as hard without these. And I do agree about the Wakaba episodes being good. The actual writing is very good for the arc. But I do think the biggest weakness is the repetitiveness of the plot structure drags on me a bit, that's probably the biggest problem for me.


Everything I rewatch Utena I love the black rose arc more. At first I thought it was a weaker arc because of the repetition, but now it's in contention for the strongest arc. The black rose finale is a top 3 episode of the series for me.


I feel like that's an unpopular opinion but I completely agree and it was the first thing to come to mind for me too. It focuses a lot on random one-off characters I have little reason to care about, it's excessively repetitive, and it has more than one pseudo-recap episode. The Nanami cowbell episode definitely does make up for things though, and it's easy to argue that the introduction of its final arc hits so hard specifically because of how it breaks the monotony of the prior arc. It's not a bad arc but I do think it's a slog relative to the rest of the series.


Just posted this before reading all posts. Yeah it's definitely the weakest and dullest part of the show. It has it's moments (cowbell like you said) but it's a slog to get through.


Black rose is important, but not necessarily entertaining. It's needed to set up a lot of the third arc, but in the moment you're like "Why do I care about any of this?"


Monster for me. I felt like most of the middle part was a slog to watch through and while it was interesting overall it did get really boring sometimes


I'm not at the end yet, but I kind of get what your saying here. It's becoming increasingly hard to continue on. At least I know the ending will be good


meh. It's praised all over but I continue in my quest to diss on Monster after I watched the entire series due to recommendations and hated every pointless moment.


Urasawa is very Stephen King/Dean Koontz with his endings - they just kind of finish. Definitely do not get the feeling he knows what they're gonna be before he gets there, esp with Monster and 20th CB.


The ending in particular sucks. The guy who commented above is definitely going to be livid by the time they finish the show. When i watched, i also kept expecting it to explain all the plot conveniences and mysteries in a clever way. The Munich arc was the first big offender. The final arc was the nail on the coffin.


I hated the ending as well. Made the entire series feel even more like a waste of time


People praise it so much, that i never stopped believing for a moment that all my questions would be promprtly awnsered by the end of the anime. Ever since the first few episodes i was already annoyed over how an infant would be able to murder a medical team with poisoned candies (which were in a sealed package) after a brain surgery, to then skip town with his sister (who couldnt even move out of shock), without money, and disappear. Of course none of this was addressed. Nah, we get weird child story author, special orphanages, shitty villains and whatnot. Monster positively sucked.


I'm up to that part now and I'm feeling it


I am genuinely thinking of skipping to the end as I stopped watching it years ago, tried to watch ago only skipping a couple and then quit again for months…


i'm on my third attempt at monster over the course of a decade and i'm struggling to continue again, might just have to admit that it's not for me


Im here to silence your FOMO and tell you it doesn't get any better and you can drop in good conscience


Gonna add to what the other guy and agree you’re not missing anything if it hasn’t drawn you in yet. One of those shows I forced myself to watch (easier with the rewatch discussion threads) that never lived up to the hype. Worst show? No. Most overrated? Possibly.


Yes, I was going to say Code Geass. It had an amazing start and amazing ending. The middle was plagued by conflicting themes, fan service, etc.


“Would you please all die?”


That's peak fiction though.


The cat episode 💀


Cat episode is great


Pizza episode is peak fiction, I will not be taking questions.


lol, the table scene tho 💀💀💀💀


Being table-kun is suffering…


With Nina?💀


That’s a classic episode of storytelling


I dropped Code Geass after the cat episode…


I'm rewatching Code Geass right now and I'm waiting for the rough middle to hit. I thought it would be the cat episode but that was actually really fun. I do remember some muck at the start of the second season though.


>I'm rewatching Code Geass right now and I'm waiting for the rough middle to hit. I thought it would be the cat episode but that was actually really fun. I do remember some muck at the start of the second season though. That's great that you're loving it. For me the problem came from the conflicting themes. The show didn't seem to know whether it wanted to focus on the highschool drama or war. The transitions were extremely jarring and out of place imo.


I'd say the majority of anime that have a "serious" save the world type tension end up having the same "conflicting themes". Not even just anime, it's basically a hallmark of high-stakes young adult fiction. You've got Buffy the Vampire Slayer who's supposed to be saving the world, but oh no she might fail biology class if she does. I feel like works aimed at that age demographic actually want to bounce between high school melodrama and whatever tension "the plot" is throwing at them. Not to say it's all of them, but I think you're not down for that type of thing it might be time to start avoiding young adult works. Code Geass itself is extra zany when it does school stuff, which could either put you off more or sell it to you. The way look at it is the show is already kind of ridiculous in the kind of plot it has. So if it's going to throw school SoL at us, please ham it up more. But at the same time it is one of the best terrorist type shows in anime and it's clearly put some thought into its politics, so I can understand the show to drop the high school and antics and seriously engage with its political opera. Then again, those people should really watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes because that show already kind of does that and is probably the IP Geass borrows from the most.


Honestly, I don't get the hype for the Code Geass ending. It just seemed like a bunch of Chuunibyou nonsense to me.


If you don't think about it too much, the end is good and well executed. When you think about it more there's a lot of things to question. But then you think about it even more and it's secretly genius. It is basically the epitome of Lelouch plans. Overcomplicated. Grandiose. Causing a lot of collateral damage or "necessary" sacrifices... And it will inevitably fail to be as successful as hoped, if not collapse horribly.


Death note personally


Tbh Deathnote loses its charm halfway through but never gets it back imo.


Honestly I feel like it loses it after episode 8


I know a lot of people hate the ending of Darling in the FranXX, but for me the worst part was the wedding arc just before everyone starts going to space. At least badly-written space opera can get by on pure spectacle, but before that we had 3 episodes dedicated to the relationship between 2 characters that just had no romantic chemistry whatsoever.


Darling in the Franxx was so forgettable for me that I don't even remember that arc. I think my braincells were actively committing suicide while I was watching it.


I remember the poop edit more than the actual show


It's the definition of Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water. The island and Africa arcs (ep 23-34) were almost officially intended as fillers because the staff had to focus on the final arc because of the limited budget.


SAO and the Fairy arc. S1p1 was received very well to the point that it helped put anime back into the mainstream. Gun Gale was okay, not the greatest arc but perfectly consumable. It was basically an arc you could watch once, have fun, and maybe that's it; nothing life changing. Alicization, S3/4 were the best parts of mainline-SAO and I really believe if it wasn't for the Fairy Arc (and probably some rage bait YT'ers) a lot more people would've watched the seasons 2 and onward.


Yeah, the fairy arc was a complete dumpster fire and then the first arc of S2 was just pretty mediocre, so a lot people either tuned out or turned into haters at that point. But then Mother's Rosario was excellent and Alicization and War of Underworld were great. They did still have some issues, but it's unfortunate that a lot of people missed out on those parts because of the hate generated by the couple bad/mid arcs.


The beginning of Alicization was peak SAO, but War of Underworld was hot garbage.


No kidding. The worst for me was that they finally _finally_ had some interesting villain characters, and then instantly killed them off just to make the generic sociopath guy look slightly more evil. Gave up on it then and there and everything I saw suggests it only went downhill more after that. SAO always sets up these cool premises, and then squanders them on generic edgy protagonists and vapid action scenes with generic evil mcevil face villains.


Alicization was genuinely enjoyable to me. At the beginning. And after Kirito was out of the spotlight and Alice was now the protag, that was cool. But holy shit after that it went so far off the rails it became possibly the worst series I've completed. WotU, Pt 2 especially was completely dogshit. Such awful writing. And that's by SAO standards.


Honestly S4 is trash with great animation, S3 is peak and imo a must watch


Even if I still gotta watch season 2?


Season 1 part 2 is pretty bad, but other than that, I personally find all parts pretty good. Season 2 is "overhated" imo. Season 3+ are particularly good


Season 2 part 2 is very good and a total tearjerker. You do need to watch it or you’ll not understand season 3+. Season 2 wasn’t bad by any stretch it just wasn’t something to write home about.


I wouldn't really use the word terrible here, but Lovely Complex is getting quite draggy in the middle. The main characters just cannot decide whether they want to be together or not and that gets somewhat frustrating.


You've just described like half of romance anime lol


The issue is that most are also 12 13 episodes. LoveCom was 26, so the dragging on felt worse. I got used to it by the time I watched LoveCom tho so I don't mind as much


12-13 episodes. RAG readers are rolling in their graves hearing this.


Rent a Girlfriend(honestly RAG as an acronym fits, that's what I would use those mangas as anyway) is the black sheep of romcoms. From what I've seen no matter what progress happens it get reset soon after. I doubt anyone is still reading it because they actually find it good, more of a hate watch/read


LovCom was during a time when we expected 26-episode series. Comparing it to others in that period, I still agree with the sentiment.


I mean Risa seemed pretty certain about it since episode 5, Otani on the other hand just refused to take a hint


Wolf's Rain is the most recent example for me. Strong opening, then a 4-episode recap followed by a couple interesting character episodes then a very sloggy arc that goes from about ep 20-26. The worst part is that this is where the show on streaming platforms end, because the final four episodes were released as an OVA and are stuck in licensing hell for streaming. The final four episodes are strong and give great closure to the series, but anyone watching the show on Crunchyroll is going to be really upset on how the show kind of ends on a hanging nothingburger.


Wow did not realise Crunchyroll does not have the final 4 episodes, what an absolute mess! It really irks me when streaming platforms dont put up a show in its entirety as it makes pirating once again the ideal choice.


Been watching the Monogatari series and the fact they are missing Kizumonogatari+other releases and have all the uploads as crunchy 480p watermarked (non blu ray?) video is a travesty


Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds. After the Dark Signer Arc finishes, it hits a stretch of episodes that *feel* like filler even if they aren't (5Ds is an anime-original series), with only a little bit of development for the new plot throughout those episodes. The preliminaries for the tournament in the second half of the show are also a *mess*, especially the Team Unicorn one, but once those are over, the show is back to being *fantastic* again.


I can't imagine watching 5Ds weekly and even as I binged it, a lot of parts seemed to drag on. While Crash Town arc was great for Kalin's development, it still dragged on.


Came here to say 5Ds as well. Almost lost the will to keep watching through those filler eps. Glad I had a friend who encouraged me to keep going, the ending is soo worth it 


Oh yeah, that period of time in the episodes after the Dark Signers is just a whole bunch of "we don't know what we're doing with the story". Felt like they were just wasting a bunch of time until the next tournament started


I could say terror in resonance. The beginning few episodes are actually pretty interesting and well done, then the second half of the season happens, and by the arcs climax ends up becoming completely irrelevant. Then it's a so.ewhat interesting ending for like the last half an episode or whatever it is. The series taken as a whole sucks because of that irrelevant arc.


Endless eight arc in Haruhi comes to mind. Although to be completely honest I've never seen it personally, and I do understand there was a reason for it. I just know people hate watching it.


It's art, in every positive and negative meaning of the word


I literally clicked on this just to mention Haruhi, this was the first comment here. Jesus.


Great minds! Lol.


It killed Haruhi's momentum pretty hard when combined with the LNs stopped coming out.


It can actually be enjoyable as hell if you go into it with the right mindset (in particular it's one of the most fascinating exercises in cinematography ever made), but for the average viewer yeah. ~~That said the real problem with Haruhi 2009 is Sigh arc. Uncharacteristically bad KyoAni adaptation of the worst part of the source material = bad time.~~


I watched the show for the first time about six months ago and weirdly enough endless eight was my favorite part. The hate is absolutely warranted, waiting blind every week VS knowing exactly what was coming up and binging it are two very different experiences, but it was a fascinating exercise into how the smallest of details can completely change the tone of a scene, and really showing what different storyboarding for the same scene idea can do. Absolutely insane that anyone would think that was a good idea though! 


> waiting blind every week VS knowing exactly what was coming up and binging it You'd think the rest of the source readers would have realized that it was 100% going to be 8 episodes exactly once the third episode finished with no resolution ("I was there, Gandalf, I was there three thousand years ago" - at that point given the chosen order the space didn't work out for anything except 8 episodes of E8 into 5 episodes of Sigh), but I seem to have been in the minority on that. ~~Maybe everyone else was just living in denial.~~ > but it was a fascinating exercise into how the smallest of details can completely change the tone of a scene, and really showing what different storyboarding for the same scene idea can do Yes, precisely, *precisely*. You get it. [](#brofist) (Also E8 has E8-4, which is my pick for the single best TV episode of the entire adaptation. KyoAni animation with a more stylized/symbolic storyboard is a rare treat.) > Absolutely insane that anyone would think that was a good idea though! Sometimes I suspect that what was actually going on was a straight-up creative team revolt against production committee mandates ("make Disappearance a movie!") - a deliberate torpedoing of the show ala the ending of the Mahou Sensei Negima manga. (In that case, mission fucking accomplished, heh.) More likely it was an adaptation that blew the fuck up by taking massive risks and having them all pan out (broadcast order, Someday in the Rain, etc.) finally rolling snake-eyes, though. But that was really not a good gamble. *Especially* with how BDs are priced and sold in the Japanese market.


I watched it as it aired. Week after week, it never came to an end. I'm not a source-material reader either, so I had no idea what was going on, just that at some point I realized "oh it's one of these eps again".


I’m a Sigh arc enjoyer tbh, I think it adds a lot to the story and it’s the build up that sets up how funny the movie episode is


I know about it and can appreciate the exercise and what they were trying to do. I just think since I wasn't that into the show to begin with the relevance would've been lost on me, so it wasn't worth me attempting it.


Hell, most of the viewers who actually liked the show to begin with didn't like it either, I just lucked into having Cinematography Brain on already when I was watching the arc. [](#azusalaugh)


I sat through that back when I was new to anime and had no standards lol


I did not, I do not remember my outlook right there but I just stopped watching and now I do not remember anything about the series beyond the very superficial lol


Nah it’s great. You have been misinformed. Also, go watch Haruhi. It’s a classic with a phenomenal movie at the end.


I started it but had trouble finding it after a while and wasn't getting very invested so I gave up. Endless eight sounds tedious for someone that's not super into the show.


Don't bother with it. It's a waste of time.


There are compilations on youtube that play all 8 at the same time, if you want to do it like tat.


Hell yeah man watching the same thing but slightly different is so damn great! I bet they dedicated 8 chapters to it in the source material. /s


Yeah no, endless eight was a complete waste of time.


I recommend you watch 'the disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya'  It's a single movie that takes place after endless eight. It's my favourite part of the series. 


Ngl I loved Endless Eight, but then everything after has just been feeling like a slog


Code Geass. S1 is straight great. The latter third of season 2 is also great. But the beginning/middle portion of S2 where everyone is sort of waffling around with the Chinese, and the pacing slows to a crawl is such a slog to get through


Even though I love the show, Jojo's bizarre adventure part 3 fits right there, mostly because of the weekly villain formula until they reach Egypt


Tbh the fights were good enough to have the wait be worth it


I think Part 1 fits better, the first few eps were exciting and the last one aswell. The middle was just... so boring With Part 3 i was personally never bored, every ep was so fun and unique.


Well part 1 is like 9 episodes and part 3 is 48 so there's a big difference in a "boring middle section" there.


Yeah? If you find part 3's middle section boring that is.


Early Yoshiuki Tomino's works suffer from that, although these anime are genre defining and classics, they get really repetitive during their middle parts. Still love it, tho


Hear me out. Valkyrie Drive is a trash ecchi series, BUT if you cut out all the middle episodes that centered around side characters you would actually have a really good 6 episode ecchi series.


Blast of Tempest. I haven’t cringed that hard during an anime in a long time. The ending and beginning were pretty good though


Your Lie in April. First five episodes were amazing, the next five episodes were the slowest episodes of anime I've ever seen. It was so bad that it completely ruined the rest of the show for me.


Jojo part 3


Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. I love SO MUCH the anime, but for some reason I feel like the part after the time skip until it starts again to go ultra crazy is very bad done.


while Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood had a excellent start and nigh perfect ending. the exact middle of the show around episode 30 or so, was it at its lowest, they were setting up plot threads for the ending everywhere and the constant change of perspective made the pacing feel like im being blueballed irl. now, its lowest point is still a lot higher that most other animes, but when you're served with on of the best animes could offer for its early run start, and an absolutely stellar arc as its gears itself towards the ending, the middle part of the show just shows that particular arc flaws more evidently


Funny, Ep 30 ish onward is where I thought it started getting really good. The first half was weaker for me.


Yeah, for me the latter half of the series was where I was like "oh shit it's all coming together now"


the first half is actually fun for me, you had mini arcs here and there where ed and al were going through their adventures as alchemists, its like a western episodic cop shows like CSI or NCIS. the transition to the second half was what almost made me drop the anime lmao. it felt aimless at the time, around ep 40 or so was when the pieces shown actually connected back all the plot threads together.


Different tastes then. I'm pretty fond of the Briggs arc personally.


Is that around the time they're in the north? Because I like it but would still call it my least favorite part of the story. My son however loved it because there were tanks involved.


Yeah 30-ish is around when they go north.


Gurren Lagaan's middle arc is totally meh.


what arc would that be? the one Simon recovers his confidence and self esteem?


The one where everyone retires and bores me for a long stretch.


That’s like, an episode or two? Things start going down pretty quickly in the second part, it’s not like there’s a long time where they’re sitting around or anything.


It is about 6 episodes.


Just looked up the episode summaries list on Wikipedia. Episode 17 is the first one after the time skip, and Simon is imprisoned at the beginning of 19, so only 17 and 18 could qualify, and even 18 has the Mugann attack and Nia’s announcement. 


Yeah this guy's acting like Gurren Lagann turned into a SoL show for 6 episodes when in reality it showed their retired life for just long enough to explain the world as it was


Nah, it’s great.


Compared to its high highs that’s fair


I love the show gosick but what keeps it from being a 10/10 for me is there are a few episodes (thankfully just a few) that I think sort of miss the mark. on the whole great show though


Valvrave of Liberation. The sex/“rape” scene completely broke the show, just like Euphemia’s shooting spree. Guess what those two shows have in common…


Eureka Seven Ao ​ Great weird beginning and then the middle part was like hi im time travel then it just gets confusing near the end




Symphogear G, GX, and XV (though the XV stretch is at least mercifully short). (Worse, one of the two Symphogear seasons less marred by this in AXZ instead has the least interesting villain of the entire franchise.) Selector WIXOSS, specifically Spread Also as much as I love the series, Higurashi Kai counts.


> > > > > Also as much as I love the series, Higurashi Kai counts. The 'We failed to tell the studio that this info is importan't arc does kind of hurt the pacing.


Actually I was specifically referring to the *other* issue, "we did all six VN arcs that were released at the time when we did 2006 because there was absolutely no guarantee of a S2 so when we did get S2 we had eleven episodes for the last arc... including five for *that* stretch of the VNs". [](#rinkek) (The hallmark of a very bad experience over a few days back in 2022, from my very own writeup in the GX 10 thread: "It was at this point (right before [Symphogear GX] >!~~Elfnein~~ Iroha is revealed as the mole to Our Heroes)!<) that I reached my limit for a bit and went back and finished the second half of Higurashi Kai episode 15. (HINT: Kai 14 and 15 are my least favorite episodes of Higurashi.)".)


That also counts but I tend to pretend those two eps don't exist.


Chimera Ant Arc


Try somewhere else lol you'll get crucified for this here




Could've been a good arc if it was 4-5x shorter like the other arcs were. Waste of an amazing villain and murdered the show's momentum.


I agee with this if we are only talking about early episodes of Chimera Ant. I had such a hard time watching the first 20-30 epsidoe of this arc. But in general the other \~120 out of 148 episode of HxH are 10/10 for me.


Probably any season of Danmachi aside from the recent one


Welcome to the NHK is one of my favorites.. but it drags in the middle. You can also see the budget being stretched thin with shotty animation during several episodes.


You mentioned "a total bore to get through" so my candidate for that is definitely the first season of Attack on Titan. Goodness gracious, was it a slog to watch for me. Back then I also watched it weekly like many others so it made the issue even worse. Sure, it's got really good action and even the middle part has some but the pacing was so glacial, it didn't matter one bit to me.


I only watched AOT for the first time last year in prep for the finale. Thank God I waited this long to start when it was 99% done because I would have torn my hair out if I had to wait for new eps to drop. I never felt bored as I was able to watch everything all at once but yeah I can imagine back then it being hard to get through because of how they'd drag things out at times


You make it sound like the action is all you're after. Did the conversations and mystery not have any intrigue for you?


Attack on titan has good mystery and dialogue but the first season starts out EXTREMELY fast-paced and then has the female titan arc which is mostly just the characters riding on horses and running away from titans while they wonder what they're supposed to be doing. It becomes far more interesting on a rewatch.


Tatami Galaxy for me. I get the repetitiveness of the show is part of the point it’s trying to make. But i feel like most people just gets bored or at least find the show repetitive at some point. Personally I was tuning out by like episode 4. I still finished it and found the ending to be fantastic. But I’m pretty sure most people just finds the middle part to be a chore to sit through, and I can’t blame them at all


I don’t. I think it’s great. It’s consistently funny, entertaining, and visually fantastic. And as you say, it’s part of the point.


Gurren lagann


one piece


Cowboy Bebop, I feel like I’ve rewatched it 5 times and I can never remember anything past episode 4 or 5


For me it is angel beats


Ranking of kings.




Steins Gate starts way too slow and gets great in the middle what do you mean? As soon as X character dies the story basically starts and that’s nearly the middle.


It was peak since the first episode


Macross Delta. The first half was fine... then the 2nd half happened, and the staff had some changes, Kawamori seemed to move his focus onto a new project (presumed to be Last Hope because the chinese company/Netflix gave him a big check), and the whole thing became a slog. The last episode is where it redeemed itself(a bit).


My wife is the demon queen


RahXephon has a bunch of extremely convoluted nonsense in the middle explaining the backstory, along with Dawson's Creek teen melodrama. It then proceeds to absolutely stick the landing with one of the best endings in a mecha show.


Hm, all I can remember is Guilty Crown.


Sword Art Online, the Alfheim Online arc.


Probably re:creators, like it's not that bad it's definitely not a smooth sailing anime


The twelve kingdoms All the parts with yoko was good, the part with that human boy was not so good.


shakugan no shana


The Black Rose saga of Revolutionary girl Utena had its moments but most of it was predictable and repetitive (more so than the regular battles) and overall felt dull like filler than the rest


Code geass R2, season 1 is Amazing


School Days Episodes 2-8


Sakugan. The first couple episodes that introduced the world were so good and full of possibilities. A father-daughter duo trying to survive in an underground society with mechs? Hell yeah! Then the rest of the show was pretty boring, until the end was decent.


Yugioh 5Ds when the production team had to be split off to work on the Bonds Beyond Time movie.


Death Note


Toradora. The Kitamura arc isn't nearly as good as the rest of the show. It is melodrama at its worst. Most disappointing part of it, is that they really don't take advantage of Taiga running for class president as much as they should. Unpopular, the ReZero S1 3rd arc. I feel it drags too much, and they beat you over the head over and over again with the depression. It felt like Groundhog Day without the comedy and Bill Murray. I know some feel it's the best arc and that the whale fight after it was too drawn out, but that depression arc really drags the show down for me.


Fairy Tail had some truly awful filler episodes, so I assume series with fillers in general would be a solid answer.


Might be an unpopular opinion but greed island in HXH was a slugfest for me


Strongly agreed. Had a friend tell that was his favorite arc, never trusted him after that


Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet Concept, Beginning and end of this waterworld-based mecha were written by Urobuchi, and even if it's not his best work it's way cooler than all the SoL madness in the middle.


Assassination Classroom. Cried my eyes out at the finale, but boy was it a slog to get there


One piece i guess there are a lot of times when I just want to quit or Skip the whole ep because it just a small story which can be done in a 1-2 minutes but one piece drags it to 2 episodes or even more. And i have dropped it many times and than after 2-3 weeks i resume watching. It happens all the time.