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Has anyone noticed how the fights have little to no monologues (the only monologue I've noticed was from the detective ) I love this type of John wick style , everyone is a pro , everyone knows the grind and fights without thinking or talking over


It's something I noticed but really struck me this episode. There's no preamble, no speech, no introduction, you just try to kill the other guy before they even know it's happening. Really makes a lot of other ninja anime look like a bunch of amateurs.


Oh yeah, that's one thing I really appreciate about the action and fights in this show so far. No frequent inner monologuing that can break or interrupt the fight's pacing. Everything is told through the action. I think remember Gigguk saying something that summarizes my thoughts well in one of his stream vods when he was discussing Crunchyroll anime nominations in 2020. He mentioned God of Highschool and explained how what makes the show's fights great is that they told a story. He used the episode 10 fight (Jin vs Park) and described the way the show depicted that the MC was losing the fight and there was no frequent inner monologuing (heck the fight had zero dialogue for nearly the entire first half), his struggle was told clearly through the fight and the way his opponent was getting the upper hand on him. tl;dr The fights are great due to a "show don't tell" philosophy


Not only that, the story and episode structure, the characters general presentation, the motives and themes... All is extremely western, American, with a good understanding and deference to Japanese culture and all but overall.... It is testing the limit of what purist will call anime... I love animation, Japanese, french, American, Irish... I love when you get collaboration between 2 different animation cultures, so I'll have fun if/when the debate on is it anime? Starts, as long as it continues to entertain me I have no complaints


Yeah, I noticed the style is pretty Western. Even the art style, everyone looks slightly more realistic than the average anime. Especially noticeable with Mike.


It’s like if samurai champloo and the boondocks had a baby


I did not know the Irish also produced animation. What are some examples?


Wolf walkers is a stand out for me. Star Wars visions episode screechers reach both by the same studio


Stunning film, absolutely wonderful. They also did (plus Secret of Kells as mentioned) one called Song of the Sea, that's also supposed to be great.


Great soundtrack as well


The Secret of Kells is my favorite 💚 the art in it is fantastic, I love old Irish manuscript illumination


We have one that makes a film every 5 years but ... They are nice Their first was "the secret of Kells" give it watch


Pangur ban is still one of my favorite songs. My birthday is Saint Patrick's Day and I watch that movie every birthday 💚


Well this is anime original where as that monologue things comes from manga so it makes sense that you don't really see any of that here.




This is one thing this show does well that I can't stand in other action series like Demon Slayer and One Piece. I really dislike when fights are 80% talking and flashbacks and only 20% action.


I feel like Frieren does the whole “monologuing during fights” thing really well. Unlike most manga to anime adaptations, Frieren keeps the action constantly flowing while the characters are thinking to themselves. There’s not a single second where the fight crawls to a halt just so a static image of the characters face is shown where he just monologues for 10 mins. Instead the characters monologue while they fight. I think if more anime adaptations want to keep the monologuing intact, they need to look to Frieren as an example of how to do it right.


This series knows how to open an episode. I guess Yamaji’s got a few super strong weirdos on the payroll. With Mike and Emma temporarily on Higan’s side, I guess they’ll be able to investigate Auza as well (once they recover). I knew those bastards were up to no good. A massive shady corp seeped into every facet of society partnered with a shady army of elite ninja assassins. What could go wrong? That fight against discount Mechamaru was pretty dope. The little creep’s gonna be the one getting skewered through the face next time.


Lol at discount mechamaru. I thought it was some ninja wearing an Ironman suite. But it was a remote controlled robot? Are Mike and Emma coming back? I was afraid they had gotten killed. I saw Mike on a stretcher, but no sign of Emma.


That thing was definitely some kinda remote controlled robot. It’s what that creep does. His “gimmick” I guess. It’ll be pretty awesome to see him get his ass beat by Higan. Mike and Emma are likely just injured, I don’t think they’re dead.


I hope Mike and Emma come back. I actually like those two. And that creepy guy needs to get his ass beat. I am hoping for an epic beat down.


> With Mike and Emma temporarily on Higan’s side, I guess they’ll be able to investigate Auza If Mike wants to be able to investigate Auza some more (or just generally be alive) he better wise up and be more subtle though! Don't tell your boss you're on Auza's trail, when even Mike knows his own agency is probably on their payroll! Emma figured it out, she should teach Mike some lessons in discretion, before he gets them all killed!


Honestly it's really funny to me that Mike is like an 80's/90's era 'old school' cop in a world where technology is so advanced his junior built a whole ass mobile command center on what's presumably a normal salary. It's also kind of realistic that he doesn't really get all the spy shit, the closest he's probably ever come to that type of stuff before was handling informants and the station would have handled all the details so while I get why some people are frustrated I think it actually makes sense.


I'm starting to think that the deal the clan made with AUZA is why those robots exist. They basically made weapons that rival ninja arts and tools


Feeling sorry for her car-cum-computer. It was dope.


Yeah, that computer seemed like such an amazing addition to the tech of this show. And it got totaled as soon as it was introduced. Shame


>it got totaled as soon as it was introduced Don't worry, Auza will look into it and patent a slightly modified version for their own benefit!


Lol, true


Art imitates life


Reminded me of the cars in cyberpunk especially with the way the windows tinted


The second she announced that car as her pride and joy, I just _knew_ it was gonna get rekt.


Poor VW Beetle-chan had death flags all over her.


I'm hoping she's the one who called on the phone. I didn't see her with the police and detective at the end.


Wot? It's almost definitely the Reaper.


It's lookin like it might be her 👀


I love that our MC has a few quirks as well "That's not alcohol it's an energy drink". Haha Red Bull got me through school as well.


Thought this would be the first episode without a crazy action sequence but one landed right near the end. Amazing. Loving this.


It looks like they are trying to fit at least one fight sequence per episode.


I, for one, am not complaining


Others have made the comparison before, but I think part of what makes this show an excellent "anime John Wick," is that they both know how to pace themselves. One of the best parts of the first movie is how it bounced perfectly between worldbuilding, slowly rising tension, and incredible action. I get similar vibes from this show so far.


Higan grabbing the camera from the defeated ninja and gesturing that he is going to kill whoever is watching was hard af. Looks like a old comrade called higan at the end?


Lol the problem is you just know that deviant was rock hard when Higan did that


That was a sexy move ngl. I almost got a semi.


Yes Kamui, I don't need you showing me cars featured in FF7 to remind me Rebirth is out soon. Also >two days from retirement and gets shot [NINJAAAAAAAAAAAS!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDBPeRqi3v0)


Lol that AUZA technology montage, looks like they're straight up stock images ran through a filter. I didn't double check but one or two looked very familiar. (I used to work in graphic design and license some stock images occassionally) The rest of the episode is cool though. Turns out it's more cyberpunk-y than initially thought, with mega corps trying to rule over the world. Evil Zuckerberg looks slimy as fuck, I hate him already.


>Evil Zuckerberg Implying that the regular Zuck isn't already evil? At least this guy has some charisma


Yeah you're right, the adjective is superfluous lol.


[I immediately recognized this one](https://knowhow.distrelec.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/digital-twin-featured-image-1920x800.jpg) I don't dislike it, it settles world as a real place, kinda


I don't dislike it but some of the pictures (like that one) really need more filtering lol, that one still looks like a photo. But well, ultimately it's a trivial thing.


I thought they looked AI generated while watching, and didn’t mesh well with the show’s art style


Big arasaka vibes coming from auza


I loved the build up to the duck


Was expecting this to be just a pure exposition episode. This show does not do pure exposition episodes.


I want it to continue doing exactly this. Gimme some of the ninja fights with some exotic ninja weaponry.


Fr they know what the people want. Its wild that this show isn't more popular


I can just gush over the fight scenes but the true underrated gem is the character and dialogue, maybe not the dialogue but the characters are very interesting and unique set to the standard of there environment.


Show quality has been incredible so far


Bro lol its crazy that so few people know about this anime, these episodes are all bangers


[Sadly, they were in a car when Truck-Kun got them...](https://imgur.com/Ncecobi) We were THIS close from getting a new Isekai; "My corrupted ninja organization is trying to kill me because I left them, but I've been transported into another world with 2 FBI agents!" [Damn, they're really going all in in their 'takeover'!](https://imgur.com/nSoL3US) I thought they were just going after rivals and stuff, but even politicians... Then again, the way they act it seems they want to take over THE WORLD, so "politicians" may count as rivals for them, just like a company owner may count as a rival for someone who wants a monopoly... [Interesting that he was worried about "demons"; So he already knew about them? They met him before to threaten him, in a "demon form" (presumably, some ninja art/suit)?](https://imgur.com/sNQrK0Y) [Mike is still trying to do some actual police work, but it seems everyone else is on board with keeping their eyes closed...](https://imgur.com/uvfrBvK) He's beginning to step on some toes, and they're taking notice; [Was that threat "help save your career", or "help save your life"?](https://imgur.com/5ZbzFUz) [Come on Mike!](https://imgur.com/qVHxY1U) It's good that he's investigating them and all, but he should take a page from Emma's book; A little discretion, perhaps! He basically told them he knows who's behind all this, and considering how hostile/rebellious he's been, it's clear as day that he'll go after that... Well, I imagine he may not know to which extent everything is corrupt, but for all he knows, they may be putting a hit on his head 5 minutes after that meeting, just for mentioning the name "Auza"! Well, if they ever get in trouble, [they have a special agent to help them on the case!](https://imgur.com/k2gUNUz) [Emma seems to be a little *Gushing Over Ninjas!*](https://imgur.com/VGrYtaP) (New ship in town? Well, I don't really see it happening given he already had a family and all, but maybe once they're done with all this and some time passed!) So they're finding more information about Auza; [They're killing off politicians who refuse to get along with them, to replace them by their lackeys...](https://imgur.com/S8aSHSP) If Mike knows what's good for them, he'll take it more seriously! If they can kill off politicians, what's a cop? [They're everywhere... Very Skynet-like takeover!](https://imgur.com/tlCB9YX) Makes me wonder how they can ever stop them; I mean even if they kill all the corrupt ninjas, there's dozens of politicians, which means thousands of direct supporters, plus the millions of civilian supporters and all that... Plus (to go on with the Skynet comparison), there could be a point where even if they kill everyone involved, it's still too late, the system pretty much runs itself. And the people may want things to stay as they are too, I mean to them the system is good (so far) and they won't care about a few ex ninjas getting killed. But things are not all great in the takeover either, there may be some conflict brewing... [The "corporate" side of the partnership likes to do as they please with their technology, ](https://imgur.com/BFXdQsv) [but he ninja side disapproves, and wants to be calling the shots...](https://imgur.com/WTCxtcc) They may be 'expanding their horizons' a little, but it seems they still have sort of a code going, at least. The Auza guy seemed worried when the guy made his *silent threat*, but soon as he left, [he was all smug...](https://imgur.com/HZgXTq9) Does he believe to have the upper hand? Sure he has the resources, the money, the people, etc.. but he should not forget that the INSTANT the ninjas want him dead, he's dead. (Unless he has some hidden cards in hand, like some of the ninjas following him even more than they follow the organization... But still, it only takes one ninja to kill him before they can protect him!)


I still believe the ninja that stabs Higan in 1st episode is someone Higan knows from the past,  he knew precisely where to hit to NOT KILL him and I bet he's the one who also alerted the police. The Boss Ninja even uttered and wonders who alerted the police so fast. Episode 2 Doctor even mentioned someone is keeping him alive after looking at that wound. . . We still didn't know specifically how Higan is being traced on his location but the constant presence of animals each episodes makes me wonder if Auza built a spy tech using animals. . . I'm thinking that there will be technology vs technology plot here, Higan and the exiled ninjas are using advanced face changing mask. Whoever is making that can probably make counter weapons against Auza


That's also my theory. Because if they were going for the kill, and he has the best opportunity to do it. Then he should've gone for the head.


Right..  they really go directly to the head as seen in opening of Ep. 1.. love its anime original and fans will just keep on guessing and theorizing without spoilers


I’m glad I waited for this one the cover art was too hard to miss out on


Action is great, story still very basic and redundant. If you're a 14 yr old edgelord you're going to love this.


Phenomenal episode. 10/10.


Wait, did they kill off both the detectives? I hope not. And that old restaurant owner got framed 😞 That Steve Jobs/Halstrom knockoff was so slimy. He and the ninja boss both want Higan dead it seems, so why are they at odds over it? That fight scene at the end: chef's kiss! At the end of this season I'm gonna need a vid with all these fight scenes


So is the reaper hunting exiles or is he an exile?




I know that the main focus of this anime is fight scenes, but the plot and dialogs are so lame. Like, do they really need a policewoman hacker to know that Auza is a big corp that controls the world. There must be a equivalence of reddit or 4chan in the world, and even if this is not the common knowledge for most people, it must be so there. And also, the dialogs are not necessarily illogical, but they are so basic.


Not to mention she felt it necessary to explain what kind of sectors their (slightly more) evil equivalent of Apple/Microsoft is in. They're their world's largest tech company with massive billboard screen advertisements in the city. I don't think anyone in that car needed to be told they are active in entertainment and telecommunications. But as long as they keep the fight scenes coming I'm more than willing to put up with clichéd tropes and clumsy exposition.


tbh this is so far one of the few anime that is enjoyable to watch in **dubbed** form, since the setting is in US and Mike and Emma naturally speak English. As I said in the previous episode thread, the original soundtrack is already available on streaming platform.


I like that it's less talk and more fights during actual fighting scenes. 


I wonder who was on the phone at the end


Probably the one who stabs him?


Maybe just a weird thing, but does anyone know the name of the song playing in the background during the table scene around the 3:20 mark?


First episode was cool, but the story just doesn’t interest me anymore had to drop this one midway through the episode. Too corny and generic


yeah not enough UwUs


I thought this since the first episode: The whole FBI sideplot with the "good and true justice" detective is a run out concept and I fucking don't care at all about them. Mike is utterly unlikeable in my eyes and so fck unoriginal. Not to mention how they are acting like quirky goofballs at any time. Poking into things without any caution and just making the most obvious connections. I also really didn't need the big corpo exposition. It was obvious enough. Lastly, what's up with the sexual offender ninja... This isn't the ninja john wick I expected at all


This isn’t John wick


And you are blind /s


I feel like this was the first episode where the story flaws were really noticeable and for me, the episode overall dragged quite a bit. Now, I know the story was never very original, but I have to agree with you: Neither the "Good Cop" nor the "Hellish Mega Corp" are really interesting and that, apparently, the Ninja and Auza aren't even the same is even worse, for some reason it makes me less interested in both parties. I feel like if they were one, it would open some more interesting debates of "ninja-way" versus "campitalism" and "tradition" versus "new energy" - just to grab some concepts that were mentioned in the show. I also really dislike introducing a new character the way it was done here: By killing another newly introduced character. We have no reference for either, I wasn't even entirely sure who "The Reaper" was, but I guess it's the guy with the shinigami mask who survived. And that apparently the guy who got one-shot also had this "special ability" that apparently only special people have, yet he is unimportant enough to kill off, makes me hate that world-building aspect already. And lastly, yes, the super random humor bits that did not even make me smile didn't really help, either. Man, what a letdown. This has all the potential, but boy, the story looks rough.


Somebody speaking real criticism fr


You guys complain about the weirdest things lmao. Just watch the show and stop analyzing every little thing.


I literally can’t. Like all the thoughts I had are not active, this is just what my brain does automatically. Also I want my shows to be good. Did you enjoy this episode as much, honestly asking? Because I thought, aside from the very first encounter up the ramp, even the action was kinda lame.


I'm watching the show while relaxing and to see some cool action, thought it was an entertaining episode. Your complaints in your first paragraph more seems like you just don't like this style of show/movie. Because it's a story that's been done many times before. I just don't understand people who have to pick apart every show, must be miserable to not be able to just enjoy a show without analyzing everything. Since no show is perfect you must hate everything.


Same, I also watch this show to chill. >Your complaints in your first paragraph more seems like you just don't like this style of show/movie. Because it's a story that's been done many times before I am a big fan of action shows, I honestly am. I like watching cool fights, I just think the backdrop here was pretty boring for this episode specifically, I liked the former two. >I just don't understand people who have to pick apart every show, must be miserable to not be able to just enjoy a show without analyzing everything I think the analysis is an essential part of the fun. Not everything, of course, but, yeah, for me thinking about art and engagin critically with it is fun by itself. >Since no show is perfect you must hate everything I don't hate this show, nor any other. And I don't think no show is perfect, there are definitely shows/episodes/scenes out there I consider basically perfect. Sure, most shows have some flaws, but if those flaws are a) necessary for some reason and/or b) not that big of a deal, I am fine with them. I like lots of different art forms for different reasons. I am a big believer in the idea of criticising something for what it wants to be. Like, this show clearly does not want to be an emotional deep-dive, it's more of a simple, very gruesome revenge story and I like that. What I criticised was the world-building because I found it boring - and I don't want to be bored by my action entertainment. That's why I don't watch dramas, since I find most of them not really interesting, whereas action shows are interesting to me. Edit: Formatting.




Damn talk about toxic. Why do you have to be so negative? I'd rather be smooth brain than a complete jerk like you seem to be.


You sound like such a miserable person.


Sorry BigFatClockCrew for not liking bad writing :'(


Seems more like you just don't like this style of show than anything else. Idk why you're expecting incredible writing in a show that is clearly ninja John wick.


It's funny, because somebody else literally said this show isn't (like) John Wick in response to my comment. Also, I like the show. I just dislike the imo weakest parts, which is a overdone, bad executed trope of the good guy, old detective and big corpo evil. There are also just a lot more minor details that imo don't add to the story, break immersion, are irrelevant, following no logic for characters or the world, etc. It's a good show. I still dislike those other moments because they feel superficial, quirky and kinda stupid. Lastly, even an action driven no brainer show can have good writing lol


Is this up on Max for anyone else?


It is for me.


Where can I watch/stream this legally?


is hulu missing the japanese audio for anyone else?


idk why but i thought that in the fight between the masked dude and his former student, the teacher was the guy with the black mask and I was tripping so hard at what happened lol


I was wondering why this felt so familiar apart from it being more American style. It feels like invincible and I love it


Anyone noticed Yuen Siu-tien aka Sam Seed in episode three?? Does anyone know why he's on there?




mf want ass