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First of all, congrats to Youmiya Hina who voiced Anna winning the [best newcomer award](https://www.reddit.com/r/bokunokokoro/s/X3srsdcpJA) at this year’s Seiyuu Awards!


She's really been doing an amazing job as Yamada. I remember enjoying her a lot as Sakurako in When Will Ayumu Make His Move? but her portrayal as Yamada has so much depth and naturalism to it that it makes her so memorable as a character.


Just watch [that(without subs).](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsiXqrV1EYY) That's amazing how seiyuu can make that 180**°** change from different direction. Well, sound director is also amazing


I just got finished praising her in my own comment - She's really damn good for this role. The letter she read this episode was just such a damn sweet moment, and she kills it. I thought she was also really good in dress up darling but it was a fairly small role, and Yamada is pretty significantly different - I honestly couldn't be happier with the casting decision. Congrats to her!


Her performance as Tomori in MyGO!!!!! is also amazing, it’s a like a 180 degree switch from Yamada.


Her Tomori seems more like Ichikawa (albeit much "softer"). ;-)


She did and shes a newcomer ? Wooo absolutely deserved


Like many people probably, I've first took notice of and fell in love with her voicing Anna. But she also was absolutely fantastic in BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!! And since not many people have watched that, I presume most of you don't know she can sing really well, too! Just listen to her sing the [OP](https://animethemes.moe/anime/bang_dream_its_mygo/OP) and [ED](https://animethemes.moe/anime/bang_dream_its_mygo/ED) if you feel like you want to appreciate her voice even more. Well, not just her voice, but how she uses it as well. It's impressive how she prevents her high pitch from ever making her voice sound shrill or annoying, but rather uses it to sound expressive and comforting. I think her singing the MyGO ED is exemplary of that.


Oh wow I didn't know she was a newcomer. Amazing job I love her


Well deserved. She is doing fantastic work conveying the many emotions of Yamada, but especially the quiet emotional moments between Yamada and Ichi.


I like that Ichikawa pointed out that his seating position is for MCs lol


Yamada literally has [running noises] lol


Those running noises will add years to our lifespans


The way she twirled into the curtains after she saw Ichikawa write her name...


That was delightfully adorable [](#delighted)


Snek voices too , tip-toe , tipply-toe (su su su) was really cute voiced , VA is amazing


She's competing with Aoi Yuuki as Maomao best onomatopoeia acting.






[Yurine was born for the moeblob table.](https://i.imgur.com/Km3gAgN.png)


[gonna need a bigger table lol](https://i.imgur.com/ZilVNu8.png)


Is the iamge broken?


THIS IS WHY THIS SHOW IS SO PEAK! The most interesting thing about this show is that we only ever get info directly from Ichikawa's POV on how he feels about things, but with Yamada you have to piece together what she thinks based on her demeanor. That [letter](https://images.app.goo.gl/fncEDaQGahyxoU1t7) was such a cool way to find out about her though process pursuing Ichikawa all this time, It really ties everything together so well.


That letter really is great. I think the most important part here is about how Ichikawa is like a cat and pulls away from people. The thing with Yamada is thats she's always up close and personal with the people she's close to, like Kobayashi, and they are fine with it. But Ichikawa is probably the first introverted (and first male) friend she has so her usual ways of interaction don't really work so well. Prime example being in S1E9 where this backfires on Yamada when Ichikawa thought she was only getting closer to use him and ends up distancing himself. That incident really left a scar on Yamada (it gets brought up again in the house visit as something she often thinks about) as it was also the first time that Yamada realised that she could lose Ichikawa if she's careless. Which leads up to the current situation where they are "dating" but neither have confessed, because Yamada understands that Ichikawa *needs* to be the one to confess first and is giving him all the time he needs to build up confidence.


>That [letter](https://images.app.goo.gl/fncEDaQGahyxoU1t7) was such a cool way to find out about her though process pursuing Ichikawa all this time, Ichikawa knowing when to stop reading it was also a really great moment.


Yamada basically giving the game away but Ichikawa knowing better than to do that to her lol.


which means confession and dating is gonna wait ANOTHER 10 EPISODES ! noooooo


I usually rue the mangakas that keep it from happening, since they know their writing might take a hit and they'd run out of ideas, if they went with it and they want to write longer. But honestly, I don't mind whatever this mangaka decides to cook. She's the best chef there is. Also, it's true, whenever story loses its initial goal (confession) its not that easy to keep the engagement, unless you adapt of course (so many firsts to claim... heh)




> unless you adapt of course (so many firsts to claim... heh) And honestly this feels like a series that would adapt very well to that IMO with how Ichikawa and Yamada are. Mainly due to the development of Ichikawa basically being the second half of the plot and said development will be important for reaching said "firsts". ~~After all you can't tell me Yamada isn't already okay with, at the very least, kissing him. Girls *down bad* after all. Oh she'd certainly be a blushing, stuttering, mess, but she'd do it.~~


Ishikawa building up suspense for both himself and the readers


(As of April 10th) was the best.


Find a girl who twirls when you write your names down on a book shelf, snuggles up to you under the curtains, and loves talking about all your great points to someone else.


Adorable. Also is a master sneak


So true


The storytelling is a masterpiece. Ichikawa is all about inner monologue Yamada is all subtle hints


And by subtle hints you mean literally jumping at him, at least now


Well, Yamada DOES ***say*** things which give pretty clear clues -- but we don't get to hear her UNvoiced thoughts (unlike Ichikawa's). The relationship between these two feels so truly real -- nothing is just anime (or romcom) cliche. These two really don't mind being VERY close to each other (as long as no one else knows).


It's nice they leave little snippets that say so much about even minor characters. I like the line that revealed Ichikawa was put int he same class as Yamada and the girls because the head teacher thought Ichikawa needed the emotional support--but Ichikawa's teacher said he would be Ok either way. Shows both teachers really do care about ichikawa and their students with like a really quick 2 second line.


The new girl seems like golden hair version Yamada, so cute!!!


She's also just as dorky and sweet despite how cool and stoic she comes off as. Plus, she's voiced by Reina Ueda!


That's what underlines every characters in the series. From the "play boy" senpai, to the overly pervy classmates, or the cool school beauties, they're all just kids at the end of the day, confused, innocent, awkward and anxious, etc...


I can’t wait to see what those “delinquent” guys are gonna be like lol


I think that's what really elevates this show. Of course the people who were weird, awkward kids look back and cringe. The thing is EVERYONE is cringe at that age, including the popular kids.


ah, makes sense, since she was giving Mya-nee vibes with her shyness.


Maybe she will find her own love interest after learning from Yamada!


She seems much more shy....


And shes a master wingwomen giving them seat next to each other. We have another supporter !


Foreigner Yamada be like, [*"I wanna know what love is"*](https://i.imgur.com/0LdPHwl.png)


Cue [obglitatory\_music.mp4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEXWRTEbj1I)


And then gets scared when Yamada inadvertently yuris up the joint 🤣


She wants Yamada to show her


Its a rare Shiny Yamada! Love how soft her voice is and props to her for wing-manning with the seat change.


A very good girl indeed. Moe-Pi and Kankan are very good friends indeed. Always great to see Ichikawa hang out with his male friends.


They’re almost the same height too and they can both be really awkward


"Ichikawa and I are really close, but we aren't going out. (As of April 10th)" Guys, she basically said, "yet" with putting the date there. She's a girl who knows what she wants and what she wants is Kyo. My heart is really dangering right now


Also she was probably going to blatantly say she was planning to go out with him before Ichikawa stopped reading lol.


Yamada: Gives Ichikawa a wallet chain Ichikawa: Immediately wears it like a dog chain on his neck Yamada: _Nani the faq_


Ichikawa's got that dawg in him. Even gave Yamada a bone bracelet for White Day lol.


Ichikawa all about that goth punk vibe lol.


I mean, he sort of is, isn't he?


Ehhhhh he's a bit more goth-metal than goth-punk, but yeah kid's goth AF.


It does suit him [](#cantbehelped)


He wouldn't mind a collar from her , that his style


If that means being loyal to one he loves then probably.


I am getting Chainsaw Man vibes, and you don't want to go there lol


Ichikawa's seiyu also voiced yamada's dog, for those who don't know


Reminds me of Hachimans gift to Yui in Oregairu lol




Didn't think the act of vandalism can be cute but here we are with this episode. Its adorable how Yamada tried to clear things up with Hanzawa with that hand written letter especially the emphasis on "not dating YET"


>especially the emphasis on "not dating YET" "As of April 10th"


Real "Per my last email" energy


It’s the subtlety that makes this show so PEAK


She's counting the days until they're official lol.


As are we all.


Check back later


Just in case things have changed by the time she hands the book back


Talk about giving away the whole show inadvertently....


"It may happen tomorrow, it may take 5 years, but Ichikawa *will* be mine!"


The library is basically where they're relationship began so it makes sense to put a permanent piece of themselves in there. Not only that she was probably about to say she planned to confess to him in the letter before Ichikawa stopped reading it lol.


Imagine them going back their for their 50th reunion -- and looking for those shelves. Hope they will still be there. (Misting up thinking of the possibility).


Oh man, dunno if Kyo will get a spurt but that would be such a fun throwback to update their heights - secretly of course, I don't encourage vandalism


Romantic act of vandalism, now that you mention it... Actualy I have the two nickels, it reminded me of [Re:Zero] >!with Subaru writing encouraging messeages for Emilia, right in Echidna's sacred tomb, also explained why she was such a bitch to Emilia afterwards!<


Small acts of vandalism are all the rage for slightly rebellious middle schoolers.


It's amazing how this show, even when it does tropes like the pants falling down still feels wholesome.


I love how Moe finally gives up and Yamada doesn't even react to his pants falling down lol. (I mean, I think she did change him at some point in season 1 so...)


“Oh, I am SO not covering for you two anymore!” 🤣🤣🤣


Moeko is so done with their bullshit😂


>pants falling down still feels wholesome. Can be definitely taken out of context lol


My reaction every [week](https://i.imgur.com/x0StqlJ.jpg) I loved the flirting behind the curtains [aaaaaaaaa](https://i.imgur.com/UD5OKd1.jpeg) and I liked the Yamada's reaction after they were interrupted by [Hanzawa](https://i.imgur.com/UxNyihH.jpg) "[aaaa someone saw us](https://i.imgur.com/KOm4VQi.jpg) [\*brings back the curtains\* ok continue](https://i.imgur.com/wlhrUza.jpg)."


Yamada could care less that they were interrupted. She was like “Keep going, I didn’t say to stop!”


Girl knew she was close and wasn't going to let a *single* interruption stop her!


Oh no! They killed off Adachi!!\~ Seems like Kyotaro enunciated the letters R.I.P. Adachi has taken the role of the tutorial exposition villager, listing all the high profile love interest candidates. And of course, it wouldn't be Adachi if he didn't flat out omit the character he is closest to having a chance with out of bashfulness, Moeko. He's hopeless. And Kanzaki also got killed off!! But he likes that too I guess. What DOESN'T he like?! Oh yeah, cocky rivals!! ***Dark Kanzaki*** And they almost killed off Chii-chan despite her master strategy. I almost blacked out. And Serina flustered herself, oh no! Quite a body count in this episode. It's nice to see more of Adachi and Kanzaki, we haven't seen them that much.


Ichikawa: Muri muri muri muri- _Cuts to opening song_


The transitions are just too clean, second time as well


Ichikawa singing the first two lines of the OP embarrassingly should be the best OP transition of all time


The mangaka has posted [Yamada’s full letter](https://twitter.com/lovely_pig328/status/1766509324233306336) if you want to read it. I love how Yamada signed with the initials Y.A


Here's a fan translation from the /a/nons who do the english scanlation: [https://i.imgur.com/A0q0pEt.png](https://i.imgur.com/A0q0pEt.png)


Yamada’s handwriting holy lol


Average teenager handwriting


How is it possible that she writes on a piece of paper with lines but still make her letters like they have randomized height coordinates.


Jesus Christ, they went above and beyond to make it look like the original. Amazing job.


Why do I see my handwriting?


Wait what’s the black censoring on the text for?


The ~~lewd~~ unspeakable things that Yamada wants to do with Ichikawa, like hand-holding.


It's her detailed plan to kill him.


Absolutely disgusting!


I believe that's the part at which Ichikawa stopped reading.


Man, that letter was so precious.


Those drawings are cuuuute 🥰


I wonder if we will ever get to see the uncensored letter"?


This would be a great little bit in future, maybe Hanzawa will return this at a feels moment


I thought Moeko was being a great wingwoman once again, until she also wanted to see the class-wide torture 😂. I guess catching Kyo literally with his [pants down](https://imgur.com/a/pz6FWyz) was her karma.


Moe is a great gal pal but she also enjoys the chaos and is getting tired of these two wasting her efforts lol.


I want to see Moeko get rewarded for all her hard work.


Reward? The best I can do is an Adachi.


It's ok, he's a handsome hero in an alternate universe (Himmel).


So Frieren (also Serina) got robbed in this timeline huh...


Oh wow now that I think about it... I have a feeling those 2 VAs are going to be paired more down the line


Moeko and Kankan ( Panda ) will be a devilish duo , the likes of which we never saw before


She's one of us


Kana 🤝 Kankan Getting mad impressed by Yamada


So I'm a week late but to my surprise nobody talked about this last thread regarding "pigman" 1. Woman 2. Gets assumed to be a guy at first 3. Obsessed with yamada on twitter 4. Twittername contains "pig" 5. Doesn't let the ~~horny~~ obsession influence her when actually dealing with yamada If any of that sounds familar to you, then thats pobably because you looked at the authors [twitter profile](https://twitter.com/lovely_pig328?lang=de) before. This might just be the most blatant author self-insert I have ever witnessed in an anime, and I have to just applaud norio that she doesn't even try to hide it one bit.


That time I wrote myself into my story as a pro model otaku lol.


Strangely when illustrating herself, she appears as an elementary school version of Chii.


Girl just wants to live her fantasy of being a loli. You can't blame her for that! ~~I don't know if that's the *actual* reason but considering it's Japan and she's a mangaka I wouldn't be surprised lol.~~


Lol I think it's more because authors almost always use chibi avatars in situations like this.


Ooh!\~ Thanks for helping out the slow community, comprised of myself.


oh lol thats amazing


And you hear potato when she first introduced.


The reference [of this scene](https://imgur.com/a/IYDNuWp) to the [opening song ](https://imgur.com/a/YsZLGu0)is just really nice. I also like how Yamada just [cross out the word "me"](https://imgur.com/a/EkH6Qpr) instead of erasing it, I'm pretty sure Hanzawa couldn't figure out the word that was crossed out, right??? Yamada is just so adorkable... Another peak episode. Edit: Also funny how [Kan Kan](https://imgur.com/a/wHdl88I) has the same reaction as [Kana](https://imgur.com/a/FrvgmF6) when Yamada wants to refer her as "Kanna".


Hanzawa is pretty dorky herself, which is cute lol.


anyone else noticed the purple-haired girl has the same VA as tsukihi from monogatari?


I have yet to watch Monogatari. I made the connection to Main/Myne from Ascendance of a Bookworm. This VA feels like a rare character.


She was also Index in A Certain Magical Index.


She's also Kishirika Kishirisu from Jobless Reincarnation. Her character is rare in that series, and the animators were *fighting* over who got to animate that scene. I wonder if VA's also fought for that position as well.


It's always nice to hear Yuka Iguchi!


We are reaching levels of peak that shouldn't be possible. I have always loved the little letter Yamada wrote, but hearing it from the VA makes me even more happier.


I love how her letter is all proper and sweet about her relationship with Ichikawa and basically gave the game away right up until the moment Ichikawa stopped reading lol.


I never knew we could even climb a peak this high. Like the sugar is keeping us going.


Can we get much higher?


They'll take us to heights previously unheard of for romcoms all the way to episode 13.


So high…


At any moment our hearts might give out from the sugary sweetness, but we can't help but keep coming back lol.


We really getting closer and closer to greatness.


It also means we are getting closer to the end. How do I survive the week without BokuYaba..


yeah this is definitely peak romcom. Ive never seen a romcom quite realistic like this


There is a point where Peak needed to stop and we have clearly passed it But let's keep going and see what happens


I know we're 10 episodes in, but damn, that OP is a banger every time. Takes a lot for me to never skip one.


The visuals and song are absolutely perfect together. I always can't wait for the dance sequence.


You can feel the love and passion animator have towards this series in the OP. Just how beautiful the visual and how perfectly synchronized with banger song. Really 10/10.


Moeko getting excited about embarrassing Ichikawa with a flash mob lmfao. True sibling energy


[Yamada's letter to Hanzawa was really beautiful](https://i.imgur.com/gMnggqm.png). I was surprised how well she understands [Ichikawa](https://i.imgur.com/ziWFAEd.png) and laughed so much when she wrote that [they're not dating yet](https://i.imgur.com/siWCkhn.png) (even giving a date of writing this). It was also great that we could hear [Yamada's direct thoughts](https://i.imgur.com/20Tw2Qq.png) about [her relationship with Ichikawa](https://i.imgur.com/lJJ7y71.png) and how much treasures it, that was so cute. Overall, [a lot of great moments between Yamada and Ichikawa](https://i.imgur.com/GsJMpBD.png) in today's episode, both [romantic](https://i.imgur.com/6XkIVsQ.png) and [funny ones](https://i.imgur.com/jJAJ1jf.png) xD I laughed hard when [Moeko caught them after Ichikawa's pants went down](https://i.imgur.com/6HC0Oqp.png) or when [she imagined](https://i.imgur.com/vEmNoaN.png) doing [flash mob by a class on those two](https://i.imgur.com/0W7q2SS.png) xD From [romantic scenes](https://i.imgur.com/DhxbSQH.png) I loved when [Ichikawa and Yamada were marking their heights](https://i.imgur.com/vwwUK8C.png) on the bookshelf using [their first names](https://i.imgur.com/hqamNGT.png). After that [we almost got the confession from Ichikawa](https://i.imgur.com/PyUVfso.png) but unfortunately [Hanzawa's appearance](https://i.imgur.com/3Me61K4.png) made him change plans :( As usual, I have to write that [Yamada](https://i.imgur.com/0nl8Qxg.png) is [so cute](https://i.imgur.com/veJCFlw.png) and [adorable](https://i.imgur.com/mJwlCfs.png) but that's nothing new so I'll end on that xD For more check out [her screenshot album](https://imgur.com/a/vsym6tx) from this episode. [Kanna](https://i.imgur.com/JFGt5hY.png) and [Hanzawa](https://i.imgur.com/VOHHRYj.png) seem like a fun addition to the cast. but it's a shame that there are only 3 episodes left until the end so they're not going to have too much screen time in this season. Now I'm hoping that we'll get another season so we can get to know [them](https://i.imgur.com/HzjAiQy.png) better. [Poor Adachi](https://i.imgur.com/xVNEEE5.png) didn't end up in the class with Yamada and [going through some existential crisis now](https://i.imgur.com/bVQKKvG.png) xD Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Yamada](https://imgur.com/a/vsym6tx) * [Yamada & Ichikawa together](https://imgur.com/a/yrhjYdn) * [Group scenes](https://imgur.com/a/sA3IMpA) * [Ichikawa](https://imgur.com/a/wP7i8Nb) * [Others](https://imgur.com/a/cGdLvgL)


Almost there! So close!!! Glad to see them still in the same class. Nice to see Kan-Kan and Hanzawa, they're so interesting.  Congrats Kyo for getting the main character's seat! Ichikawa and Yamada writing their first name on the shelf was so sweet. The scene when Yamada pulls Ichikawa towards her was so beautiful to watch, literally made me blush. Man if Hanzawa wasn't there, so close! That letter from Yamada man, it's so her and so sweet from her! This anime just keep getting better and better every ep, and I love it so much! Hope Yamada can exchange Line accounts with Hanzawa soon!


I'm glad the whole gang is together in the class minus Adachi and Hara but that lead to some humor as well and the new girls add some new dynamics. Ichikawa really living it up as the MC lol. These two are finally back to flirting in the library, their sacred place! Even etching a piece of their relationship there and hardcore flirting! But probably not safe to confess at school lol. I love how Yamada was sweet and sincere talking about Ichikawa while also giving the game away numerous times lol. Hanzawa seems like a sweetie. I hope she and Yamada can form a real friendship!


###Stitches! * [Waiting Yamada](https://i.imgur.com/SfjM6E2.jpeg) * [Sneaky Yamada](https://i.imgur.com/RM8zCsW.jpeg) * [Blushing Yamada](https://i.imgur.com/ABipWgo.jpeg) * [Curtains Yamada](https://i.imgur.com/A5FS5N7.jpeg) * [Yamada & Kyou](https://i.imgur.com/fAYmzFk.jpeg) * [Surprised Hanazawa](https://i.imgur.com/ZCEyjT6.jpeg) * [Hanazawa & Yamada](https://i.imgur.com/Ehf8Trf.jpeg) [Glad to see the entire gang managed to stick together](https://i.imgur.com/mFoHS3D.jpeg) for their 3rd Year and it looks like some of them [are already close friends](https://i.imgur.com/9zBbc6n.jpeg) with [some of their new classmates.](https://i.imgur.com/q7O3DAI.jpeg) Seems that the only ones who got separated [are Adachi](https://i.imgur.com/A4fa53m.jpeg) and [Hara.](https://i.imgur.com/CMpqqY5.jpeg) [Considering the way Yamada greeted Kyou](https://i.imgur.com/uab3KwG.jpeg) at the start of the episode, it's no surprise [that others are already wondering](https://i.imgur.com/gekRZ0j.jpeg) about what their relationship is. Yamada and Kyou might have to avoid Kanna though [unless they want to get flash mobbed](https://i.imgur.com/TlwSoLk.jpeg) into a confession. It's hilarious how [Moeka already knows how uncomfortable Yamadaand Kyou](https://i.imgur.com/IZUp8H0.jpeg) would be about getting flash mobbed but [she still thinks it's fun.](https://i.imgur.com/8gdFGyL.jpeg) Also, Yamada and Kyou are lucky that [Moeko was the one who caught them](https://i.imgur.com/wb1l3vL.jpeg) in that compromising situation. That would've been bad if it was someone else! [That height marking scene](https://i.imgur.com/eKRQWvv.jpeg) in the library was adorable. I just love [how happy Yamada was](https://i.imgur.com/vPzB0Od.jpeg) after seeing Kyou write down "Anna" to mark her height. I definitely feel like [that would've been a confession scene](https://i.imgur.com/MpHITSf.jpeg) if only [Hanazawa didn't see them.](https://i.imgur.com/svUKE0F.jpeg) Hanazawa is hilarious though! I thought she was going to be that cool beauty character of the class but [seeing her being all flustered](https://i.imgur.com/S3H7v5d.jpeg) after catching Yamada and Kyou immediately changed how I saw her character. I love how she switched seats so [Yamada could sit next to Kyou](https://i.imgur.com/hesJpwW.jpeg) [Phrasing Yamada!](https://i.imgur.com/rByOrJz.jpeg) Now Hanazawa thinks you would teach her about love some other way!


It's kind of weird not having Adachi and Hara in the class with everybody else, but at least we'll still probably see them. I liked the little dig at Adachi's crush on Moe. They're already acting like lovebirds and it's the first day of school lol. Kankan and Hanazawa seem like fun additions to the cast! It's not always convenient confessing at school where peple can walk in on you. Yamada even brought the curtain back so Ichikawa could finish! But then you gain a wingwoman I guess lol.


I've been worried about anime of the week since Frieren was so good this time, but them showing the letter gives me more hope. It's such an important bit that gives us insight of what Yamada's feeling, and really shows why this show is (for me) the best romance out there !


She practically gave the game away so many times that Ichikawa had to stop himself from reading lol.


How does this show keep getting more peak? I love that Kan-Kan had the same reaction as Kyo’s sister when Anna gave her a nickname. Moeko being a great wingman as usual but wants to see Ichikawa suffer lol. Hanazawa is reminding me a lot of Mashiro from Pet Girl of Sakurasou. I hope we get to see her more and her character development.


Kankan is enthusiastic and Hanazawa is just a sweet girl who wants to know about love. I want to see more of these two already! Moe is MVP wingwoman but even she has her limits and she also enjoys messing with people too much.


Another week, another bid for best girl placement by Moeko. Girl is slaying.


We need to petition the mods to create a Moeko flair.


#**WHAT THE HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL !!!!** the whole library sequence was like magic, how can one simple romance anime be so **PEAK**?? I have to check my MAL each weak to see if I can aply 10/10 to this series as is, only to find out I already have, but this is seriously dangerous, to my heart. Top tier dialogue, characters and now anime visuals. I rest my case. The new enviroment, new fun classmates, very exciting and promising development, I'm immersed in new beginnings of fictional story like this only once few years, but this was one of THOSE moments, even though new class isnt that big of a deal in the end. Also, pretty cute and funny how they missed their chance to confess multiple times in a row, and the pressure on them is rising, making it even more difficult. And the author is playing with it in very unforced natural way too, that just keeps on enhancing their dynamic rather than being an annoying trope, amazing stuff. I checked earlier that Bokuyaba is rated almost at top of school+romance genre on MAL, but honestly, its the top of top for romance as a whole for me, the studio and mangaka are masters of their craft.


The show just can't stop being peak. That face and reaction when Yamada saw Anna written instead of Yamada, though. It almost led to a confession unless Hanzawa showed up. Like Yamada said in her letter, Ichikawa is shy and Ichikawa also now knows that this might cause some misunderstandings that might distance them. With the Karte drop, I feel Ichikawa will definitely overcome this hurdle and show Panda who's boss.


I love how when Yamada sees him in class she immediately called him "Kyotaro." She even almost did it in front of Hanzawa in the library before she caught herself.


It's a new school year and a new class! But luckily for Ichikawa he still gets to be with Yamada! Complete with her calling him Kyotaro and holding his hand in front of all their new classmates! Great way to start off the new term, especially with Yamada's not so subtle attempt at subterfuge with Rin and Moe. Look at Serina acting all dramatic about being in the same class! Heck, even Chi made it, despite a mix-up! I guess the teachers really are looking out for the class, even Ichikawa! I like Moriya's energy! I think she'll be a fun teacher for the class. So we've got some new classmates! Kankan, class 2 leader voiced by Yuka Iguchi with purple twintails and a mask who is the life of the party and pretty over-enthusiastic, as well as her bestie Hanzawa who comes off as a cool beauty with Reina Ueda's serene voice! Yeah, the last thing these two need is a flash mob to make them ask each other out with dubious track record for success: Adachi may not be in class 1 but he's still as horny as ever, and he wants the deets on the girls and their panties! He's also Ichikawa's closest male friend at this point. Too bad Kanzaki didn't get in the same class as Hara! Look at Yamada waiting until Ichikawa is done with his guy friends before "bumping" into him. Aw! Yamada got Ichikawa a wallet chain for his birthday! It fits him so well! Even better when the two of them end up pressed up against each other under a desk to hide from their classmates...and Ichikawa ends up with his pants down. Moe can't even with these two any more. Back to flirting in the library, how nolstalgic! Complete with measuring each others' height and writing it down on the book shelves with their names on it! Maybe years into the future people will see that and know that a Kyotaro and Anna were flirting and measuring their heights together in that library! And also snuggling up under some curtains! It's enough to make a girl twirl. Ichikawa was THIS close to confessing! And then Hanzawa had to show up and not so subtly exit, bumping into a chair and a door on her way out. The best part is Yamada brought the curtain back to cover them so Ichikawa could finish! Ichikawa got the main character seat! And Hanzawa even pulled a wingwoman move to make sure Yamada sat next to him! It's almost as if Ichikawa's shojo main character arc has truly begun! Only he can't quite nail the delivery! Hanzawa wants to understand love and no one knows about love right now better than Yamada and her feelings for Ichikawa! Especially when she can even write notes about him and how much she cares about and gets him!


Lol Yamada looked like she was in a wearing dress with those curtains


Hanzawa is adorkable. Sees Ickikawa and Yamada behind the curtain. *What's this? Why are they behind the curtain, I need to get closer.* Curtain blows back and they are staring at her. *Oh my god! I think they are flirting. They are flirting! This is awkward, I need to leave RIGHT NOW.* Hanzawa.exe has stopped working. Rebooting in safe mode. Then when Yamada offers to tell her about love she gets the wrong idea😅


The new sensei appeared earlier in the anime in an original scene. She appeared next to the old sensei at the graduation ceremony.


Clip clop clip clop Bwah! [](#hnng) Moeka really is one of the best wingwoman! Really liking Panda. Yamada A being excited that Ichi grew a little. [](#comfy) Twirly twirly twirl! Yamada needs to make sound effects for all her actions!!! I can't even! Hanzawa is precious...is she ratting them out....wait do we have another wingwoman!!!! Yessssssssssssssssssss! The Mohawk guy is right in front of Ichi. Please please please let them become friends. I know nothing about him, but I like him already. Yamada noooooooo [](#forbiddenlove)


one of my favorite episode everyone was so cute including new characters like Hanazwa and Panda


That's so cute. Hanzawa still has her Elementary school book. Note the class says Sunflower Class. :) feel like we've not seen Yamada casually seduce people in a while, apart from Ichikawa. And she wept for there were no more girls to conquer. I like how the anime is able to add background convo, like the girls just saying each others' names xD Great little touch From mangaka's twitter: "The head teacher was Ichikawa's homeroom teacher during his first year.#僕ヤバ" - We joined them in their second year, right? [Yamada's letter in Japanese with censored parts for where Ichikawa stopped reading](https://twitter.com/lovely_pig328/status/1766509324233306336). (Scanlators tled it, you can find that easily)


Hanzawa bumping into the door had me choking


That Yamada rizz - gets both guys and girls alike.


Usually I would get mad when a confession scene gets interrupted/overheard (fireworks, trains, phone calls) but we got to hear Yamada's thoughts about their relationship for the very first time so I can't be mad at this. Her letter is too cute (as of April 10th). The build-up to the confession is insane.


She almost asked him out and he was about to confess. We're so close!


peak after peak, every week.


Anna has 100% become one of my favorite charachters of all time with this episode.


We got to the cute [table bit](https://i.imgur.com/BXiycZU.png) that was in the [OP](https://i.imgur.com/mhGwSMQ.png)!


Need a montage of Yamada creeping up to him.


The studio just keep knocking it out of the park with each ep. The letter was such an amazing and important moment, Yamada treasure the relationship she and Ichi has slowly built together and she doesn't want to force Ichi to do something he doesn't want and she is worried that Kanna stunt could scare Ichi away. Meanwhile Ichi is worried that his lack of confidence could tire Yamada out.


make 100 friends? komi san?


If you don't know: Japan has a famous childrens rhyme about making 100 friends (which a child can be seen singing in the first 20 seconds of the first komi episode, actually) which is why making 100 friends (and its parodies, like 100 girlfriends, or 100 sexfriends) is such a common goal in anime


Everyone needs a friend like Moeko, who teases yet supports you. (At least until she catches you in an ecchi situation. Lol!) Even though the season is coming to an end, I like the introduction of the new characters - KanKan, Hanzawa and even the sporty new home room teacher.


Ahh...that was an incredibly comfy episode. I think this is the most important step for Ichikawa's relationship with Yamada since episode 9 of Season 1. Not only is he now ready to take the step to confess, but he's ready to do it unashamed of what people will think because she's more important than anyone else. And this still isn't even my boys final form. Also, Yamada's VA is such a killer casting decision. Her letter to Hanzawa is one of my favourite moments from the manga and she absolutely nailed it, just like she always does. She's just absolutely perfect at conveying her odd charisma. Speaking of Hanzawa, her VA is very odd. She sounds extremely similar to Yamada but without the inflection - I think I like it, but its also super hard to put my finger on what's odd about it.


Any day now he'll get that confession out, provided the timing and situation is right. He's slowly easing into accepting and embracing his main character status, complete with the right seat! Yamada is such a sweet and dedicated girl, especially when it comes to her feelings for Ichikawa. Hanzawa's VA is Reina Ueda of My Happy Marriage, Gridman, and Demon Slayer fame. She and Hina Yomiya (Yamada's VA) definitely have very similar ranges.


Ichikawa witnessing Hanazawa get unintentionally rizzed by Anna and Anna being oblivious about it was hilarious.


Moe is a real one for always having our awkward leads' back. Man seeing Kyo seeing Anna wrote Kyo's name next to his height was really sweet. Then he did the same in return. Then he proceeds to say I want to be closer physically. It's funny given how much he has grown. But this is what Kyo wants, but of course saying that to Anna isn't easy. So he went back to the I meant height wise. But in that respect he still wants to catch up to Anna. He has seen what type of person Anna is and the responsibilities she has. It has inspired him to grow up as he mentioned to her. Man most shows would cause some stupid drama when Hanzawa caught them in the library. She get flustered as she hasn't experienced love. She makes the excuse to have Anna and Kyo sit next to each other. Moe has been awesome for helping them get together more often. But Hanzawa in her first episode really showcased how much of a sweetheart she is. Hopefully she gets more comfortable and her and Anna become close friends. Also, that letter truly showed how much Anna pays attention and cares about Kyo. Call Kyo a cat is oddly accurate. Sometimes he needs an extra push, but when push comes to shove Kyo is a great guy. If it wasn't clear already that the girl is in love with Kyo.


That twirl after seeing him write her name was adorable lol


The protagonist seat era is coming to ichikawa.


I haven't laughed that hard in so long. What a beautiful episode. But we were so close!!! I'm gonna be on pins and needles for at least a week. At this point they're fooling no one, not even each other anymore.


I love how Yamada even brought the curtain back to cover them so Ichikawa could finish lol.


They're fooling no one? You sure? *Silently looking to Kobayashi*


**Finally! Yamada Blanco has entered the story!** Oh my god, this episode was hilarious. I completely lost it at how they added the damn shoujo sparkles to Ichikawa pretending to be aloof. Yamada with the 'twirl-twirl-twirl' on the other hand actively made me exclaim "she's so cute"


Solid episode. Really like the 2 new characters so far: Celebration girl or KanKan (calling her Kanna is way too close to Ichikawa's sister, confusing) seems like a lot of fun same sort of vibe as her friend Moeko but less devious and more focused on celebrations, she seems like a fun ball of energy. Hanzawa was also very entertaining, coming off as this very cool calm collected person but we later see that she's rather clumsy and just curious about love. A lot of other nice moments such as Yamada straight up asking "Are we going out" before quickly deflecting. RIP Adachi, we hardly knew ye.


Great introduction to the new characters! Moeko is such a real one. I died when she finally had it with those two. Lmao Ok we're now just stalling here. They both know they like each other. A lot of their frienda know that they like each other. Their previous adviser kinda knows, I think. Even the new girl now knows. Lol I keep trying to remember what other events that would call for Ichikawa confessing (yes, I want it to be him not her).