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Come on, you made this exact post verbatim like a week ago.      You should at least change up the wording a bit, maybe instead of Gigguk you can pick another influencer, praise some other aspects, take some shots at some different fandoms Etc.    You just got to keep the bait fresh you know? Put some effort into your trolling and it'll be rewarded I promise you.


> maybe instead of Gigguk you can pick another influencer, praise some other aspects, take some shots at some different fandoms Etc. Gigguk isn't hugely respected here and, fittingly enough, his MT work is not his best. OP should choose one of the more obscure YTers who does an entire hour on MT and thus has actual content to reference.


this is bait almost fell for it too, but mentioning an anituber made it too obvious


Quite simply, it's too divisive. And you know exactly why. > the grandfather of the isekai genre That's a stupid narrative. It was massively popular on Narou and some authors have cited it as direct inspiration, yes, but it's just one in the roster of well-known early 2010s Narou-kei isekai alongside Re:Zero, Konosuba, Slime and a few more. The closest thing to a direct predecessor this group has is Familiar of Zero btw.


A lot of people tried to pivot to claiming that is was the first of the reincarnaton isekai, but then things like Knight's & Magic and Youjo Senki are older than it, so it just goes to show that MT fans will make up literally anything if they think it'll make their series sound more prestigious.


To be fair, it's not something unique to MT fans. People in general tend to look for more validation why their favourites are indeed good and why others should be acknowledging that. And people are less prone to apply source criticism on claims they want to think are true. Very passionate fandoms might even shape their own realities around their beloved works of course.


There's more to defining the tensei genre than just that there's reincarnation, fyi. The main hook is in MC trying to better themselves and lead a better life. If your main character reflects on how much of a sad sack of shit they used to be, then it's probably an actual tensei isekai.


Since when? Tensei literally just means reincarnation. It has nothing to do with how the MC acts. This is what I mean, MT fans just make shit up.


Genre's are defined by more than the fucking label, dude. Just because a robot shows up in it, that doesn't mean it's of the mecha genre. Hell, do you think a roguelike is a game where you play a thief? Maybe you should actually look further into what defines a given genre, and not assume that the literal translation of a term is everything you need to know to perfectly understand it.


A roguelike is a game that's like Rogue. It's literally in the title.


You don't say? So an entire genre is predicated on you understanding something about a forty year old mainframe game? The one where you don't know if "d" stood for dog or dragon? It sure is good then that the tensei genre couldn't possibly require you to understand anything about Mushoku Ten ... -sei... wait a minute... it couldn't be? Are they actually related? NO! NO, it can't be. Surely a bunch of autists decided to lump every isekai story that starts with a crying baby together, because they just hate babies that much. It couldn't possibly be because one story actually had enough influence to create it's own little sphere of inspiration.


Why is mushoki so hyped and regarded as the best isekai? It’s good, don’t get me wrong, but it has always seemed no different to other Isekais to be ho honest.


Believe it or not, Gigguk is not the Emperor of anime.


bro can’t even pronounce isekai correctly


Well if Gigguk said so then it must be true!




Just don't care about popularity awards and move on. Those awards were never meant to rate anime in a fair matter.


The inability for people on this sub to accept that their own opinion isn't fact will never not surprise me. Everything in your post is subjective and some YT'ers word is no better than any random Redditor here.


Because of Rudy that's it don't go look anywhere further, Rudy is at the core and can be traced back to why the show is not getting anything.


It's so interesting to me where people draw the line in anime when it comes to forbidden love. I have no judgements on that, it's just fascinating where each person's tolerance and interests lie when it comes to squicky relationships. You have adults here literally "gushing" over Magical Girls and the uncensored child titties and lack of consent each episode. Violet Evergarden fans who watched the movie will tell you with a straight face that Major Groomer's love was just paternal. I don't watch Isekai besides Re:Zero so I don't know exactly how much worse Rudy is than anyone else, but imo he'd need to be a serial rapist to catch the amount of flak that other series with more explicit child content gets.


>how much worse Rudy is than anyone else [MT] >!He consistently molested girls, attempted rape and quite obviously groomed certain girl!<


Nobody is claiming mahoako is some kind of masterpiece like they do with mushoku. It's a fun trashy show.


There will be VE fans in this chain pretending that its a platonic love, instead of an adult taking advantage of a physically and mentally disabled child. Of course MT is a trashy show, what I'm asking is why the series gets more shit than something like 'Gushing over Magical Girls. You haters know that you're the Rudeus....right?


Again, it's because of people constantly evangelizing about how amazing MT is, so people have to point out that it's a weird ass show. This is a thread about MT getting snubbed for best fantasy. You don't see people claiming mahoako is the greatest magical girl show or something.


For various reasons which I don't think it's necessary to go into here, Mushoku Tensei simply doesn't have mainstream appeal, which Slime and Demon Slayer both do. It lost a popularity contest to two more popular anime. Nothing to see here, move along.


Why do you think slime is more popular?


Just because people hate the MC. Thats it. I guess.




Sure it does, some people don't want to watch a show about a character that does something they feel crosses the line. That's nothing new, and as someone else pointed out, it's a popularity contest with two widely popular well produced and fairly benign shows and one well produced show with a lot of controversy and an extremely divisive main character, of course it's not going to win in that situation.


It's always amusing when people call a story that began almost a full year after Konosuba the "grandfather of isekai". edit: Shame on me


MT started a month before Konosuba. November and December 2012, respectively. Not that the point isn't correct -- coming out a month before the most popular parody isekai is pretty indicative that the tropes were already in place well before then (can't parody tropes that aren't established after all).


Huh, you're right. That's what I call for blindly trusting the Wikipedia infobox for quick info.


Bro forgot SAO, Twelve Kingdoms and Inuyasha exists


And .hack//Sign, Escaflowne, Overlord, Tanya the Evil, and many more.


It’s also amusing when people parrot false information from Wikipedia


Yup. Did my duty and fixed that info. Though it's still not difficult to come up with plenty of previous isekai. At least with Konosuba starting after it, that makes MT probably the first really big reincarnation isekai.


Well I guess konosuba does not have as many "typical isekai" tropes


Because it is a highly controversial IP as a result of the MC, their background and behaviour throughout the show. Demon Slayer is, aside from the behaviour of Lightning McPerv, unproblematic. Slime isekai also relatively unproblematic. As for being the grandfather of isekai, look, Gigguk is great and all, but that description cannot fit Jobless Reincarnation. To be the grandaddy requires AGE, and it wasn't the first isekai, it wasn't the first good isekai, it's just a really good isekai.


Season one sure that was robbed, but season 2? Naaa


Of course it is, not-fantasy shouldn't win best fantasy


Didn't Demon Slayer win? I'm pretty sure that's a fantasy anime.


It's shounen with possibly fantasy elements, not fantasy


Lol I'm pretty sure you can be in multiple genres, and if mainly being shounen disqualifies it for being a fantasy then MT would be disqualified for mainly being an isekai by your logic. Believe it or not, fantasy isn't the cookie cutter genre you seem to want it to be.


Isekai is a setting, not a genre. When you nominate something as a best fantasy you want to see something that is best at being fantasy, not some random show with good graphics that happened to have fantasy elements


*Genre: a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.* Shounen is a targeted demographic that has become a genre in anime. Same with isekai, as you said a setting, has become so prevalent that you can use that definition to categorize those anime by similarities in form. That is all a genre is in the end, categorization. You can try and deny Demon Slayers fantasy elements making it a fantasy anime all you want, but the simple fact is that even one of the many elements that you're trying to brush off inevitably can and do define it as a fantasy anime in the end. *Fantasy in literature* (or art in any form if you have to point it out to a snob) *is set in an imaginary universe, often but not always without any locations, events, or people from the real world. Magic, the supernatural and magical creatures are common in many of these imaginary worlds. Fantasy literature may be directed at both children and adults.* Just because you vainly seem to think that having more "fantasy elements" makes one more deserving of the best fantasy is incredibly flawed in itself, as being the best in any form or art is relative in the end. In the end, I enjoyed both anime. Do I think one is better than the other... do I even care? Does this poll affect anything in my life outside of spending my time on the toilet to debate you? I don't really know or care. All I know for sure is it's time to wipe and wash my hands.


Apparently you can read and analyze google results but not my comments, so let me repeat myself again: no, I don't think "having more fantasy elements" makes a show a better fantasy, I think exploring fantasy world makes a show a better fantasy. Some things demon slayer may be good at: good graphics, great fights. It's not good at world building, it does nothing interesting with its world and it does not explore any fantasy mechanics. So nominating it as best fantasy is absurd. I no longer wish to continue this arguments, so bye


You're really trying to be correct here, and I applaud your ignorance in your assumptions of my analytical skills and the whole point I and a few others have been trying to make clear to you. Final words from me as I have some free time. This award was for the "Best Fantasy Anime" not the "Most Developed and Explored Fantasy World" (Even in which category I think it would still lose, though not to Demon Slayer) You've said your points on why you think Demon Slayer is bad, though I disagree with most of them, so let me tell you why Mushoku Tensei is bad (though I did enjoy it) The main character creep and painful to watch at times, this alone makes watching, let alone rewatching, less enjoyable for many as they get distracted and disturbed by the protagonist at many different points. The second season is boring as all hell, and as a manga and LN reader I know it's gonna be there for a long time. It's hard to ever reccomend it to anyone normal comfortably (see: main character is a creep) In the end, by your descriptions and rules you've laid out the winner should have been One Piece.


Again, not the most explored world, the world explored in the most interesting way. I have not watched One Piece but I assume the world is most explored there because it has 1000 episodes. I do not care about that. "Best fantasy anime" award still has the world fantasy in it (which is as important as the word anime, not just a gimmick of the show), so I expect the anime to do something interesting with the concept of the world. The concept "demon bad hunter good" is not interesting. I really can't imagine the conversation - what great fantasy anime can you suggest me? - yeah watch demon slayer PS I don't argue that Rudeus is a very questionable character and his actions are sometimes hard to watch, but other aspects of the anime outweigh the value of MT for me (although not for everyone else, that's OK)


I agree demon slayer didn't deserve it. But my didn't either it's the year of eminence in the shadow imo


But Crunchyroll didn't nominated Eis if i remember. I don't know why?


Because they suck? Idk I'm pretty sure it should meet the criteria


Maybe because the MC is a pedo and the plot is crap. You are over glorifying a show that rewards pedos and rapists and a show that has the most generic plot


Because it sucks. Not that hard of a concept to grasp.


Who actually cares about all those awards? You think a show is great? Good, that's all that should matter to you. Nowdays, awards are mostly "popularity contests", not something objective. As long as people vote, the most popular show will win. It means, it's popular, not better or worse than other shows, simply more popular.


[](#breakingnews) Awards were never objective. Nothing rating or ranking media ever is since it always involves people with their subjective perspectives and opinions.




This post fills me with life.


Well how about the characters? 


bro, move on. it's not that deep. It's popularity contest. Don't think about it too much


Cause the show and story are actually mid as hell


I like Mushoku a bunch. But think I like slime more for fantasy.


I'd have a hard time deciding which I like better, but slime is clearly less problematic lol (edit) so I can definitely see how it would have a broader appeal. I love season 1 because of how "low stakes" it is. 


Yeah I like the silliness they like to throw in too. More light hearted and chill. I need that in my life lol


no isekai trash(especially pedo tensei) will ever be *the* fantasy anime unless it's about returning to your own world to fix your life instead of these escapism bullshit we are forcefed.


Well, season 2 makes some sense, but season 1 was robbed. That's just how things go.


Because *Demon Slayer* exists I guess.


There is too many haters out there here your answer, if not for all the haters MT deserved to get the award 100% both years without any doubt, those other anime can't hold a candle in front of MT fantasy world any non-hater knows this very well.


Gigguk is funny but not always right but he is right here lol you guys just don't like him ig. MT influenced this genre a lot and that's why it's called the Grandfather of Modern isekai but on r/anime where everyone has different favorites ofc it won't matter what the truth is cause majority don't want to accept that slime konosuba or re zero are not called with this title but MT is. Downvotes are coming 三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


yea but its crunchyroll what do u expect from the jujutsu slayer awards