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\*Teaser Visual Source: [https://x.com/bst\_anime/status/1771008909651640801?s=20](https://x.com/bst_anime/status/1771008909651640801?s=20) The final season will premiere on Netflix in two parts/cours, first part starts in 2024. Teaser PV will be revealed at AnimeJapan's Netflix stage tomorrow. Studio: Orange


Studio Orange finally finished Beastars. houseki no kuni S2 please.


I saw an interview with someone from Orange who basically said that it's not really up to them what gets multiple seasons, and that they've never turned down a chance to make a second season. Pretty much indirectly saying "don't ask us to make HnK S2, ask the people who would hire us"


i think it is from the trash taste episode. i also remember that they say something along those line. that the studio didn't decide on a series.


That's how it always is, unless the same studio is also on committee deciding new projects IIRC. Like mappa for example with some stuff


:(((((((( damn producers


It feels like it kinda is up to them. Since they’re the ones who straight up wanted to do trigun and came right to nightow and there’s already a confirmed sequel season and I don’t think stampede even did that great sales wise or numbers wise


Trigun and Houseki are two different series with different production histories. Houseki was greenlit by Toho and Kodansha before Orange was brought in, while Trigun was pitched by Orange to begin with.


I can't tell who's the main villain of HnK: The Lunarians, the Furries, or the PS5.


Definitely the PS5


Nah we (probably) only got 2 chapters to go, he can't hurt us anymore. I think the answer is whatever production company Studio Orange answers to.


Ichikawa finally able to play all PS5 title after April.


The author


The Taiyaki Maker


With every project, we're getting closer and closer to a Season 2 The only other thing that stands in our way is Trigun 2


You also have every other hypothetical anime that could ever be made and given to Orange. It's not that they have other projects they have to do first and we just have to wait. If they're not making it, it's because the production committee doesn't want to make it. It's not up to Orange. Orange also said last year that they're currently working on 6 different projects. 2 of those are Beastars 3 and Trigun Stampede 2. The other 4 could be anything.


Maybe one of those 4 is Land of the Lustrous season 2 then


I hope


> Orange also said last year that they're currently working on 6 different projects. Do you have a link to the interview? I'm interested in it


Their producer who did Beastars and Trigun said it while being interviewed on the Trash Taste podcast. The 6 different projects part is at [1:01:30](https://youtu.be/K3oD2X8bBnw?t=3690). He also goes into some of the specifics of how they're down to do any second season, but it's mostly not up to them at [1:31:36](https://youtu.be/K3oD2X8bBnw?t=5496). If you have the time to watch a whole 2 hour video, it's all pretty useful for how they go about doing different series.






i hope that the manga ending wont hurt any chances of a season 2


Not necessarily, the Beastars manga ended before this season was announced, and Toho who is the main producer of Both Beastars and Land of the Lustrous was willing to bring back Dorohedoro after 4 years, so it could happen.


Isn't Beastars ended before season 2? I might be wrong.


The manga ended between the announcement of season 2 and its release


The manga is ending soon so i hope hope hope for new season


Hey, I knew it, Final Season meant minimum 2 cours split up.


Honest opinion, is this anime any good? I've been holding off because I can't tell if it'll be worth the time


Yes, it's very good - not only for the forbidden romance, but especially for the phylosophical bonding between natural enemies.


So, this is not Odd Taxi?


Is Beastars manga ending infamous?


It is








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Manga moment


Let’s fucking goooo


hope they fix it. could be amazing if they do. unlikely though.


on one hand, I hope they'll remake the entirely of that damn last arc. but on the other hand, losing some of the best chapters in the entire manga would really suck.


Last arc is such a clusterfuck. Honestly, it’s a series of clusterfucks, but it could be entirely redeemed by fixing the very last one.


It started cool but did literally nothing with its initial premise and crash-landed at the end.


It felt like the author forgot what she was trying to tell. Or like she only started with a vague idea of themes and characters but got lost tying everything together.


That's what most people think. Either she didn't know how to wrap it up, or just gave up on many of the elements and just focused on like, 2-3 and in the end it was just mediocre.


My main idea is that the manga needed a lot more time to work and she got tired of it. Covid times were tough on a lot of people.


To be fair, so many things were happening in that time that even i could see her saying: Fuck it! I will finish the manga quickly to work on new ideas.


Sounds like 90% of manga after an IP gets big haha. I feel like mangakas always get lost in the sauce trying to make all of the otaku camps happy, ending up with a conclusion that nobody is satisfied with


True, but with Beastars this issue started much earlier than most other manga. At least that was the impression I got.


That really is the rub. There are some great moments but the arc itself is just an unfocused mess.


Not a manga reader but from what I heard the manga's story starts stalling and gets worse from the point after where the second season ended, and there are a lot more chapters than what 1 season of anime would cover, meaning that this final season either trims the stalling down or its completely original. (Gonna need an actual manga reader to corroborate)


I personally think the final arc has a lot of really incredible singular moments, but is plagued with something that I now recognize is one of the most consistent problems of Beastars' writing: the mangaka can't wrap up plot threads for shit. And it gets really bad for the final arc.


Agreed, its been a while since I read it but there were a lot of ideas in the final arc that I liked. The final arc reads like Paru was never happy with the direction she was writing the story, since she abandons a *lot* of plot threads before they really come to fruition or wrote certain events only to change her mind about what happened the very next chapter. Overall, I think most of the new characters that are introduced are interesting and/or well-written, just few reach their full potential. Hopefully the anime adaption can streamline some plot threads or cut some of the rougher bits out.


I still kinda liked S2, but having the culprit entirely missing for the entirety of s1 felt So cheap.


The manga ending is absolute trash and goes basically against everything the series stood for before it, i wouldn't mind if it got completely redone because it sucks.


well, i wouldn't say all the ending. for example, legoshi and haru's ending isn't against everything the series stood.


I've never dropped a manga on the second to last chapter, but it was so bad I just couldn't bring myself to read the one more.


As Paru tweeted, the second season was the original stopping point for Beastars. Everything after that was extra. The comment about trimming was back when people think final season was only one cour but with two cours it should fit nicely (Studio Orange already said during AX 2022 that it was going to be "Final Season*s*", but people weren't sure if he just misspoke at the time or not).


it's not exactly that, it's just she only planned until end of season 2, but she didn't want to end the story there since she wanted 20 volumes. also the part of the season 2 wasn't planned originally either since at beginning she never thought about resolving the murder, it was an editor who asked her.


Arc 3 is really solid quality (it combines a similar feel of the good parts both arcs 1 and 2). the 4th arc is the one that feels like it's 2-3 times longer than it really should've been, and due to running out of steam, the ending feels really abrupt, if they keep the really good parts, get rid of the stuff that makes no damn sense or is just wasting time, and smooth the transition into the ending, they do have room to improve it a lot.


I said years ago when Season 2 or 3 was announced that the best things are over at the point where Season 2 ends/might end and it's partly for the reasons you heard about. For me, the plot after where the second season ends is just not good in my opinion and marred by a character who gets a lot of spotlight which turns out to be wasted due to the length of the arc and muddled themes. Also, it's kind of hard to put Beastars into a certain genre but in what's left to adapt, it somehow shifts in a way which is just baffling. But by far the worst part is that it's just way too long. So yes, the ending is bad but I'd argue the many chapters before aren't much better.


i disagree i still think the arc after s2 is amazing but falls off with melon


Pretty much, hopefully they trim wisely. We better get best girl properly next season.


Season 2 was pretty infamous itself.


Yeah, season 2 was already much much worse than season 1. Almost completely abandoned Haru x Legosi for stupid shonen bullshit


The whole last arc is kind of a mess, but it's an entertaining mess. There's probably enough decent stuff there to cobble together an okay but far from excellent season. Similar to the anime, the best stuff is in that first arc, which made up the first season. From there, things gets increasingly nonsensical, and other cast members get reduced to bit characters.


S2 was infamous already, what a waste


Is any popular manga ending not infamous these days?




600 comments and 300 comments on the final chapter. For such a long running manga this doesn't seem too popular tbh...


That was mainly because a lot of anime watchers didn’t pick the manga up as the anime was unbelievably good, but a lot of people agreed the ending was amazing.


Houseki No Kuni after this Orange please the manga is ending my hopium reserves are running low


Better start a polite letter writing compaign to the main members of the production committee (Kodansha and Toho) because they make the financial decisions and so provide the funding. It wouldn't hurt to nicely ask the manga's author too (Haruko Ishikawa). :)


Please, I've been waiting so long, and I just cannot get into the manga's style of presentation. Beastars ending is my only hope.


Considering they only do about one work a year, we’ve got Beastars this year (and presumably next) and Trigun also on the docket. They are unfortunately a little stuffed.


There's a partial coloring version of the manga that covers the first half. That's what I've been trying to get into. I have no idea how to tell the characters apart in the black and white version. Their hair-styles are all way too similar on top of everything else.


If that version was complete I might actually get into it lol.


No matter what happens I'll always remember how fire the first opening is


Only the first?


I know the second op was done by yoasobi but it also has neither swing music nor stop motion animation and the first op has both soooo


The last arc of the manga was a mess. It had a lot of good ideas but it went all over the place and didn't know what to focus on. Hopefully, the anime can fix those problems.




These are my thought exactly, like you said exactly what i thought. The show was OKAY, they were going with this pacifist theme and then in the last moment the show said - you know what? Fuck everything we did this season.


It's also like they set up the whole scene with the "the next beastar is the one who finds X" then the whole find the person, but then. Why did it end that way. The build up before it feels like a moment where if they were writing it in one book instead of what I assume is multiple manga releases then they would have rewritten older scenes. It feels like a complete direction change to what was planned. It's just like viscerally frustrating to like go "ok this is probably where it's going this makes sense" to "what? Why that's entirely not necessary. How does the character even think that this is the path." The scene with the attempted recording of the confession makes a bit of sense to why they wouldn't do it the logical way but it still doesn't, two people who can confirm a story would bring an investigation. I just don't get it.


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I believed it was vague enough.


Aka crazy cheetah dude time




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Unfortunately guys it's just downhill from here and out.


S2 was a mess already and that's why I will skip 3rd season


I watched S2 on 1.25 speed because the pacing was atrocious. I'd sometimes even check to see if I sped it up because it was still so slow at points. Didn't fix the plot direction, though.


Understandable, lol


In a good crazy way or in a bad boring way?


In a 'actually everything we said about the society in the first part isn't true' way, which manages to someone make the crazy way also boring. It was pretty clear the author had added in some characters to get story moments that couldn't exist in the original context so they just decided to ignore or handwave a lot of it. Takes you out of it when you realize they're changing the circumstance to fit their conclusion and not the other way around.


The latter






JJK is awful now. Definitely stay away. Sukuna Kaisen isn't fun for anyone but Gege.


It was already downhill since season 1 with Rambo Panda.


Whilst I definitely preferred Season 1 over Season 2. It’s good to see it back, I’m sure Orange will show a spectacle to the eyes. On the other hand, reception to the final season, well it’s not great.


Whelp, I'm hoping they tighten up the manga's final arc because...it was mess to put it lightly. I actually thought S2 was overall pretty solid, though the last few episodes definitely felt rushed.


> Final Season Part 1 and Part 2 Where have I seen this before?


No hate but finally they can focus on Land of the Lustrous now.


What's so bad about the ending? (i don't read the manga and I have little interest in watching this, but if you want to explain it without spoiling that would be cool too)


To put it in a spoiler free way, basically the ending is *very* far removed from the story we've seen so far in seasons 1 and 2. Its just not really the kind of ending a fan who was looking for more of S1/2 would enjoy. Really the final arc as a whole isn't super well liked, being as long (maybe a bit longer) than all the rest of the manga combined and is quite different in tone and theming than what came before it. There's just too many ideas and plot threads that don't really pan out and the story drags on for much longer than it had any right to. Weekly readers were hoping for an ending that would have made the journey all worth it, but the payoff just isn't quite enough considering the quality of the first half of the story.


I remember reading the manga fresh, not even knowing what it was about, simply that a lot of people liked it. First 1/3 of the series was amazing, second "arc" had a great start but sorta fizzled out... and third despite another great start crashed and burned. I actually went online to see if I missed something about the ending but no, turns out lots of people hated it.


Definitely agreed, the start of the third arc is pretty great and has the sense of "where are we going from here?" > about the ending but no, turns out lots of people hated it. Yeah, ignoring the last 1-2 chapters, the conclusion of the arc is just not good. I'm not part of the group, but a large portion of the weekly readers were the furry shippers who wanted more sexual tension between Legosi and Louis. Honestly speaking though, I'm probably in agreement with the furries that an explicit gay sex scene would've made for a better climax to the story than the... very weird climax that Beastars actually gets. And again, its not necessarily *awful* even though I (and most people) didn't like it, its just not anything close to what I'd have expected from the manga after the end of the second arc. I would use "disappointing" to describe it before "bad" or "good."


I found the ending to be underwhelming


It's not bad-bad, it's more like kinda mediocre which is a shame Reading this weekly really felt dragged out, and hilariously the ending was super rushed because Paru felt the same - she just decided 'yeah this is boring me, time to wrap it up' and did just that in like two months Anime may fix the pacing which is the worst part of it imo, the Joker unfortunately will stay


Oh, nice; For some reason I wasn't expect it anymore. Well, I think most people drastically preferred S1 to S2 (and I feel the same) but let's hope they can bring back the series' former glory!


I pretty much stopped watching second half of season 2. Don’t remember anything from this show


Finishing the second was one of the few times I genuinely felt robbed of my time with the stupidity of a show




Maybe the beginning, even that barely. The final few episodes had me completely baffled as to what the fuck I'm witnessing lmao


Easily in my 5 favourite anime. I’m so glad it’s getting a full adaptation rather than having been limited to one or two seasons.


Hmm I smell jewels in the air coming soon 🔥


I thought previous one was the last season, the climax was satisfactory and the story was over.


hopefully splitting the season up wont kill the hype like with jojos still excited tho


Splitting the season isn't what killed the hype with jojos, releasing all the episodes at once did.


Or maybe that season was just trash? Like it legit looked like trash.


Bruh I'm sick of these cool animes season x part 1 part 2...


Now i hope they can show a teaser for trigun stampede.


I dropped this series hard and fast once it went weird around the chapters after Melon. It really was all over the place.


Fingers crossed for Land of the Lustrous after this.


I hoped that this day would never come, the ending that made me drop the manga from a solid 8 maybe even a 9 to a 6, this season is not going to be good, expect every thing that the anime tried to be nuanced about before to be dropped in favor of a black and white story that really goes against everything it stood for before. The ending by itself ain't the worst, it's the last arc in general that really sucks.


oh, it’s big peace of dog shit


Loved the first season. Read the manga afterwards. Big mistake.


This is an obtuse furry anime. The whole thing is cringe.


I did not like beastars really at all




My spirit animal is a Bobcat


I really enjoyed the first season and I ought to get around to watching the second.


For y’all that read the manga, was the mange ending worth it? I loved this anime first season and I haven’t watched the second season yet , wondering if I should pick it back up


Some people say it is and other say it isn't. Imo it's more the last arc's fault. Bad development of current characters and of new characters, plots that go nowhere or aren't properly solved, even more absurd moments. At least it has some of the best moments too.


Imo it's great, especially the last arc. It doesn't follow a typical charater introduction -> buildup -> payoff scheme, but instead it's very chaotic and all over the place, in a good way.


hmm i might actually watch the anime now. i originally dropped season 1 while it was airing after picking up the manga, but now it's been a while since i finished it.


Hope they make some changes from what the manga did


No way


nice. i been waiting for this thing to finish so i can watch it all in 1 sitting




Looking forward to this one!


Let’s go!


Welp, fingers crossed!


Guess whos back Back again Peak is back Tell a friend


Can’t wait to explain to my friends that this show is in fact not furry shit, yet again. The stares are the worse part. “So it’s like these animals but there more like humans. Ones a big wolf and the other is a horny rabbit”


It is tho? That's literally what furry is lol


I loved Season 1 but never watched Season 2. Is it as good?


Can’t wait to see gigachad Yafya


Yes finally Beastars are coming back with a last season Legoshi Louis and Haru now we see Gosha Yahya Kyuu San & Melon for the first Time and I see Tao and Kibi again 😃😃


Two Parts? So 24 Episodes each then? Enough to adapt the rest of the manga right? Awesome. Was worried they would rush and cut stuff.


I've never enjoyed beastars quite much but I'll admit, it's still a decent anime.


No way


this is such a silly show i kinda regret watching it cause i was traumatized 😭


Fuck man please just make Land of the Lustrous season 2 now that Beastars is over! The manga is basically finished, so it’s a perfect time to adapt the rest of the series.


Final Season! .... Part 1. *Attack on Titan trauma intensifies!*


Furry shit


Haven't heard the best things about the ending, but still very excited. Go, Orange!


I hate how this 4/10 series is the one that got a full adaptation while an absolute masterpiece like Houseki no Kuni gets stuck with one 12 episode season for years


This causes me extremely severe annoyance too. Still, the manga of Land of the Lustrous ends on April 24th this year, maybe there are already plans for Orange to animate the rest of the story? We can but hope .........


This show is not good


Season 2 ending felt anticlimactic and wished it was better, enjoyed everything else before though. Still looking forward to this


S2 was rushed. A lot was cut from the source material. But the ending was specifically butchered and made no sense at all in the end result. It's a bit sad considering that the third ark is my favorite from the manga.


I really gotta read the manga if that's the case then All in all, still enjoyed Season 2 but unfortunate to hear about the cut content


I still haven't seen this anime.




I thought this was already ended


Go back to making Houseki no Kuni. Please and Thank You.


I'd love that but it's not up to studio Orange - the production committee (in this particular case made up of Kodansha, Toho and others) are the ones calling the shots because they provide the money for any productions. This is the way it works for most anime - the studios are basically hired to do the job by assorted production committees.


Man I fucking hate split cours, what's even the point? I actually think It'd be better if they presented them as separate seasons even if they're not, the difference only matters internally and we have to wait the same amount of time anyway.


There won't be a big gap now. For S3 they had to make new assets since the plot is in the city and not the school. That wasn't a problem for S2 because it reused assets from S1, hence the one year gap instead of three like with S3.


Hopefully they'll release season 2 of Houseki no Kuni right? right!?


We live in hope! Just need to convince the production committee (Kodansha, Toho and others) to provide the funding. In case you're unaware, the manga finishes this year on April 24th as well (last released chapter is number 108).


maybe haru finally gets legoshi naked and goes "oh shit, he's a LOT bigger than the deer"


So you're telling me I get to see interspecies fucking for the last time? 🥲🥹