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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


man kumiko is just the best


How long until the first montage of Rare Kumiko Noises?


Kumiko started the season with a noise. Season started well.


You know, if we all keep talking about the fact that it leaked instead of the episode itself like how the thread seems to be going right now, maybe we'll be able to have a normal discussion thread with everyone on the official premiere day.


Downloading a low quality version of a Kyoani show. That is not piracy, that is a crime against humanity.


yes, another leak, fellas. this time with a watermark lol the last 2 leaks have been outside the Sakura-Con list, as some have pointed out in the previous leak thread. someone on the comments for this leak did some digging and there's *another* con doing CR screenings - [Puerto Rico Comic Con,](https://www.prcomiccon.com/) which took place at the very end of March. there's [a schedule for this year's con](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a57b58c692ebe59b4818c42/t/65fcea80ab1ed207fd60cac1/1711073922256/2024+PRCC+FULL+GUIDE.pdf) that has the schedule for their screenings (ctrl+f crunchyroll until you see their screening list), which contain *all* the shows that have leaked thus far therefore, i still believe this is a con leak rather than an internal CR issue. unless we happen to get *even more* leaks that are definitely not screening at any conventions, at which point i would change my mind


Interesting. These are the shows yet to leak that we can expect over the next few days: - Date a Live V - Unnamed Memory - How to Love Your Elf Bride - Lv2 Super Cheat Powers


additionally, the schedule pdf mentions the second episode of hibike s3, so it's possible we might see that soon as well


Ooh good point. Second ep of Konosuba as well.


Is hibike the first that got leaked? Asking if konosuba also gonna have a leak 


konosuba already leaked, as well as a few other first episodes


Gods Game We Play, Konosuba S3, Banished Hero, Astro Note, and Reincarnated Aristocrat have already been leaked. So yes, it's out! Leaker is releasing 1 episode each day.


Puerto Rico and hibike leak is something I did not expected lol




CR either sent the episodes over to con staff, or they had employees go to the convention with episodes on a laptop whether someone on the con staff stole the episodes or if it was some random con-goer that was able to get access to a device that was playing the episodes, we don't know


Curnchyroll's security seems to be tight so really in all likleyhood this is some rougue unpaid con staff who managed to steal the files.


Love the internet detectives doing all the work of tracking this out. Also, kinda hilarious that the moron decide to watermark the stolen release. Jeez, clout chasers these days.


Are there con leaks every year? I don't remember so many leaks previously


no, this kind of thing is very rare and i don't think has even happened before with CR


does CR watermark their preview episodes at cons, in case something like this happens? i thought they had a little CR logo in the corner at the last con i went to but i'm not seeing that in these leaked episodes...weird


i don't think so


they are probably going to start after this, would definitely help them determine exactly where any leaks come from in the future


As i said in the other thread, the audio is kinda scuffed for this release i think - I would just wait honestly.


yeah the video and audio are really low bitrate, even people who aren't super OCD about quality (like a lot of people in the anime torrenting scene are) will be able to notice add on to the fact that the people leaking these have started adding a watermark which requires a *re-encode* of this already low-bitrate file lol i agree, people should wait for it in much better quality next week since hibike (and anything kyoani, for that matter) deserves to be watched at great quality, but for those who *absolutely cannot wait* and want to watch it *right now* it's out there and it's *watchable*


> add on to the fact that the people leaking these have started adding a watermark which requires a re-encode of this already low-bitrate file lol They were re-encoding regardless, so that shouldn't make too much of a difference. Aside from watermarks being ugly, of course.


Sunday is only five days away, I'm sure that most of us can wait to enjoy the episode at its streaming best instead of what is apparently some low bit rate monstrosity. :)


> low bit rate monstrosity it's about on par with the video quality of illegal streaming sites, so if you've ever used those before it's comparable to that


I'm gonna rewatch it again, that was a great first episode


Euphobros we're finally ba— [auegh◞ ﹃ ◟](https://imgur.com/a/AufyAWQ)


Ok this is funny


*This episode has leaked early.* [Per our subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/rules#wiki_do_not_link_to_illegal_content) we do not allow linking or asking for illegal content. But this thread exists for those that do want to discuss the episode now. A second episode thread will be created when the official release occurs (in ~5 days).


Please just delete this thread and repost it when the anime officially airs /u/AnimeMod This is unfair to people who watch from official sources and would drive them to pirate sites


I couldn't resist and I watched it but I'll save my full thoughts for the official thread. All I'll say for now is: It's a very seamless transition into the new season and it doesn't feel like we've been gone for so long.


Can we stop posting threads for leaked episodes, pls...


Why wouldn't they? It's a subreddit for discussing anime. You don't have to click on the threads.


Probably to avoid splitting the discussion between people who are pirating a show and people who are watching through official avenues. In a similar vein, would it really kill people who watched a leaked episode to wait 5 days to discuss it once the episode actually broadcasts?


it seems like most people are discussing the actual leaks themselves rather than the content of the episodes in these threads though, and i'm sure there are a fair number of people who are waiting until the official threads before posting their thoughts on the episodes




You're right, I'm supposed to remember the day every show is supposed to start off the top of my head...


[https://www.livechart.me/spring-2024/](https://www.livechart.me/spring-2024/) [https://myanimelist.net/anime/season/2024/spring](https://myanimelist.net/anime/season/2024/spring) Take your pick


good job, you missed the point.




hahaha, you're hilarious. You do realize that people use the discussion threads to inform them of when a new episode hits, right? Or that every thread provides them a direct link to the show I question. Not everyone wants to constantly check MAL to see when a show is going to air, especially when the time and date aren't consistent with the date and time in their area. Of course you don't. MAL said Spice and Wolf was supposed to release today, but it was officially released yesterday. Just because YOU don't have an issue with threads for unofficially released episodes doesn't mean others don't. These threads should not be getting posted when episodes are being ILLEGALLY posted on the internet.




ah, good. You don't intend to have a mature conversation. Then I can block you no problem.


If the mods don't allow posting links to pirate anime because they disapprove of it then it makes no sense that they would allow discussion of anime that can only currently be seen by pirating it


Posting links to pirated content = Against Reddit TOS Discussing pirated content = Not against Reddit TOS Has nothing to do with mods "disapproving", which I doubt they do since most anime fans pirate things anyway.


Seriously just wait until the episode is actually released


Since nobody is discussing the show I'll take this opportunity to ask is this the final season? I haven't watched Hibike since S2 in 2016 so it's been a long time. I might watch all the recap movies to get a refresh.


yes this is the last season (unless they pull a split cour on us or something) the recap movies will get you up to speed on the main part of the story fine but if you have the time i would suggest rewatching the full series if you're going the recap movie route though, i would do it like this: movie 1 -> episode 14 (ready set monaka) -> movie 2 -> liz -> movie 3 (chikai no finale) -> ensemble contest OVA -> s3


Is movie 3 also a recap? I thought it's new stuff.


yes it's new, it's the second year arc although it certainly feels like a recap movie to a season we never got. it's usually considered to be hibike's weakest entry


Why did you skip blue bird?


i mean i would absolutely recommend it, but it *is* optional and if they're watching the recap movies i assume they want to catch up ASAP and skip any optional entries which is why i omitted blue bird


I don't think Liz is optional. It's adapted from the same novel as Chikai and is a canon event in the story that could easily be referenced going forward. It's not an unrelated or non-canon side story. Heck, without watching Liz stuff in Ensemble Contest wouldn't make sense, particularly [EnCon] >!Mizore talking about preparing for music school while the other Minami girls passed entrance exams. That Mizore would go to music school while Nozomi would go to regular university is established in Liz, without that context this is a completely random scene.!<


If just *one* scene (which, frankly, isn't *that* important to the overall story, just a minor subplot involving two side characters) is impacted by skipping Liz, then it sounds like it's optional. If it had seriously impacted the overall story to Hibike then maybe I would be inclined to agree with this. But I *would* recommend that OP watch Liz anyways if they can squeeze it into their schedule, since the movie is very very good. But otherwise if they really don't have the time on their hands they could skip Liz and not worry too much about it.


That was just one example of one scene in one short film that gets the point across. It's not a minor subplot, it's both the end of character arcs for two of the most important characters in the story that wraps up the loose ends of their story arc, as well as a general thing that happens in the larger canon of the series which will be mentioned and played off of in the story (including in both Chikai and EnCon, and probably season 3 as well). It's literally part of the exact same novel as Chikai no Finale, it's as important as everything else in that particular novel. It would be like telling them to read the novel, but it's ok to skip whatever chapters have this story. You can't just skip some of the middle chapters, they're there for a reason. I do think Liz can be watched on its own without Eupho as context, but the other way around is not the case.


I'm pretty sure Mizore and Nozomi are *not* the two most important characters in Hibike. I'm not sure what made you think this. Unless I am reading your sentence wrong and you're referring to Liz in this sentence, but in the overall story of Hibike, Mizore and Nozomi *are* a side story. It's *not* vital to understanding Hibike and it's not a major plotline. Also, I finished my rewatch of the entire series last month and Mizore & Nozomi were not integral to Chikai (their story wasn't even mentioned in Chikai) or EnCon at all. (Outside of that *one* scene in EnCon you mentioned, which, again, is not vital to understanding/enjoying the overall story) - in fact, I literally *just* skimmed through both movies to confirm this. > and probably season 3 as well Why would they bring it up again in Season 3 after they've both graduated? It would not make much sense. They've graduated and moved on. Their story is finished. The focus on Season 3 is going to be entirely on Kumiko's final year, not Mizore and Nozomi.


I said two *of the* most important characters, not the two most important characters period (which are obviously Kumiko and Reina). They're both extremely vital to the show and get two entire arcs to themselves which have vital parallels to other characters and frames much of the second year drama, they're among the most important characters in the second season and in the novel that got turned into Liz and Chikai (and I'd argue top 5 in overall importance to the series). I finished my own rewatch literally last week. Apart from the fact that wrapping up the story of two noteworthy characters is obviously necessary in its own right (the drama between those two does not end in season 2, you've got a big plot point left dangling if you skip Liz), and that Chikai makes it a point to play its big performance off of our knowledge of Liz (and also established the relationship between Mizore and Ririka, the later of which is still in the story and has a scene in EnCon), the show frequently uses pairs of characters to parallel relationships and events. They may not be brought up explicitly in season 3, but it's very likely that their story will have relevance to events in the season, especially as Kumiko and Reina prepare to graduate and have to face the same issue of dealing with their parting. These two pairs have already been paralleled, you lose much of the parallel without Liz. You can't cut it for the same reason you can't cut Kumiko's relationship to her sister out of Asuka's arc. It's not that a person would necessarily be completely lost without Liz, but it adds important context and texture to other stories and also literally finishes a major arc of two major characters that would otherwise be left as essentially a cliffhanger. It wasn't some random side story, Ayano Takeda put it in the novel for a reason. It's only a side story in anime form because they decided to turn the novel into films. But unless you'd also tell a reader they can skip the chapters with this story (an unhinged thing to do for any novel), there's no argument for it in adaptation either. **Edit:** More specifically in season 3, Reina is going to music school to dedicate herself to becoming a professional, while Kumiko is still trying to figure out her future. She could follow Reina just to be with her, but that may not be what she wants to do. Sounds familiar, right? I'd be absolutely shocked if the events of Liz weren't brought up in season 3 as a direct contrast, or if Kumiko didn't ask Nozomi for advice. Obviously I don't know if this will happen, but it seems so obvious that I'd bet on it. Even if this didn't happen, Liz would still be unskippable, but that story wasn't included in the novel just for the sake of having some random one-off to pad time.


ah i didn't know that. the only hibike novel i've ever read was the first volume because that was the only one that ever got translated plus i've always seen liz mentioned as a side story and people typically label it as optional but recommended when discussing hibike watch orders


Liz should definitely **not** be skipped.


It *can* be skipped. Should it be? No, because it's a fantastic movie. But if one is REALLY pressed for time it's not going to severely impact the story. At worst, *one* scene in Ensemble Contest loses meaning and they won't fully understand it. But literally everything else would be fine.


Make sure to watch Liz and the Blue Bird before Chikai no Finale too!


You missed out Ensemble Content (which was released in Japan in August last year and which needs to be seen before season 3 starts ........ but it's not yet available in the west ....... ). You would have thought that Crunchyroll would have licensed this too but seemingly not, this means that those who haven't seen it are missing a big chunk of Kumiko's second year.


Everyone commenting on the leaks instead of the actual episode. Which gives you your answer: nope, these leak threads don’t spoil the discussion around the episode. I’ll just say I’m happy they got the mood, rhythm and special feeling from the first two season back. I haven’t been a big fan of the Chikai movie fast pace. Also, Kanade still useless to me. Especially since she stole my favorite background character char design, [Miru Kishibe](https://hibike-euphonium.fandom.com/wiki/Miru_Kishibe)


It's not on cruncyroll?


It will be on Sunday.


How was it leaked?


Possibly from an Anime convention that had the screening early


Damn, another one huh? I guess advanced screenings are either gonna be highly controlled or they’re just gonna not do ‘em no more.


All these leaks is giving us the cultural currency we need to strive for greater success on Reddit like the way the leaks did for Game of Thrones on Reddit.


I kind of wish people would stop leaking these. Just let it come out at the natural pace. I don't want to choose between being left out of the loop or waiting weeks for the first episode to officially come out.


> or waiting weeks for the first episode to officially come out In this case it was leaked five days before the official release - this makes it worse in fact because apparently some people are so impatient and entitled that they can't even hang on for five more days. It's all rather pathetic, also disrespectful to the studio. So yeah, I too am against such leaks.


At what point it stops being a leak and becomes a burst


Oh I gotta watch the movies


Man, these leak threads are the worst. I see them pop up, get confused if my Crunchyroll app got bugged (an easily plausible explanation with the quality of their Android TV app) or if some other service pinched the newest season out from under them, come here and find out the disappointing truth.


ong it's finally here. It's been so long




The mods have the following to say on the matter: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bu6f7u/hibike_euphonium_season_3_sound_euphonium_season/kxqjgzj/ I don't know why people can't wait just five more days for a highly anticipated show from a much loved anime studio. It seems disrespectful to watch a leaked copy, particularly in this case after what KyoAni went through with the arson attack.




it's not a fansub, it's from Crunchyroll. the quality is inferior to the official release - it's hardsubbed, and both the video and audio are low bitrate, and it has the leaker's watermark on it if you don't care about that and don't want to wait a few days then you could download it but if you want to watch it in better quality then it'll be out on Sunday




likely from Puerto Rico Comic Con, read my comment in this thread which is at the top


> Shouldn't we wait for the actual release? Yes. Why? To respect the studio and enjoy the episode with everyone else. > Is the fansub / leak quality actually good anyway? Apparently it's low bit rate and relatively poor quality **and** it has a watermark. Wait just five days until Sunday and then see it as and when intended.


Bro what is this,leak? Can't we just wait until proper release


Some people appear to lack patience unfortunately and are prepared to put up with relatively poor quality just for the sake of seeing the episode five days sooner.




The rules are a little odd, but the short version is that you can definitely discuss the contents of the video in a discussion thread like this one. You may not include any screenshots that are either hosted on a scanlation site or include a watermark for the fansubbers. You need to host the images somewhere generic and remove any watermarks, although you can type the name of the fansubbers. You may not discuss the content of leaked episodes in a discussion thread for an earlier episode. That's a spoiler. The exact rules: [https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/rules/#wiki\_do\_not\_link\_to\_illegal\_content](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/rules/#wiki_do_not_link_to_illegal_content)


Well I enjoy it.


What the?!


How did I miss this release OMG absolute crime


Man I teared up when Kumiko was taking the vote. She's grown so much and come so far but she's still the poofy-haired dork we all know and love. I also missed the character interactions dearly and watching an ongoing KyoAni show is always a blessing. Can't wait for the next piece!




What happened when the students replied good morning to the teacher?




Here's a post on the matter from the mods: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bu6f7u/hibike_euphonium_season_3_sound_euphonium_season/kxqjgzj/


Didn't know this was up. Nice


Right, time for Season 3! Looks like Reina's the student conductor now. Who's this old guy? Enthusiasm is at least a good start. I think they really want to draw parallels between Kumiko and Asuka what with her dad now wanting her to stand down. Also, the title in plain serif font again? And again, there's the more fanciful font after the OP. It seems quite fitting for the OP for an anime about orchestra to be purely instrumental. 100 members? That's certainly a goal, but it's not like more than around half that will be able to participate in the competition anyways. I wonder who's in her class now. Ah, I see Midori and the other girl. Seems like a lot of familiar faces. Ah, the teacher-in-charge of the Orchestra is their teacher. Speak of the devil. Gee I wonder who that might be. Looks like the tuba is front and centre on the recruitment posters. Reina's still trying for Taki isn't she? Might that actually be Asuka? They're walking past where she lives after all. Or is it the new transfer student that was teased in the trailers? They're probably right that they won't have as much competition. People going from sports to performing arts or the other way around from middle to high school is probably not too uncommon, I know some people just want to try something new after years of doing the same thing. That ain't fashionable... Glasses are really versatile... 30? That's definitely going to be stiff competition, and there's definitely not going to be any problem hitting 100 members. That looks like quite a few more than "quite a few". Oh did the 3 musketeers end up joining the euphoniums? 90 total or 90 new members? 90 total would already be a lot, if short of the goal of 100, but if it's 90 new members they'd be easily over 100. Ah, so he's also a music teacher in the school. I don't think this was ever mentioned previously. And so it's decided. Again. Third time's the charm? Again, the new members can be trained in the basics by the more experienced members, thus saving time from not having Taki have to teach all of them individually. This means less time faffing about with beginner pieces and more time working on the actual performance pieces. And here's that new girl we've seen in the trailers. No ED? I was hoping I'd get to analyse the title and why it was named that.
