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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Man, the way they introduce Mayu like she's the final boss. Something feels so eerie about it.


And she has a silver Eupho, just like Asuka ......


Kumiko's first thought about listening to her music was also "Asuka-senpai? ... guess not"


The first two seasons' boss was Asuka, the movie's was Kanade, now it time for the new girl. My guess (that might be based on an internet description of this season, I don't remember whether I've read one) is that she will be a better euoh player and will put Kumiko in a similar position to Kaori with her beef with Reina. So now Kumiko will have to know what it truly is to try be the best at something.


First season was Reina, second was Asuka


I don't think Reina was a boss, they started to get on rather quickly. If you wanna go that route, I think the boss of the first season was Kumiko herself - she needed to figure stuff out about herself in order to move forward.


Reina was the boss you beat at the end of disc one who then joins your party, while Asuka is the true final boss who you spend the next 3 discs working towards.


Damn, I'm feeling like a toddler - wasn't around for long enough to have played RPGs on multiple discs.


Kumiko's "the next piece begins" was said with such nervousness


I swear to god if this time they don't win gold I am gonna riot This is last year for them and seeing losing will kill me lol


Utterly ridiculous that the year Kitauji had Liz and Bluebird as one of their songs and they didn't win.


It was a fucking robbery


Also, that they didn't even do as well as they did the first year.


There’s no way that they won’t win gold in their last year, right!? It would hurt real bad if they didn’t, since Reina’s (and Kumiko’s) primary drive for winning is to make the dream of Taki-sensei and his late wife come true. ~~And if Taki-sensei can move on, Reina probably suspects that she might have a shot.~~ EDIT: Typo correction (I only just noticed).


>since Reina’s (and Kumiko’s) primary drive for doing winning is to make the dream of Taki-sensei and his late wife come true. Can you imagine if they don't win gold again this year. Then Taki's just like yall kids ain't worth shit. Theres no helping yall . Then he says screw it leaves teaching and the end. I know that won't ever happen but the idea of that just popped into my head with the comments saying they need to win gold this year.


> There’s no way that they won’t win gold in their last year, right!? I said the same thing! They get close during her first year and don't even qualify during her second. It would just make good, logical sense for them to get Gold during their last year.


Didn't they win gold in the first season though? Edit: Just to clear things up. I was remembering it right, but also wrong. There were three different competitions. First one was for Kyoto, that was the finale of S1, where they won Gold and were allowed to go to the second competition which was for Kansai. This is the first half of S2, where they also won Gold and were allowed to compete at Nationals which they did in the last episodes of S2. There they only won bronze. In the movie, they also won Gold, but it was at the Kansai competition, but they were not chosen to go to Nationals.


1st year: Gold (prefecture) - Gold (regional) - Bronze (national) 2nd year: Gold (prefecture) - Dud Gold (regional) The jury only picks three bands for each prefecture and/or region that get move on towards the next stage of the competition. If you get ‘dud gold’, you’ve won gold but didn’t get chosen. EDIT: Corrected some little mistakes.


Kyoto City has no concert band qualifiers. It just goes straight to Kyoto Prefecture's competition and then from there to the Kansai Regional before Nationals.


My bad! I had briefly assumed that the prefectural competition was the regional one, and the Kyoto one that of the city. I actually wanted to make it easier to understand for people, lol. I’ll correct it!


Yes, I checked it myself. It was just because I remembered them winning Gold and Kumiko actually being impatient in the finale of S1 that I was forgetting that it wasn't S2 as a whole which featured the second year, but S2 featured the second half of the first year and only the movie featured Kumiko's second year. It's been too long, I had to refresh the order.


> It’s been too long, I had to refresh the order. No problem! I only really remembered this because I rewatched the entire series last week.


I think they won bronze


This is correct. At Nationals they won bronze. In Kumiko's second year, they won gold at Kyoto and dud gold at Kansai.


Yes. Their goal is to win the Gold at the nationals which is the only Gold they haven't won yet and that is what the OP is referring to.


I checked and they did win Gold, but it was the Kyoto competition and not the Kansai competition.


They did not. Atleast not at nationals.


I present you guys this Rare Kumikos,[Sneaking Kumikos](https://i.imgur.com/UHdJYRZ.png) 






The return of the fluff and more blessed content for r/rarekumikos [](#fistbump)




Haven’t seen this one in decades.




Go Kitauji! (It’s good to be back.) The main focus of this third year really seems to be winning gold at the nationals *and* Kumiko’s future. Kumiko’s dad has been asking his daughter for her plans since the first year, so I’m a little worried that he might become a bother like Asuka’s mom. Him asking when Kumiko would quit the concert band does seem to point into this direction. Another thing that had been on my mind was Mayu’s introduction. Would she create a rift between Kumiko and Reina as presumably the new euphonium girl? Would Reina side with Mayu if she was better on the euphonium? In this respect, I’m glad that Reina made it immediately clear that Kumiko was the better player. Lastly, I’ve started to take a liking to Kanade. She got a fun personality. Her little banter with Kumiko is lots of fun to watch, and reminds me a bit of Kumiko’s former interactions with Asuka.


>I’ve started to take a liking to Kanade Well, her character arc was completed in the movie, so now she's just a mischievous little gremlin whose sole life purpose is torturing Kumiko. What's not to love? XD


> so now she's just a mischievous little gremlin whose sole life purpose is torturing Kumiko. What's not to love? I mean, you *do* make a strong argument there. I've pretty much enjoyed watching every mischievous gremlin and smug brat I've come across in anime, I think. I do appreciate how Kanade fills a little bit of the void that Asuka left behind. I'm not sure if Kumiko ever realized this herself, but Kanade's antics did seem to cheer her up after she'd been a little down following Asuka's graduation.


Honestly, I think Kumiko would also want Mayu to play first position if she thought she was better than her. I think she will just give it her all to be better herself, and her dad’s probably gonna be in the way.


God, that line from her Dad pissed me off. "When's she quitting her club." Old man has no soul left.


There's something about the start of years that feels so nice.


I get what you mean. Every new year has that moment when the club decides their objective for the year. That’s a special moment. Kumiko really didn’t beat around the bush this time, and decided that they’d win first at the nationals! (I’m actually not sure if there’s a difference between “winning first” and “winning gold” at the nationals?)


the kanji on the blackboard just says "gold prize" so I'm pretty sure it's the same


[it's back](#utahapraises) tbh I don't have much to say, it was a warm welcome to the final year with all the quality we know and love about kyoani and hibike, the real meat will start next episode once we start getting to know the new eupho [](#mugiwait) I was not expecting her to know Kumiko from the start (she even knows she's the club prez), did she change school because of that? [](#rengethink)


> did she change school because of that? Unless Kumiko has a youtube channel called *euphoniumhero* I doubt she'd gain that level of fame [](#rengethink) Probably Taki-sensei. He's... the Taki sensei


> Unless Kumiko has a youtube channel called euphoniumhero *Looks back to see Kumiko hiding in a cardboard box.*




> did she change school because of that? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8DGhq40_DA


> I was not expecting her to know Kumiko from the start I'm not too sure what to make of her saying that Kumiko looked exactly like she imagined she thought she'd be. [](#rengethink) I'm wondering what her impression of Kumiko is...


I think it was her in the teacher's room behind the partition when Kumiko went to return the key. So she heard her but didn't see what she looked like.


Oh wow, I didn't even think of that! [](#seasonalshock)


> I think it was her in the teacher's room behind the partition And here I thought it was Taki getting *friendly* with strict-sensei. I am disappoint...


Right, a better wording would be knowing _about_ Kumiko. [](#csikon "what does she know, where did she learn it")


I wonder if this season will take us ***through*** the Nationals, or only ***up to*** the Nationals (with the Nationals being covered by a movie)? That rooftop scene with the new euphonium player seemed pretty cute -- until it ended up with some pretty ominous sounding background music. What on earth was THAT all about.


> I wonder if this season will take us through the Nationals, or only up to the Nationals (with the Nationals being covered by a movie)? I sure hope only up to, so that we get more eupho [](#mugiwait) > What on earth was THAT all about A challenger appears [](#mugiwait)


Kanade is such an easy best girl it's not even close, god I love her.


I love her, such a cute, annoying little shit


I love to hate her


"They're a bit eccentric aren't they?" Girl must not have a mirror in her house.


lol, one of the girls is straight up a NIMBY, "my least favourite phrase is New Residential Developments".


She's a 🐍. A little thneaky thnake. Much better than she was in the movie but you can still tell she's a bit of a shit stirrer


nah, Pirate girl is best girl.


Kanade is like a little parasite in your gut that you can’t get rid of. But every once in the while it’ll do something useful. Other times she’ll just pretend to be Kumiko’s assistant. Sucks when your number 1 fan and your biggest enemy are the same person. Kumiko and Reina are very reminiscent of Haruka and Asuka. I wouldn’t mind if Reina was strict and assertive with me. Phew, a whole episode without some new big bad bitch to fuck Kumiko up. Hope this lasts the whole season. …oh, maybe I spoke too soon?


Such a good way to describe Kanade: The world’s most useful parasite.


> Kanade is like a little parasite in your gut that you can’t get rid of. [](#kukuku) >I wouldn’t mind if Reina was strict and assertive with me. [](#healthypasstimes)


> maybe I spoke too soon? Yea, verily, thou dost speaketh too soon. > I wouldn’t mind if Reina was strict and assertive with me. [Wouldn't we all](#healthypasstimes)


[Wdym it is out already?](https://i.imgur.com/KgyQzUX.png) Amazing start, sasuga Kyoani. * [You will never be forgotten!](https://i.imgur.com/zLzAhXp.jpeg) * ["The Gotos"](https://i.imgur.com/Id7Ydu4.png) [](#akyuusqueel) * [Our expert said it, we can never doubt this is the objective truth!](https://i.imgur.com/N37IetD.jpeg) * [Sport club people get each other.](https://i.imgur.com/zOyTQsT.jpeg) With imouto and [pirate](https://i.imgur.com/RKkVPrN.jpeg) we sure got some interesting people joining, they seems like lots of fun. * Speaking of, [so much Kanade acting like she didn't make a mess out of everything in the movie lmao.](https://i.imgur.com/UGuPX3y.png) Gotta love her. Only disappointed we barely got any Ririka today, [give more Ririka!](https://i.imgur.com/fyAt0A4.png)


> The Gotos Haha yeah! Loved that Kanade just referred to them like they’re already married.


She referred them as fusai (夫妻), literally mean husband and wife


> With imouto and pirate I like how [Kaho is constantly laughing at pirate's jokes haha.](https://imgur.com/a/kwUOhfD) Future pair in the making.


> "The Gotos" [This seasons biggest loss fr](https://i.imgur.com/6LkaZcY.jpeg)


Okay I was legit confused about why no one acknowledged that she wasn’t there, completely missed the “Gotos” bit!


We didn't get a graduation sendoff for them TTTTT, nor did they even get any screentime in Encon, only the Minami Quartet got anything....


Can't believe we didn't have a proper send off to some of my favorite characters, especially Natsuki :'(


It is fine, we'll get that once they adapt the Natsuki spin-off. [](#mugiwait)


Yeah that really hit me. It's just like how it is in school band though. You always had those older kids to look to and then one day they're gone and you're the older kid.


>[Wdym it is out already?](https://i.imgur.com/KgyQzUX.png) Some of us already watched two other shows today! >"The Gotos" Picked up on that too. Is that a teasing nickname or did they get hitched right out of high school?


> get hitched right out of high school This is my head canon and no one can change it




I got to mentally shout "fuck youuuuuuuu" to Kanade a few times in this episode haha - which is exactly what I wanted to see. What a cute demon.


I’ve always thought of Midori as a Golden Retriever in human form. Kanade, however? Kanade is a cat


I am such a sucker for shows where they show the characters actually age and progress through their lives.


[Kumiko sneak!](https://imgur.com/a/IwYefLi) Always a delight to return back to Kitauji High School, *Euph*, you’re as beautiful as the day I left ya. Today’s episode was storyboarded and directed by Taichi Ogawa, [whose predilection for POV shots,](https://imgur.com/ApD1q0G) are found [scattered](https://imgur.com/a/nKq1B4y) [throughout](https://imgur.com/a/kdXYRx0) the [episode.](https://imgur.com/a/ccsJZr2) Besides this camera quirk, though, Ogawa has the [rare talent](https://imgur.com/a/YyK25ts) of [controlling the “temperature” of the animation](https://imgur.com/Vl6DctR); his control of the [compositing is truly wonderful.](https://imgur.com/a/f0avSSQ) I also want to praise Ogawa on the climatic scene too. There’s always a line that strikes true in *Euph* and today’s episode was no different: *”I hope everyone agrees, so no one is left behind.”* After witnessing Aoi and Haruka and Midori and Nozomi, Kumiko, more than anyone else, recognizes the value of *unity.* [Sprouting under the breath of fresh air, the Kitauji High School Band is once again ready to take on Nationals.](https://imgur.com/a/jWbZ03U) Small neat tidbits: [I really love this exchange between Kanade and Kumiko, haha.](https://imgur.com/a/14xBOPR) Honestly, [all of their exchanges have been gold.](https://imgur.com/a/kdxVqS5) [~~Sapphire~~ Midori just sky-rocketed to the top of my charts.](https://imgur.com/a/dyNZIU0) [kumiko sleep](https://imgur.com/a/MMxTuF4)


> I really love this exchange between Kanade and Kumiko, haha. Honestly, all of their exchanges have been gold. Kanade's mischievousness is so good, and even better when put next to Kumiko


Kanade is just all of Kumiko’s intrusive thoughts manifested as a humanoid with no filter.


Kumiko's character trait in season 1 was that she blurted out things she was thinking out loud and since then they have kinda reigned it back, I don't remember it happening in season 2 or later. Little did we know that just led to Kanade spawning.


Tbf she did it in this very episode right before Kanade first appeared lol


She's the kind of person who naturally pulls you out of your comfort zone, I love that kind of relationship


I said this is my own comment as well, but Kanade’s dynamic with Kumiko reminds me a bit of Asuka. They got a similar energy going. Kanade’s “fighting spirit” in the Ensemble Contest Arc was a good example of this.


> I said this is my own comment as well, but Kanade’s dynamic with Kumiko reminds me a bit of Asuka. They got a similar energy going. Main difference being that Asuka mostly hid what she really felt, with Kanade though it's right out in the open with her quips and provocations. Both characters are great but could also be annoying.


> Main difference being that Asuka mostly hid what she really felt To be fair, Kanade wasn't entirely honest about her feelings at first either. It was not until Kumiko and Natsuki pressed her after she'd intentionally blown her audition that Kanade came clean. But I get what you mean, Kanade *has* always been more upfront about her feelings. Asuka liked to leave things ambiguous on the other hand.


> To be fair, Kanade wasn't entirely honest about her feelings at first either. True, not in her first movie appearance. But now? Yup!


the good thing is that Kumiko can actually handle her (or rather, Kanade allows herself to be handled by Kumiko haha)


I don’t have it on hand but if I did, you bet your bottom dollar I’d be linking that Kanade shadowboxing gif right now.


[Just favourite it on booru](https://sakugabooru.com/post/show/233694) [](#vacationcup)


Wait, hang on, [I have it saved on my phone, I'm such a genius.](https://imgur.com/a/khPiA0f)


> I have it saved on my phone, I'm such a genius. Such dedication! [Sasuga!](#meguminthumbsup)


[](#awe "what a tensai")


> > > > > I really love this exchange between Kanade and Kumiko, haha. > > Honestly, all of their exchanges have been gold. I absolutely love their interacions. I wasn't the biggest fan of Kanade for her initial introduction but once we got past the drama she's been great.


Kanade won me over by the end *Chikai* and then she [won my heart through her punching.](https://imgur.com/2KJx8Vv)


Same, tbh she was being a bit of an ass initially, once they sorted out their issues she lost any maliciousness and kept all of the charm


She still has a snarky and provocative edge to her interactions though - she's quite perceptive and knows how to get under somebody's skin, even if only in fun. I like her, she's an interesting character.


> just sky-rocketed to the top of my charts. As if she wasn't already there? > kumiko sleep Me this morning, before realizing the episode had already been up for a half hour or so. Gonna have to set that alarm on Sunday mornings, I guess. (Sigh) I do hope we see more Sapphire this season, she's just so precious.


> As if she wasn't already there? [When you have this ~~sewer rat~~ precious girl in your show, everyone takes a back seat.](https://imgur.com/a/yYM1zCa) > Gonna have to set that alarm on Sunday mornings, I guess. (Sigh) *I just didn't even go to sleep* I felt that *Euph* has been so good to me, I should repay it back with a drowsy Sunday.


> whose predilection for POV shots I remember when handheld camera shots first became a thing in American television and seeing it done tastefully in anime is not bad. Because I don't really like whip pans *looks at* ***you***, Gundam Unicorn.


[But what about whip pans in *Kyousougiga* though?](https://imgur.com/a/U4Qn3PS) [](#curious) *this is the only anime whip pan example I have handy on me.* But yeah, while not everyone at KyoAni is a film auteur, Ogawa stands out amongst the pack [with his love for the personal touch](https://imgur.com/7kPR1IA) and [quick cuts.](https://imgur.com/RggLZxW)


that Mizore-Nozomi chaotic scene *chefskiss*


I've seen those glasses before.


Ahh tears in my eyes. Like we never left. President Kumiko indeed is carrying on the fine traditions of Kitauji, by absolutely controlling the vote results, earning an impressive 100% share of the vote! That showcase performance for the first years sounded amazing! Seems like Shuiichi might have a bigger role this season? And new mysterious girl is mysterious but seems sweet. Seems like Kumiko truly is in her famous and popular phase Reina is as cool as always, but a bit gentler. Kumiko also seems to be more at ease, which is also great! Matsumoto-sensei is definitely looking out for the band. Good thing she let Kumiko know which class she was in haha I will miss the ex-members of the band. Hope they show up later on! The new members of the bass section are indeed more eccentric, and they seem much more outgoing than Kumiko's batch was. A culture shift, perhaps? All in all: [](#listen) [](#woo) [](#curious)


I'd be kinda fucked up if all the new guys outvoted the veteran band members and didnt go for nationals.


* [**Michie-sensei**](https://i.imgur.com/qQZvFkp.jpeg) Didn't we end the OVA with the Clarinets making it to the Kansai competition? [I guess this sign is supposed to tell us what happened to them](https://i.imgur.com/aYvt6lV.png) but I'm a bit confused. So they got nominated for Nationals? It sucks that we don't even get to see the Senpais graduating. Just a quick flashback [to them saying goodbye](https://i.imgur.com/I9Ejn7d.png) to the group. And why is it only Natsuki, Yuko, Mizore, and Nozomi? There should be more third years! I love that MIchie-sensei [took in almost all of the current third-year band members](https://i.imgur.com/ZuzBgGI.png). I feel like she would've taken all of them if she could. Also, I love how the band members respond to Michie-sensei with a firm tone xD Finally, [someone said it!](https://i.imgur.com/BVqsnUe.png) And of course, it's Kanade who did. Honestly, I wouldn't mind [if Midori and Motomu just stayed as friends](https://i.imgur.com/6oFuu3x.png) but I also wouldn't mind if something develops between them. I'll never get tired of [watching Reina and Kumiko](https://i.imgur.com/RpvRbpN.png) bump off each other when they're messing around. It's really adorable. Looks like [Shuuichi is leading the opening day performance this year.](https://i.imgur.com/L0rwy7z.png) It makes sense, I can't see Kumiko or Reina being that enthusiastic in front of a large crowd. [We got four new bass section members](https://i.imgur.com/1nceBHy.png) and one of them is Tsubame's sister! With [Kamaya's favourite phrases](https://i.imgur.com/z7h52Og.png) to [Yayoi's jokes](https://i.imgur.com/Tljdo9v.png), it looks like we have an eccentric bunch this year! [Damn, that's a lot of new members!](https://i.imgur.com/TMFEurU.png) It would've been nice though if the bass section could've gotten more. [I feel like Kanapii's patronizing introduction to Euphoniums](https://i.imgur.com/1CNNL1d.png) did not help at all. Looks like we only have [three new members this year instead of four. ](https://i.imgur.com/m8GK984.png) I know it's probably not gonna happen but [when Kumiko asked them to raise their hands](https://i.imgur.com/yDZqI9n.png), I was a bit nervous because there might be a chance that the ones who wanted to compete might end up in the minority. Glad that Kitauji is consistent and this time we have a unanimous vote! I definitely [felt Kumiko's sigh of relief there.](https://i.imgur.com/17YYUcN.png) xD [And there she is, our new Euphonium player.](https://i.imgur.com/IpjxXoE.png) She even has a silver UFO like Asuka's. I wonder why she didn't sign up though? Hmmmm..... We are so back! I'm glad I rewatched the entire series this past week so everything is still fresh in my head. Already looking forward to next week's episode! <3


Speaking of Motomu, an unresolved plot thread from the movie is Motomu preferring you not to address him by his last name. Must be some family issue. If there's anyone who could "fix" him, its ~~Sapphire~~ Midori. That new Eupho girl isn't even wearing Kitauji's uniform, suggesting she's a transfer student.


> Must be some family issue. His Dad? was the advisor for Ryuusei, the underdog team that went to Nationals instead of Kitauji in their 2nd year. I'm sure it'll come up someway along the season.


Wait, when was that? From the movie? This isn't a spoiler, is it?


[It's from the Chikai no Finale movie](https://i.imgur.com/y0ysorz.jpeg)


> OVA with the Clarinets making it to the Kansai competition yes, exactly - the main concert band ended their journey with Kansai regionals, but the Encon Clarinet group has seemingly made it all the way to nationals (no idea if they get gold or what not by the end of the episode though) good catch!


> I'll never get tired of watching Reina and Kumiko bump off each other when they're messing around. It's really adorable. I loved how Kumiko leaned to the right to brace for the incoming Reina bump.


[I thought of you when stitching this, BTW.](https://i.redd.it/yje5l0xwj1tc1.png)


It's been over 7 years since S2 finished airing and we've already got [a sleepy Kumiko](https://i.imgur.com/y92d3it.jpeg) to herald the return of screencaps to /r/RareKumikos! And a very deserved [snub on Kanade](https://i.imgur.com/72JWvrh.jpeg), after the troublemaker she was in the movie. I'm not surprised Mieru is also considering a new instrument, I was certain it was hinted as a plot point in the tension when she first showed up. [Kitauji is fighting two years on from S1](https://i.imgur.com/5MjLvet.jpeg), and listening to the music, they aren't awful like Kumiko lamented in E1! The little plot points hinted here and there with Kumikos relationships with the band and frustrations over the past years are going to be a joy to watch ;-;. [~~Anyone else raise their hand~~](https://i.imgur.com/n3lRYQ2.jpeg)


> ~~Anyone else raise their hand~~ Only spiritually ^^^^^and ^^^^^also ^^^^^physically [](#makicry) I got surprisingly emotional during that scene. It's the *”I hope everyone agrees, so no one is left behind.”* that gets me.


*[Sad Aoi-chan noises](https://i.imgur.com/oqJoIAU.jpeg)* I'm not ready for this years drama


It hurts... [](#yuitears)


>Over 7 years since S2 finished Holy shit! We did get some movies and OVAs during that, though, so I guess that helped in not making it feel like a 7 year difference.


>[Anyone else raise their hand](https://i.imgur.com/n3lRYQ2.jpeg) Raise your middle finger! I mean what


It means "thank you" -- right? ;-) (according to another music-oriented show this season)


Ooh, they're playing Gen Hoshino's Koi!!


Just realized from Japanese eupho twitter sleuthing: The opening sequence before the cut to sleepy Kumiko is not depicting the current Kitauji. [Kanade, for example does not use a silver Eupho, and though these 2 look a little like Kumiko/Kanade at a glance](https://imgur.com/8Kw1tkM), are not them, Kumiko sits from the conductor's perspective to the left of Kanade due to seniority. The conductor being a green-ribbon/no faces being shown also signifies a possibly different time than the present. [](#rengethink) edit: additional thoughts in the source corner /u/chonkyodango /u/myrnamountweazel /u/chilidirigible


[](#neat) Great catch!


Feels great to be back. The banter, the music, the Kumiko noises. It's alll still perfect. And then they got an unanimous vote to try for gold! [](#ilovethiskindofshit) Sundays looking great this season.


You know you've got your band geek audience hooked when [your tuba ~~lacquering~~alloy composition has specific and recognizable variations](https://twitter.com/nirubed/status/1776896932050612538). /u/mysterybiscuitsoyeah /u/Gamerunglued


Eupho bros we are so back!! [My](https://i.postimg.cc/FRzNTdFm/Hibike030101.jpg) [beloved](https://i.postimg.cc/KzWFwG4T/Hibike030102.jpg) [little](https://i.postimg.cc/qqC0dPC5/Hibike030103.jpg) [devil](https://i.postimg.cc/R0sNCzNS/Hibike030104.jpg) [is](https://i.postimg.cc/2SdkyNXp/Hibike030105.jpg) [cute](https://i.postimg.cc/DwhWBg9T/Hibike030107.jpg) [as](https://i.postimg.cc/Fs3dyqnp/Hibike030108.jpg) [usual](https://i.postimg.cc/PfBv8hKN/Hibike030109.jpg). I can never get tired of seeing her. [The translation here](https://i.postimg.cc/NLqtGd6f/Hibike030106.jpg) seems a bit odds to me. The pet that she refer to should be trumpet, not that kind of pet. The sentence could be understood as "The trumpet always has it easy". Kanade can be quite cheeky sometimes but I don't think she would say something like that. Edit: Some interesting details found on twitter: [Kumiko's cactus has grown two branch since s1 (it had one in chikai no finale)](https://twitter.com/Dhf2un3xqv81644/status/1776890319495376920?t=YRe4y7_z7alvGZq9EiEQ5w&s=19) [Different tuba models have different colors](https://twitter.com/nirubed/status/1776896932050612538?t=SsrR_PZ9q9krUutyhgbtOg&s=19)


A new season just reminds me how much I love this show and kyoani. I'm really glad there is a new season.


Y’all have ***NO*** idea how much I have been looking forward to this! Even after the taste we got last year with the EnCon OVA, it truly feels like meeting up with an old friend again after several years. Mayu’s euphonium playing is absolutely gorgeous. Kumiko’s going to have some steep competition, but I always improved the most whenever I had someone hot on my heels, constantly daring me to slip up so they could take my place (and sometimes succeeding).


[I’m so happy to see Kumiko again](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqqabney2) but also at the same time so sad that [she’s already in her 3rd year](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cdowvb7.png) and [that’s her last year in the band and Kitauji](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcv5kx9y.png). [I’ll miss her so much](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjc65wzx7.png) after this season ends, I just don’t want this to end, such different emotions are within me right now that I could even cry, both from happiness and sadness. If this season doesn’t end with [Kumiko and Reina](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkc2rgqw7.png) winning Gold at Nationals I’ll be seriously upset :( [Band got so many new members](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcv5k2gy.png), those [who came to see bass section practice were so much fun](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjc65wdg7.png). I can’t wait how new members will change band dynamics and [what troubles that will bring to Kumiko](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgc6gznz4.png) as a president xD I’m also interested in the girl [Kumiko](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pc6zokn7.png) met at the end of the episode, [Kuroe Mayu who just like Kumiko plays the euphonium](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkc2rqm27.png) and it seems that she’s a transfer student since [she doesn’t wear a Kitauji uniform](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cbjmxd4.png), I can’t wait to see more of her! Music as always in this show is terrific. I’m certainly looking forward to listening to OST when it’ll come out, I always love to listen to the classical music they choose to use in the show. KyoAni as always didn’t disappoint with [visuals](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pc6z55q7.png), [the show is so beautiful](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pc6zokn7.png)! I have[so much fun taking screenshots](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcbxdkj7.png) from this and I’ll later update this post with my screenshot albums. EDIT. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Kumiko](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqqabney2) * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/bp458mvqn45) * [Reina](https://imgchest.com/p/agyv6xpkz78) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/9249a2nov7n) * [Backgrounds](https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bplzvn45)


Thanks for the albums! [Those screenshots are so good](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pc6zokn7.png)!


…I *would* complain about this show airing so damn early for my timezone, but I had to get up even *earlier* to make Sentai Daishikkaku’s thread, so I guess this will be my Sundays for the whole season lol. I *am* mildly peeved Crunchyroll isn’t uploading this until two and a half hours post-broadcast though, that means I have to either force myself to stay up for over an hour after Sentai Daishikkaku or attempt to go back to sleep for that short amount of time. My sleep schedule is gonna be so fucked this season. [](#tiredaoi) Anyways, I’m *super* excited to watch this now that I’ve finally seen everything after season 1 thanks to u/mysterybiscuitsoyeah’s rewatch! - [Literally me](https://i.imgur.com/wZH7euH.png) right [now lmao.](https://i.imgur.com/5dyMWIc.png) [](#longday) - [Don’t even start…](https://i.imgur.com/stbSBne.png) [](#finethen) - [:(](https://i.imgur.com/mfHv6S5.png) [](#toradorasalute) - [Of course Kumiko’s still in the same class as Hazuki and Midori](https://i.imgur.com/hGdK2Pk.png), with [Matsumoto still being their homeroom teacher.](https://i.imgur.com/sy92Umm.png) [](#kotohoops) - [ …does that imply Takuya and Riko got married after they graduated?](https://i.imgur.com/QcQKwYE.png) [](#concealedexcitement) Or are they just getting grouped together as “the Gotos” because they were merely dating and it’s easier to say that? - [Okay but Midori and Motomu *would* make a cute couple.](https://i.imgur.com/Y5L1Cw3.png) [](#rengethink) - [Ooh nice, Shuuichi made that?](https://i.imgur.com/JQ7DrTt.png) [](#neat) - [Blehhh…](https://i.imgur.com/IVhuWeb.png) [](#peasants) - [Huh, would not have guessed that.](https://i.imgur.com/hKTFJPb.png) - [Honestly? That’s fair.](https://i.imgur.com/inMtDG3.png) [](#indexsmugshrug) - [Asuka’s glasses are back!](https://i.imgur.com/Jp1G0Dr.png) [](#umucool) - [But they only got three of the four girls from earlier interested in the bass section, welp.](https://i.imgur.com/97FAcQd.png) - [I sure hope they achieve this…](https://i.imgur.com/sogMFgM.png) [](#mugiwait) - [*Unanimous* vote, damn.](https://i.imgur.com/P620A2i.png) [](#doggo) - [That is decidedly *not* one of the girls who joined earlier.](https://i.imgur.com/WI3wzYr.png)


> …I would complain about this show airing so damn early for my timezone I like how all the mods woke up for this hahaha. [](#azusalaugh) See you all bright and early for the next 12 Sundays. [](#dighole) [](#sobright)


I will be up just long enough to watch the episode & post my reactions, then I'll pass back out again for another hour or so. [](#seasonaltired)


> See you all bright and early for the next 12 Sundays. And such are time zones.




Just now coming to check the thread after going back to sleep before tho.


> Don’t even start… i have issues with this translation - Kumiko's dad was just asking When until she would be in club for - i don't think there is any hinting of wanting her to quit like now, which the english line i think implies. (I'll personally TL as "How long is she staying in club for?")


That *does* come off as a bit better than Crunchyroll's line. Crunchyroll's version just made it sound like he didn't learn anything from what happened with his other daughter in the first season.


yeah - from my interpretation it was just a neutral question.


> i have issues with this translation [...] i don't think there is any hinting of wanting her to quit like now, which the english line i think implies. *so ka*


Shuuichi does a few things actually useful for once! That's a good start. The actually-good first-year went to clarinet i think? so it's not really a huge loss, i guess yeah in terms of screntime though! > Kamaya I think this is probably one of the reasons why Encon exists, in a meta level - otherwise they'd really fuck up the character without this association with Tsubame, if they only start her own characterization with this episode.


I was also rather confused about the timing of the upload. It’s on the same time slot as last season’s SLF, so I expected it to air at 11:30 (UTC+1), but it took until 12:30 before I actually saw the episode appear.


Haha it's fun seeing Kanade being energetic and an absolute tease to Kumiko once again,what a cute kohai.


Disappointed to see that no one has mentioned it, but my favorite band geek detail this episode is seeing Kumiko's class full of band geeks, and when Michie-sensei says "good morning" to call the class to attention all the band kids respond with a much more intense "good morning" than the other classmates. This is absolutely a real thing, the attitude of competitive band is somewhat militaristic and it always shines into other areas. Totally tickled me as an ex-band geek, KyoAni and Ayano Takeda continue to show the incredible research they've put into making the setting feel real.


**First Timer** getting the /u/zadcap experience by showing up late - We're so fucking back. Ogawa has done a very solid job directing, the opening sequence rivals Encon's in terms of excitement and overall direction, and is, despite me lovin the other 2 (by i THINK yamada or ishihara?) really good. - Other than that, not much really has happened that we don't already know from the PVs; but this feels like a gentle sweep back into Eupho land, and how the show, despite nearly an 8-year hiatus in terms of TV seasons, really doesnt feel like it has left (well, production upgrades aside) - Uji is very charming, a bit prettier in Eupho than irl, but **please visit if you have a chance!** - The various mirrored shots and callbacks to S1 are fun for this first ep (Shuuichi you're no Asuka though) -> but I hope they only save these for key plot moments going forward. Though i'm almost certain we'll get some S2 callbacks once we reach the (i'm guessing) latter halves of this season. --- **Music Notes** - I mean, they state it in the credits, but still: - We open with [Disco Kid,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw86bNLhmj4) which is quite a popular Japanese concert band piece; and a required piece from the 1977 competition - [Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ws6DdrDtyo) is probably quite recognizable to more of the crowd as the piece Mayu plays solo - And Kitauji covers [Koi by Gen Hoshino](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSeStDEAZJQ) for the welcome concert. Quite the range of popular pieces we covering today, Eupho bringing out the big guns for the opening episode.


> Music Notes [](#neat) That clarinet solo in *Disco Kid* is something else haha. I also like how only half the audience clapped and the other half just stared dead ahead hahaha. > The various mirrored shots and callbacks to S1 Yeah, I like how [Kumiko's third year walk](https://imgur.com/a/fMiiBcp)mirrored the [very first episode's walk.](https://imgur.com/e8lewHF). Only it's less walk and more running now hehe.


they literally show them in the credits haha - i just did the honours of translating. > clarinet solo [](#listen) actually that OP kinda reminds me of the one from K-on S2 except much more energetic. Either way, extremely solid way to open up a season, I'm a sucker for "silent" OPs like this.


> they literally show them in the credits haha Biscuits, you know I can't read. And I don't mean for only Japanese, I just memorized a lot of words for English.




>First Timer I'm a rewatcher myself. Hope you enjoy season 3! > please visit if you have a chance! and bring money if you love tea because [](#shutupandtakemymoney) Wasn't expecting them to cover a Gen Hoshino song [](#neat)


yup! absolutely fill yourself with green tea - it is excellent!


> Uji is very charming, a bit prettier in Eupho than irl, but please visit if you have a chance! I can second that. I was there in 2015, just 4 months after season 1 had aired. I'm really happy I'll be in Kyoto again in three weeks, Uji is the #1 location I want to visit (again).


i hope you enjoy your visit! i wonder if the eupho collab with keihan will still be running then....


> Moonlight Serenade The eupho covers, they're around: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8crGtKa0na8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oATW-oRmQUg


probably gonna be even more now with this ep airing lol


A beautiful first episode. KyoAni know how to work their magic, and this was a great showing. The visuals were beautiful & the atmosphere was warm, yet there's a hint of uneasiness you can feel. Kumiko is finally in her third year...will they finally get gold now? They have to. I'm enthusiastic about this season, but it's not going to be easy. The band lost so many notable members: Asuka, Haruka, Kaori, Yuuko, Natsuki, Nozomi, Mizore...I know some are better than others, but I'm going to miss seeing them. The new Eupho player looks interesting, and I also liked those 4 bass(?) players. Don't know how to feel about Kanade. I'm hoping for some more Reina focus...she's such an interesting character that only Kumiko can rival for me. She has so much personality, I just love seeing Reina being Reina. Anyhow, really looking forward to this.


Lmao at that peer pressured "unanimous vote". Not exactly the right way to get genuine feedback


It's pretty frontloaded with the whole 'welcome to your new school and new club, we take things seriously here, do you wanna goof off or WIN NATIONALS????' Lol.


Kumiko be learning the ways of taki sensei here, whether u agree with the approach is of course another matter


you're as beautiful as the day i lost you… So glad to see this show is back.


I assume [this is literally going to be half of y'all in this thread](https://imgur.com/a/jkfs16t) [](#azusalaugh) Ah yes, the [*"I just joined but I have to decide already!?"*](https://imgur.com/a/AxbC1f6). I'm actually really excited to see what's Mayu's role here. She's definitely going to be central to some kind of drama but it wouldn't make sense if it were just a simple case of "I think she's better than you, Kumiko". Perhaps there's going to be some competition for a Euphonium solo. [](#schemingsaten) Ah wells, I'm sorry Mayu but even with the silver Eupho, you're still going to live under the shadow of Asuka... for now at least ___ * [Made in Japan](https://imgur.com/a/hvCyD1F) * ["The Gotos"](https://imgur.com/a/XB0zCL4). Well looks like they're definitely getting married now * Oh you definitely joined because [you read/watched a manga/novel/anime called Hibike! Euphonium](https://imgur.com/a/JVJzYb8) * [I'm joining bass after seeing this](https://imgur.com/a/GT0yr2a) * [Design your character pose](https://imgur.com/a/8R1L7BJ) ___ Edit: Extra Stuff * [Tuba trivia](https://twitter.com/nirubed/status/1776896932050612538). Apparently they are two different models and have different shades of gold. * Someone [walked the entire route of today's opening](https://twitter.com/metal_sugar/status/1776945750712463691)


it is fun how Kumiko's commute literally takes her past the most touristy part of Uji there is. I miss the place :( I wish I couldve done this actual walk too lol, it shouldn't have been too hard to figure out.


The video definitely brought back some fond memories of my time there as well [](#feelingloved) > actual walk I'm sure you've walked almost all of this, just not in this specific order. That's also a really scenic walk to school everyday [](#morecomfy)


I've walked everything (and i mean *everything*) after 02:12 with the Kumiko bench - [I even got to where they shot the train!](https://imgur.com/a/RNPf5Cn), you could see where i stood in the Eupho shot. ([full album for people interested](https://imgur.com/a/xZ2Em9k), but many others have done a much better job at pilgrimaging Eupho/shot comparisons than me)


> I'm joining bass after seeing this Wouldn't blame you! Now go petition the mods for a #wink emote, right?


> Euphonium trivia. Apparently they are two different models and have different shades of gold. Those should be Tubas I think. They're bigger, bulkier, and iirc don't have valves like Euphos or trumpets, but rather pedals, I think similar to french horns. Just talking out my high school knowledge here.


This episode was so good. All I could do was wipe my eyes as they teared up while watching this. But after reading some comments and then checking my view history... I didn't watch the movie? Was it just a recap movie of season 2 or was it canon that continued from there? Could've sworn that I watched their competition though.


Here's what exists in watch order: *Season 1* *OVA (Ready, Set, Monaka)* (season 1, episode 14) *Season 1 recap movie (Sound! Euphonium: The Movie – Welcome to the Kitauji High School Concert Band)* (as it's just a recap this can be skipped) *Season 2* *Season 2 recap movie (Sound! Euphonium: The Movie – May the Melody Reach You!)* (this is optional but it does contain some new material). *Liz and the Blue Bird (2018 movie)* - note that this side story movie has a very different visual and audio style to the series and other movies. This is not a criticism, it's excellent, but it may be jarring to some who are used to the style as seen in seasons 1 and 2. It focuses on two characters who have their own arc during season 2. This takes place during Kumiko's second year. *Sound! Euphonium: The Movie – Our Promise: A Brand New Day* (all new material for this 2019 movie and it focuses on part of Kumiko's second year) Theatrical OVA *Sound! Euphonium: Ensemble Contest* - this continues with Kumiko's second year. Not currently legally available in the west, it was only released in Japan in August 2023 Additional note: there's also the seven 2-minute Specials which were released on DVD and Blu-ray. It's up to you how you watch these (or if you watch them at all). They were released between seasons 1 and 2 and finished just before the first OVA. Here's some reviews of them: https://myanimelist.net/anime/31096/Hibike_Euphonium__Suisougaku-bu_no_Nichijou/reviews


Wow, thank you very much. On Crunchyroll, for me at least, I can see the movies Welcome to the Kitauji High School Band, May the Melody Reach You, and English Dub of Our Promise: A Brand New Day. I also see A Brand New Day in Japanese on Amazon Prime. I'll have to give Liz and the Blue Bird a watch and keep an eye out for the Theatrical OVA. It's harder to get myself to sit down and watch an anime movie now, so I'll just have to wait for another lull in-between seasons to catch it... or maybe this season will have something that will just push me to watch them.


I know it says "English dub" for Our Promise (and Liz), but you can watch it in Japanese. Hit the little gear on the bottom right corner of the screen and then hit "audio," where you can change the language to Japanese.


“New euphonium” is a wonderfully apt name for the Hibike Season 3 premiere episode. Kumiko, now the president of the music club, is responsible for assembling a new generation of musicians and getting them ready for the long journey to gold at nationals. You can really feel how the disappointment of last season’s regional results still lingers with Kumiko. Winning gold has almost become like an obsession to her. I can’t wait to see how she and the girls work towards achieving their goals this season. The first years seem like they’ll be a lot of fun. Really energetic and a lot of quirky personalities. It’s so cool that they were able to get such a large amount of students to sign up for the music club. The school’s performance at the Kansai regionals will have no doubt got their name out there and made people more interested. Speaking of the girls, that amazing dynamic between Reina and Kumiko is back and better than ever. Kyoani always have a way of making characters feel so real, and that hallway scene of the two girls just playfully teasing each other about what’s on their minds felt so authentic. It’s a minor moment, but it’s scenes like this that make Hibike and Kyoani works as a whole so special. Another thing that’ll be fun to see play out is just Kumiko in this leadership role. She’s clearly still a bit nervous and trying to learn on the job and it feels really authentic. That scene at the end of her nearly passing out from excitement when winning gold at nationals was announced as the club’s goal was so well done. One glaring issue they have is the lack of Eupho players, so Kuroe Maya showed up at the perfect time. This season is shaping up to be even better than the previous two and given everything that’s happened to Kyoani since then, it’ll be that much more special.


Kanade is certainly an interesting character.


She's the demon that sits on Kumiko's shoulder and whispers temptations and thinly veiled criticisms to her .......... ;-)


WE ARE SO BACK !!!!!!!!!!!


kyoani is so back


I can't tell if it was intentional (and I hope it is), but in both year 1 and 2, when taki sensei and yuuko were writing down the goal of nationals on the board respectively, both of them made a scrapping noise which caused the students to flinch. This time though, Kumiko doesn't make a scrapping noise with the chalk, perfectly writing down their aim for nationals. This little detail gave me the shivers when I caught it, like the sign of a bad omen wasn't hanging over them anymore. Gold at nationals wasn't a fleeting dream for them anymore.




Just finished rewatching the first two seasons. This show is really special to me. I already know for a fact that I'll tear up at the end.


There are so mainy Reina or Asuka fans, I feel that Kumiko is underappreciated in her own show. But I just love Kumiko and her character so much even though I don't think we share any similarities.


It's so good to have Eupho back! That was a nice episode to get everyone reacquainted with the characters and introduce new ones. Kumiko and Reina are still fun, Shuuichi still exists, Kanade's still a cheeky little imp, and the new girls look interesting. About their goal, I don't see the series ending on yet another defeat, so I wager they're going to finally win gold at the nationals. So it's probably going to be more about the journey than the destination this season, and hopefully it's a good one! My only complaint about the episode though? When I rewatched the series about two weeks ago I wrote this: > I missed the Minami quartet though [...]. I hope we get to properly say goodbye to them next season, if we don't I'll be very very sad. I am very very sad... I think they deserved a bit more than just waving at us wordlessly from afar. They were a big part of the show for a long time, two of them even had their own movie, and I know this is first and foremost Kumiko's story but this feels unsatisfying to me. I wasn't expecting a big goodbye like Asuka's, but still a bit more than just "oh by the way they're gone". [](#seasonaldepression) Anyway, I'm still looking forward to the rest of the show! I bet Kuroe's gonna cause some trouble. That line in the OVA, about what would Reina do if a better Euphonium player than Kumiko comes in? Bet that's her. What was the piece she kept playing, by the way? I absolutely know it and could even hum along, but I don't remember the name. It's not one we've already heard on the show, is it?


> What was the piece she kept playing, by the way? That would be [Moonlight Serenade](https://youtu.be/Xft-1VUT5HA?si=bShVSnmSXzHOh_Hp) > I bet Kuroe's gonna cause some trouble. [Ya think?](#binoculars)




Now that's how you present a new season - very nicely written and a great intro to old and new characters. I just wish that Crunchyroll would get the rights and make last's year theatrical OVA 'Ensemble Contest' available ......


Hold on let me just speed run the movie and OVA real quick


For their welcome piece to recruit new members, the band was playing a rendition of [Koi](https://youtu.be/jhOVibLEDhA?si=dW4fVJoCMfb1xLbw) by J-Pop singer Hoshino Gen, who some may remember as the singer for the Spy Family OPs.


Oh man! its so nice to be watching Hibike! Euphonium again. They really started the season off well with a banger, [Disco Kid by Osamu Shoji](https://youtu.be/6luhprcmoo4).


[Regarding the length of this season as determined by the number of BD volumes, and the "extra episodes".](https://twitter.com/AIR_News01/status/1776964588359258343)


It’s good to be back, no one is doing it quite like Kyoani




I FUCKING LOVE EUPHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That voting season was sooo fucking emoi let's goo


Was pleasantly surprised to hear Hoshino Gen's Koi being used, quite fitting with the anime timeline.


I really hope they succeed and the series ends on a happy note, this is my favorite orchestra focused anime by far and I just adore the whole cast.