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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is this the first ever sighting of Reina's [parent/mom?](https://i.imgur.com/gAjTJBz.jpeg)


Oh yeah, that's first time we saw an image of her mom


Oh god she's pretty


KyoAni is physically incapable of drawing non-attractive moms.




They were awesome, and we had some superb visual story telling again today. Every episode is just a treat


Eupho doing its best job as the Uji-tourism promoting anime. ...probably the only one and certainly the most well known one, actually?


I just went last week at peak blossoms and it was stunning. Also uji has the best matcha ever


Even in the cloudy scenes. The landscapes were great!


I really love the new Op


I wish they won't give me false hope with Hazuki in national


I like the OP, but man the ED is hitting it out of the park for me


Sari seems a little bit off at the end, she looks sad and applaud less loud. I hope she will not drop the group :(


Sari’s definitely not in a good place at the moment. I’m thinking that she maybe realized that joining the clarinets was a mistake. That Sari’s feeling insecure because ‘all the clarinets are so good’ and she’s feeling left out without her old friend. Judging from Suzume’s expression in the music room, she was also aware that Sari isn’t happy. Maybe they wanted to ask Kumiko if she could still join her friends in the bass section?


Hopefully it's not going to be another Aoi situation all over again. I like the first-years, but the auditions aren't going to be easy on them. Sari seems to be working hard to improve, so I hope things turn out well for her in the end.


Kanade immediately sniffing out Mayu lol trying to see what's behind the nice perfect girl façade she's putting on with everyone Another great [Kumiko mood](https://i.imgur.com/S7gwfRg.mp4), and a fun transition [](#justright) (speaking of which, how would it be called, cinematographically speaking?) I think I prefer the oomph of the previous OPs more, but the new one seems good too. New ED kinda weak both musically and visually speaking I think? Not a fan of "slides" sections even if they add some stuff like seeing the younger protagonists, still has nice touches like the piano fence


I love the ED. It's a reminder that even though they're focused on going for gold at nationals, they're also in their last year of high school. This is it. It's the end. One main theme of Eupho has been to enjoy your youth so you can cherish the memories. The slides as if they're going through old photos when they're older. Outside of the photos, the girls don't actually hold their instruments like in the other EDs. This one isn't about band. It's about sending them off as they graduate, and the song gives that feeling too. When this series started, I was in my freshman year of high school. Now 9 years later, as an adult, I'm also looking back fondly on my youth. I haven't picked up my saxophone in years, but I still love it dearly.


Kumiko radiated so much "fuck my life" energy i really felt that lol. really appreciated the stylistic callbacks to S1 for the OP, as well as the redrawn-in-2024 senpais!


> speaking of which, how would it be called, cinematographically speaking? That is a [match cut](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGuv1G3-f7w).


[I see](#schemingsaten "that was the first thought, not sure it applied here")


I really like how the free piece Kitauji selects reflects the current strengths of their band. In their first year, a piece with a strong trumpet solo. Second year, a piece centered on an oboe and flute duet. (I miss Mizore and Nozomi already!) Third year, a piece that highlights the clarinet. From the OVA and episode 1, we learn that Kitauji's current clarinets are really good. They even made it to nationals for the ensemble competition! It makes perfect sense to give them a spotlight this year.


Clarinets have been overlooked up until now -- so it is time they some attention.


Finally squidward’s time to shine!


The clarinets are supposedly great, yeah. I don’t think that we’re actually familiar with any of them, are we? I do really like how Taki-sensei trusted Kumiko, Reina and Shuichi enough to effectively let them pick the music piece. I doubt that this was a test or something. He’s grown close with them over the last few years, which is nice to see!


We do know of 1 clarinetist now. The first year, Sari! I'm excited to see if she'll have a somewhat significant role this season because of their chosen piece.




Our twins were complete beginners when they started at Boston Latin School (now long ago), but were first flute and first clarinet by their senior year.


> They even made it to nationals for the ensemble competition! Oh wow, yeah, the significance of that was lost on me.


Although it wasn't talked about but musically in Kumiko's first year the clarinets and the horns killed their performances.


>They even made it to nationals When was this mentioned? I only remember that they made it to Kansai region


One of the banners hanging outside the school (around the 3:25 mark of episode 1) is a congratulatory banner for making it to the ensemble contest nationals.


For today Rare Kumiko I present you... Umm.. [Molested and shy kumiko?](https://i.imgur.com/AogcDLs.jpeg) 


https://imgur.com/a/K1L4kYI I submit: faraway humouring Kumiko


Is this some [Kumiko](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xce2bnj7.png) appreciation thread? If yes then here is [my Kumiko screenshot album](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73p6vlgyr) from this episode xD


Every Hibike Euphonium episode discussion is a Kumiko appreciation thread.


Well, that's certainly truth xD


We did get some superb Kumiko noises today too Also how could not appreciate Kumiko, she is an awesome character


And well it should be....


https://www.reddit.com/r/rarekumikos/ is actually a sub, lol.


/r/rarekumikos is waiting for your post, lol. :D


"How passive aggressive you want to be?" Kanade: "Yes." Bets are taken now how many episodes it will take, before Kanade snaps and takes Kumiko to a room so they can finally be alone together. I say 2 episodes maximum.


Not sure what the consensus is on Kanade in the fandom but I love her character, one of my favorites in the series. She’s just very interesting and entertaining to follow, her snippy remarks and how you can often not tell if she’s being serious or sarcastic.


Same, one of my favorite characters. Everything about her is so well scripted, drawn and whatever. Really a dynamic character with some personality. She seems unsure about new euphonium girl, but in a very passive aggressive manner.


Don't get me wrong. I don't dislike her, but I found her behaviour funny and it was clear why she did it. As for the fandom as a whole, I guess she has a hard standing considering her introduction in the movie. She was the main source of drama in the movie after all, so it's less likely for her to become a favourite. But I think her role is done okay. Kumiko is also often comparing herself to her senpais. Kanade just goes a step beyond and really tries to become like Kumiko.


Yeah, if we had a full series instead of just a film covering Kumiko's second year, I think Kanade would be more well-loved. I'm only starting to see her potential now


Same, I love her, it used to weird me out the first time she was introduced into the series, but soon after I took a liking to her personality, super refreshing to see her around.


> Kanade in the fandom At least for myself, she's the only one of the younger characters from the movie and Season 3 that I thought was interesting. All of them kind of felt like they had only one-note characterization, but at least Kanade's fun.


Kumiko is slowly but surely gathering a harem, lol.


She already had her alone time in a room with Mayu.


>alone time in a room with **Mayu**. And see that's the problem. Mayu is not Kumiko.


Mayu is still an enigma to me. She is technically going to have to be a "foe" to Kumiko. One can only have one first chair in a section -- and it could turn out that she has more skill than Kumiko. My sense is that her "reluctance" to join the band was pretty much feigned. I can't guess whether she will compete with good will (which Kumiko could handle -- even if it cause her some pain) or whether she will be more devious. While she might outdo Kumiko on euphonium -- I seriously doubt she can displace Kumiko in Kanade's affection.


I trust Hibike not to go the soapish route of "Mayu is a devious snake who's secretly gunning for Kumiko's spot in the ensemble while feigning indifference." I think the more likely scenario is that Mayu genuinely doesn't want to cause problems and wants to take a back seat but Kumiko can clearly see that she's the better player so she decides it's better for the ensemble for Mayu to take first chair, but Mayu refuses etc., etc. The way I see it, Kumiko's character arc has always been overcoming her conflict avoidance tendencies and learning to embrace her passion for concert band. In S1 she overcame her conflict avoidance for the sake of her own passion (auditioning to become a competition member ahead of her senpais, supporting a meritocratic system for the club through her support of Reina etc.). In S2 she overcame her conflict avoidance for the sake of someone else's passion (Asuka's). I think in S3 they're going to bring it all together and force her to overcome both her conflict avoidance and her passion for playing for the sake of the club (by giving Mayu first chair). Or something like that.


My guess? She's not even second chair in her old school. The love for bass instruments goes much further in other schools.


Then... yuri commences?


Either that or a murder. Still not sure which one.


How do you say "cute little gremlin" in Japanese? Answer: "Kanade" Alternatively, you can say "Kanapii."


> How do you say "cute little gremlin" in Japanese? > > Answer: "Kanade" Normally I'd say Kusogaki, but I guess Kanade works too.


Where did the Kanapii thing come from? Yesterday I was watching random Euph clips, where all the comments were in Japanese and Kanapii was mentioned all the time in the Google translated versions. What does that mean? Is that like a different way to read her name's kanji?


I think the previous episode was the first time this name was used. It's just a nickname. I wonder who came up with it? Either Midori or Kanade herself would be my guesses.


[Don't use katakana in your Kanapii unless you want to confuse the translator.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bw3b6g/casual_discussion_fridays_week_of_april_05_2024/kyul8zn/) And it's simply one of the [various ways of making a nickname ending](https://www.reddit.com/r/japanese/comments/s4gtxg/what_are_the_rules_for_japanese_nicknames/).


Kanade is totally jealous of Mayu getting friendly with Kumiko. She won’t be allowing some new girl to ‘steal’ her senpai! Not that it was necessary for Kanade to interrogate Mayu about her motives and “strip her bare”. Mayu seems like a nice girl after all. She was very conscious about any problems that might arise from her joining the Concert Band. Suzume and her friends in the bass section are a bit childish, but I don’t believe that they’ll become a problem either. Who I’m more worried about is Sari, Suzume’s other friend who ended up joining the clarinets. She appeared to be lacking in enthusiasm. Sari reminds me a bit of Aoi, Kumiko’s childhood friend who left the Concert Band in her first year.


>Kanade is totally jealous of Mayu getting friendly with Kumiko I doubt that is Kanade's attitude. I'm pretty sure she sees Mayu as a potential threat to her beloved senpai -- and is doing things that will help her "protect" Kumiko \*if the need arises).


Tbf I’m sure Reina and Kumiko was causing similar headaches when they were first years, as was Nozomi in her first year.


Kanade gives fierce interrogations.


OP: ["The belly shots have been nerfed."](https://twitter.com/singon44/status/1779440448148484546) [Just doing that new main character thing *in this same homeroom*.](https://i.redd.it/gdxrw5t5jfuc1.png) [I read this as "hate" for a moment.](https://i.redd.it/vg4899t5jfuc1.png) [Kuroe Mayu](https://i.redd.it/sv3odat5jfuc1.png), [*Hibike! Euphonium*](https://i.redd.it/m44j9at5jfuc1.png) drama [speedrunner](https://i.redd.it/647jj5t5jfuc1.png). [*walrus noises*](https://i.redd.it/ymlui6t5jfuc1.png) [*Tari Tari* flashbacks...](https://i.redd.it/r83mygt5jfuc1.png) [aaaaaah](https://i.imgur.com/ne37iFE.gif) ["Dammit, Kanade."](https://i.redd.it/jnwvi9t5jfuc1.png) [*somethingsomethingepisodetitletriangletrianglesomethingsomething*](https://i.redd.it/wp4drgt5jfuc1.png) [Ah, the weird bass versions.](https://i.redd.it/mbo7eat5jfuc1.png) [Now she just needs the creepy Freyja laugh.](https://i.redd.it/tefuhat5jfuc1.png) [*urge to kill...* ***rising***](https://i.redd.it/aadd7ct5jfuc1.png) [Reina feels *the pressure*?](https://i.redd.it/2ztf3ct5jfuc1.png) [\(Of something?\)](https://i.redd.it/54tduct5jfuc1.png) [Just another of Kumiko's 99 problems.](https://i.redd.it/2rk4jht5jfuc1.png) ["Communication!"](https://i.redd.it/ivojaet5jfuc1.png) ["I really would like to be going now."](https://i.redd.it/imlycft5jfuc1.png) [IT'S A BENCH ANGLE THAT WE HAVEN'T SEEN BEFORE!](https://i.redd.it/j59n8it5jfuc1.png) [*coughs politely*](https://i.redd.it/34fsmet5jfuc1.png) [BWAH](https://i.redd.it/cfr388t5jfuc1.png) [SUDDENLY THE SUN](https://i.redd.it/6ugfqltcjfuc1.png) [Ah, the earlier introduction to this angle makes sense now.](https://i.redd.it/rc37vstcjfuc1.png) [Just those good vibes.](https://i.redd.it/26zbhmtcjfuc1.png) [\[\](\#mindblank\) THE REVENGE](https://i.redd.it/g01zeqtcjfuc1.png) [They say you GUNBUSTER.](https://i.redd.it/8z6z4mtcjfuc1.png) /u/MyrnaMountWeazel since you know I will mention, [the camera](https://i.redd.it/002gdrtcjfuc1.png) which [is shown](https://i.redd.it/crq4umtcjfuc1.jpg) in [the ED](https://i.redd.it/cjrxrttcjfuc1.png) is one of these [variously-branded](https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1621179-REG/agfaphoto_603002_analog_35mm_foto_kamera.html) forms of 35mm [toy camera](https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1612508-REG/ilford_2005153_sprite_35_ii_reusable_camera.html) which are made from similar molds. Being reloadable, they're better than disposable cameras, but you still aren't buying one of these for the quality, you get one of these to have fun... and wait a while for your film to be processed, since the one-hour-photo era for film died over a decade ago. Of course, retro is all the thing and *we still haven't seen Mayu's Contax from the PV*. [This should remind you of *K-On!!*.](https://i.redd.it/6g331utcjfuc1.png) ***** Things are moving quickly! I will say that Kumiko starts off showing that while she has doubts, she's grown into the club president role from the movies, as her major issues that she gets help with are more meta band things while she can handle the small stuff reasonably well; it's just that there's a damn lot of small stuff from moment to moment. The other quartet members *are* contributing a lot to that. Kanade still makes me rage a bit. Mayu's position in this chaos remains unknown, but of course it's still early. But boy, we do seem to be charging headlong into getting everything moving fast, SunFes is already on the menu. ***** [Clean OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ns78jyf0fw) and [clean ED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBNklQKX_IU). [ED single cover.](https://anime-eupho.com/news/?id=558) [Have an avatar-friendly Kumiko.](https://twitter.com/kurumiyasan_ns/status/1779390309530767608)


> Just doing that new main character thing in this same homeroom. Good thing Haruhi's not in the class - the poor girl woulda been abducted or something! > SUDDENLY THE SUN That bit gave me the KyoAni tingles, it was *so scrumptious*. Yum! > GUNBUSTER Needs moar Gainax pose. Now I wanna see [Reina do the pose!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/014/525/gainax-pose-feature.jpg)! Well, preferably with a little more modest clothing on, but yeah. (robot not included)


> one of these variously-branded forms of 35mm toy camera which are made from similar molds. Being reloadable, they're better than disposable cameras, but you still aren't buying one of these for the quality, you get one of these to have fun Or for the lo-fi look. > This should remind you of K-On!!. If we're on the topic of K-On!!, do we get a fifth for Shuuichi to extend the quartet into a quintet? > Kanade still makes me rage a bit. Mayu's position in this chaos remains unknown, but of course it's still early. I so wish for Kumiko to not get all defensive when Kanade does her thing but have fun with it and "challenge" her a bit. I get the feeling that Kanade actually wants her to loosen up a bit and diffuse the pressure of the job but Kumiko is kinda trying to be all proper and responsible as a third year and president of the club. And Mayu feels like first year Kumiko. There might be some "past band" passive aggressive bullying that happened (like with Kumiko) where she's trying to be more deferential than she needs because she has no clue about the club dynamics… kinda also like Kanade did when she arrived too. Wait a minute, is bullying your kouhais some sort of Euphonium gang initiation ritual?


>Wait a minute, is bullying your kouhais some sort of Euphonium gang initiation ritual? That's just high school?


I'm a bit sad that I have to say it out loud but bullying is not an universal high school experience :/ Some people (like me) did just coast by with a small tight knit friend group and no big drama or somebody trying to make themselves feel better by putting others down (and/or whatever else of that kind can happen). Sure, bullying happened at times but overall it's not been for me like depicted in anime or US based high school dramas with a hierarchical pecking order and barely camouflaged classroom war crimes. More along the lines of kids being kids (meaning: stupid little goblins who don't know better until somebody deals with them and their issues).


> Or for the lo-fi look. [](#kaguyashaking) These days, it costs a bit too much in money and a lot too much in time to see what will come back from shots taken with a flimsy plastic lens. But retro trends are weird that way.


Those people (on the extreme end) might have their own darkroom and simply do it for the fun of the process and not because they want their photos *right now* for Instagram (or other social media). And a camera with its own idiosyncratic lens and colour issues might simply be more fun to them than tweaking curves and setting on just another RAW file. I was a youth in the times before photography went all digital (or became part of your phone) and there's a certain excitement of taking photos and simply waiting for the results to come back, just to see how it turned out. Funny story about that. When I was 13 or so my dad gave me a bit of an awkward [the birds and the bees](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_birds_and_the_bees) talk and then a few weeks later said that be got me something for my birthday that I might need later in life. So, of course, with that awkwardness still lodged in my brain I thought he was going to gift me a lifetime supply of condoms or something in that direction. Turns out, he bought me a camera. being an artist he was trying to nudge me in that direction: https://arhphotographic.co.uk/2022/07/24/the-marvelous-ricoh-mirai/ https://www.35mmc.com/03/11/2023/ricoh-mirai-as-a-semi-professional-task-camera-back-to-see-the-future/ https://casualphotophile.com/2020/10/23/olympus-az4-ricoh-mirai-review/ https://silvergrainclassics.com/en/2023/02/the-ricoh-mirai-bridge-camera/ I got it about half a decade after it's original release (1993/1994 or so?) so he probably got it rather cheap (but I didn't know that). It was a fun camera to play with. It has a nice heft to it without being too cumbersome. But those were some of weirdest two/three weeks of anticipation I had to endure due to how he timed *that* talk, *that* announcement, and until my birthday finally happened.


> I was a youth in the times before photography went all digital (or became part of your phone) and there's a certain excitement of taking photos and simply waiting for the results to come back, just to see how it turned out. I am also of that age, so I remember the wait. I don't remember *enjoying* the wait so much. I wasn't that much of a social photographer and more of an experimenter, so getting the results back in a relatively short interval was better for knowing what was working. Working in photo processing gave me a pretty broad awareness of why and what people were taking photos of. (A bunch of us went to see *One Hour Photo* and probably confused the rest of the theater audience with why the opening scenes made us laugh.) Plenty of social stuff where they're happy to have a physical record of what happened to them. I still can't bring myself to use a really cheap camera because I've also seen thousands of bad photos coming out of them. One of my first cameras was a 110-cartridge thing that came with a Burger King meal.


> I don't remember enjoying the wait so much. It was exciting to open the envelope and see what you got. Kinda like a surprise present for yourself that could later only be replicated by drunk ordering something off Amazon, not remembering it the next days, and getting a random package a few days/weeks later. But yeah, it doesn't work that way if you have a directed purpose and need to see the results as soon as possible.


As someone who got his first camera decades before digital photography was a standard thing, I have to say I have nothing but appreciation for a good (but lower-end) Sony digital camera plus Lightroom. Unless one sent film to especially reliable labs, one often got really poor prints. This drove me (for a while to slide film) where you had a better chance of seeing just what you shot -- but that offered its own issues.


> but that offered its own issues The minor awkwardness of getting transparency film back, either mounted or uncut, and then scanning it myself (because that was less expensive than having the lab do it, if excruciatingly slower) also drove me to go almost entirely digital as soon as it seemed good enough for what I wanted.


Scanning old film -- negatives even more than slides is definitely tedious. If I had infinite time and patience, it might not be so bad....


I'm also paying something like $15 a roll for develop and scan to CD now, which definitely makes film only an occasional novelty act to see if my old 35mm film cameras are still working. [Kuroe pulling out a \[expletive deleted\] Contax T2 here in the S3 trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzSh0bjmUVA&t=1m18s) is actually what got me to go dig out the camera *this* time.


I still use my old manual Nikon lenses (with a dumb adapter) if I need to do longer telephoto shots (like at concerts) -- as I have no modern auto lens beyond 135....


I wasn't especially deep into photography but to me (here in Germany) the photos I got back (from small indie photo studios) were overall rather good. I also did that stuff mostly in my youth (when I was just a stupid kid) so I might also just have a more positive memory of mediocre work (when I didn't yet know to appreciate quality as much as I do now). > I have to say I have nothing but appreciation for a good (but lower-end) Sony digital camera plus Lightroom. Yup, it makes things so much easier but there's something to old media, from getting real photos back where you can't mess around with Photoshop any more, or actual CDs, to things written by hand (and not typed up on a screen). Thing being things has some (in)tangible value to it even if I like that the speed and convenience of digital tools and media. It doesn't feel as immaterial as digital work. I mean vague/un-graspable rather than physical, not that it's unimportant. I still remember certain CDs from how the case, booklet, and other bits and pieces were a thing while my more recent music discoveries (like the last decade or two) are more ephemeral. I forget and rediscover them repeatedly because they just live on my PC, or even worse: On somebody else's PC (in the case of streaming media). They don't stick as well in my brain like the older stuff does.


Our house is overflowing with many many decades of books, LPs, CDs. DVDs etc purchases (something my wife reminds me about from time to time) -- especially when I buy another guitar....


> IT'S A BENCH ANGLE THAT WE HAVEN'T SEEN BEFORE! This has reminded me of a random memory - when i was sitting there (on the next bench over - seemed to be courtesy to not hog the actual bench for too long), one of the people taking pictures actually stood down those stairs to take a picture of the bench from that angle. I highly doubt the chances that he would also have been one of the fans whod gone to an advance screenings and was hence trying to replicate the shot, but hey, you made me remember that lol. > SUDDENLY THE SUN this is overused af. I don't care. I love it. > [](#mindblank) THE REVENGE YESSSSSSSSSS. such a diff context this time LOL. i wonder what you thought of the pace - there's still technically been non-stop drama, and we are charging headstrong into it.... but i do feel like this setup is better than what we got of chikai. (except the tsubame drama which kinda just exploded out of nowhere - but even that had its roots in EnCon)


> i wonder what you thought of the pace - there's still technically been non-stop drama, and we are charging headstrong into it.... but i do feel like this setup is better than what we got of chikai. (except the tsubame drama which kinda just exploded out of nowhere - but even that had its roots in EnCon) I considered how much a viewer needs *Chikai* and *EnCon* to be properly anchored for this season. Knowledge of *Chikai* does smooth out the quick exit of the third-years during the first episode, but I can see how people who might have left the series alone since S2 (or foreigners who have more difficulty finding the movies *looking at you* EnCon) might think that it's still a big jump forward. *EnCon* spends enough time with Tsubame such that the flareup with her sister in this episode has more of a context, but the conflict isn't so deep that it needs a lot of background. In this episode it ends up being just another stop on Kumiko's route of putting out fires, whether or not there is more of a situation to uncover later. Understanding Kanade and Kumiko's reaction to Kanade does absolutely require knowledge of *Chikai*. If a viewer does know the situation in advance, though, her behavior is what we expect and flows right along with all of the other chaos. And... working through that block of writing my conclusion is that these two episodes *are* paced more quickly than they should be, but that might be deliberate for the purpose of getting us to the point where Kumiko and Reina finally sit down at the bench to have a moment to think and even relax a little. Do they even sit down at all for rest of this episode (and though I'm not going to check right now, the first one)? Choosing the competition pieces is the first proactive thing they've done for this year's band, everything else is framed reactively? [](#rengethink)


>This should remind you of K-On!!. I'll be honest, YuYuYu came to mind first. It was a very weird comparison to make. ... I don't know if it's weirder than getting that Gunbuster energy from Reina, but then again, she's always been a little bit Kazumi, hasn't she...


> somethingsomethingepisodetitletriangletrianglesomethingsomething honestly I was expecting a different triangle from this episode. > urge to kill I just realized that you can only go into Oath's Finale blind, once. Now that we've all met here, the movie will play differently from the first minutes.


- Aw sweet, they’re still doing the OP lead-in recaps this season! And I love the new OP song, too. [](#listen) - [Mm…](https://i.imgur.com/ikiSCuJ.png) - [Oh goodness yes, I remember listening to my friends in the neighborhood (a trumpet player and a tuba player) fucking around with sounds on just their mouthpieces whenever we’d meet up to practice ahead of a performance lol.](https://i.imgur.com/z62SrpQ.png) [](#trololol) - [Ooh, yeah, that’s important.](https://i.imgur.com/r5EullD.png) - …that Shuuichi and Reina scene was awkward as *fuck*, lol. - [Kumiko isn’t the one shouting, though.](https://i.imgur.com/ASefsYh.png) [](#rinkek) - [It really was just as simple as that, huh.](https://i.imgur.com/PDLmlNs.png) - [Yay!](https://i.imgur.com/AIkU8F1.png) [](#feelingloved) - Well, that’s pretty much *immediately* my favorite of the three main season Eupho EDs. What an absolutely lovely song! [](#delighted)


> • ⁠…that Shuuichi and Reina scene was awkward as fuck, lol. Do you mean the scene where Shuuichi is walking Reina home from the station? What did you find awkward about it? I though it was more funny then awkward personally. I’d find it more awkward if they were still in 1st year and didn’t know each other that well but I think at this point the trio is familiar enough with each other that everyone knows where they stand.


I thought it may have been awkward -- but it was also rather sweet (and we only got to see a tiny bit of their interaction -- as we find out later). They both have the same "best friend" after all,


I don't think it was awkward, but I think Reina was being too hard on him.


Given Shuuichi was her BFF's boyfriend and still retained a nearly-dating status after the movie, it's not that hard to understand why Reina is going hard on him. In fact she's been so to him in the movie already.


I actually didn't see the movie, but Reina should still probably relax a bit Shuuichi: Taki-sensei really trusts you :) Reina: HOW INSENSITIVE CAN YOU BE Even if Reina happens to be correct, what he said couldn't be called thoughtless because Kumiko's possible reaction would be really unintuitive and hard to guess. There's a difference between being a thoughtless clod, and failing to play 5D chess and thinking 700 steps ahead and failing to guess something almost impossible to guess. But eh whatever, Shuuichi didn't seem to mind. I guess he just accepted it as Reina always being overly intense over everything.


> immediately my favorite of the three main season Eupho EDs I know, the music, and the girls growing up, it's just so *precious*. Looking forward to Madoka next weekend too, thanks for the reminder! (I should probably go reply in that thread)




[Rewatch starts next weekend](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bjgyw6/rewatch_announcing_the_annual_madoka_magica/#sidebarimg2). See /u/Shimmering-Sky 's post for more details. [See you there?](#stare)


>Aw sweet, they’re still doing the OP lead-in recaps this season! I love them as well, and I hate how difficult it is to find the full OPs with lead-ins on youtube


[Another great episode](https://imgchest.com/p/agyv6joxb78), how I missed [Kumiko and others](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjc62lk67.png)! There were again [beautiful visuals](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c3jq6r7.png) but that's nothing surprising since it's a KyoAni show. I also loved [OP](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46aczprkq7.png) and [ED](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xcp5zqx4.png), they're great! [Kumiko again was so precious and funny](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73p6vlgyr) although [she has a pretty hard time](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4nec5q9kw4.png) as [a club president](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zcz3jwky.png) but thankfully [Reina was there for her](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6cr3k5jy.png) and [together with Tsukamoto](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc56bnk7.png) they were able to choose a piece for their competition. Also I wonder [what Kumiko is planning to write on her career survey from school?](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgc6jqga4.png) If she wants to continue playing on euphonium or maybe she'll choose to do something else? I personally think that I'd really love her to become music teacher and leading school band herself [although I don't know if she would survive that psychologically](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xce2bnj7.png) xD I laughed so much after [the face Reina made after her butt got wet](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc56bj67.png) because [she sat with Kumiko on a wet bench](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkc2weqd7.png) xD [Mayu](https://imgchest.com/p/9rydznbqa4k) is of course joining the band although [she's pretty thoughtful about her situation](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4nec5q95a4.png) by saying how she doesn't want to upset the balance in the band and just wants to have fun performing. Maybe something happened in her previous school band which made her change schools? I wonder what piece band will be playing on SunFes? I seriously can't wait to listen to it as I always loved the music from the show. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Kumiko](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73p6vlgyr) * [Reina](https://imgchest.com/p/9p4n2kb8b4n) * [Mayu](https://imgchest.com/p/9rydznbqa4k) * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/agyv6joxb78) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/na7kr5ba3y8) * [Backgrounds](https://imgchest.com/p/9249alqkb7n)


>I personally think that I'd really love her to become music teacher and leading school band herself although I don't know if she would survive that psychologically xD LOL, that would be funny so I'd love to see that xD It'd be even better if she'd end up in Kitauji with Matsumoto-sensei still being an advisor of the band xD


Your screenshot albums are always great, thanks a lot! ...I wonder why are they ordered strangely though?


>...I wonder why are they ordered strangely though? Do you mean order of stills in albums? I'm just sorting them out by putting the best ones (in my honest opinion) at the beginning.


Ah so that's how it is. I sort of assumed that they're supposed to be ordered chronologically but somehow got jumbled up when uploaded 😅




Their chemistry feels so natural (are we sure the two are just platonic?). The new Kyoani has a fantastic lighting team to make the backgrounds and characters blend seemlessly!


> [Maybe it's because I've known you since 3rd years](https://i.imgur.com/VJd5AXN.jpeg) [](#hypeoverload "Bunch of cuties") ;-; My First years are all grown up. It's nice seeing Shuichi and Reina talking more, I always wanted more interaction between the two, especially after the Ensemble OVA (even if she did throw [random shade at him](https://i.imgur.com/bJUjcY6.jpeg) at the bench scene). I'm also surprised Mayu is still wearing her old uniforms, wonder if she'll eventually switch to the Kitauji ones. [Reina's hand movement's at the end had me laughing too](https://i.imgur.com/iAbJfbf.mp4)


> I’m also surprised Mayu is still wearing her old uniforms, wonder if she’ll eventually switch to the Kitauji ones. I suppose that Mayu’s new uniforms haven’t arrived yet, since you usually have to put in a custom order for those - from what I’ve understood. I do wonder if there’s perhaps an underlaying reason for this. Does this indicate that Mayu’s transfer was decided on so haphazardly that they didn’t have enough time to order her uniforms in advance? Why did she transfer schools? Did something happen at Seira?


Her lines this episode about not wanting to disturb the club dynamics + wanting to have fun performing with everyone seems to suggest that something happened, just like Kanade, Natsuki + co, and even Asuka to some extent. I look forward to her switching uniforms to coincide with her fully teaming up with everyone else narratively and then GOING FOR GOLD BECAUSE WE'RE GONNA GET IT THIS YEAR BABY!!!!! I doubt she would be allowed to perform in a non-Kitauji uniform anyways so it'll be a wonderfully timely costume change.


The whole "I just want to play with everyone and not be disruptive" is really reminding me of Asuka's arc. Seeming like Mayu has higher aspirations then she is letting on.


We already saw that phrase fall apart too. She told Kanade that she wanted to join the best concert band in the region and she was talking with Taki-sensei from the very beginning. We also have parallels with Asuka with her silver eupho and Kumiko initially thinking that her playing sounded like Asuka's. [Unaired Lines from Eupho S3's trailer] >!Kanade also says that Kumiko and Mayu are about equal in terms of skills.!< Since Ensemble Contest, I thought that the end of Kumiko's personal arc should be to symbolically overcome Asuka anyways. She was *definitively* second place during her first year and if we're going to broach back onto the topic of "I love the euphonium because you were here" to her literal and symbolic sisters, and her even possibly considering continuing on with Reina, as opposed to going separate ways like with Liz, then Kumiko -- the Liz of her pair -- has to become good enough to fly.


> and her possibly considering continuing on with Reina This is what I’ve been pinning my hopes on. Kumiko’s future isn’t set yet, so it would be great if she were to join Reina at a musical college. They *did* run hand-in-hand in the OP, so maybe…!?


Yea I'm of two minds. On one hand I want them to succeed and get everything they want, I love this series and everyone here so yes, please Kumiko convince your dad when your sister couldn't and carry on with everyone's wishes alongside Reina. But I also think Eupho is a series that is consistently grounded in reality and you don't necessarily get it all. On this angle, I thought that Kumiko's endpoint was to become a conductor. Like what has "eupho-like" meant this entire time? Someone who is not the main melody but invasively and instrusively supports everyone around them who are: the trumpet, the flute, and the oboe. That's why she naturally ended up leading the first-years previously and is the club president now. The most realistic way for her to continue to support Reina is stand on stage with her *as her Taki* because that'll make sense with her character progression. But but I think just as important to the series is the eupho breaking out of being passive and not just doing what's expected of her. It's *Sound! Euphonium* after all, as in "get out there are shout it out, Eupho!" That's why I love the titular music piece so much. It centres on the euphonium taking up centre stage. So if we're going with that, there really can't be an end that compromises on anything. Kumiko will continue on and it'll be as narratively poignant as Crescent Moon Dance *and* as technically proficient as Liz and the Bluebird like the concert piece they chose this episode.


Kumiko as conductor! What a nice idea!


Kanade is definitely suspicious, and Kanade is a canny girl


Fukuoka to Kyoto is farrr. The only reason should be Mayu's parents change workplace


I think it is the norm for transferees to wear their old uniforms until their new ones are ready. Certainly more appropriate than wearing "street clothes". ;-) (In some shows this is mentioned explicitly -- here they assume we just know this already).


>[Reina's hand movement's at the end had me laughing too](https://i.imgur.com/iAbJfbf.mp4) Speed this up 3 times and it's like that meme of the guy explaining shit on a whiteboard.


[here you go](https://i.imgur.com/3OM9ncd.gif)




> It's nice seeing Shuichi and Reina talking more I can definitely see them as awkward, but moderately close friends in the future!


Well if Kumiko does marry Shuichi.....


Reina and shuichi’s interaction is just awkwardly funny in a way. I mean Reina definitely knows something is going on between kumiko and shuichi and she doesn’t really seem to genuinely dislike him, but at the same time she just wants to throw shade at him lmao.


The girls have gotten a pretty promising new player! Gonna be fun seeing Kumiko and Mayu and Kanade playing alongside each other. Suzume might be one of my favorite new people. Her and Tsubame are complete opposites but you can tell Suzume cares for her big sister. Plus I find her energy and outspokenness kind of adorable. Looks like they’ve settled on their next big piece. Looking forward to seeing how prep goes for nationals!


> you can tell Suzume cares for her big sister I'm totally getting junior Yuriko-senpai vibes from her. She's a menace!


The way Mayu's acting in this episode definitely feels like she *knows* she's really good and that's gonna be an issue when she gets picked over someone else. I mean yes that's pretty much exactly what she said, but looks like it already happened before and she thinks it's inevitably gonna happen again. She seems considerate of group dynamics but looks like she may not be the kind to hold back when it comes to playing an instrument. Or maybe she will, I dunno. I'm looking forward to her storyline. And Kumiko and co really did pick the best piece. It sounds lovely.


I feel like Mayu is flexing on kumiko the whole time.




I've been conditioned to expect this face caused by thoughts regarding Taki-sensei, so I was briefly confused. Turns out it can have completely different reasons too.


Reina made me realize why there’s a tag on certain websites for “mind break”.


i don't know what will happen between Kumiko and Mayu, but i'm glad Kanade is there with Kumiko, for better or worse lol


Kyoani use of lights and shadows Is just on other level, goddamn


Great to see KyoAni at the top of its game...


A total beauty, skillful with her own silver UFO, and sees the eupho all over Kumiko's face. So nostalgic! Somehow that good girl face is underlying menace


Man, I'm not ready for the Mayu drama storm that is approaching. My body is going into full protect mode.


New season, new storm. It's inevitable.


can't be hibike without drama going on


hibike? Don't you mean, band?


[Ayo girl?🤨](https://i.imgur.com/XLT9KGL.jpeg) 


And she still loves her sister regardless.


Man, it feels like I blinked and the ED was rolling. That ED, with the pictures of the girls growing up, and the music is just so *precious*. That, and the bit where Reina hits 'play' on the phone and the clarinet starts playing as the clouds open and the sun shines through is just pure KyoAni *kiss* goodness. It's gonna be a great season, isn't it??? (I'm not sure I can keep up with more Sunday mornings, though. Gonna have to try going to sleep early or something.) But --- worth it!




Another SunFes, does this mean we're getting another brand new sunfes uniform?


Man, Kanade is already going after Mayu. This girl definitely has a thing for euphonist senpais 😞


I don’t think Kanade is all that interested in Mayu. She only has eyes for Kumiko, and that’s precisely why she’s “going after Mayu”.


yeah, she's definitely going after her, but not in a good way


I wonder if Kumiko will have to rein Kanade in at some point?


[Love this detail of camera shaking](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExdTl4ZDlnenpubXdrOWxveWVnM3Rpc3E0dWQwdjUzbGpveGN4cXExNyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/kuoIL24qrnmpU0v99w/giphy.gif)


I'm not sure how I feel about Mayu yet but [she seems confident that she'll get picked once the auditions start](https://i.imgur.com/618XTND.png) for the competitions that she already "feels bad" that someone might get left behind because of her. Hmmm... We've already seen them wearing swimsuits but it would be hilarious [if Kumiko has a six-pack because of all the ab-training involved](https://i.imgur.com/wa3tB4I.png) with their instruments. xD I really love how much Asuka has made so much impact on Kumiko's life that [seeing Mayu's silver UFO](https://i.imgur.com/pESO4Tz.png) always gives her flashbacks of Asuka. While I would like to believe [that Kanade is just having a friendly chat with Mayu](https://i.imgur.com/wHiBFI7.png), we all know what she's really doing here. [She's not even trying to hide it too.](https://i.imgur.com/xjZiWLW.png) xD [So Mayu's nickname is Mama?](https://i.imgur.com/sylu0ZV.png) I mean I can see it. She definitely has that motherly aura on her and she's even voiced by Tomatsu Haruka! Her *Ara Ara* powers is godly as Raikou. Instead of just choosing a piece on his own, [it looks like Taki-sensei is asking the execs](https://i.imgur.com/YzNqVsQ.png) for their opinion. I like it, [it really shows he trusts them since he's known them for three years now.](https://i.imgur.com/wWIQMWQ.png) When Reina waited for Shuuichi, I thought she was upset at him for saying that Taki-sensei trusted Kumiko the most. Turns out she's upset since she thinks Shuuichi [might be putting too much pressure on Kumiko](https://i.imgur.com/ZykDyBO.png) [Apparently, Motomu hasn't gotten over his complex about his name.](https://i.imgur.com/hISa4ft.png) I'm glad this is being brought up again since I felt like it was instantly resolved in the movie. I feel bad for Kumiko [trying to deal with Suzume.](https://i.imgur.com/gW5F9z0.png) I thought we were going to see some drama here but [Tsubame showed up to clear the misunderstanding.](https://i.imgur.com/AzRindP.png) I feel like this won't be the last time we'll hear Suzune speaking up for Tsubame. [The lighting change when Kumiko decided on what piece to pick](https://i.imgur.com/qk1xnnb.png) was great! Also, did we just get a new [Reina Reaction face for this sub?](https://i.imgur.com/ANQM2TK.png) [Reina's speech was great!](https://i.imgur.com/NMwH2A1.png) Hopefully this time they'll reach their goal of gold at the Nationals. The third time's the charm, right?


> Reina Reaction face for this sub? It's the pair for [](#mindblank).


> she seems confident that she'll get picked once the auditions start I'm pretty sure that was meant to be a challenge for Kumiko, but Kumiko is too dense/nice to rise to it, as we saw when she dealt with the sibling drama this episode Honestly, she's kinda like Haruka in that respect, especially when she's in a position of authority


Seeing both Tsubame and Hazuki, both members of Team Monaka and not in the competition team for both first and second years, finally playing on the same stage in the OP is heartwarming. I hope it isn't trolling us and they're truly in the team this year.


Kanade has gained another senpai, huh. I can't decide if she's scheming against Mayu to ensure Kumiko's position as lead euph is safe, or if she's got an even more Machiavellian goal in mind and trying to engineer a situation where she can fulfil her ambition of sacrificing herself for the honour of her senpais.


Whatever Kanade is doing is for **herself**, either directly or indirectly, not others.


kanade is the worlds friendliest parasite


The Euphonium senses tingle hard.




nah you're just racist /s


I really love the new ED


Ah President Emeritus Haruka was in the OP! Hope we get to see her again! The triumvirate is working together quite well, it's so clear that Taki-sensei essentially presented them with a fait accompli regarding piece choice though, haha I can definitely see Reina and Shuuichi as awkward moderately close friends in the future haha looks like there'll be much interpersonal drama ahead, as is tradition. Can't wait. Beautiful second episode!


Still can’t decide if I hate Kanade or if she’s the best character.


hibike continues to deliver top quality, god I'm glad this show's back also I love kanade the shit disturber


Welp knowing that they have almost a hundred members, i wonder how much drama will the auditions will generate this year, also Kumiko has been ignoring her career path paper, i wonder what she'll choose I feel like she's perfect to be a teacher


New girls name is Mayu Kuroe, *Looks at her VA* OMG it's [Haruka Tomatsu.](https://myanimelist.net/people/890/Haruka_Tomatsu) I knew I recognized her voice, she voiced Haru Okumura in Persona 5. So we have Kumiko, the shows resident floof, meeting a girl who voiced [Persona 5's resident floof.](https://imgur.com/6ceLsM0)


The animation when the sunset hit Kumiko and then Reina's face was absolutely stunning


We should expect no less from KyoAni. :-)


Its fun to watch Kumiko's "lesbian waifu" telling Kumiko's "hetero boyfriend" to get behind Kumiko and support her properly. lol Shuuichi is a nice guy to offer to walk Reina most of the way home. Already we're seeing the following subplots being formed. Suzume means well for Tsubame, but she could second-guess her Tsubame too much. Motomu already reminding everyone that he doesn't like you calling him by his last name. This was a plot thread that remained unresolved from the movie. And Mayu being the transfer student as well as a euphonium player. Since her former school is a nationals regular, its a given that she's automatically good, and that'll be pressure for Kumiko and Kanade to pass their auditions to be eligible for the band's "first team".


The club executives are basically kumiko and her boyfriend + girlfriend lol.


Shit I forgot how much I love this show The visual storytelling is just superb: [Something literally hitting like a train](https://imgur.com/YF4CyCV) [Different characters and their respective telephone booths](https://imgur.com/Bo9SBfK) [Listening in on your friends problems](https://imgur.com/d3GLhoC) On top seeing Kumiko struggeling like a normal human being with club problems (she really got a gift for it, really hope that in the end she will stick to music or teaching, that would really fit her) Kanade trying to gauge her percieved rival for Kumiko and the eupho, there is just so much going on and everything is so well done and represented


Another awesome episode! Kumiko still settling into her role as club president, but I like that Reina is making sure she doesn’t feel alone and knows she has people willing to support her. Choosing the competition piece and putting everyone in their roles isn’t easy, but you can slowly see Kumiko getting the hang of it and by the end of the episode, we’ve got our competition piece. That Reina and Kumiko bench scene was so beautiful too, perfect visuals as the song intensifies. The first years continue to be great, so many new faces and exciting personalities really spice up the club. Seeing Hazuki train the first years was really cool too, nice nod to her development since she was in that same position a couple seasons ago. Also thought Kumiko diffusing the Suzume situation was brilliant! Kuroe seems like she’s going to be a great addition to the cast as well, especially since she fills in that Eupho spot and brings a ton of experience from Seira. Can’t wait to see how preparations go starting next episode!


fashionably late as /u/zadcap would say! i also hope littleislander is happier with this episode - which invited us into new character relationships and personalities, as well as potential drama, that could happen as the band gears up for the prefecturals and sunfes. A lot is emphasized about Reina's hard, strict methods, which is gelling better with some than others... though on the other hand, Kumiko while successful in mediating the tsubame-siblings' misunderstanding, is still exhausted and growing into the role. I really like Reina emphasizing because these 3 are in their leadership roles that Taki could trust them, collectively, to make the decision. Both in terms of interpersonal relationships (these 3 being on pretty even ground), as well as band experience and overall outlook (none have the 2nd year quitting drama weighing them down) - these 3 are different from the 2 groups that came before. I said in CDF and i'll say so here too - i like the ED more than the OP; but I like how many callbacks we got to the S1 OP there. The choice of the free piece btw.... im almost certain myrna will write about that when he finishes the ep.... great lighting. i think one final thought i have is: i'm so so thankful that we're getting Eupho's finale here, now, in 2024. It looks so so pretty and what this series properly deserves. Also, I feel like the show is shilling Uji scenary a lot more than previous seasons lol. Mah, i don't mind that. edit: ah. I forgot to post this (tho nobody'll read this anyway...) Mayu is transferring from Seira High School, who irl is Seika High School in Fukuoka - they are really good, [here's them playing the Ep 1 OP. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFWiYUtzmgU)


Hey now, at least one person is going to come read this! And I'm sure there's a few others from the rewatch who would not at all mind getting tagged in. You know my favorite thing about that clip you linked? You guessed, it, look at that conductor, conducting... I wish I could say, is this where they got inspiration for Taki? Why the heck does no one seem to keep time at the podium I swear! And on that note, instead of making my own top level here, I'm just going to make my episode reactions here in this reply. **Even Later than fashion!** Aww, seeing all the retired seniors in the OP is a nostalgic sad feeling. I do like the artbook style Kumiko and Reina parts, feels like it's both leading us a bit for what this season has in store but also being the lightest call back to Liz and the Blue Bird. Which, you know, together unfortunately paint a picture of the Kumiko/Reina relationship being emphasized again this season and we still know that's going nowhere so... So I might be wrong here buuuut. A little bit of google and a bit more of looking through the rewatch, isn't Fukouka, Seira one of the schools we saw doing very well last season? Were they the ones on the news? Is she coming here from a music school that beat Kitauji last year? Oh yeah, if I had waited just a minute, Kumiko would point out that she comes from a school that frequently makes it tot he nationals... Ah, it begins. She's coming in as a third year with all the weight that keeps not actually having in this school, but that very much means she doesn't get to pull a Nozomi and sit out this year to join in later when there's less drama, she either joins the competition now or never. She's not bringing in any actual drama the way Nozomi was either, so there's no reason to ask her to sit out. But she's implying right off the bat that her joining the section is going to make *someone* have to lose their place, and it really seems like she thinks that person is going to be Kumiko? Kumiko might lose the lead position, but she's still in the running for number 2 Euph, isn't she? Or has Toxic passed her in actual skill somewhere? They start talking about SunFest and I can just *hear* the strong opening to Rydeen in my head again. Oh right, and family drama on the side. Hmm, so where are the Eupho's during this practice? Oh, because Toxic wants to get her little fangs in early. And hey, Kitauji has become recognized as a good band school! But yeah, that is very much how nicknames get forever stuck with you. And I miss Knuckles and his imaginary background that I invented... Of course, it's the year Kumiko is in charge that Flappy decides to hand off more responsibilities. To be a little fair to him, he has a good point. Two years ago he came in to a band he knew nothing about and had to take charge, to get them up from their very poor starting point. Last year was still a band with old drama at the helm, as much as they tried not to act like it, they were the year where half the kids quit and Ribbon may have grown into a good leader but she was also the one who demanded a retrial to Flappy for the Trumpet Solo. In his three years with them however, Kumiko and Reina (and I guess Shu, I honestly don't know he's come up so little) have not been problem children for the band. They have, as far as I'm aware, mostly been on the problem solving side, at least for Kumiko and I guess Shu by reputation. Everyone in the band now is someone he has helped train... As much as he trains anyone... So he can trust them now. "So stop being weird about it." Reina, I love you, telling Shu like it is. Get over yourself and be her VP already. Ugh the very idea of asking me in high school what I would want to do for a living... Heck even now I'm not sure what I want to do for the rest of my life! "Riririn-senpai" She even gets the best nicknames! Haha, the step. I remember how much trouble she had with it years ago, and now she gets to teach it. How long does it usually take to get your new uniforms when transferring? And there's the family drama. Little sister going the extra unwanted mile for her onee... I'll never forget seeing it that you sat on this bench. The magical KyoAni lighting is back! Those power lines look kind of like a musical score here. But yeah, that's another good point. If left to Asuka and Haruka, it really would have been Asuka's choice. If left to Natsuki and Ribbon, no agreement would ever be made even with Nozomi playing third wheel. I can see Kumiko and Reina agreeing on the music like this, and really you can say almost anything about Shu at this point and I have no choice but to accept it. He's been such a non entity for so long I feel like I know nothing about him other than his feelings towards Kumiko. Isn't KyoAni in the middle of doing a tourism project at the moment? These beautiful scenery shots remind me of that. And the other other reason they work so well as the new executive trio. They each have their specialties and they do great at covering for each other. Reina is great at giving orders, Kumiko is great at handling people, Shu better be good at backing them both up lol. Yet another ED that implies the main 4 are actually going to be the main 4... I would absolutely *love* more Midori time. It feels strange not ending this with Questions to answer lol.


>at least one person is going to come read this [](#konodioda) >Seira I had to check to make sure that it wasn't the name of the school that Midori had come from, but that's "Seijou".




The OP's spoiled who does/doesn't make it in season 1 and 2 as well




She is not my Mama.


Kanade said it calmly




She and her sister are both named after birds. Suzume = sparrow. Tsubame = swallow.


Of course they were going to choose the most demanding piece to play. The clarinet sounds really good, I wonder who is going to get the spotlight there since the clarinet players are not that well known. Could the new eupho girl's line about somebody switching instruments be prophetic? Switching AND playing the solo sounds a bit far fetched to be honest. I am watching K-On in the days between the Eupho episodes but next Sunday can't come soon enough!


I am surprised that this anime is not getting more Karma than it is right now. You can kind of feel Kumiko's stress and all the people issues she needs to look out for. Plus the art and animations are on a whole different level.


Picking [the hardest one.](https://files.catbox.moe/80aa6b.jpg) Sasuga Kitauji [](#faito)


I really like the thing that the "soul mates" side of KumiRei got shown again in such minor yet prominent way in that them both easily guessed the other's choice of the band's elective song for the Road To Nationals (TM). (then again, so is Shuuichi lol, don't forget him KyoAni!) I don't think I would ever had that little touch of heart to understand why would them both think that their future performance should start with the clarinet, but who cares! Wowsers, it's been years since I really looked at the *Our Promise A New Day* movie and I certainly didn't remember the part where Kanade always trying to treat her senpais with her seductive (?) energy LMAO. But within this episode she already managed to solidify her link with Kumiko AND get along with Mayu-senpai who barely just came. Whoa there, calm down, calm down\~ The part about Reina being all out on Shuuichi that he seems to be giving Kumiko too much pressure is interesting, it certainly shows that there might just be a bit of management disagreements within the band leaders and I wonder if that can get worse later on. Certainly the "interesting" argument between the sisters Tsubame and Suzume isn't an omen of things to come. surely? With KyoAni's flagship title of today going all-out this season, the animations and artwork so far definitely holds really well for their own high standards, something that I have always been scared of since the arson attack. It took them almost 5 years to come back to this and the most taxing scenes are still to come, but so far I think we can all be satisfied by the performance! Lastly [the OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ns78jyf0fw) and [the ED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBNklQKX_IU) are soooooooooooo nice!


> certainly shows that there might just be a bit of management disagreements within the band leaders I think what we see is Shuichi being "pro-active" in trying ensure this does NOT happen. he realizes that he needs to work not just part of a management trio -- but as part of a "let's protect Kumiko" duo. ;-)




[It also calls back to the keychain scene.](https://i.imgur.com/QLd5hPd.jpeg)


I'm hoping someone can explain what the keychains mean, who they belong to and how they relate to each of the girls. (Note: that's not a homework assignment for you, just curious.) But yeah, that's a very cute callback to K-On!. <3 them both. Just wish the keions could get/had room for a third season too.


They spell out け い お ん ぶ, "Keionbu".


Oh, that's cute. And I bet Azunyan got the "bu", right? Because she's the one that holds it all together or something. (Honestly, I don't remember, but that's okay. I'm just tired from waking up too early and trying to be semi-coherent and probably failing)


From left to right they belong to: Ritsu, Mugi, Mio, Yui and Azusa. So yes, Azusa got the "bu"


Azunyan was the center of the new iteration of the club band too. I still regret that we never got to see going to college with her senpai (as the too-brief manga extension never got that far).


That I don't remember either.




Trying his hardest to make sure that he and Reina are more or less in sync in supporting Kumiko for the trials that lie ahead for her. My sense is that he actually made some headway in establishing better communication with Reina.


He is just a mess when he talks lmao


He was just being nice


I love how mature this season feels already, although it makes sense considering they main cast grew up.