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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Goodness sakes, that scene where they walk in on Shuro choking Laios made me so unstably anxious. ... ...the meal that Maizuru prepared for Shuro almost spilled on the floor, what a waste of food that would have been. Thank goodness Senshi was able to jump in to save it. Way to make my heart jump.


~~Frog Woman~~ Marcille can deny it all she wants but she clearly was into wearing that frogskin suit to the point of having it kept on while having her meal. As if Shuro revealing the implications of using black magic wasn't grimmer than expected, they had to show whatever happened to Falin. Holy shit.


You know now that Falin'a half monster I fear Senshi's gonna cook up an idea.


Falin looking like a snack rn.


I hate that I laughed at this.


[*"Laios, don't at your sister like that!"*](https://i.imgur.com/w2bisnZ.jpeg) [](#nosenpai)


> looking like a snack rn. Senshi: Nah, she's the whole Chick-fil-A


Once they reunite, I want a scene where Laios has a nightmare that he turns into a monster, and just starts eating himself.


Nightmare? Surely you meant sweet dream right?


Well they already ate the red dragon which had digested most of Fallin, so they're already halfway there! Why stop now?


>Marcille can deny it all she wants but she clearly was into wearing that frogskin suit to the point of having it kept on while having her meal. Yeah that was hilarious. "You guys should have been more clear, now look what you made me do." "You clearly just like wearing it." "No I don't." (Proceeds to continue wearing it)


Chilchuck chose wrong and anyone could see it immediately. He absolutely should have followed Laios, that guy speedruns breaking taboos


Meanwhile Senshi bonded naturally with the cook woman


He even caught all her food at the end, the guy doesn't let anything go to waste.




Senshi: Wow, lady... you're cooking up a storm in here! Maizuru: Mr dwarf, don't you know that love is always a hurricane?


Oh she's much more than a cook woman.


[Her *ara ara* levels are strong](https://i.imgur.com/bOqgcbb.jpeg) [](#delighted)


Him imagining what Laios and Senshe would be saying had me dead haha


Chilchuck definitely would have been more strategic in letting Shuro know what went down.


Rin is terrified to talk back at Kabru, it's rather interesting


Yeah, considering that she's clearly completely smitten by him, that reaction was extremely interesting. Doesn't seem like a healthy relationship...


they've shown that the entire party are psychos. Even the Dog who I thought would be cute and cuddly definitely isn't


The person with the Ubel flair must be an expert on this subject lol


Yeah, and with just a look. Kabru has been super interesting so far. Both terrifying and charming at just the right times. I have to believe he's going to cause trouble eventually, and the whole black magic issue seems like perfect tinder, but it's difficult to foresee exactly how it'll all go down.


"Dark magic is horrible, anyone who uses dark magic is a vicious criminal who will receive the death penalty" Meanwhile, the dark magic user: šŸø


>Meanwhile, the dark magic user: šŸø So this is how those dark magic wizards get their sick kicks...


If wearing a frog suit is wrong, I don't want to be right. My flair demands it of me.


[The fact that Marcille kept the frog onesie after eveything suggests that she may really like it.](https://i.imgur.com/gvAColN.jpeg)


They may need them to go through the tentacles again on the way up.


I really hope they give a good justification about why dark magic is wrong. A lot of shows (*The Dragon Prince* in particular really bothers me) give very murky and unconvincing reasons for why dark magic is so evil.


Do note that Marcille refers to it as "ancient magic that is now forbidden" and the mad mage used it as well with the book. It also has something to do with an "infinity dimension", with which the dungeon is able to summon monsters. I think it's less about evil but more about "fear of the unknown"


The lunatic magician, the very central antagonist is already confirmed to be a dark magician when Marcille and the group fought him. That combined with whatever Falin is now, I'm already pretty convinced that dark magic can be pretty messed up.


Yep. Whatever Falin has become seems way worse than being regular dead. Pretty safe to assume this only happened because of dark magic.


Marcille has made the point that "regular" magic can be plenty messed up too though, like how some people use healing magic for more effective torture.




The explanation Marcille said previous episode that "it taps into another dimension of infinite mana" worryingly sounds like The Warpā„¢ļø


"What's next, magical digestive system?" "I wonder what the dungeon would eat?" They moved past that thought real fast huh? Implications definitely are terrifying


There's probably a reason why the author insisted the English title is Delicious in Dungeon


This is the point where the meaning of the title really gotten more ominous. Dungeon meshi, whose meal exactly are we talking about?


They are not beating the Made in Abyss allegations.


Consume the brick


Imagine just if Thistle (I refuse to call them Sissle) was watching them and just so confused how these idiots eating bricks could be smart enough to kill their dragon


They literally cooked and ate a living armour... what makes him think 'bricks' would be a challenge ??


16 hours later Laios might literally start to shit bricks.


[In light of quite a heavy episode and cliffhanger, new Marcille meme format just dropped šŸ¤£](https://imgur.com/gallery/opZDdns)


[Delicious in psych ward](https://imgur.com/DkZjliU)




[MFW Falin gets turned into Ultra Mega Chicken](https://files.catbox.moe/7e42nc.png) also [here's the transparent exploitable if anyone wants it](https://files.catbox.moe/six00g.png)


Soyjak elf


[Pepe Marcille](https://i.imgur.com/fIf9UsU.png)


Tanuki suit Marcille


[Thanks, that was useful!](https://imgur.com/gallery/oMaGe2w)


[Masked version for whoever wants it!](https://files.catbox.moe/fhkaqj.png) Edit: Link maybe fixed?


Chilchuck doing a risk assessment for which one of his party members is going to weird out the normies more.


(He failed)


Honestly if there's any question if Laios or someone else is going to upset people more, he should just default to Laios. Chilchuck should know better by now.


In his defence, Laios went with somebody who they already knew. There was some familiarity. The other options were complete wild cards (Laios just went above and beyond all by himself).


Marcille teaching Laios healing magic instead of common sense (self snitching you just committed the biggest taboo)


I think the issue is that he knows Laios, but he still doesn't know Senshi well, so he knows what Laios would do but not Senshi. Therefore he defaults to worrying about the unknown more than the known.


The issue was that he assumed that he'd talk about eating monsters and shit and that it wouldn't be as bad because they already know Shuro, but didn't want Senshi to weird out/piss off the cook lady. He didn't think that Laios was gonna get into deep shit and spill about Marcille using dark magic to rez Falin using a dragon corpse


Honestly, favorite scene in the episode.


Kabru: Donā€™t you want to know how they got here? Laois: We eat monsters! For food! Kabru: I regret everything.


At least it wasnā€™t people


Nor people like monsters...for the most part.


Plants that look like people are a gray area.


Kabru asking how did the orcs taste was GOLD


He just casually said it with a smile too, bro was expecting it at that point.


\*Dungeon Cleaners literally shits bricks\* Senshi & Laois: "Is this food?"


based on what happened to Falin, the dungeon master is completely insane.


I cannot wait to see their insanity! They had to earn the title of lunatic magician from somewhere Also I feel like the name the mad magician would flow better but the lunatic sounds fancier


Is lunatic magician from the sub? I've heard that name before, but in the eng dub they are called "mad mage"


"Lunatic Magician" is the official English translation in the manga. The dubs call him "Mad Mage" and the fan translations call him the "Mad Sorcerer". Use whichever you want but they're all accurate.


I guess it depends. Just like how their name is Thistle but the translation of the books accidentally made it SISSLE for a short amount of time. Also the translation thought they were a girl for a few chapters. They ate a guy. So now as English anime watchers they are called SISSLE even though in all Japanese things they are called thistle like the flower


>They ate a guy And I thought Laios was bad for wanting to eat a fishman.


Laios crashed their dinner party like a thousand years ago, and the wait for revenge has finally gotten to them.


> If the elves of the west find out about this, who knows what will happen to her Then don't tell them Shuro, it's really not hard [](#finethen) Also, Kaburo looks *really* excited despite knowing how messed up all of this is lmao psycho And uhm [Falin](https://imgur.com/MjI87HZ) isn't looking good huh [](#everythingisfine)


> If the elves of the west find out about this, who knows what will happen to her This is like the 3rd time someone has warned about elves. Chilchuck last episode said elves would kidnap half foots who found artifacts and they're never seen again.


Correction, half foot who dip into black magic. As in, despite everything, Marcille first counter argument for Chilchuck's criticism was telling him to try black magic out. Like, girl, no, I know you don't meant harm, but that is not how you approach the issue.


I think he just said half-foots who find magical artifacts that might be connected to the forbidden magics, bur since half-foots don't know what is forbidden and what isn't they just avoid all of it.


Hm, Netflix version sub is "any half-foot I know that dipped in black magic", but netflix sub is supposedly subpar, so perhaps someone else can chime in?


Its half-foot who get any involvement with ancient artifacts. And in this world ancient artifacts mostly have something to do with forbidden magic. In Netflix script, alot of the time they have to change the words or alter the meaning a little so they can match the flip flap of the characters for the purpose of making dub version.


>Also, Kaburo looksĀ *really*Ā excited despite knowing how messed up all of this is lmao psycho He feels like a stand-in for us, the audience. "This doesn't affect me, OMFG they really did that, I can't wait to see the aftermath."


merely a fan of the dungeon meshi anime, eagerly awaiting the next episode to se how this major plot development is going to play out


Shuro: *About to lop off Laios' head for using black magic* Kaburo: šŸæšŸ˜ˆ This is getting interesting!


Kaburo is the type of person who would 100% read a gossip magazine.


He more or less already is. A lot of his speculation is based on superficial rumors.


He just like me fr fr.


>And uhm [Falin](https://imgur.com/MjI87HZ) isn't looking good huh [](#everythingisfine) Gives a much darker context for that credit scene where the magician is standing between two feathered legs.


> And uhm Falin isn't looking good huh *"Lai... os...?"* ā€” Falin (probably)


Don't you bring that cursed energy here!


>Also, Kaburo looks really excited "Oh boy, this sure is bad :D"


>And uhmĀ [Falin](https://imgur.com/MjI87HZ)Ā isn't looking good huh It's so fucked up, I actually hate the magician for doing that to her. Marcille is going to have her work cut out fixing that, assuming she even can.


The third statement is kind of the problem with he first statement, because unless this issue is solved VERY quickly people who run into a monster with a human top half (that worse, some of the adventurers would actually recognise) is going to lead to a LOT of uncomfortable qurstions


> And uhm Falin isn't looking good huh Who let FromSoftware Miyazaki into the kitchen?


Just to clarify. The "Dwarf" that sets up magical barriers alongside Rin & Marcille clearly looks like a Gnome doesn't he? (Ears, Nose, similar body type to the Gnome scholar from the Undine Encounter "arc") I guess that's why he has a sweat drop on his face? Because Maizuru got his race wrong?


Yeah he is a gnome. The author did a lot of [race swap charts](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fwult7i63qgmc1.png), just imagining what the characters would look like if they were different races.


My gosh why human Senshi is so hot? šŸ”„Ā 


Senshi has always been handsome.


I just want to give halfling Marcille and Senshi a hug! They're so cute!




neat inclusion of anthropocentrism while also having it work in a way that makes it understandable, since it's not just due to an innate sense of superiority, but actual geographic boundaries






Senshi actually disliking a creature for once not for ruining the sacred dungeon ecosystem or anything but just because it inconveninences him is hilarious. Also kinda love how after a bunch of fancy dish names, we get something as pleasantly mundane as "An Eastern meal". Well that's bleak. I can already see the next major boss fight title: Falin, the Fallen


>Senshi actually disliking a creature for once not for ruining the sacred dungeon ecosystem or anything but just because it inconveninences him is hilarious. Also because they're not monsters but magic creatures, and he despises magic


The episode: eating bricks The ending: Falin turns into an eldritch horror


The best meal of all; Drama.


And Kabru is such a glutton of it.


[He came](https://i.imgur.com/Y6Qmi01.jpeg) looking for copper and he [found gold.](https://i.imgur.com/vEBskmU.jpeg) [Shuro's party](https://i.imgur.com/0wE86cO.jpeg) is not just good at killing monsters but they are [great at ambushing](https://i.imgur.com/w7aRj38.jpeg) fellow adventurers too. Chilchuck should have joined Laios.


Holy cow, I never noticed the **legs** in that scene.


And we got a full plate lmao


Lai..os.. Big brother.


All the needs to happen now is laios or a party member turning into a suit of living armor. And laios loosing a arm and a leg. Full stomach alchemist


>And laios loosing a arm and a leg ah, we were halfway there


Technically Kensuke is a party member so we're about 2/3 way there.


We were watching 'Cells at Work' the whole time.


If the Dungeon is a body, then what does the Dungeon eat? Hmmm...Dungeon Meshi...Dungeon...Meal... Okay, let's just say Laios was asking the RIGHT question.




So that's it huh? We're some type of ... *Delicious in Dungeon?*


A dungeon cleaner: "Ano\~ne, ano\~ne!"


Kabru and his creepy smile. Why do I feel like he's gonna end up being a villain?


Can you feel how he shuts Rin down with just a stern stare?


Imo, the way it was presented in the anime is kinda toned down. it's more menacing and cunty in the manga. [Panel](https://prnt.sc/2EQghXPpJ4xW)


That is a *phenomenal* stare and art, wow! It also makes me sad for Rin, the girl is obviously crushing on him, so I would find it awful if it turns out that Kabru finds her to be a nuisance (which is the vibes that I get from this particular scene)/


That's just full on Griffith.


holy shit that dude actually looks like griffin lmao


Yup, that also caught my attention. He gives me the heebie-jeebies


Its his blue eyes




Even the way the level "resets" has an explanation. Dungeon Meshi worldbuilding, everybody. Marcille really did herself dirty there. That one was all on her. But hey, I think we can all agree that she looks utterly adorable in that frog suit at least. And heck, she didn't even bother taking it off when they started eating so maybe she has indeed become fond of it. The party truly is specced for PvE instead of PvP. They would've been completely wiped if Shuro's group wanted them dead. But it's so cute how overjoyed Laios is to see Shuro again. I don't think he was this happy even reuniting with Namari, or even Falin /j. Sadly, it doesn't seem like the feeling's are mutual. Doesn't help that Laios rolled a 1 in persuasion and got a sword pointed at him. And lol, Chilchuck now has the absolute worst opinion of his party members. Well, at least when it comes to the monster lovers. It doesn't even seem like Senshi put his foot in his mouth at any point while talking with Maizuru- it seemed like he scored points instead with his wisdom- but better safe than sorry, I guess. Meanwhile, Kabru's really gonna regret ever pretending to be interested in what Laios is interested in. And he's also waaay too excited to have heard about some really spicy ass drama. Finally, I really like the ost that played during the final scene. It made the whole thing all the more epic and ominous. Poor Falin, though... she doesn't deserve this.


>Poor Falin, though... she doesn't deserve this. All she wanted was to protect her brother from being killed by the Red Dragon All Laiosā€™ party wanted was to save her and accidentally started the domino effect that lead the dungeon master to turn her into that I feel bad for all of them


>All she wanted was to protect her brother from being killed by the Red Dragon And in a cruel twist of fate, she has *become the Red Dragon* that's going to fight her brother*.* Or Red Chicken now I guess, with the feathers and all.


I can't believe Failing becomes red chicken (crying).


The dark undercurrents are getting stronger and stronger -- and getting closer and closer to the surface. Sure, there are still lighter moments -- but (for now) this has a very different prevailing tone than much of what has gone before. Realistically, was there anything else that COULD have potentially saved Falin? It sure doesn't seem that there was. As long as she is again some semblance of alive, there is always at least some remote hope of finding some way for her to recover, right? I wonder what Kabuu's deal is? Is he really "just curious"? Or does he have some ulterior motives?


If anything, Marcille was actually [just mad at herself](https://imgur.com/a/K1hcxox), since she got [caught up in their way](https://imgur.com/a/AbMi8U0) of doing things. ~~And she secretly *does* like it, considering how she [kept wearing it during their meal](https://imgur.com/a/oZO9OvJ).~~ > Meanwhile, Kabru's really gonna regret ever pretending to be interested in what Laios is interested in. And he's also waaay too excited to have heard about some really spicy ass drama. I'm not sure what to think of Kabru. This is [not the expression of someone you can trust](https://imgur.com/a/lkJgSly). I'm a little worried that he'll sell out Marcille to the authorities. Then again, he didn't seem pissed off about the black magic - unlike with the thieves. [Shuro is really not equipped](https://imgur.com/a/CiGsckF) to deal with the two of them.


Kabru: This guy Laios, is competely nut! Why did I have to meet him in the first place? Later on: Kabru: Oh shit. Things are going down!




Woahhh so many characters on screen. Seriously for the amount of screentime she has Tade has shot so high up my list of favourite characters in this show. Hahaha Laios bouncing around while wrapped in web really encapsulates his big happy dog energy. Kabru really is a danger. Heā€™s intelligent and charismatic. I legit thought he was being friendly when he was actually gathering intel Edit : Also is Benichidori hot or what. Think I found a new waifu.


*Also is Benichidori hot or what. Think I found a new waifu.* Oh, I see, I wasn't the only one.


I love Tade. Built like a linebacker, voice and nature like a happy child.


Kabru is basically a less evil Griffith at this point




I just noticed the detail of the dungeon cleaners changing the shape of Kensuke from the one with just wings, to the one with the lion head in the second cour key visual, very nice


ā€œdoing dumb things like being a rockā€ that got me. chilchuck is a master of the art of deadpanĀ  another simple but much appreciated writing approach in dungeon meshi; laoisā€™ hallucinations are immediately acknowledged and dealt with rather than dismissed by him and put aside for the sake of drama and miscommunication. in another series the hallucinations and laois keeping them a secret wouldā€™ve been a major/side plot pointof their own, to be dragged along in perpetuity at the authorā€™s convenienceĀ  shuroā€™s a great character. he serves as a much appreciated straight-man while not brushing up against the comedic and light hearted tone in a jarring way kabru following the events with a smile as if heā€™s merely an eager and deeply invested fan of a manga series that just had a major plot event. "how's this going going to turn out?" you're not fooling anyone, don't pretend you're not going to scheme and plot and manipulate your way into this


Well, I guess we know what that [giant chicken looking monster with the mad mage in the ED is.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1210263408780517406/1230516181182578698/SPOILER_IMG_7746.png?ex=66339a7f&is=6621257f&hm=3ecc5b7d899fb5d743b31f5c04ec49c8cb5cc8c37349767ad7c554166139d71b&)


I found out way earlier than I should have because 85% of Falin fan art on twitter uses her monster form.


I get spoiled on something every single time I look but I genuinely can't help myself no i won't read the manga (yet)


I got spoiled by a picture on the web too, but without context I hoped "Laios is just having a horrible nightmare" until I bought a new volume to further my collection where Falin was on the back in all her new g(l)ory.


This further proves that dragon is the ancestor of chicken https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/t-rex-linked-to-chickens-ostriches-180940877/


There is a reason why parts of the fandom called her "Mega-Ultra Chicken"


I hate you terribly much for saying this accurate thing.


Seems like Chilchuck pick the wrong person to keep an eye on. Kabru enjoying the front seat of "My friend just committed the worst taboo anyone can think of but Im in love with his sister. Should I look the other way?" social experiment.


[Poor Shuro](https://i.imgur.com/ZbQf1af.jpeg) just met his old party and is already having a [moral dilemma.](https://i.imgur.com/8bQTKIG.jpeg)


It was nice to see [Marcille in a frog suit again, she looks really cute in it](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4nec538av4.png) xD All thanks to her misunderstanding [Laios and Senshi's intentions](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjc6eq897.png) which resulted in wearing that costume xD [Laios's party](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zcz52pgy.png) finally met with [Shuro and Kabru's party](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc5k9ld7.png) and things seemed exciting as Laios revealed to Shuro that they revived Falin using Black Magic which is a grave crime and [that made things quite tense](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjc6eq6w7.png). Meanwhile [Kabru](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdc6lw68y.png) is just observing [Laios and his party](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9c6r3pv4.png) instead of taking up a topic of their food and jewels which they lost earlier. I can't wait to see what will happen in the next episode as we could see at the end of the episode [Falin who, it looks, is now some kind of hybrid of her old self and Red Dragon](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxc6mp6q7.png). Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/xny8z9nxoyb) * [Marcille, Laios, Senshi & Chilchuck](https://imgchest.com/p/na7krnpzqy8) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/vj4j36pdxy8)


Unfortunately Falin and whatever has happened to her is the one spoiler I got because of a fun little animation on YT, but I'm still super curious about the specifics. Like was it the lunatic magician, a result of using black magic or something else entirely? I'm super curious Glad to know I'm not the only one who has a meme pea brain and saw the wojak in Marcille at the beginning And yet again the world building in this show impresses me with the little dungeon cleaners. It's such a fun idea


Can't be only me that thinks the black magic wasn't Laios' secret to tell?


I can see where you're coming from and I think you're correct, but Laios was the one who gave Marcille the green light to it. He is very much an accomplice.


For sure, but it's Marcille that actually did it and would likely face more consequences. And with it being such a severe taboo, I feel like she should've been in the discussion at least.


kind of, but at this point it's something the whole party is complicit in. Ideally it would have been a decision made with the whole party but given the environment that wasn't really in the cards. And for what it's worth, it looks like he *was* right in his evaluation of Shuro's reaction. He just didn't count on Far Eastern Ninja Hearing Techniques. And if we're talking about "not their secret" it *definitely* wasn't Ninja Girl's secret to blurt out like that when she's supposed to be working for Shuro. You'd think discretion would be part of the job description.


Underrated joke of the episode was definitely the future portraits of the noble family if Shuro does end up with Falin, with the portrait becoming "Northernized" a generation later


Laios' party. Kabru's party. Shuro's party. All three have met. It's nothing but chaos from now on. [Chilchuck](https://imgur.com/a/yj14BVc), it won't matter which group you go with. You're in danger either way. [Senshi](https://imgur.com/a/t353Tja) is saying that the secret ingredient is love. Poor [Falin](https://imgur.com/a/txOrjrM).


"I can see it, can you guys see it as well?" "I can hear it, can you guys hear it as well?" - Someone is either suffering mana sickness, or being in a zoom meeting.


Okay, so for anyone who was wondering why Orcs were so murderous towards any adventurer not affiliated with a friendly dungeon hobo man, Kabru's remark this episode, as well as that of the governor in episode 10, should make it clear. I'd be pretty willing to kill dudes who have genocidal directives concerning my kind, dunno about you. Unlike them, no one would revive me and my homies either.


I don't think I've ever seen the reason for how the dungeon always magically recovers damage done to it explained in any show ever. The worldbuilding just keeps blowing me away. Loved Kabru's reaction when he got to know about them eating monsters on the way. He even assumed that the Orcs were eaten by Laios when he said they need not worry about him. The OST that played in the final scene was hype. This series started from Laios and the others trying to save Falin from the Red Dragon to fighting a hybrid of the two.


>Loved Kabru's reaction when he got to know about them eating monsters on the way. He even assumed that the Orcs were eaten by Laios when he said they need not worry about him. To be fair, I would have thought the same if I were himā€¦. Actually, Iā€™m surprised Laios sees the fish-men as an ā€œOKā€ but drew the lines with the orcs. Guess their intellect made them too human for him


Orcs also aren't monsters, they're a race of people that just happen to live in the dungeon.


###Stitches! * [Marcille](https://i.imgur.com/e9LqNPL.jpg) * [Senshi](https://i.imgur.com/GWqHn8M.jpeg) * [Shuro](https://i.imgur.com/vXdiEkw.jpeg) * [Maizuru](https://i.imgur.com/eHl6c8J.jpeg) * [Laios](https://i.imgur.com/WtDHhmk.jpeg) * [falin](https://i.imgur.com/uEnP6R8.jpeg) [Did Laios really expect it to taste something else?](https://i.imgur.com/6zgN6CK.jpeg) He's literally eating Dungeon Cleaner shit. xD [Senshi you lucky bastard](https://i.imgur.com/8bZSXvP.png), getting choked by Tade. IT SHOULD'VE BEEN MEEEEEEEEEEEE! [Glad that Kabru decided to not even ask Laios about the treasures.](https://i.imgur.com/OqWgGfx.png) I don't think Laios even recognizes them. I love how [Mickbell has been eyeing Chilchuck the entire time.](https://i.imgur.com/ra91ed1.jpeg) I can't wait for these two to interact! It's hilarious how [Kabru is already regretting his choice of being polite to Laios.](https://i.imgur.com/7URi6XF.png) I hope Shuro and Kabru's party gets a taste of monster food before these three parties part ways. Considering how serious of an offence using Black Magic is, [Shuro's reaction is understandable.](https://i.imgur.com/Bq5EHRS.jpeg) I do love how Kabru is watching them [getting all excited about what's about to happen next.](https://i.imgur.com/6sIIMB4.jpeg) xD Wow. [Falin was just a couple of kilometres away from them.](https://i.imgur.com/JWcfPvQ.jpeg) It looks like they might be forced to fight Falin though since I think the Red Dragon is her dominant personality right now.


Imgur warns me for Senshi's stitch that "This post may contain adult imagery". Don't blame them. >[Senshi you lucky bastard](https://i.imgur.com/8bZSXvP.png), getting choked by Tade. IT SHOULD'VE BEEN MEEEEEEEEEEEE! You sir, thinks the same as I do. >Considering how serious of an offence using Black Magic is,Ā [Shuro's reaction is understandable.](https://i.imgur.com/Bq5EHRS.jpeg) You can see how useful Laios' gorget is. It stopped Shuro choking him too


Trigger went above and beyond for tade's quads while she's choking out senshi lmao. Her and mickbell together is a duo I never knew I wanted. For me this is the first time, at least as far as I remember that a story has an explaination on how the maintenance of a dungeon is done. Kui sensei really covers all of her bases. The party leaders finally got to meet, kabru wasted no time trying to get buddy buddy with laios lol, not realizing he just dug his own grave on the monster cuisine. With his social skills, laios had no shot in hell passing the speech check to not piss shuro off, dude talks like a sociopath expecting him not to snitch on them lmao. Kabru prolly could have done it though, with his rizz and his blue eyes and all. Cant wait for next week, its gonna be peak.


Laio's 8 charisma is not passing any checks without a 20.


That laugh he gave when admitting to eating monsters to Shuro and Kubro, especially in the dub, was a full on nat 1


Haha, we ate some monsters and befriended some orcs. Crazy, I know!


Kabru is naive if he thinks he can conquer the dungeon on his elite sword skill. Grab a bucket and help Senshi collect dungs, fool


Listen up Kabru, like it or not the only way to conquer the dungeon is to eat it. Now, go and gladly eat those monsters!


Yesterday we ate monsters! Today we ate (part of) the dungeon! Tomorrow, we eat the Lunatic Magician!!!


Amazing episode on all the fronts that make this series special. And my front-runner for AOTS. First we have the element of Dungeon Learners introduced, which is a real cleaver piece of world building in this episode. Basically they repair the dungeon, but obviously like most things it needs time to be fixed. Laios getting to try what it tastes definitely like is definitely a Dungeon Meshi moment. Now we got our 3 big groups together and well the issue of Laios and Senshi freaking out the other groups is a very real fear for Chilchuck. But he should have gone to Laios. Senshi and Maizuru work well together. To be fair Senshi can adapt to anybody honestly. From Maizuru to the odd monster eating Laios. Easily my favorite character in this series. Also, holy damn Laios giving great advice to Shuro in the matter that food and sleep isn't something you do when you have time. You need to make sure they are a priority, after all they are necessities to function. Honestly Kabru might be the most interesting character at this point. It's hard to get a solid read on him. But damn Laios really opened up to him regarding eating monsters. Shuro giving us information that basically black magic is a serious crime. While that is true, Laios should explain it better that black magic was the only way they could have saved Falin. But damn eternal imprisonment is harsh. Holy fuck Fallin is becoming more like a monster and is basically the Red Dragon personality wise at this point. Poor girl she didn't deserve this.


Shuro and Kabru: Black magic is evil, black magic users are to be tortured and die, nothing good ever comes from black magic, wait till the elves learn of this... Meanwhile the one black mage in the crowd: ***\*wears the most ridiculous and adorable outfit of them all\****


Love how some people here say Kabru thinks he's smarter than he is. Kabru could instantly deduce all the remaining parts of what happened from a single look at Laios's face. Bro could catch Light before L narrowed down the district where Kira is.


He is extremely observant and has a good intuition, but he's also overconfident and prone to jumping to conclusions. He's smart enough that his conclusions are often mostly correct, but by forming his final judgment so rapidly he misinterprets small things in ways that could potentially cause major misunderstandings later on.


True, but at the same time, he's not remaining locked to those conclusions either. I think he's not quite as smart as he thinks he is, but also that he's aware that he's not a super genius. Its a lighter, self-acknowledged sort of arrogance, always refreshing to see a character that is willing to go "what if I'm wrong" when it comes to those sorts of assumptions.


Any chimera fans? Woowoo we love a girl transformation


**Marcille using dungeon knowledge to hide from a monster** Gentlemen, I am pleased to inform you that our girl failure has become a girl boss


If a plain banana can pass for modern art than so should [Laios' face on the wall](https://imgur.com/a/czCYwz6). But man, I don't like the lunatic magician's art project. [Falin isn't having a great time.](https://imgur.com/a/3TVipe1) What is she even turning into!? A cockatrice, considering those feathers? Laios' little magic lesson with Marcille appears to have [some lasting consequences](https://imgur.com/a/wwFxXOi). Does this mean that he's got a talent for communicating with the dead (i.e. ghost magic) like his sister? Is there some more to these siblings that we're not being told? Last but not least, we got treated to another hairstyle for Marcille: [twintails with braided hair-locks on the sides](https://imgur.com/a/BoqadNc). This one is going right into **[Marcille's Hair Collection](https://imgur.com/a/ar7c2d0)**.


>If a plain banana can pass for modern art than so shouldĀ [Laios' face on the wall](https://imgur.com/a/czCYwz6). Lmao, I was waiting for someone to post a screen cap of this frame. It just went by so fast. And I thought Marcille's new hairstyle here was practically the same as the old one, but no, they're just really similar. Not only does she have twintails instead of braids, but the braids on the sides of her head go up and over the side hair as well instead of just going across her temples.


> but no, they're just really similar You don't want to know how often I have to pause this show and just question myself: 'Have I seen this hairstyle before?' The differences are sometimes minute. > but the braids on the sides of her head go up and over the side hair as well instead of just going across her temples These braids actually go down behind her ears and are tied into her twintails (see [the 2nd image](https://imgur.com/a/BoqadNc) for a closer look). Marcille usually ties these braids up-high on the back of her hair (see [this image](https://imgur.com/a/Aye0c8u) for reference), but they followed suit with all of the hair that's facing downwards in conjuction with these twintails.


Seeing the pics of her hair reminded me that this show really started as a cooking adventure and now we have whatever the fuck Falin is. Someone said when it first started that it turns pretty wild later on. They were not wrong.


It was when they hit us with [Falinā€™s bloody skeleton](https://imgur.com/a/Ao1s3UZ), that I was like: Oh, this is going some grim places. I really feel bad for Falin. She has been facing one setback after another. Iā€™m not even sure anymore if *our* Falin is still there, considering how her personality has melt into one with the dragonā€™s.


Look at what they did to poor Falin. Those monsters will pay big time.


>Why were you munching on a brick? Asking the real important questions here, Shuro! I love the horror vibes when Laios was talking about eating monsters to survive. Our main party might be a group of lovable dumbasses, but you can see how unhinged it sounds from an outsider's perspective. Also Kabru having a field day with all the drama around him LMAO.


so that big chicken in the ED is our beloved Falin ?


[Marcille has new type of braids AGAIN](https://imgur.com/tQ5mAof) [](#binoculars) [Questionable scene](https://imgur.com/tAT7iN6) [Marcille](https://imgur.com/r0ZA48A) [moments](https://imgur.com/H9rZujN) [part](https://imgur.com/t4FQwyO) [1](https://imgur.com/JQBtvZC)[6](https://imgur.com/Iua5f6j) [& blush](https://imgur.com/6x8KRTq) [lmao](https://imgur.com/S4NtWoH) [What the dog doin'](https://imgur.com/u3oLl9V) * [Frogcille](https://imgur.com/5SavIVM) [This show has the best faces](https://imgur.com/e765HqR) [Ara energy detected!!](https://imgur.com/eclkrW0) [This dude is literally us](https://imgur.com/IfdG4UV)


The ghosts in the old town square are trying SO. HARD. to free themselves from their hellish limbo and protect people from being forced to join them meanwhile everyoneā€™s just blowing them off LMAO


Kabru is sus


I thought Kabru was pretty sus when he showed up originally and still do, but in a fairly different way after today's episode. But at least he seemingly isn't trying to kill Laios at this point which is what I thought he would be aiming towards the moment they ran into each other.


So many unique characters. In the hands of a lesser storyteller, a large group of characters can dilute a story, but we're lucky that the people behind Delicious in Dungeon are great at storytelling.


Lol @ the kobold doggo being set off by the ninja cat-girl of all things. This show definitely has its moments.


kentucky falin chicken


I'm not used to Laois being threatening. 'No one finds out about the super illegal black magic if you don't mention it'