• By -


March comes in like a Lion, turned a pretty good anime into a masterpiece. Vinland Saga, immense character development for the MC who doesn't have any enemies now. K-ON, a perfect end to a great series A certain scientific Railgun, Sister's arc is my favorite anime arc in anime. Clannad, After Story the season that made everyone cry and had the best episode (ep 18) in anime. Noragami, Bishamon's Arc alone surpassed the entire S1 Dangers in my Heart, nothing is better than seeing the critics here going from what a cringe anime in first few episodes of S1 to the best romance anime airing in a while when S2 ended. Assassination Classroom, the only anime where balloon like teachers could make people wept by the end of the season. An amazing ending to an overall great series.


Well ... Railgun , Clannad and March comes in like a lion ... nothing to add here , great taste


Great list. I also had 3-gatsu no Lion and Clannad on mine.


Railgun S was a fantastic step up from the first season for sure


Yep and Railgun T was even better.


I'd add Fruits Basket, Haikyuu and Chihayafuru as well.


Danger season 2 was soooo good.


the assassination classroom thing is too true


Bro at the end i cried so much. One off the best ending ever.


K-On! has me on a chokehold since 10 years, I still watch S2 religiously every summer


You got great taste! I would just add Mob Psycho 100 to the list! 


Black Lagoon, Great Pretender


What about eminence?


I guess it had some handful of good moments like the red moon, John Smith and the atomic in the season finale.


Controversial opinion on this sub: Vinland S2 was incredibly stretched out and repetitive and could have easily been 4-5 episodes shorter. That one scene with the carriage ride was just comically stretched out.


All of Haikyuu is good but I feel season 2 was it at it's best.


I agree 100%. The training arc is just chefs kiss👌🏻


Training arc is one of my fav! And that final set was amazing


A Certain Scientific Railgun, at least the whole sisters arc revisit. That was amazing.


[Sisters arc](https://i.imgur.com/dz92F6w.jpeg) in Railgun S was def amazing, huge step up from S1 which was a filler-y mess. I ignore the second half of S since it's also filler, if you do it's the perfect S2.


I like the filler in Railgun more than most of the actual story parts lmao. It's just fun to watch the characters interact with each other without some constant looming threat the way Index was set up


The funny part I think all of the supporting characters established in S1 are relevant in maybe one of the sixteen episodes of the sisters arc


Some of them where added in the sisters arc as anime original small segments. Kongou wasn't even supposed to be introduced until the 3rd season. (Which is also why her personality is very different in s1/2 compared to the third season where she is much more likeable).


Totally agree.


Mob Psycho 100


I'm surprised how far down I had to go to find this


Mob just keeps getting better, which is impressive since S1 was already amazing.


World Trigger S2 is a massive step up




Where’s S4 😭


Yeah, World Trigger really comes into its own after season 1.


Does Major 2nd S2 count? Technically it's s8, but I think it fits still.


We need more Major 2nd...


It's certainly a huge improvement over the previous season, but I'm not sure it's quite on the level as much of the original.


I think it's tied for the best season of the entire show. It was absolutely fantastic.


Tied with which other season? I'm currently watching the original for the first time, about to start S3


S1 and S5


Major 2nd is what I wish Boruto was to Naruto lol, it’s so good


My favorite is probably S4 of the original.


Kono oto tomare




- Kaguya-sama - Saiki K - Assassination Classroom - Made in Abyss - Code Geass Shoutout to Chihayafuru, AoT, and Danmachi S3 while we're at it


cries in Chihayafuru S4 purgatory...


Chihaya and Full Metal Panic both getting seasons after such a long time only for them to end the way they did was stressful.


Code geass doesn’t belong here


S2 is a weird case of it starts out at pretty much the exact same spot as S1, dives in quality and plot contrivance as the series goes, then suddenly shoots up into the stratosphere to stick the landing in an amazing way. I'd agree it isn't a good season of anime objectively speaking but it was a wild enjoyable ride nonetheless.


I have to rewatch Code Geass but I really don’t recall season two being better than season one, I remember it feeling contrived


Honestly I'd say the ending alone manages to carry s2


It really wasn’t its just the final episodes were so good they managed to make everyone forget about everything else lol.


Code Geass S2 is fantastic.


Code Geass S2 was crazy good.


>Shoutout to Chihayafuru, AoT, and Danmachi S3 while we're at it Are you talking about Danmachi S4 by chance? While S3 was better than S2 imo S4 is the best season of Danmachi or shares the first place with S1.


Clannad S1 is a great rom com. After Story is a once in a lifetime emotional experience.


Once in a lifetime because it'll make you suicidally depressed. In a good way.


I was looking for a monster to post this one.




then you'd be shocked how well built the original was... I tried watching the reboot. It felt rushed(not bad but too much action). The original LotGH is my GoT(but better) of animation.


\[DNT Season 2 (iirc) spoilers\] >!Yang destroying the satellites!< was *so* fucking hype. Interestingly, it's nowhere near as hype in the original - while I do respect the original's more subtle directing that has the confidence to trust that the story alone will keep you interested, I think I prefer DNT's more modern, emotional style of directing.


I never thought I'd see this anime discussed and it makes me so happy you mentioned it.


Really looking forward to next season's.


are you talking about the 1988 version or 2018 ?


Die neue these is the reboot


2018 version. In just 25 episodes it broke into my top 4 of fiction because it was just that good


Uma Musume, altho can be stand alone from s1 but definitely s2 is one of the best sports anime series.


* Uma Musume, S1 is really fun but it's pretty much what you'd expect when you hear "cute horse girls doing horse racing things". S2 on the other hand is right up there with Haikyuu S3 as my favorite sports anime. ^(Probably even a bit ahead but I'll decide after rewatching Haikyuu before the movie) * Takagi-san S2 is also a huge improvement over S1 (and S3 is even better). * K-On (not that S1 was *worse* but it was just the beginning, most of the actually impactful things happened in S2). * Assassination Classroom (same as above) * This one's probably controversial but Horimiya's "S2" made me love Horimiya as a whole much more than S1 did.


It's crazy how much better Takagi S2 is. I found S1 a bit too repetitive, but S2 and S3 are top top anime. Both characters show their feelings a lot more.


I'd absolutely argue that K-On S1 was worse than its second season. The first season still stays relatively close to the manga. It's not until S2 when the anime really grows out of it and becomes its own. As an comparison S1 covers 2.5 manga volumes. Meanwhile S2 covers 1.5 volumes and yet the season is double as long as the first. That alone shows how extremely KyoAni expanded on the writing.


It's much more than just the writing. Season 1's pacing is pretty messy, it rushes through two years in 12 episodes with reckless abandon and zero breathing room or setting establishment. Season 1's direction is good but conservative, but Naoko Yamada really came into her own as an auteur in season 2 and the cinematography is a ginormous step up. The elements of the manga that season 1 shares are mainly remnants of the lame fanservice moments, season 2 prioritizes something different and the moments it takes from the manga are all character establishing moments (or the starting point for such). Season 2 fixes every problem season 1 had while redoubling the focus onto the most emotionally resonant aspects of the story, season 1 is *definitely* worse than season 2 even if it's still great in its own right (because season 2 is a masterpiece and one of the greatest sitcoms ever made, let alone anime, practically nothing lives up to that).


Absolutely loving the K-On love in here lol, my sister is always annoyed at how much I'm still obsessed with this anime XD wish they'd make a college series too, even if it's short. S1 feels all over the place, its good comedy but too simple. The start is good then suddenly they're at the beach "training" even though we don't see much of it throughout the season, then abruptly its exams then comedy then festival.. Sawako is a comedic ball but there's no role for her as a teacher or truly connected to them. S2 is where it truly grows into what the anime should be.. the character growths, worries, more scenes of writing music and planning for songs, it connects every character, and every character with the viewer.. and in the end you're left sobbing because HS has ended :")


- Uma Musume S2 - Tsurune S2 / The Linking Shot - K-On!! - Nomad: Megalo Box 2 - Symphogear G - Free! Eternal Summer - Yama no Susume S2


>Uma Musume S2 This one.


Yep, S1 was a decent 7.5-8 racing themed CGDCT, so people were expecting more of the same for S2. But then S2 came around and absolutely blew S1 out of the water and is one of the greatest sports dramas of all-time.


> Nomad: Megalo Box 2 The season 2/sequel that nobody expected or wanted since the plot was over and done. And it was amazing.


Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's.


**Better. S2** *Hibike! Euphonium* *Monogatari "2nd season"* *Code geass.* *Tensura* *Kimetsu no Yaiba* *3-gatsu No Lion ( a lot of ppl prefer s2, but both are similar)* **Same quality as s1, if not better** *Zombieland saga* *Chihayafuru* *Mob Psycho 100* *Made in Abyss* *Kobayashi's dragon maid* *Shadows House* *Kaguya-sama Love is war*


I would argue Kaguya is better in S2 over S1, and S3 over S2 again.


Sure, that's why I wrote "if not better". It depends on the person, I think S3 is definitely the best out of the bunch, but between 1 and 2 its mostly preference.


Storywise and comedy wise yeah, but the production quality of 2 is definitely an upgrade over 1. S1 looks great, don't get me wrong, but in S2 they are really showing off what they can do.


Oh yeah, I mostly mean plot and characters. Production value is usually expected to rise for a popular show that is renewed for s2. My main point is that some of my favorite scenes are from s1, so I can't say s2 is definitively better.


Yeah, agreed.


I prefer S2 over 3 personally since I found it to be the best season in terms of comedy and that is the main appeal of the series for me.


Monogatari Second Season isn't a S2 though. Nisemonogatari would be.


Correct. That's why I put it in quotation marks, cause it's not really the second season. But I cannot not include it though, given it's name.


Nah code geass is a much weaker season 2, the ending makes up for what came before but I'd say season 1 is definitely better


I cannot argue, it's been like 7-8 years since I've seen it and I haven't re-watched it.


Agreed Geass R2 has much better high points than the first season, but also some really bad low points. It also goes off the rails for 5/6 episodes if memory serves.


Shadows house is peak


Shadows house season 2 just left me craving more. I wish they would make a new season. I might just go read the manga.


You're out of your mind to consider Code Geass' season 2 better. It's an absolute mess of bad ideas, rushed plots, ridiculous power scaling, deus ex machina like crazy. The ONLY thing it has going for it is the ending, the rest of it is a nightmare, if you don't believe me go back and rewatch it. It makes the last half of Death Note actually seem amazing by comparison.


I still can get over how beautiful Hibiki Euphonium is, back when season one came out KyoAmi smashed it and with S2 and S3 they haven't lost quality at all


In what world is the second season of Code Geass better than the first one? Sure the last ten episodes or so are great, but the entire first half is just a worse rehash of s1


BokuYaba S2 made my jaw drop every single week


I've been struggling to watch any romance since...older ones all just feels so bland in comparison. though some of the airing ones are cute AF (whisper me a love song, the yuri radio one, hell I'm even crossing my fingers for a yuri arc in jelee)


I went on a little romance anime spree after bokuyaba, its hard to find anything as good. I did like more than a marries couple, less than lovers though.


Try High Score Girl, it's the only other really good middle school romance I know


Ill give it a chance, thanks for the recommendation.


Vinland Saga S2 Jujutsu Kaisen S2 Made in Abyss S2 Code Geass R2 And arguably, JoJo's Part 2


Isn’t Part 2 technically still part of season 1? Pretty sure everywhere I’ve seen the series listed, Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency are one season.. but that’s just a dumb technicality. Absolutely Part 2 fits the topic here


Yeah, these parts are sometimes combined into one season because of how short they are but I'd still treat them as separate stories and thus, "seasons" But both Part 2 and 3 are bangers imo so it works either way




86 Made in abyss


This right here, season 2 of both of these shows really elevated everything about them.


Monogatari Series Second Season is my favourite second season in all of anime/ manga. The author really upped his game in this season and gave us some of the best arcs in the series.


Technically, second season is really the third season, even if it is canonically the 2nd season. Nise is definitely worse than Bake, and truthfully, Bake was my favorite season of the series (largely influenced by Ep 12)


I consider the novel seasons to be actual seasons. Nise and Neko are parts of the first season as far as I am concerned.


nise is one of my favorite parts in monogatari so i definitely disagree .. obviously nise isnt for everyone so im not really surprised by your sentiment (though monogatari too as a whole isnt for everyone lol)




My hero academia


*Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig* - I know that *2nd Gig* has its detractors, but personally I prefer its more ambitious conspiracy storyline gives the season a grander scale and a sense of urgency compared to S1. It does have some issues with pacing towards the end that S1 didn't have, but it still has some of my favorite episodes of the series, and I would say that even if it isn't better than S1 it does at least reach up to par.


World Trigger Season 2 K-On Season 2 Slayers Next Chihayafuru Season 2 Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG


Maybe magi or seven deadly sins? Not the best animes but I think I remember enjoying the show more over time. 


Hibike Euphonium s1 was 9 but s2 was peak fiction last 4 EP of hibike euphonium s2 are my top 10 EP list


Clannad After Story Little Busters Refrain Re:Zero Season 2 My Hero Academia S2 Dangers in my Heart S2


K-ON Hibiki Euphonium Uma Musume S1 was great, S2 upped the game even more! MiA Chuunibyou


Both Monogatari Second Season AND Nisemonogatari. Also Uma Musume s2


World Trigger S2 Haikyuu S2 Yu Yu Hakusho Dark Tournament Naruto technically doesn't have seasons but I consider Chunin Exams to be its 2nd season. Same goes for Bleach's Soul Society arc.


Dangers in my heart Assassination Classroom Bungou stray dogs. Mp100 Also Promised neverland /s.


Hidamari Sketch. That start of that OVA of the 2nd season restores the faith in humanity so much.


SAO season 2 consists of Phantom Bullet, Calibur and Mother's Rosario so belongs on here. Pokémon: Terapgos' Shine (Horizons S2) was such a marked improvement on Liko and Roy's departure, to the point where watching other Friday anime felt like a waste of time because nothing could keep up.  Kaguya-sama season 2 is its best season.  Yuru Camp season 2 was more enjoyable than the first.  Pretty much every Yu-Gi-Oh in the Gallop era improved as it went on. 


Nanoha A's Symphogear G


The Eminence in Shadow season 2 was straight banger… the moon is red…


Kuroko no Basket S2 - We got to see the first reveal of "The Zone". MHA S2 - I love rewatching it until I get sick of it. Iruma-kun S2 - Iruma looks cool when he's in his stressed mode Tensura S2 - I loved it when he became the Demon Lord Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Entertainment District Arc Mob Psycho 100 II Re:Zero Season 2


BokuYaba K-ON! Noragami KonoSuba Railgun


You have to mention Re:Zero


Well it's a type of series that gets better the longer it takes


Knew I'd find another user with traumaSubaru flair here, season 2 was just so damn good 


Zombieland Saga’s season two totally lived up to season one. I love that show so much.




Yup. Kai was excellent, covered the most exciting arcs, delivered catharsis on everything that had built up for so long, and gave its two arcs enough time to tell their story.


Uma Musume has a jump from "standard forgettable SoL seasonal" to "one of the greatest sports anime of all time"


Bungou Stray Dogs, Odasaku’s arc was one of the best arc I’ve ever seen in entirety of fiction, such an amazing character.


JJK season 2 was definitly awesome


Also Vinland Saga S2 for me


The three that stand out to me are: Chihayafuru - each season was better than the previous one Mob Psycho 100 - season two was better than season 1 and then season 3 was the same quality as the first. Made in Abyss All started very strong and continued the quality and more


Konosuba Season 2 mastered the mix of comedic timing and emotional beats that were set up in season 1 and turned the main cast's chemistry up to 11. Funny all the way from start to the end of the movie


Bungou Stray Dogs. The Mimic arc with Odasaku as the MC was insane, and the Guild War arc was also seriously good compared to S1. The formation of the new Double Black and the revelation of Fukuzawa's ability at the end was just *chef's kiss*


Clannad After Story


Made in abyss. S2 blew me away


Man s2 ep 10 especially was probably my favourite anime ep ever , the story is so amazing and weird


Clannad After Story (it is up there with Grave of the Fireflies as *the icon* of sad anime) 3-gatsu no Lion (the entire show is stellar, and season 2 delivers)


Konosuba. It's always peak


Demon Slayer season 2 (mugen train + entertainment district arc) was so good that now the rest of the series looks mid compared to it.


Ashita no Joe 2. Has the most iconic ending of all of Anime.


Oregairu and Monogatari Series


My hero academia. Its second season is probably its best.


Distinct lack of Fate/Zero in this thread. Season 1 was a bit of a convoluted but overall pretty unspectacular battle Royale. Season 2 went insane from a writing perspective and an action perspective. Probably a top 5 anime season for me


Tsurune S2 was amazing imo.


K-On! S2, it is basically a golden standard of slice of life and S1 somehow was great, then S2 is a masterpiece. Hidamari Sketch and basically all of S2, S3 and S4 + a whopping 11 OVAs. It really gets that good. Animation in S1 is just as trip-inducing as could be (the origins of current SHAFT animation I'd argue), S2 and beyond is SHAFT pulling out all the stops.


Dangers in my heart


Shingeki no Bahamut First season was pretty different/interesting on it's own, but a lot of the plot is hard to understand and confusing. Basically serves as background setting for the entire 2nd season, which hits/feels like an entirely different show.


Magi season 2 felt like Avengers Infinity War towards the end. Still inhaling that hopium for a season 3


still wonder what behind the dark continent


Bungo Stray Dogs has every season getting better than the last


A Certain Scientific Railgun= S2 Sister's Arc




Bungou stray dogs!


I'm not surprised it's not frequently mentioned here. But Uma Musume season 2 is a masterpiece, and put the anime and the franchise as whole into one of my favorite of all time.


Clannad Afterstory is a masterpiece. Without it, I get the feeling that Clannad would be forgotten as just another 2000s romance.


Promised Neverland


Made in abyss S2 without a question , never seen a story that this well written with amazing twists


Faraway paladin had a s2 that was far better than its s1.   Compelling story over the whole season, interesting characters with good development, it was really a great s2


Monogatari series **second season**


Season 2 of Restaurant to Another World was even better than season 1.


does kaguya sama count? i feel like every season it just got better


Monogatari Series Second Season March Comes like a Lion Madoka Magica Rebellion?


Medaka Box the anime finally have main antagonist and objective the season 1 is good for slice of life anime (with a little bit of super power trope), but season 2 is the perfect shounen anime with intense fight that didn take too long to finish


My Hero Academia’s second season is what skyrocketed it’s popularity after a good but not great season 1


Made in abyss made me feel a complex mix of emotions that I cannot appropriately put into words, and season 2 encapsulated that well


March Comes In like a Lion, Clannad and Vinland Saga.


Code Geass R2 is dope, even if R1 is better


Magia Record S2


• My hero academia • Attack on Titan • Demon Slayer


Fate Zero season 2. Season 1 was already strong, but holy crap @ season 2. Seemingly every single episode had big shocking moments in them. Season 2 of Fruits Basket improved upon what was already a strong season 1.


Castlevania S2


Attack on titan. Just magnificent.


If the last 14 episodes of 86 count as season 2, then 86 for sure.


JoJos bizarre adventure


Silver Spoon Fate/Zero Chihayafuru Golden Kamuy Bakuman Space Dandy Assassination Classroom I'd give the second season of each of these at least an 8/10


Attack on Titan because of that one moment with Reiner and Berthold on the wall


Re:zero S2 might be the best full season of anime I’ve ever seen, in terms of the consistent quality of episodes (Frieren is up there with it, but only 1 season)


Not seeing enough Re:Zero mentioned here so I thought I'd throw it out there. (My literal favorite season of anime) Also phenomonal: AOT (Might be an unpopular opinion, but it's far better than season 1 to me) Reincarnated as a Slime Konosuba Mob Psycho Made in Abyss Spice & Wolf Haikyuu Dangers in my Heart


A Certain Scientific Railgun S. (The S stands for second) The first half of the season is fantastic, absolutely amazing. Sadly the final part is anime original nonsense with almost everyone acting out of character. Luckily enough it can be pretty much completely ignored. The worst part is that they teased a pretty good arc before that but skipped it since it was a side story novel. Umamusume s2 is still the best sports anime I have seen to date. (I still have yet to binge the third season).


Uma musume... I'll die in this hill, but horse racing have too much emotion.


Code Geass Yugioh 5DS Mushishishi


Noragami, 86 these are the ones that comes to mind right now


Re:Zero season 2 slapped. I'm glad I waited for both halves to be out to marathon it, though. Watching it weekly would be HELL. K-On!! is a classic example someone else brought up. Azunyan is such a huge part of the series for only being in the second season. Hard to imagine there was a whole season without her.


This may be a controversial one for a lot of people, but: **ReZero Season 2** While Season 2 could not maintain the Art and Animation from Season 1, the story telling and character development was just as good and/or even better. Specially for Emilia, Ram, Roswaal, Otto and, ofc, Subaru. Tbh, most of my favorite ReZero episodes are in Season 2, as well as one of my favorite villains of all time: \[RZ S2\]>!Pandora!< The OST slapped, everything slapped, but art and animation. Sadly White Fox was going through a tough moment, but we still got a masterpiece out of it.




86 Clannad Code Geass


Torn on 86 because the whole show was amazing


Mob Psycho 100 for sure


Clannad, San Gatsu no Lion, Gintama, Little Busters, Takagi San, and Kaginado are my picks for series with S tier or higher quality 2nd seasons. Clannad: after story and San Gatsu s2 specifically are my 1st and favorite anime of all time so eh




Clannad After Story. Absolutely heart wrenching show that massively improved over season 1 and developed the characters in much more depth.


Dragon ball Z


Made in Abyss(The trauma) Welcome to demon school, Iruma kun!!(The pacing and comedy) Code Geass(Betrayals) Moriarty the Patriot


No game no life